Update (8:20 PM EDT): The Legion dungeon race has been rescheduled to Thursday, February 11 so that it won't conflict with Overwatch!

Monstrous' Armor Rack, Quin's GR 100 Support Monk

Love is in the Air Card Design Competition - Win a 3D Printed Card, Ben Brode on Standard, Wild, the Future, TAC #133

Li-Ming Wallpaper, Heroes WTF Moments #35

Warcraft Movie Rewards
A user on Reddit shared a survey that went out about the Warcraft movie. It mentioned a potential offer that would reward anyone who purchased a ticket with a copy of all expansions through Warlords of Draenor, one month of game time, and an in-game item. What kind of item would you like to receive?

Legion - Hippogryph Mount
Another two colors of the Hippogryph are being added in Legion.

Helmets Temporarily Hidden In Legion Alpha
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Hello everyone! We wanted to give you a quick heads-up on a temporary change in the current Alpha build that could use a little extra context, to avoid confusion.

Our art team is currently working on some updates to the way helmets are shown in the game, which will ultimately make them look a lot nicer on the high-definition models released with Warlords of Draenor. That work is still in progress, and as a result, head-slot items are in varying stages of work-in-progress. In order to keep things looking sensible – and avoid generating a whole lot of unnecessary bug reports – we’ve hidden that slot from displaying on all characters temporarily while our artists put their finishing touches on things.

Thanks for your patience!

Blue Posts
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Sylvanas Armor Changes
I think you're misusing the word "Censored" here for one. For another, I personally love her look. I like knowing she has on armor that may actually protect her from the battle she's digging herself into. She's a strong character (to me) no matter what she wears. I'd think if I were her, I'd want a change of outfit now and then too.

Characters evolve and change. Their armor and outfits are going to change. Thrall is just one example of how what he wore was a reflection of the changes he went through. Other characters are bound to see evolutions and changes as they make sense both in their visual representation and in their stories.

These types of discussions while generally welcome when kept clean, are often just minefields for some inappropriate discussions. I'd like to please caution everyone to not get into the quagmire that results in personal attacks or mud slinging. Art is subjective and what one person interprets something to mean or be may not be what someone else interprets something to be. What one person likes, may not be what someone else likes. That's OK. Just remember that there's no place here for venom toward anyone for those likes or dislikes.

Can't help but think that the change was made from the pressure I mean you've tried to make it official in hots and ended badly when people complained about it on the forums now you do it instantly without showing preview or anything
I think people have a stilted point of view on what they see as "pressure". Things change. Times change. The balance between male and female players in WoW is actually much closer than you think and has been for a long while. The topic of what women like or don't like, or play, or have done in the past isn't cut and dry either. I've been playing games (and liking "geek" things) since I first played the Atari as a little girl. I like PvP and blowing things up. Other women may not. Some women like their character to look 'practical'. Others have a different 'fantasy' of what their character should be like. I would never claim to represent "all women" that would be preposterous.

The same can be said for men. You can't paint everyone with the same brush. It just doesn't work. This is a more complex issue than what should be on these forums. We're getting into dangerous territory here and I've already had to remove some pretty disparaging remarks aimed at others. This community is smarter than that.

Perceptions of what is and isn't over the years have always baffled me. It seems to go in waves. Each new generation believes fervently that it is or was different for them or has changed 'over the years'. Perception is an amazing thing. It's your perception that this and all other related changes are because of 'x'. Could that be a part of it? Sure. Nothing is being taken away from you or the character with this change. If this was an awards show, you'd be asking her who she's wearing rather than, what she plans to do when she faces the Legion with her people. I have a feeling she plans to lay some smack down.

*I'd like to advise people not to give 'parenting advice' here for Mr. Metzen or anyone else. Again, this isn't appropriate. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Returning Player
Welcome back! I'm sure you just ran into the types that assume you must/have to know it all already. It makes returning a bit rough at first when you run into them first out of the gate. I have no doubt you'll get back in the swing of things quickly and find some people (starting here maybe?) who would be happy to help you get up to speed.

That's a good generic dev post for a game where the community is more toxic than ever. I don't have suggestions to make it better, but the community is bad.
I disagree with the statement of "more toxic than ever" but I don't want this thread to turn into that. There are some really great people in the community, many of whom (as I mentioned in my post) would love to help a returning player out. You just have to be open to it and not let the 'bad apples' spoil the whole barrel for you. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Ghostcrawler Tweets
Ghostcrawler still occasionally talks about WoW. Remember that he no longer works for or speaks for Blizzard.
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
I stopped playing World of Warcraft due to the LFR/LFD feature that you implemented. It took away the atmosphere and server communities died following X-realms and phasing. What was your reasoning behind this rather than merging servers as many rather wanted? My name was't THAT unique.
The features you're talking about were implemented to give players an option to run content besides just sitting around spamming chat when their friends weren't online. I have always had a huge guild in WoW, and I still remember spamming chat for groups -- and I was a tank!

Cross-realm was more targeted and solving the problem of realm population disparity. The concept of a realm has been pretty integral to the game for a long time. It was important to get to know the folks on your realm. That changed for a lot of reasons -- realm transfers, leveling becoming more easily, and the age of the game just to name a few.

Final Boss - Restoration Druid Spec Preview
Final Boss is back with another spec preview! You can see all of their weapon models here.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Warcraft Movie Rewards, Legion Hippogryphs, Blue Posts, Tweets, Resto Druid Preview started by chaud View original post
Comments 157 Comments
  1. artemisthemp's Avatar
    Ï would love some ingame reward from the Warcraft Movie but, I fear that certain Cinema in Denmark won't get it.
  1. paralleluniverse's Avatar
    The amount of pussy-footing from Nethaera regarding Sylvanas' new model is just cowardice.

    After much complaints, her model was covered-up so as to not objectify women and to provide a more positive and practical representation of women in video games.

    There is nothing wrong with this.

    Just come out and admit it instead of trying to deflect with all these BULLSHIT phony excuses that no one believes.
  1. mmoc56c829a066's Avatar
    And which cinemas will get them? Every cinema there is? I'm 99,999% sure I won't be able to get it in my country.
  1. Nelaphim-EX's Avatar
    If it is anything like they were when I was in Highschool and worked at a movie complex, you get a limited number of 'bonus' redemption codes and would just hand out like half and save the others to give to friends.
  1. mmocf89c8b0f36's Avatar
    Is this movie so bad they must advertise it this way? I hope not.
  1. Nelaphim-EX's Avatar
    I was hoping that they would save the 'bonus rewards' for the DVD/BLU release.
  1. Arvandor's Avatar
    great! post the fake news with the litch king first.. fail of the month!
    ghostcrawler post the typical pr answer.. another fail of the month!
  1. Fenixdown's Avatar
    That promo would actually get me to come back for a month. I have every intention of seeing Warcraft in theaters.
  1. Nuvuk's Avatar
    So are the movie tickets going to be $15 for matinee, non Imax and non 3d versions?
  1. mmoc4271df43de's Avatar
    hmm 11. its planed release of chinese tree in armored warfare so GL
  1. mmocda789f6040's Avatar
    The Sylvanas thing is a bit weird; I mean I am all for putting her in more realistic armor but what they did was change her very - very little. I would've preferred to see her actually wear a proper armor, which makes me think this entire thing was indeed done as a PC move and that makes me sad - soon everything will be affected.
  1. Yakshamash's Avatar
    Ahahahahah, I've been waiting for this day since I saw this at daily blink:
  1. mmoc78e9842c0f's Avatar
    I fully approve of Sylvanas new Armor.

    And I seriously would visit the Cinema if we get an ingame reward, to existing Accounts. Otherwise, I would just wait for the Bluy Ray release.
  1. mmoc59b5827c7e's Avatar
    "look at the topless Demon Hunters across all playable races. It so breaks my immersion that they aren't 110% covered by Demon Penis leather hides and fur. Unbelievable that such sexism is practised in 2016."

    Hahahaha, having a good laugh at people crying about female WoW NPCs. Guess you never seen or touched a real woman. In WoW they don't even have such bug breats, yet people call them unrealistic. Unrealism in a fantasy game, who would've have imagined such tragic!

    Also, Blade & Soul for GOTY! At least there devs aren't manipulated by their underaged children who play their games.
  1. Teaon's Avatar
    are people really sad because blizzard is trying to advertise their movie and game? wow much wow

    are people really sad because sylvannas now wearing armor for battle instead of going in with a bikini? super wow

    go fap on art work if you want naked sylvannas
  1. dahawk's Avatar
    this would be pretty kool if blizzard did this and maybe help new players get into the game as well buy legion get a boost + previous expansions sounds like a win to me to get new players in
  1. Shiroh's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Arvandor View Post
    great! post the fake news with the litch king first.. fail of the month!
    Go read the first page of this thread and then facepalm at your fail of the month.
  1. mmoc59b5827c7e's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Teaon View Post
    are people really sad because blizzard is trying to advertise their movie and game? wow much wow

    are people really sad because sylvannas now wearing armor for battle instead of going in with a bikini? super wow

    go fap on art work if you want naked sylvannas
    She's an Archer. Light and revealing clothes make her more agile. No need for heavy armor if you don't get hit in the first place. Also, no armor is going to safe someone from magic, arrows or bullets.
  1. ThatsOurEric's Avatar
    Dear people complaining about Sylv's new armor look :

    Shut up. If you want a bikini chick to stare at that fights,
    there's tons of it elsewhere. There's even fanart, go for
    that if you desperately need to see it.

    Everyone who's grown up
  1. Queen of Hamsters's Avatar
    Lol...how pathetic does one have to be to feel upset about them giving a character some actual clothing for a change? Get over it and surf the web for porn if you're that starved.

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