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Shadowlands Beta - How to Swap Covenants
Which Covenant to join is the single most important choice you will make in Shadowlands at endgame, but the latest update to the beta has shed even more light on the steps needed to switch Covenants and how to return to one that you have already left. As stated in the past, joining a new Covenant is easy, but returning will involve a lot more work.

Switching to a New Covenant
Leaving your current Covenant to join a different one is easy. All you have to do is find The Enclave in Oribos where the representatives of each Covenant resides. Speak to the emissary of the Covenant you wish to join, and navigate through the dialogue prompts. There are four prompts before the emissary will believe you to be sincere and allow you to switch. At this point, you are officially switched over and given the first campaign quest for your new Covenant.

Rejoining a Covenant
Deciding to return to a Covenant that you have left is a much more involved task. When you speak to the emissary, you will not be able to simple navigate the dialogue prompts and return as you did with a new Covenant. Instead, the emissary will say that the Covenant has not taken your betrayal lightly and you must prove your sincerity. You are then given a quest called "Prove Your Worth." This requires you to complete 8 world quests in the zone that the Covenant resides in while as well as completing tasks there to fill a bar. This includes killing rares, dungeon bosses, completing world quests, collecting treasures, and more.

There is usually a max of 4 world quests up at a time in each zone (5 if you have War Mode on and the PvP quest is in the zone for the day). This means that you cannot finish this quest on the same day that you pick it up unless you start it that morning before world quests reset. The bar fill portion involves killing rares or dungeon bosses from that zone. Currently, rares give 6%, world quests give 8%, and dungeon bosses provide 12% towards filling the bar.

This is not the only step needed to rejoin the Covenant, however. When you turn this quest in, the emissary will tell you that you have taken your first steps towards rejoining their ranks, but more time is needed to assess your case. They ask you to "return at a later date." You'll then need to return after the weekly reset and do the same quest again to completely rejoin your Covenant.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Shadowlands Beta - How to Swap Covenants started by Stoy View original post
Comments 132 Comments
  1. ashblond's Avatar
    Just put covenant abilities as level 60 talent row, and make covenants purely cosmetic.

    Pull the ripcord before it is too late when everyone knows it will be a 100% disaster.
  1. Firebert's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaver View Post
    We are no dicks about it.
    That's not what I meant, sorry! What I mean is if we see a lot of people being rejected from groups just because they picked Night Fae (for example), Blizzard will have to step in.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaver View Post
    Yes, so I have already made this kind of decision once. Actually twice if you also count spec choice. So why do I have to do it again[?]
    Spec choice isn't semi-permanent; you can change specs at will. A more apt system would be professions (of old); changing them meant relearning all of the recipes again from scratch. There's a book or something in the game now which relearns all your old recipes, though, so that kind of permanence has been partially removed.

    I think the permanence of Covenants is an experiment, similar to the permanence of Legion's artifact weapons. Best thing to do is partake in the experiment and feed back on the official forums any results.

    Quote Originally Posted by JavelinJoe View Post
    I dont believe there are many people who genuinely think this is a good system, maybe like 1 in 100 people. I dont want to be anything other than necrolord but if its trash im going to be completely torn and unhappy whichever way I choose. How is that good game design[?]
    I think you're seriously underestimating how many people dislike this system. I'm looking forward to it, as is much of my community.

    I also think you're seriously overestimating how unbalanced these are going to be, seeing as the outspoken community response to this warrants increased focus on balance.
  1. Kaver's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Firebert View Post
    Best thing to do is partake in the experiment and feed back on the official forums any results.
    It's not the best thing if Blizzard force my DK to join a group of night fae fairies to get the best performance.
  1. Firebert's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaver View Post
    It's not the best thing if Blizzard force my DK to join a group of night fae fairies to get the best performance.
    Force you how? You still have the choice.
  1. Firebert's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by JavelinJoe View Post
    Played WoW long enough to know the vast majority of people dont want systems like this, and reading forums with hundreds of pages of people saying they arent happy is enough for me to see that.
    The same "vast majority" complain about LFR being in the game; it ain't going anywhere. Note that I said "outspoken community"; I don't believe that this is the majority.

    Quote Originally Posted by JavelinJoe View Post
    I flat out do not want to play any other covenant than Necrolord [...] [b]ut I am extremely focused on Mythic/M+ and if necro isnt BIS for either one of those 2 im gonna be really tilted.
    So you still have a choice; I'll make it quite clear:
    *Pick Necrolord because it's thematically good for your character (in your opinion)
    *Pick whatever covenant is "BiS" (if there is even such a thing") because you feel like only one covenant is viable in your chosen content.

    If Blizzard were forcing you, your covenant would be chosen for you and may not even be the "BiS" one you wanted. That's significantly worse than the choice above.
  1. Kaver's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Firebert View Post
    Force you how? You still have the choice.
    Ion put a gun to my head yesterday. He said join the flimpsy fairies with your Death Knight. I said no. He said I would do 0 damage then. I still said no. But in the end he forced me. I had no choice. True story.
  1. Binaris's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Radazar View Post
    look it like the US military, you have 4 branches of service that work together but they have different jobs the perform same wit the covenants. leaving you covenant for another would be like leaving the army for the navy.
    Something that wouldn't have you branded a traitor requiring proving your dedication to the superiority of one branch over another.
  1. LDancer's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by JavelinJoe View Post
    And I think you're seriously underestimating the lengths the playerbase will go for small benefits, as proven unequivocally by racials. I assume you meant overestimated how many people dislike this sytem. Well sorry, I flat out disagree. Played WoW long enough to know the vast majority of people dont want systems like this, and reading forums with hundreds of pages of people saying they arent happy is enough for me to see that.

    - - - Updated - - -

    You're living in a completely different world. If you dont understand why people feel forced its clear you dont understand the issue because as and I quote preach roughly here "You insist its fine because it dosent bother/affect you"

    Again, if you literally cant see how the vast majority of players feel forced into making a decision that either way ends in one big positive and one or more big negatives, you dont understand.

    Ill make it quite clear.

    I flat out do not want to play any other covenant than Necrolord, and fyi I have 0 idea what any of the covenants do for death knights. I know the necrolords are very close to DK in theme and thats the only one I want to play as a DK, period. But I am extremely focused on Mythic/M+ and if necro isnt BIS for either one of those 2 im gonna be really tilted.
    So to me it sounds like you’re saying I want the theme and cosmetic perks and I want any perks for another choice I make which is M+?

    If so, sounds like you want your cake and to eat it too?
    Sorry but I think you’ll find a lot of us are happy with this restriction as minor as it is. The masses are actually jack of seeing the game designed to keep the M+ elite and Mythic raiders happy, and want a more rounded and even game.

    If you want the big deeps for your M+ then make the choice, if you want the skins and cosmetics and theme go for that, wanna swap back and forth, pay the price...
  1. Boddhi's Avatar
    If you want to change your covenants (abilities) without any downsides you are asking them to add another talent row with 4 options. Then all it takes is going icy veins to let it tell you which one (not) to chose for dungeons/raids/open world. "Ability X is the best overall choice in most situations" > Never gonna change that talent row again. Awesome concept.
  1. Thes's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by keymil View Post
    It's a video game, not a life-long decision of choosing a bank for a huge loan.
    Changing bank for your loan is actually easier and faster than changing covenant...
  1. Firebert's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by JavelinJoe View Post
    a significant portion of the playerbase at this stage in its life care about being competitive, whether thats m+, mythic raids, heroic raids, pvp. If you think its some outspoken minority you're living in a different world. You are absolutely entitled to believe that, but I would seriously suggest you to look at what WoW is as a game at this stage. Most people dont just play it for the story. In fact, I would absolutely argue people play it more for the end game content and being somewhat competitive/powerful than pure story.
    Unfortunately everything above is speculation and not fact.

    Quote Originally Posted by JavelinJoe View Post
    So you've literally proven my point?
    No, I just made it clear that both options are subjective, and potentially intersect, but doesn't matter if they don't.

    Quote Originally Posted by JavelinJoe View Post
    What you mean to say is "If Blizzard were even more stubborn/misguided, your covenant would be chosen for you and may not even be the "BiS" one you wanted. That's significantly worse than the choice above."
    Yes, it's an absurdism, which is the same as the argument you posed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Boddhi View Post
    If you want to change your covenants (abilities) without any downsides you are asking them to add another talent row with 4 options. Then all it takes is going icy veins to let it tell you which one (not) to chose for dungeons/raids/open world. "Ability X is the best overall choice in most situations" > Never gonna change that talent row again. Awesome concept.
    This guy gets it. In any case they should be relatively well balanced such that they are viable in all content and don't fuel covenantism.
  1. Firebert's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by JavelinJoe View Post
    Assuming they are not balanced by the time SL hits, do you think there is a problem? Secondly, do you not think it would be better if your cosmetic choice and ability choice were seperate? Do you think it would be better if you could only change your talent row choices once every 2 weeks?
    Firstly, of course, but that's a balancing problem, not a deep-seated systems problem.

    Secondly, no, as it doesn't make any sense for a player clearly in the Necrolord faction to Summon Steward, as it is misleading.

    Lastly, no, as another user has pointed out, all you need to do is go look at Icy Veins to tell you what to pick and subsequently ignore the row, and additionally none of the other talents (not even PvP) have two-week cooldowns and as such will add confusion.

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