Update (3:35 PM EST): Water Striders will not be restricted by location!

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Paragon Finished Raiding
Paragon has decided that they are done raiding. You can find the full article and list of kills on their site. Congratulations to them for many years of World First kills!

Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
We have decided to stop raiding which obviously means we will not be a part of the world first race in Legion. In the end it came between going international, playing with suboptimal Finnish roster or quitting. For a while I was seriously considering going the international route, but in the end decided it was not worth the trouble for me. This question has been looming over our heads for a long time as it has always been a challenge to get a solid Finnish 20-25man roster together and this time there was no 10man option to bail us out.

Going forward I have no idea if we will be playing WoW in any capacity in the future, we will have to see what is the situation when Legion launches. In the meantime you might see some of us in the fields of Overwatch.

I would like to thank everyone who played in progress raids with us and made this all possible.

Legion - Soft Foam Sword
A recent Legion build added the Soft Foam Sword. It currently kills most mobs rather than reducing their health, but it does appear to work on critters. The current max level for creatures you can use it on is 20 levels below your character level, meaning it will work for Mists of Pandaria and older content once you are Level 110 in Legion.

Legion - Water Striders
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Thanks for the feedback, and I apologize for alarm caused by a seemingly random change. What you see in our weekly Alpha builds is a snapshot of thinking that is often actively evolving, including experiments that we’re about to discard, or solutions to problems that are overly crude just because it’s our first iteration and we simply haven’t come up with anything better yet.

I’d like to shed some light on our thought process in exploring this change. No, we’re not trying to stamp out fun, or destroy the value of hard-won rewards arbitrarily. The concern that drives this process is that mounts are primarily cosmetic choices, and are one of the most visible ways of showing off an aesthetic you enjoy, or an achievement of which you are proud. But water-walking makes Water Striders mechanically superior to other ground mounts in a way that risks removing a feeling of choice. Even if you want to show off that Invincible that you finally managed to farm up, or your Grove Warden, you may end up feeling foolish for using anything other than the Water Strider in areas where you can’t fly, just because it offers that mechanical advantage.

Our initial change was aimed at letting people feel more free to choose the mount that they felt looked coolest, whether in new content or while leveling alts. But as we’ve clearly heard from your feedback, removing the water-walking functionality from pre-existing content feels like we’re taking away something that you have worked hard to earn, and that cost outweighs any benefit from potentially broadened cosmetic options.

So, in the next Alpha build, we’re restoring the ability of Water Striders to walk on water in all pre-Legion content (Azeroth, Outland, Northrend, etc.). The restriction on the mounts’ water-walking ability will now only apply to the Broken Isles and future content beyond that.

Blue Tweets
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
is there any point at all in the EU alpha forums? just let us in the US instead?
Yes, absolutely. We read it all. Just easier to respond on US forums. Assume you'll see responses, regardless of where they are? (Celestalon)

Then we have other Blizzard employees denying that Fel would be a form of life magic, like Matt.
So now I'm just wondering if Sean Copeland lied to me and others.
I think I just wasn't clear tbh Nature spells use life energy, fel spells burn/consume life energy/souls, ya? (Muffinus)
that's more of a semantic discussion than a lie, if something burns life, is it "life magic?" IDK "life magic" isnt (Muffinus)
really all that well-defined, not sure it's been mentioned in-game, outside of maybe chi? (Muffinus)
bottom line is: no one is telling you lies, there isn't a conspiracy or anything, it seems to be mostly word choice (Muffinus)

Ghostcrawler Tweets
Ghostcrawler still occasionally talks about WoW. Remember that he no longer works for or speaks for Blizzard.
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
If I may ask, what do you think makes MOBAs such a popular genre for e-sports?
Easy to understand the action. Good stories both on and off the field. You can be a fan at lots of different levels of intensity. (OccupyGStreet)
By the latter I mean you can see your favorite champ get played or get into nuance of individual player preferences and history. (OccupyGStreet)

Character Transfer Gold Cap Increase
The transfer gold cap increase was delayed yesterday, but should be going live tonight!
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
Looks like it should be going live now

Fan Art Update
The World of Warcraft Fan Art Section has been updated with twelve new pieces of fan artwork.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Paragon Finished Raiding, Soft Foam Sword, Water Striders, Tweets, Fan Art Update started by chaud View original post
Comments 120 Comments
  1. Nutri's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by nmityosaurus View Post
    So do Mages have the most ultimate of time advantages with Teleport? Shouldn't we all have Teleport then? How about those pesky Hunters with their OP pets tanking everything, should we all get pets?!

    How the fuck are you SO entitled, it's an MMO bro, you're playing the wrong type of game with that attitude..
    Rofl are you serious?
    They are removing a mount’s waterwalking ability while that same effect remains in tact for certain classes. I don't get how that would be the same as “Class A has a spell that I don’t have, please remove it from class A”. Everybody has access to the Strider and now it is being taken out.

    My questioning was legit. Blizzard doesn’t want a waterwalking mount it seems , yet certain class abilities that also grand waterwalking remain untouched giving them an advantage over players that play a different class. Why are you so upset and claim it to be my ‘entitlement attitude’?
  1. Silverhope444's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Williamgood View Post
    Don't forget hunters with a certain pet =p.
    Nope they are taking that away aswell. Water strikers will no longer give water walking.
  1. Kankipappa's Avatar
    That's why the mounts basically feel useless in this game these days. It feels that everything had a purpose before more or less, now it's evolving more and more to the cosmetic side of things - that includes gear, leveling and useable items. I stopped caring about the flying mounts when it was streamlined to be same speed like the others.

    Mount skins are as useless as weapon skins in CS:GO, but I guess most people go for those colors instead of function. I'd like to have an RPG game again, where whole world gives some purpose on things again...
  1. mmoce3884136a5's Avatar
    Maybe a solution to water walking mounts:
    Have a questline or multiple objective achievment that unlocks water walking for all your mounts. Similar to how flying unlocked in dreanor.
    I'm sure they can come up with some kind of lore or story for those that care about a realistic reason why its possible.
    Classes and effects that previously granted waterwalking can be converted into a speed bonus while walking water.
    Or another possibility is that this new water walking ability has a duration bar (like breath) and those classes and effects could increase or negate that timer.

    Like / Dislike?
  1. Tenjen's Avatar
    also, this art is amazing.
  1. Xetenor's Avatar
    This damn 20 man mythic is what killed my guild entirely too. They really need to bring 10 man mythic back....and that will never happen lol.
  1. TheDeeGee's Avatar
    I quit raiding in March 2014, best thing i ever done!
  1. Teebone's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDeeGee View Post
    I quit raiding in March 2014, best thing i ever done!
    I went casual after our server first HLK 25 kill. Cata and MoP added so much to do... WoD however was a complete flop. Hey, we should get Jaylock to convince them there's still stuff to do and they should keep raiding.
  1. Shudder's Avatar
    And yet again Blizzard is reminded of the huge mistake they made removing 10 and 25 and going with this stupid 20 only. Not only are top guilds quitting most of the other guilds have too.
  1. Zalimah's Avatar
    Release 10 man raiding again. It honestly shouldn't be to hard to balance going from 20 to 10 and it makes it easier to recruit for. I used to exclusively raid 10 man back in the day and enjoy it a lot more then 20 man.
  1. Eleccybubb's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Shudder View Post
    And yet again Blizzard is reminded of the huge mistake they made removing 10 and 25 and going with this stupid 20 only. Not only are top guilds quitting most of the other guilds have too.
    Yup. There needs to be a 10 man mythic because some guilds just don't have the structure for a 20 man mythic setup. Also Paragon really should have stopped with this "finnish only" stuff because yeah it's their decision to pick whatever language they want but creating a restriction like that can hurt a guild. Also great bs excuse on the whole water strider thing blizz.
  1. mmocca2620c8e3's Avatar
    i loved the videos form Paragon its ashame, still everything comes to an end
  1. mmoc38a80652d8's Avatar
    Aww dear. Well, good luck with reintegrating with society. I don't think you'll make it on the outside.
  1. Yakshamash's Avatar
    The restriction on the mounts’ water-walking ability will now only apply to the Broken Isles and future content beyond that.
    Fuck them. Seriously, fuck them.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by GMZohar1 View Post
    Heh Legion must have some important water zones.. Without water walking it will take some people a little longer to finish the water parts, therefor making the expansion seem longer than what it is..
    I was thinking the same! Slow down progress, make people think it's BIG expansion. In reality, I do pretty believe it will suck ass.
  1. Gadzooks's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by VanishO2 View Post
    Don't be butthurt. To kill those bosses designed with a certain ilvl in mind, with lower ilvl do need skill and high knowledge of the game/classes itself.
    This would have more meaning if the guilds were making fresh, brand new attempts when the expansion releases - but they don't, they have been wiping and learning throughout the beta, and have their raid teams stacked with every advantage they can come up with before release - what quests to do right away for what gear, buying out anything on the BMAH that will help them, what classes to bring, they know the strats and bosses, or enough to plow through the first couple of bosses easily...it's not really as impressive as it looks. Yes, they are more skilled than most players, but it would be far more impressive to walk into a new raid with no knowledge of it beforehand, and be the first to figure out all the fights.

    And..who's to say an up and coming guild won't take their place? There were more than just two or three guilds trying last time I looked - it's just the top 2 or 3 had a lock on the races...until now. If I were in that world, and had a good raid team that was just on the verge of being able to take on the race now that Paragon is stepping down, I'd be spending the next couple of months building up my team to give it a solid shot. This black and white mentality is amusing - Paragon quits, there is no more world first raiding, because there are only 2 or 3 guilds in the world, right? C'mon. Someone is gonna step up. You know it's going to happen.

    The only good thing with no real world first race is the inevitable "OMG the game is too easy all of the content has already been beaten in two weeks" crowd will have nothing to snivel about. Oh, wait - WoW - they'll find something else to whine about. Endlessly.
  1. Shudder's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    Yup. There needs to be a 10 man mythic because some guilds just don't have the structure for a 20 man mythic setup. Also Paragon really should have stopped with this "finnish only" stuff because yeah it's their decision to pick whatever language they want but creating a restriction like that can hurt a guild. Also great bs excuse on the whole water strider thing blizz.
    It's also insanely hard to recruit and maintain 22ish people when 2/3 of the playerbase quit. The recruitment forums are a wasteland. It's too late for Legion so I don't see the raiding community becoming healthy again till wrath of the lich queen. Hopefully they come to their senses by then.
  1. Gadzooks's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Yakshamash View Post
    The restriction on the mounts’ water-walking ability will now only apply to the Broken Isles and future content beyond that.
    Fuck them. Seriously, fuck them.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I was thinking the same! Slow down progress, make people think it's BIG expansion. In reality, I do pretty believe it will suck ass.
    I think, from my casual glancing at the alpha news, is that Legion will suck less than WOD. But, i don't see what will make it rank with MoP or TBC or Wrath. The devs work with an iterative mentality - they don't wipe the slate and start over, they tweak was was there before - thus the garrison is now the class hall, with new paint and tweaked mechanics. The artifacts are the Legendary Ring on a bigger scale. The questing I'm sure will be identical to WOD - on rails, fast, and lacking depth. The dungeons...I haven't read anything about dungeons in Legion, so I won't comment. But it all sounds like "WOD with fixes and tweaks". We don't know how far the story will go, either, so it's hard to judge - or how many raid tiers and content patches they have in mind. If it's as much as MoP, that's great. If it's the same as WOD...they will have a problem keeping players around, again. The no flying decision points to a return of WOD leveling - being stuck in valleys and trenches with only one entrance and exit, and having to finish content to get to the exit, which was one of the more disappointing things about WOD leveling, how "on rails" it was - every alt has essentially the same experience every time - all so the devs can force feed you vistas and content, and keep you from blowing through the scant content too quickly.

    It would be hard to suck as much as WOD, or more, so it's safe to say it will suck less. But I haven't seen anything yet that compels me to want to play, it all just sounds like more of the same. Even if I were interested, I'd wait until people actually started playing it to decide - they burned me once on WOD, that won't happen again.
  1. mmoce3884136a5's Avatar
    Only thing that will bring me back is 10man mythic. God I loved that.
    Please Blizzard. Why do you try so hard to make content for the 1%
  1. SLSAMG's Avatar
    This game has been on the decline since cataclysm. Prove me wrong..
  1. Donnicton's Avatar
    Ahahaha, good job Blizzard, your insistence on 20-man Mythic raid sizes has indirectly killed Paragon.

    Maybe they'll listen to their player base this time.

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