Shadowlands Alpha - Torghast Abilities

Shadowlands Preview - Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
At the heart of the Maw lies Torghast, Tower of the Damned, a cursed otherworldly prison where the wickedest souls in the universe are locked away. Highly replayable and inspired by roguelike games, heroes are invited to explore its ever-changing halls and chambers and do battle with the minions of the Jailer, Torghast’s vile ruler. Those who brave its trials can claim legendary treasures and help free the heroic spirits wrongfully trapped within.

The Torghast experience is in a true alpha state. It is not yet feature complete and many design decisions are still being made. Due to our desire to get pointed feedback on class-specific Anima Powers, we are only testing a few classes at this time. The following classes are currently available for testing: Demon Hunter, Mage, Priest, and Warlock. We will keep you updated on when other classes are introduced.

Torghast is an otherworldly place, with an ever-shifting interior. There are many areas to discover, and at this time players will be able to explore Skoldus Halls and Fracture Chambers.

Skoldus Hall
Warden Skoldus oversees this wing of Torghast. He is a cruel warden who uses rats, dogs, and other beasts to torment his quarry.

Fracture Chambers
Prisoners from Maldraxxus are held here, their bones broken over and over again. With the player's help, they escape their cells and assault their captors.

Your Mission

With every floor, enemies will become stronger but you’ll also become more powerful by using temporary skills called Anima Powers. Levels will also become more complex the higher you climb—the first few floors will have a simple layout, but higher up you’ll be dealing with traps, puzzles, and locked doors that will require keys held by ruthless enemies.

Always Changing

These dynamic wings change their layout each time you step inside, and they can also be influenced by the Jailer’s command—changing the types of enemies you encounter and the Anima Powers available for you to choose between.

Every time you enter the tower you will need to explore it; don’t rely on memories of past ventures lest you get lulled into trap or ambushed by a horde of enemies!

The Power of Anima

Anima Powers grant you the incredible strength needed to take on the Jailer’s more challenging allies. They will often directly improve one of your Covenant class or signature abilities, modifying it with powerful properties for you to wield. Anima Powers can be found hidden in corners, tucked away in phylacteries, or carried on the bodies of the Jailer’s servitors. Keep an eye out for powers that interact with one another in interesting ways!

Anima Powers can also be found while discovering an area, be on the lookout for floating anima orbs as you make your way to the next floor.

Phantasma and Vendors

Sometimes enemies will drop Phantasma, a currency that is unique to Torghast. You may also find Phantasma from Anima Powers or breakable objects. Your Phantasma all disappears as soon as you leave Torghast. Occasionally, you may find a Broker, a Phantasma vendor within Torghast, who will allow you to spend your Phantasma to buy Anima Powers, along with other consumables that will aid you on your run.

Deaths and the Tarragrue

By and large, your failures in Torghast are measured in deaths, not with a timer. Dying repeatedly alerts the Tarragrue, a lumbering iron-clad creature that will appear at the level’s entrance and slowly move toward its end. If he sees any heroes, he will chase down and kill them. If he reaches the end of the level or kills all the players in the level, your run ends and you are thrown out of Torghast.

The Tarragrue cannot be defeated, but there are whispers that it is possible to slow him—if only for a moment.

Legendary Rewards

As you climb the tower, you may discover a floor that contains a Legendary chest. Inside you’ll discover reagents to craft legendary items that can be taken to a mysterious rune sage who will help you build legendary items. You are in full control—you can choose which type of equipment you’ll make and what powers will go in them to make them truly your own.

We look forward to sharing more information as development continues, and we hope this preview prepares you for the trials of Torghast!

What kind of Anima Powers would you like to see? Join the discussion on the forums.

Torghast is still in development and subject to change. Legendary items are still being worked on and are not currently available in alpha. Check back for periodic updates on as we approach the release of Shadowlands.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Shadowlands Preview - Torghast, Tower of the Damned started by Lumy View original post
Comments 77 Comments
  1. kaintk's Avatar
    Legendary Rewards

    As you climb the tower, you may discover a floor that contains a Legendary chest. Inside you’ll discover reagents to craft legendary items that can be taken to a mysterious rune sage who will help you build legendary items. You are in full control—you can choose which type of equipment you’ll make and what powers will go in them to make them truly your own.

    is blizzard finally understand what players wanted in legion ? =D
  1. Puzzony's Avatar
    I wonder if amongst the Legendary crafts will be weapons as well; would not reckon though, since they would/should have an obvious power difference compared to epic weapons.
  1. Onikaroshi's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Puzzony View Post
    I wonder if amongst the Legendary crafts will be weapons as well; would not reckon though, since they would/should have an obvious power difference compared to epic weapons.
    There probably won't be, but in all reality, weapons are just stat sticks nowadays anyway, nothing uses weapon dmg in calculations anymore.
  1. Biomega's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Onikaroshi View Post
    There probably won't be, but in all reality, weapons are just stat sticks nowadays anyway, nothing uses weapon dmg in calculations anymore.
    Autoattacks do, and they're a significant portion in a lot of specs.
  1. Anelya's Avatar
    Looks good on paper imo, will be interesting to see how it'll play out in the end on live servers.
  1. Onikaroshi's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    Autoattacks do, and they're a significant portion in a lot of specs.
    No more than 10% really, abilities (and currently corruptions for some specs) make up a LOT more.
  1. ZyntosAran's Avatar
    If the tower looks as good as it does on paper, it will be an amazing endgame system. Can feel completely different just by changing powers, enemies, skills etc.
  1. KainneAbsolute's Avatar
    "help free the heroic spirits wrongfully trapped within." so we will save Saurfang
  1. Skjaldborg's Avatar
    "As you climb the tower, you may discover a floor"

    MAY discover? That stands out to me. If finding a legendary chest in Torghast is RNG, then we'll be right where we were at the start of Legion, with some people lucking into their BiS Legiondaries right away while other people got shafted with stuff like Prydaz and Sephuz (the original versions that sucked). Except this time it'll be about who actually finds this chest and how often.

    Make the chest placement fixed and we'll be good to go.
  1. Kuja's Avatar
    Crafting your own legendaries seems super fun! As long as there's tons of different things to choose from, so not everyone will choose the same things, and with the option to re-forge. Maybe even shuffle in some old Legion legendary procs to choose from. Now that would be some nice customization!

    It's also saying currently available for testing. As in alpha testers can try it now?
  1. ZyntosAran's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Skjaldborg View Post
    "As you climb the tower, you may discover a floor"

    MAY discover? That stands out to me. If finding a legendary chest in Torghast is RNG, then we'll be right where we were at the start of Legion, with some people lucking into their BiS Legiondaries right away while other people got shafted with stuff like Prydaz and Sephuz (the original versions that sucked). Except this time it'll be about who actually finds this chest and how often.

    Make the chest placement fixed and we'll be good to go.
    I guess (hope) that it is meant to be like "every X floors you will get a chest", they just dont know the exact floor number.
  1. Suggs's Avatar
    This actually sounds too good to be true, im very interested in getting in this place for sure out of everything else thats currently been shown.
    Thing is, too early to get too excited and on paper is one thing actually executing it is another..... hopefully its on alpha (if not already,just got back from work) so i can watch a stream with it on.
  1. Softbottom's Avatar
    Everything here looks really good so far. No timer which is HUGE. Do it at your own pace woohoo.

    My only concern is that you will only be able to get to higher floors of the tower with Phantasma perks and not by skill/gear (Thinking how visions are). Completing higher mask runs without being heavily into the skill tree was just not possible. I just really hope the abilities aren't a make or break to get into higher up floors.
  1. MrLachyG's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by kaintk View Post
    Legendary Rewards

    As you climb the tower, you may discover a floor that contains a Legendary chest. Inside you’ll discover reagents to craft legendary items that can be taken to a mysterious rune sage who will help you build legendary items. You are in full control—you can choose which type of equipment you’ll make and what powers will go in them to make them truly your own.

    is blizzard finally understand what players wanted in legion ? =D
    Basically, yes
  1. Arenchac of Suramar's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Lumy View Post
    Deaths and the Tarragrue

    By and large, your failures in Torghast are measured in deaths, not with a timer. Dying repeatedly alerts the Tarragrue, a lumbering iron-clad creature that will appear at the level’s entrance and slowly move toward its end. If he sees any heroes, he will chase down and kill them. If he reaches the end of the level or kills all the players in the level, your run ends and you are thrown out of Torghast.

    The Tarragrue cannot be defeated, but there are whispers that it is possible to slow him—if only for a moment.
    It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a Grue.
  1. restomental's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by kaintk View Post
    Legendary Rewards

    As you climb the tower, you may discover a floor that contains a Legendary chest. Inside you’ll discover reagents to craft legendary items that can be taken to a mysterious rune sage who will help you build legendary items. You are in full control—you can choose which type of equipment you’ll make and what powers will go in them to make them truly your own.

    is blizzard finally understand what players wanted in legion ? =D
    I liked the RNG legendaries. Gives the games old school mmo flavor. Sure there were BiS that ppl absolutely needed to make some specs viable for high end raiding but thats only like 1% of players. Being able to just craft your BiS legendaries takes the fun out of it for me personally.
  1. Adam Jensen's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by KainneAbsolute View Post
    "help free the heroic spirits wrongfully trapped within." so we will save Saurfang
    Hopefully Hogger too.
  1. iosdeveloper's Avatar
    what a situation we have here: mmorpg's future is decided by it's solo content quality
  1. ZyntosAran's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by iosdeveloper View Post
    what a situation we have here: mmorpg's future is decided by it's solo content quality
    Its not solo content, its dynamic content. Can be done by 1 or up to 5 people.
  1. Aerisot's Avatar
    "Torghast is still in development and subject to change" AKA hype that shit up and then nerf the hell out of it.

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