Cross-Realm Dungeon Feature Coming Soon
Originally Posted by Slorkuz (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
With the continued popularity of the Dungeon Finder, many players have been asking for a way to group up with real-life friends who play on other realms to take on instances together. Today, we wanted to give you a heads up about a new feature currently in development that will allow players to invite Real ID friends of the same faction to a party regardless of the realm they play on, and then queue up for a 5-player regular or Heroic dungeon.

As this is a fairly complex service to develop, we don’t have a release date to share quite yet. It’s important to note that as with some of the other convenience- and connectivity-oriented features we offer, certain elements of the cross-realm Real ID party system will be premium-based, though only the player sending the invitations will need to have access to the premium service. We'll have more details to share with you as development progresses -- in the meantime, you may begin to see elements of the feature appear on the World of Warcraft PTR.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Cross-Realm Dungeon Feature Coming Soon started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 1746 Comments
  1. Nahela's Avatar
    Extending this into raiding could be interesting if they ever decided to do it.
  1. Dacomp89's Avatar
    I think it's hilarious that people think $15 a month entitles them to everything Blizzard ever produces. I know it's tough when you have to beg mommy to pay your subscription every month or wrack up even more credit card debt since you can't stop buying shit you don't need, but this is the real world and services have prices, and additional services have additional prices. If you don't want to pay for an additional service, then don't; it's that simple. You choose how your spend your money, not anyone else.
  1. Eec003's Avatar
    fuck those faggots who want us to play to pay!
  1. Dyzon's Avatar
    If you can't afford it, don't buy it. I'm not sure why so many MMO players feel entitled. All you really pay for is access to current content. If you want more then you have to pay for it. Regardless of what you think you do not pay for the content added in patches, it's given freely to entice you to continue to subscribe. This feature is just going to happen to require additional money if you want to use it. You don't currently have it so you're not losing anything.
  1. fangless's Avatar
    lol, a feature no other game in the industry has, and they offer it as a paid service... and people complain.

  1. Antherios's Avatar
    Once this is posted in the US forums, the waves od qq will be unstoppable..
    i think this is the new "Real ID with your real name showing" type of bs Activision is trying to push

    is this the first step to more "Premium Services"?

    Whats next? "Pay 10$ extra a month, and you get 1st priority in the LFD system?
    Premium bag slots?
    Premium raid bosses?
  1. mmoc516e31a976's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Myzou View Post
    To anyone saying this isn't a "required" feature of the game.

    I hope you enjoy when the auction house costs $5 a month. You can trade person to person. After all, that's what the trade chat is for
    My friends, I give you "demagogy". They are charging for a new optional feature they are planning to introduce in game, not charging for something already in game.

    As I said, before today, no one really cared about their "friends" on other servers so much as today... Amazing...
  1. Tommy2er's Avatar
    Now I remember why I quit. Fuck off expecting me to pay to play with friends.
  1. Ranor's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MFDangerDOOM View Post
    Why is that? We've been doing that shit for free for like the past year and a half.
    You don't selectively choose those people.

    The way this works is you can flat out invite people to your group via your realID window. That takes much more to implement than shuffling people into one dungeon server.

    Don't want it? Don't pay for it. Your life isn't impacted at all by it.
  1. Trispec's Avatar
    As long as it isn't more than the mobile AH is per month i'll do it, but if this is anymore it's a complete fuck you to the customers.
  1. Krekko's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mascotte View Post
    But thats not the case right now.
    Sure, if they start releasing ingame content for premium accounts i'm with you, that shouldnt happen.
    HC Ragnaros only if the raidleader has Premium function X or something.
    That will kill wow.
    But a feature that allows you to use an ingame function to do something you currently cant, and cant expect to be able to since WoW was never released to be cross-server playable (Thats kinda the point of having server-worlds) can cost money.
    And as said, you dont have to use it; the 'old' options are still there.
    But being able to group with all your irl friends (since you might have those spread across multiple servers, not just 1) costing a small fee is just fine imo.

    They are not preventing normal gameplay by this.

    You won't be shorted out of anything that you had before because of this.

    You can still use the LFD tool after this.

    You're just paying for the non-necessary feature of playing with off-realm friends, you're not entitled to that, and if they were to give it to you for free, great, but if they uphold charging for it that's fine.

    Once again;

  1. Jaerin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Boubouille View Post
    Cross-Realm Dungeon Feature Coming Soon
    Originally Posted by Slorkuz (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    With the continued popularity of the Dungeon Finder, many players have been asking for a way to group up with real-life friends who play on other realms to take on instances together. Today, we wanted to give you a heads up about a new feature currently in development that will allow players to invite Real ID friends of the same faction to a party regardless of the realm they play on, and then queue up for a 5-player regular or Heroic dungeon.

    As this is a fairly complex service to develop, we don’t have a release date to share quite yet. It’s important to note that as with some of the other convenience- and connectivity-oriented features we offer, certain elements of the cross-realm Real ID party system will be premium-based, though only the player sending the invitations will need to have access to the premium service. We'll have more details to share with you as development progresses -- in the meantime, you may begin to see elements of the feature appear on the World of Warcraft PTR.
    Man if they open this up to raiding...this is going to be awesome.

    Imagine all the epic raiders selling their services cross realm. You too could pay to have a renowned world player come and play in your raid.

    I can see it now...a whole new gold selling service.
  1. madmonk's Avatar
    paying for this? why? the is based upon playing with friends, they really want us to pay even more? i'd love to hear what TB has to say about this on his next azdaily.
  1. Halicia's Avatar
    This tool is LONG overdue, but having to pay extra for a fully automated queue system makes as little sense to me as having to pay for the existing queue system.

    This isn't 'entitlement', its just that a tool that would make the game a LOT more fun for me (by allowing me to queue up various level alts on diff servers with my less-active reallife friends), isnt going to be used. My reallife friends wont be using this tool, most of them barely stay subscribed to WoW as it is...

    I personally won't be paying extra for this tool. So I'm kinda stuck with 'unless this ONE friend is on, none of us can play together'.

    And this is where I find fault with it... its a tool to facilitate the community.... but then they put a gate in front of it, so the community cant enter it.

    What if they started making raids 'premium content', you know how annoying it'd be trying to put together a raid team THEN ?
  1. mmocae32a73ae6's Avatar
    i wont be using this feature as i think PVE is lam anyways, but i think its unfair to charge for this as some people can only afford the monthly sub let alone paying for this and optional services.

    what next paying to get into battlegrounds 20p per bg seriously blizzard are falling hard are there trying to lose more subscribers first the arena/rated bg points fiasco now pve its getting buttraped to. gj blizzard ur as useful now as sunshade made of choclate
  1. fangless's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MFDangerDOOM View Post
    Why is that? We've been doing that shit for free for like the past year and a half.
    well, all cross-whatever services up to this point have been on the same battlegroup, ie, a cluster of servers that are all at one location anyhow.

    one is remote, one is not.
  1. Selxxa's Avatar
    I blame kotick.
  1. KCguy's Avatar
    People are going to pay regardless of what people think on here. Who knows though I'm sure it'll be waved before it's released anyways. Especially if more people start quitting.
  1. Nerraw's Avatar
    The word "premium" is starting to give me a bad taste in the mouth.
  1. AetherMcLoud's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Singularity View Post
    Because this is something other MMO's have for years now? Oh wait, they don't. While I don't like this premium shit, I believe that it's fairly complex to do, especially if you take the massive of code that is World of Warcaft into account.
    As a software developer, I don't buy that as an explaination why it will cost extra. It can't be that complex and they sure as hell have both the menpower and the time (which won't be soooo long) to develop this feature for "free". Free as in "you're already paying 13$/15€ per month for this game already anyway".

    Those guys already made the crossserver dungeon finder, AFAIK every server in the US is now in a single battleground pool, and they made you able to chat with other players on other realms and even in other blizzard games via RealID. Dungeon finder with a few fixed members from your realID list probably isn't far away from that code.

    And Blizzard has a history of consistently putting out great games, with very few bugs (in comparision), great balance (again, in comparision) and with a very openended design that allowed countless of mods to thrive. The engine wow runs on has gotta be really well designed, seeing as how much they put into it over time with it still being amazingly stable. Very few features (especially once that use already established for free modules, such as realid and the cross-realm dungeon finder) are gonna be so hard to code into that without charging ADDITIONAL monthly fees for it to be worth it.

    Guil Chat and Remote auction house with extra monthly fee? Well... it should really be free of charge already, but it does add a genuine new functionality and isn't needed ingame so I can kinda see why they charge for it (though again, should be free). But playing with friends on other servers WHEN YOU ALREADY HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY? Should be goddamn free without a doubt.

    Good thing I haven't played in over half a year now

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