Destiny launches tomorrow and the Destiny Wiki has a complete database of all of the items!

Update (2:30 PM EDT): Blizzcon barcodes are being emailed out now!

Update: It seems another beta wave may have gone out last night, so be sure to log in and check your Battle.Net account.

Warlords of Draenor Beta - Build 18837
Build 18837 is going on the beta realms tonight.

New Icons

New/Updated Garrison Portraits

New Items
A few new items were added in this build.

Level Type Slot Name
100Junk Ashran Strongbox
1Other Vileclaw's Claw
502BackBack Zangarra Cloak
476BackBack Growthshaper Cloak
489BackBack Evermorn Cloak
463BackBack Moonwhisper Cloak
580BackBack Oshu'gun Cloak
528BackBack Sunsworn Cloak
515BackBack Soulkeeper Cloak
541BackBack Shadowsage Cloak
554BackBack Ruhkmari Cloak
567BackBack Ancestral Cloak
450BackBack Coldsinger Cloak
620LeatherWaist Bloodied Tourniquet Belt
1Consumable Excess Potion of Accelerated Learning
1Consumable Excess Potion of Accumulated Power

New Heirloom Prices
Prices for heirlooms have been updated once again.

Level Type Slot Name Cost
1TrinketTrinket Swift Hand of Justice750
1TrinketTrinket Discerning Eye of the Beast750
1TrinketTrinket Forceful Hand of Justice500, 1 × 
1TrinketTrinket Piercing Eye of the Beast500, 1 × 
1Off HandOff Hand Musty Tome of the Lost1,250
1ClothShoulders Tattered Dreadmist Mantle800
1ClothShoulders Bloodstained Dreadmist Mantle750, 1 × 
1ClothChest Bloodstained Dreadmist Robe1,000, 1 × 
1ClothChest Tattered Dreadmist Robe1,500
1LeatherShoulders Supple Shadowcraft Spaulders500, 1 × 
1LeatherShoulders Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders800
1LeatherShoulders Preened Ironfeather Shoulders800
1LeatherShoulders Majestic Ironfeather Shoulders500, 1 × 
1LeatherChest Majestic Ironfeather Breastplate500, 1 × 
1LeatherChest Supple Shadowcraft Tunic500, 1 × 
1LeatherChest Preened Ironfeather Breastplate1,000
1LeatherChest Stained Shadowcraft Tunic1,000
1MailShoulders Champion Herod's Shoulder800
1MailShoulders Awakened Pauldrons of Elements500, 1 × 
1MailShoulders Grand Champion Herod's Shoulder500, 1 × 
1MailChest Furious Deathdealer Breastplate500, 1 × 
1MailChest Awakened Vest of Elements500, 1 × 
1MailChest Champion's Deathdealer Breastplate1,000
1MailChest Mystical Vest of Elements1,000
1MailShoulders Mystical Pauldrons of Elements800
1PlateShoulders Polished Spaulders of Valor800
1PlateShoulders Burnished Pauldrons of Might800
1PlateShoulders Gleaming Spaulders of Valor500, 1 × 
1PlateShoulders Brushed Pauldrons of Might500, 1 × 
1PlateChest Gleaming Breastplate of Valor500, 1 × 
1PlateChest Brushed Breastplate of Might500, 1 × 
1PlateChest Burnished Breastplate of Might1,000
1PlateChest Polished Breastplate of Valor1,000
1ShieldOff Hand Flamescarred Draconian Deflector500
1ShieldOff Hand Weathered Observer's Shield500
1Two-handed AxeTwo Hand Bloodied Arcanite Reaper1,500
1Two-handed AxeTwo Hand Hardened Arcanite Reaper1,000, 1 × 
1BowRanged War-Torn Ancient Bone Bow1,000, 1 × 
1BowRanged Charmed Ancient Bone Bow1,500
1One-handed MaceOne Hand Devout Aurastone Hammer1,000
1One-handed MaceOne Hand Venerable Mass of McGowan1,000
1One-handed MaceOne Hand Crushing Mass of McGowan750, 1 × 
1One-handed MaceOne Hand Pious Aurastone Hammer750, 1 × 
1Two-handed MaceTwo Hand Repurposed Lava Dredger1,500
1Two-handed MaceTwo Hand Re-Engineered Lava Dredger1,000, 1 × 
1One-handed SwordOne Hand Noble Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge750, 1 × 
1One-handed SwordOne Hand Bloodsoaked Skullforge Reaver1,000
1One-handed SwordOne Hand Gore-Steeped Skullforge Reaver750, 1 × 
1One-handed SwordOne Hand Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge1,000
1StaffTwo Hand Scholarly Headmaster's Charge1,000, 1 × 
1StaffTwo Hand Burnished Warden Staff1,500
1StaffTwo Hand Refinished Warden Staff1,000, 1 × 
1StaffTwo Hand Dignified Headmaster's Charge1,500
1DaggerOne Hand Balanced Heartseeker1,000
1DaggerOne Hand Vengeful Heartseeker750, 1 × 

New Strings
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Misc Strings
  • ERR_GARRISON_CANNOT_MOVE_BUILDING - You cannot move a building to an empty plot.
  • FACE - Face
  • GARRISON_ACTIVATE_FOLLOWER_CONFIRMATION - Are you sure you want to activate|n%s?|n|nYou have %d |4activation:activations; left for today and it will cost the following amount:
  • GARRISON_BUILDING_TUTORIAL1 - Drag unlocked buildings from this list to the yellow circles on the map. \n \nBuildings can only go in the correct plot size on the map.
  • GARRISON_BUILDING_TUTORIAL2 - Drag buildings to the yellow circles on the map to start construction.
  • GARRISON_BUILDING_TUTORIAL3 - Build costs and information is displayed here for the selected building. \n \nYou can select buildings from the list or the map.
  • GARRISON_CANNOT_AFFORD_FOLLOWER_ACTIVATION - You don't have enough money.\nCost: %s
  • GARRISON_DEACTIVATE_FOLLOWER_CONFIRMATION - Are you sure you want to deactivate|n%s?|n|nReactivating a follower costs %s.|nYou can reactivate %d |4follower:followers; per day.
  • GARRISON_FOLLOWER_CANNOT_DEACTIVATE_ON_MISSION - You cannot deactivate a follower that is currently on a mission.
  • GARRISON_NO_MORE_FOLLOWER_ACTIVATIONS - You cannot activate any more followers for today.
  • LOAD_ADDON - Load AddOn
  • NPE_BLOODELFARCANETORRENT - Use {$129597} on a Mana Wyrm.
  • NPE_QUESTCUSTOM14212A - |cFF00FFFFRight-click|r {Atlas|NPE_RightClick:16} on Crowley's Horse to mount it.
  • NPE_QUESTCUSTOM14212B - |cFF00FFFFLeft-Click|r here to throw a torch at the Worgen and round them up.
  • RELOADUI - Reload UI
  • REQUIRES_RELOAD - Requires Reload
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_243 - You aren't in a Party.
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_244 - Requires 30 Ammunition!
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_245 - Requires 20 Ammunition!

Game Text
  • Game Text #9426 - BY FIRE BE PURGED!

  • GarrFollower #463 - NPC 82862 - NPC 81569 - Abilities: Dispel Magic, Dispel Magic

Achievement Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion

  • The Power Is Yours Combine the effects of all four three types of Rune Crystals in Shattrath City. 10 points.


Feats of Strength
  • Victory in Hillsbrad Win a battle in the 10th Anniversary battleground, Southshore vs. Tarren Mill. Title Reward: Tarren Mill Terror. Southshore Slayer.
  • Victory in Hillsbrad Win a battle in the 10th Anniversary battleground, Southshore vs. Tarren Mill. Title Reward: Southshore Slayer. Tarren Mill Terror.






Spell Changes
Originally Posted by Blizzard
Tank stuff that didn't make this build: reductions to Bear Form, Frenzied Regen, Tooth and Claw, and the removal of MoUrsoc. (Celestalon)
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
  • Unused Name Changed from Pygmy Cow to Unused. Summons and dismisses your Pygmy Cow Unused. Account wide. 1.5 sec cast.

  • Flamering Moth Right Click to summon and dismiss your Flamering Moth. Instant. Battle Pet. Instant.
  • Skywisp Moth Right Click to summon and dismiss your Skywisp Moth. Instant. Battle Pet. Instant.
  • Unused (New) Battle Pet. Instant.

Item Set Bonuses

Unknown Class
Major Glyphs
  • Glyph of Healing Touch When you cast Healing Touch, the cooldown on your Nature's Swiftness is reduced by 3 sec. Major Glyph. 2 sec. Major Glyph.
  • Glyph of Healing Wave Your Healing Wave also heals you for 20% 10% of the healing effect when you heal someone else. Major Glyph.
  • Glyph of Smite Your Smite spell inflicts an additional 20% damage against targets afflicted by Holy Fire , but that additional damage does not get transferred by Atonement. Major Glyph.
  • Healing Wave Your Healing Wave also heals you for 20% 10% of the healing effect when you heal someone else. Major Glyph. Instant.

Death Knight (Forums, Talent Calculator)

  • Death Pact now absorbs 25% of max health worth of healing for 15 sec, rather than 50% of the amount healed for 15 sec.



Major Glyphs

Druid (Forums, Talent Calculator)
  • Bear Form now increases armor by 250%, down from 330%. Now reduces all magical damage taken by 10%, down from 25%.
  • Primal Fury now grants 5 Rage when you critically strike with a Bear Form attack, or 2 Rage when you dodge, rather than 5 rage for either.

  • Bristling Fur now reduces all damage taken by 40% for 3 sec, down from 50%.
  • Pulverize now reduces all damage taken by 15% for 10 sec, down from 20%.

Balance, Guardian, Restoration
  • Barkskin now has a 60 sec cooldown, up from 30 sec.

Feral & Guardian

  • Savage Defense now has a 12 sec recharge time, up from 9 sec.
  • Might of Ursoc now lasts for 10 sec, down from 20 sec.
  • Thick Hide now reduces all magical damage taken by 10%, down from 25%.
  • Tooth and Claw - Empowered Maul causes its primary victim's next autoattack to deal [ 320% of AP ] less damage, down from 400% of AP.

Hunter (Forums, Talent Calculator)
  • Barrage now has a 20 sec cooldown, down from 30 sec.
  • Thrill of the Hunt now reduces the Focus cost of your next 3 Arcane Shots, Aimed Shots, or Multi-Shots by 20, down from next 6 shots.
  • Wyvern Sting is now usable while moving.


Mage (Forums, Talent Calculator)
  • Meteor had a tooltip bug fixed.

Monk (Forums, Talent Calculator)


  • Brewmaster Training now increases your parry chance by 10% (was 20%) and your Stagger amount by an additional 10% (was 20%) for 6 sec.
  • Guard now absorbs 900% of AP, down from 1133% of AP.
  • Stance of the Sturdy Ox now increases armor by 50% and reduces magic damage taken by 10%, rather than reducing damage taken by 25%.

Paladin (Forums, Talent Calculator)


Priest (Forums, Talent Calculator)
Major Glyphs

Shaman (Forums, Talent Calculator)

  • Earth Shock now does 92.5% of Spell Power damage, down from 132%.

  • Maelstrom Weapon now increases your next Nature spell's direct healing done by 20%.


Major Glyphs

Warlock (Forums, Talent Calculator)
  • Shadow Bolt now does 52.5% of Spell Power damage, down from 74%.

Warrior (Forums, Talent Calculator)



Arms & Fury


Major Glyphs

  • Nitro Boosts now have a variable duration, saying "a few sec" rather than 8 sec.

Raid Testing Schedule - September 9
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
On Tuesday, September 9, we will continue Warlords Mythic raid testing. As always given the nature of beta, it is quite possible that there will be technical or gameplay issues that disrupt the testing. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

Mythic difficulty is designed for a fixed-size 20-player group.

Each encounter should be available at approximately the listed times below on all Beta servers.

Tuesday, September 9
  • Hans'gar & Franzok - Mythic Foundry - 10:30 PDT (13:30 EDT, 19:30 CEST)
  • Blast Furnace - Mythic Foundry - 16:00 PDT (19:00 EDT, 01:00 CEST)

As always, this testing schedule is very fluid and subject to the realities of a beta environment. We might have to change the time of a testing session, change the boss being tested, or cancel a test entirely, due to bugs, fire, server hardware issues, etc. Keep an eye on this forum for the latest information, and thank you in advance for testing and providing feedback.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Warlords of Draenor Beta - Build 18837, September 9 Raid Testing started by chaud View original post
Comments 88 Comments
  1. NatePsy's Avatar
    We need a goddamn PTR build already, fuck.
  1. ChaosWolf's Avatar
    Well, time to remove Nitro Boosts from my gear...
  1. Axaron's Avatar
    Any word on Iron Docks?
  1. somnif's Avatar
    Wow, another warlock nerf AND an engineering nerf. This was an unpleasant post for this gnome.
  1. jsz's Avatar
    Ugh, raid testing during the Apple iPhone 6 unveiling event. What to watch...
  1. Kazuchika's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by somnif View Post
    Wow, another warlock nerf AND an engineering nerf. This was an unpleasant post for this gnome.
    The engineering nerf has been known for a couple of weeks now. I'd really like to know how/why they decided it should have an interaction with potions. That is seriously the dumbest thing ever.
  1. Noix's Avatar
    Looks like rune tap idea was horrible thought since they put it back to how it was before.
  1. Eldrad's Avatar
    Blizzard continues to destroy any chance I will buy this expansion
  1. Dragon Claws's Avatar
    Tanks just got their teeth kicked in badly. Just like Mistweavers a few builds ago.

    :/ Seems being a Mage or Warlock in WoD might not be a bad idea.
  1. thefuga's Avatar
    Is the new "Glyph of Death From Above" a joke?
  1. TehTemplar's Avatar
    So you can't use glider while with nitro boost, then it shared cd with potions. I remember when engi was the fun proff, but we can't have fun, now can we. Whats the point of nerfing engineering to the ground and ruining everyone's day.
  1. Grishnok's Avatar
    Ive said it before and Ill say it again. Blizzard REALLY has no clue what they are doing this xpac. So glad Im not tanking this xpac. I already know quite a few tank and healer friends on my server that are going DPS because of the changes they made to healing and now tanking. Of course Blizz says they are going to scale boss damage down... you watch... tanks will be getting two to three shot now.

    Blizzard is going to be in a deep pile of self made shit when they have to make sweeping changes a few weeks after release because their game suddenly has an extreme shortage of tanks and healers and an over abundance of dps.
  1. Ryken's Avatar
    Build number is wrong, client shows 18848 not 18837.
  1. Spoonman's Avatar
    Wow people really overreact like fuck, calm ure tits gents

    - - - Updated - - -

    Btw there is also a new loading screen with the patch
  1. Venteus's Avatar
    Horrible batch of patch notes. Shape up blizzard.
  1. Sabrescene's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Spoonman View Post
    Btw there is also a new loading screen with the patch
    They could've done something a little more creative then a year-old artwork with Draenor stuck in the background
  1. Spoonman's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sabrescene View Post
    They could've done something a little more creative then a year-old artwork with Draenor stuck in the background
    I guess, but I like it
  1. Blade and Soul's Avatar

    What are tanks supposed to do now? We're being reduced to meat shields that just stand there and make sure the mobs whack at us. Oh, wait, they are making us even weaker meat shields.
  1. smcn's Avatar
    ITT* people who don't understand iterative development.

    * Rather, in every new build thread. It's very tiring.

    Ive said it before and Ill say it again. Blizzard REALLY has no clue what they are doing this xpac. So glad Im not tanking this xpac. I already know quite a few tank and healer friends on my server that are going DPS because of the changes they made to healing and now tanking. Of course Blizz says they are going to scale boss damage down... you watch... tanks will be getting two to three shot now.

    Blizzard is going to be in a deep pile of self made shit when they have to make sweeping changes a few weeks after release because their game suddenly has an extreme shortage of tanks and healers and an over abundance of dps.
    Like... How is anyone even supposed to respond to this? And Celestalon et al get tweets with this kind of nonsense on a daily basis. My prayers are with them, I hope they have good therapists.
  1. taurendeathknight's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by NatePsychotic View Post
    We need a goddamn PTR build already, fuck.
    Why are you so mad? Just play it on the beta where this is deployed, my friend.

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