Developer Content Update Preview
Patch 8.3 is coming to the PTR later today and Dire Maul is coming to Classic on October 15th/16th.

  • Dire Maul is coming to World of Warcraft Classic on October 15/16th.
  • The Honor System and World Bosses are still coming with Phase 2.

Battle for Azeroth
  • Patch 8.3 - Visions of N'Zoth is coming next.
  • For the first time, we're going to see an Old God, unleashed in their full might and dark fury.
  • Ny'alotha is the domain of the Old Gods and their minions.
  • Ny'alotha is all around us, on the other side of a thin veil. N'Zoth is tearing that veil and bringing horrible nightmares and dark visions in which the forces of the Old God are in our world.
  • Titan facilities across Azeroth are the key to containing, controlling, and understanding the power of N'Zoth.
  • The minions of N'Zoth are assaulting the Titan facilities. We will have to venture through rifts into the world that N'Zoth's minions inhabit.
  • New Feature - Assaults
    • When active, a zone will be overcome with N'Zoth's forces. There will also be treasures and puzzles.
    • The team took everything they learned from previous assault features and recent major zones.
    • Uldum will come under regular assault by minions of N'Zoth.
    • The Vale of Eternal Blossoms - Corrupted again, only when N'Zoth is assaulting it.
  • New Feature - Horrific Visions
    • 1-5 player content, centered around Orgrimmar and Stormwind, that show us an alternate reality of what might come to pass if we don't succeed.
    • When you first enter a Horrific Vision, you aren't going to make it very far. Your mind will succumb to N'zoth's relentless assault.
    • You'll begin to experience cosmetic and serious mechanic hindrances as your sanity is drained by being in the vision.
    • You will retreat, taking with you the things that you've learned along the way.
    • You'll be working with Wrathion to create a legendary cloak. Initially it will provide some shield against N'zoth's attacks.
    • The cloaks will allow you to venture further into the visions, earning more rewards and unlocking more of the mystery behind his power.
    • The cloak will also come in handy when you face off against N'zoth further down the road.
    • You'll bring fragments out of the vision to allow Magni to research, giving you new tools for the battle.
    • Titanic Research will help you in future visits to the Visions.
    • Ever since the Mage Tower, the team has been looking for a solo progression experience that provides challenge.
    • You can do this entirely solo or bring friends with you. The experience will scale from 1-5 players, regardless of your role.
  • New Raid - Ny'alotha, The Waking City
    • 12 boss raid that showcases the full splendor of the Black Empire.
    • N'zoth is the final boss.
  • New levels for the Heart of Azeroth, bringing passive benefits and a new essence slot.
  • The new essence slot can be filled with new essences from Patch 8.3 content.
  • Assaults on the Titan facilities could affect Titanforging, with a new system that is a little bit more twisted and corrupt.
  • New Allied Races - Vulpera and Mechagnomes
  • Vulpera requires completion of the Vol'dun quests and Exalted with the Voldunai.
  • Mechagnomes require Exalted with Mechagon.
  • New Heritage Armor - Goblin and Worgen
  • Auction House Redesign - Faster and more performant, no single stacks.
    • People can now purchase portions of a stack
    • You can favorite items and create a shopping list for yourself.
    • No need to undercut anymore, as auctions posted later (at the same price) are sold first.
  • Heroic Darkshore Warfront
  • New PvP season
  • New Mythic Keystone Affix - Corrupted: Black Empire Obelisks that you can interact with. Pulls you into an alternate world, defeat the Lieutenant and return to reality wherever you are standing when he is defeated. This allows you to do some interesting skips. If you don't take care of the obelisks, the minions will come find you at the final boss of the dungeon.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Developer Content Update Preview started by chaud View original post
Comments 215 Comments
  1. TickTickTick's Avatar
    First they wasted Argus for a patch. Now they are going to waste Ny'alotha for another patch. Such lore locations have so much potential for full expansions, sigh...

    And isn't it a retcon? Wasnt Ny'alotha supposed to be deep in the ocean, like really deep? And suddenly it's all around us? Hopefully they dont rehash existing zones for "new locations", we wouldnt want to have a 4.3 repeat, would we?
  1. Naraga's Avatar
    Why Diremaul? If anything, they should have released the PvP system.
  1. RobertMugabe's Avatar
    Can people now finally stop saying that the Shadowlands leak is legit?
  1. RobertMugabe's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by keymil View Post
    First they wasted Argus for a patch. Now they are going to waste Ny'alotha for another patch. Such lore locations have so much potential for full expansions, sigh...

    And isn't it a retcon? Wasnt Ny'alotha supposed to be deep in the ocean, like really deep? And suddenly it's all around us? Hopefully they dont rehash existing zones for "new locations", we wouldnt want to have a 4.3 repeat, would we?
    It's not a retcon. Until now we had no idea what it even was.
  1. Shannow's Avatar
    Too soon to release DM, drops are tuned a bit too far ahead for whats out currently.
  1. Greyvax's Avatar
    the raid looks awesome though
  1. TickTickTick's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by RobertMugabe View Post
    Can people now finally stop saying that the Shadowlands leak is legit?
    And how does it prove its not legit? Its a preview of 8.3, while the leak is about 9.0. If anything, with nzoth out of the way it makes even more sense for the next expansion to be about shadowlands, since some people speculated we wont face nzoth / travel to nyalotha in a patch and they will make a full expansion about it.
  1. MORGATH99's Avatar
    pyromancer it having a heart attack now
  1. RobertMugabe's Avatar
    Also so damn hyped about the Vale of Eternal Blossoms being restored!
  1. HulkSmasher's Avatar
    Was hoping for playable Sethrak, but I guess Vulpera and Mechagnome is cool too
  1. Chickat's Avatar
    So no new zone?
  1. OokOok's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Shannow View Post
    Too soon to release DM, drops are tuned a bit too far ahead for whats out currently.
    K it's been 3 weeks and my guild already clears MC and onyxia in 2hours. Who really cares about DM dropping being tuned "too far ahead" you're acting like it'll make content easy
  1. Ilnez's Avatar
    Wow, I'm one of the last ones to hate on BFA but this is just about as fucking anti-climactic as we can possibly get.

    You took a myth of incredible proportions (Ny'alotha) that you've been hyping for YEARS and turned it, not into a zone, but into a fucking raid? Better yet, we're going to legitimately and unironically kill a full power old god in his own nightmare? Like, is this for real? This could have been a whole fucking expansion easily. N'zoth was fucking hyped up as Arthas 2.0, I was so so SOOOO looking forward to an expansion where he teases and mocks us and we finally fight him at the end after weakening him all expansion.

    Instead what? Instead we get to do single player content that will be trivialized through titanforging or whatever you're calling it now and we get to build a cloak that magically will let us kill a god? Give me a fucking break. As cool as this all sounds on paper, it gives me roughly 0 hope for the next expansion and is super fucking anti-climactic. Hate to say it but... just like the rest of the story of BFA.

    No nuance, no intrigue. Just straight pipe rushed story content. Big fucking rip.

    It's getting the fucking Argus treatment, feels fucking bad man.
  1. Sanguinerd's Avatar
    Well.. congrats to all who wanted Vulpera - you won :P

    Patch is looking pretty decent, should be fun.

    Doubt we'll actually defeat N'zoth or we'll see the last of Ny'alotha.
  1. derpkitteh's Avatar
    was really hoping for something other than mechagnomes, but i mean it was a foregone conclusion the moment we saw the model.

    idk why they'd choose a side though. goblins aided them, and many of them liked the goblin style when building things.
  1. agentsi's Avatar
    Nerds on MMO-C....


    A week later...

    Here is 8.3, 12 boss, raid, where we fight N'Zoth.

    Where you at nerds? lol
  1. Fetus Rex's Avatar
    Mechagnomes and Vulpera? Fuck it then. What a shitty addition to the game.
  1. Skirdus's Avatar
    Do we know N'Zoth is the final boss? I know Ion said we'd be facing him, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's the final encounter, even if it's the most likely scenario
  1. zlygork's Avatar
    Some initial toughts...

    I must say I am pretty excited about the horrific visions, hopefully they live up to my expectations. Lol at Wrathion giving us another legendary cloak.
    I am unsurprised by mechagnomes joining the alliance, but a bit annoying that they will keep doing the highmountain/suramar thing.

    Overall, I can feel the hype.
  1. Gasparde's Avatar
    Literally don't care about anything but the auction house.
    Like, some more grindy gameplay content whateverness, some more additions to the shitty azerite system, new races to play through the same shit content, all whatever. But finally having a functioning and non-cancer-inducing auction house after only 15 years? That shit's got me hyped more than anything else in bfa.

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