World of Warcraft News and Raiding Strategies RSS Feed

by Published on 2016-04-18 07:43 AM

Blue Post Round-Up - Scythe Transmog, Ban Waves, Removed Wings & Era 5 Clarification

Old Gods Hunter Legendary Card Reveal - Princess Huhuran, Last Week in Reveals

Town Hall Heroes Ep. 103, Into the Nexus #101- "How to Return"

Legion - Artifact Lore
In Legion, each artifact has some lore and story in the class hall Artifact book. Most are currently placeholders, but the Fire Mage one appears to be implemented.

Originally Posted by Blizzard


Felo'melorn. Flamestrike. Sword of kings. Bane of trolls. Its legend stretches back through the millennia. It stands as a symbol of hope, loss, and power-of destruction and renewal.

Those who have wielded Felo'melorn have forever etched their names into history. Will you do the same?

Part 1
Though it is not known for certain, rumors that have passed down through generations suggest that a young Dath'Remar Sunstrider, who would one day become king of the high elves, dreamed of the weapon Felo'melorn. In that dream, the arcane blade burned like the sun and dispatched so many enemies that it created a swift-flowing river of blood.

Dath'Remar would later recount the specifics of the blade's appearance to the renowned magesmith Luminarian as he crafted the weapon on his arcane forge.

Part 2
From the personal writings of Serena Everwind, night elf priestess during the War of the Ancients:

"Dath'Remar wielded Felo'melorn, Flamestrike, like an elf possessed. He was an unstoppable force, at once majestic and graceful yet savage and deadly. The runes of the blade seemed to pulse in rhythm with the pounding of Dath'Remar's fierce heart as he separated limb from body and head from shoulders.

"When the fighting was done, Dath'Remar stood painted in demon blood. As night fell, we knew that more battles remained, and yet, with this elf and this blade among us, we held out hope that victory did not lie beyond our grasp."

Part 3
In the hands of Anasterian Sunstrider, great-grandson of the high elf king Dath'Remar, Felo'melorn became a legendary troll-killer.

Among the trolls, whispers spread of a spellbound blade, empowered by arcane magic not only to slay the most formidable and cunning of its enemies, but also to cut through superior numbers and irrigate battlefields with their blood.

Troll witch doctors set about casting hexes and curses against the infamous weapon, but history bears out that even the darkest voodoo did little to negate the effectiveness of Felo'melorn during the Troll Wars.

Part 4
An account of the battle between the death knight Arthas and Anasterian Sunstrider during the attack on Quel'Thalas, from the personal writings of the former priestess Liadrin:

"All fighting came to a halt. Silence fell over the battlefield. I watched from a distance, helpless as the former prince Arthas cast a spell freezing Anasterian in a coat of ice. The king cast a counterspell, freeing himself as the death knight advanced. Felo'melorn and Frostmourne met, the strident clash of their impact rolling out over the ice and across the blood-drenched tiles.

"The force of their meeting cleaved Felo'melorn, Flamestrike, in half. Arthas's swing continued, severing the right leg of our aged, beloved king. Even as Anasterian dropped to his remaining knee, he struck out, burying his broken blade in the death knight's thigh. Arthas whirled Frostmourne up, over, and down, thrusting it to the hilt behind Anasterian's collarbone and deep into his chest.

Part 5
Excerpt from the journal of Lor'themar Theron, concerning Prince Kael'thas's return in the immediate wake of Quel'Thalas's destruction:

"Our fallen king, Anasterian, lay upon a table in the tavern hall; his broken blade, Felo'melorn, rested upon his chest, the two pieces joined. I told our prince that the weapon had been shattered in the battle with the death knight Arthas.

"Kael'thas walked to his father's body and ran his finger over the fracture, remarking that he did not believe it possible for Flamestrike's blade to be sundered.

"I was left wondering what legacy, if any, awaited our people and the legendary blade that now symbolized not strength or dominance, but fallibility."

Part 6
In the time following the devastating Scourge attack on Quel'Thalas, Prince Kael'thas renamed the high elf survivors the sin'dorei, or blood elves. While the prince and a band of blood elves assisted the human troops of Grand Marshal Garithos against the remaining undead forces, it was rumored that Kael'thas kept the pieces of his father's sword, Felo'melorn, on a sideboard in his dilapidated quarters.

Kael'thas dreamed of making Flamestrike's blade whole again so that it might serve once more as a symbol of hope, to show his people that even in the face of overwhelming hardship, the blood elves would not be broken.

Part 7
In time, Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider realized his dream of rejoining the broken pieces of Felo'melorn.

It is said that the sword was reforged with "magic, and hatred, and a burning need for revenge."

There are some who speculate that the sword was taken to a descendant of Luminarian, the magesmith who originally created the weapon on his legendary arcane forge before the War of the Ancients. This assertion has never been independently verified.

Part 8
An account of Kael'thas Sunstrider's battle with the death knight Arthas, from the personal writings of Kael'thas:

"The death knight charged, his blade, Frostmourne, arcing down. I blocked with my staff, but it was no use; the stave shattered. It was then that I revealed my surprise...

"Felo'melorn. Flamestrike, mended, made whole once again. It burned with righteous fury as our two swords clashed. Each of us held steady, blades pressed tight. I smiled and asked Arthas if he remembered Felo'melorn.

"He snidely replied that he saw it snap beneath Frostmourne in the instant before he slew my father. When he shoved me back, I told him that I had found the blade, had it reforged...

"'Broken swords are weak where they are mended, elf,' the despicable former prince said.

"'Human swords, perhaps,' I replied. And I knew... that day I knew this one thing at least: I might not win, but Felo'melorn would not be broken again.

"Filled with renewed purpose, I attacked."

Part 9
From the journal of Lyandra Sunstrider, distant relative of King Anasterian: "Today, at last, my efforts to uncover the location of my birthright have borne fruit. "It is now made known to me that the sword of my ancestors, Felo'melorn, Flamestrike, resides within the Lich King's stronghold of Icecrown Citadel.

"It was there that the blade was taken to after leaving the possession of the traitor Kael'thas Sunstrider.

"At last, I shall validate my claim to the Sunstrider throne. I shall seek out Flamestrike, and I shall realize my destiny."

Part 10
Last journal entry of Lyandra Sunstrider, distant relative of King Anasterian:

"Icecrown Citadel, I curse your name.

"Along empty halls I made my way, through a twisting labyrinth of black saronite, until I beheld a warm, red glow pouring from a room at the end of a dismal passage.

"I entered and saw... Felo'melorn. Flamestrike, mounted upon a dais. At last, the sword that would solidify my claim to the Sunstrider throne! I approached, awestruck, reached out... "And the door slammed shut behind me. The prize I had so long sought was at last within my grasp...

"But now... I am trapped. Surely death awaits me. Or perhaps... something worse."

Part 11
Excerpt from a speech given by Aethas Sunreaver:

"My brothers, in the time since the Sunreavers' expulsion from the Kirin Tor, we have endeavored to secure readmission. I tell you now that the key to our salvation exists... It exists within the frozen black halls of Icecrown Citadel, in the possession of a fallen elf-Lyandra Sunstrider.

"She dwells there now as a reanimated shell of her former self, but I have learned that it is Lyandra who holds the infamous blade of kings, Felo'melorn. Flamestrike. It has been trusted to remain in her keeping by the Lich King himself, to aid in battle against the Legion. Lyandra was obsessed with the blade while she was among the living, and when she ventured to Icecrown to claim it, that obsession proved to be her downfall. However, Lyandra's tragic misstep provides us with an opportunity...

"An opportunity for the Sunreavers to retake our rightful place... among the Kirin Tor!"

Legion - Mage Order Hall Update
The Mage Order Hall has been updated once again, with more decoration and updated lighting.

Legion - Demon Hunter Order Hall Update
The Demon Hunter Order Hall has also been updated, including some updated lighting to remove the strong green tint everything had previously.

Legion - Priest Order Hall Update
The Priest Order Hall has also been updated since we last looked at it long ago, with more decorations, banners, and lighting updates.

Legion - Druid Order Hall Update
The main Druid Order Hall has recieved a few updates since we last looked at it and the Dreamway has had significant updates.

Blue Posts
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Paladin (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
Holy Paladin Feedback -- Build 21466 -- 13-Apr
Next build should fix two bugs regarding Aura of Sacrifice, although we can't be certain if they're what caused your issue, so please let us know if it keeps happening.
--For a while the spell has correctly worked if it absorbed 2 simultaneous damage events, only letting one of them damage you to the threshold. That wasn't working correctly if you took more than 2--such as in a large instantaneous raidwide AoE--which should be fixed now.
--It should no longer kill you if it absorbs a large damage event at the exact moment Divine Shield fades.

There's one other known issue regarding players of different levels, but that should not significantly impact testing. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Blue Tweets
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Just remove Enslave Demon. IDK what warranted the heavy slap, but a lv55 max on the spell is ridiculous. Just remove it.
Enslave Demon, and other similar abilities (like Bribe), will be usable on targets up to your level +1. (WarcraftDevs)

Any plans to boost healer dps for questing soon? I just give up everytime it takes me 2 mins to kill mobs on alpha
Can you provide more specifics? What class and spec and what mobs are giving this trouble? (WarcraftDevs)

Hunter (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
Just because ability isn't rotation doesn't make it worth removing. Camo as a talent. No instance CC as MM. No Deterrence.
Marks does have instant CC (Bursting Shot), and does have Deterrence (Aspect of the Turtle). (Celestalon)
Instant 4s CC not the same as "CC that target so we can kill the rest". 30% reduced damage(still can't attack) not immunity.
Aspect of the Turtle is literally Deterrance in functionality when pressed. (Celestalon)

Rogue (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
do you foresee outlaw rogues recasting roll the bones in PvE when they only get jolly roger (healing buff) and is that OK?
Yes, and that's okay. When soloing, the healing, in conjunction with the artifact ability, should be quite useful. (WarcraftDevs)

Two words Aerial Combat. For almost as long as I've been playing I've wanted to make a Gnomish Fighter Squadron.
counterpoint: has 3d fighting ever felt good in WoW? (Muffinus)

thrall shouldnt say "Welcome to orgrimmar, have you come to serve the horde?" when he is at the shaman class hall.
There's still a lot of placeholder VO in the beta for characters not recorded yet. (DaveKosak)

Will Transmog still cost money/need special vendor? If not, will the Grand Yak keep the same vendor?
You still need to go to a transmog vendor to apply your transmog. Yak will still the way to do it out in the world! (WarcraftDevs)

If you could make your own server, and state ONE rule for it, what would it be? E.g. 'perma-death', 'max ilvl 100', 'only gnomes/goblins'. (Muffinus)
Would you play a faction-neutral faction? Rules: you can cavort with either faction, but you cannot use the AH or join a guild. (Muffinus)

Final Boss - Destruction Warlock Spec Preview
Final Boss has posted the final spec preview!

by Published on 2016-04-16 07:10 PM

Upcoming End of Era 5, Quin's Overview & Thoughts on Patch 2.4.1

New Mage Card Reveal - Twilight Flamecaller

Tracer Hero Spotlight

Overwatch Beta Weekend Survival Guide - Learn the Heroes & Maps, Overwatch at PAX East 2016

Legion - World Quests
Blizzard gave some additional clarifications today about world quest availability, as well as the original design notes. Please keep in mind we have only had a few days to test it, so the following information could be incomplete or incorrect:

  • World quests become available at Level 110.
  • These quests have a limited duration, with some as short as a few hours and others as long as a week.
  • One faction has a set of emissary quests every day, requiring you to complete four quests for that faction to earn some gold and a cache of loot.
  • Each set of emissary quests will be available for three days, so you can have up to three at once.
  • Quests appear all around the Broken Isles, with markers on the map:
  • Possible rewards include:
    • Artifact Power and Relics
    • Rare item level 805-825+ gear
    • Gold
    • Pet Battle-Stones
    • Order Hall Follower Equipment and Resources
    • Crafting Reagents
    • Pets and Mounts
    • Reputation
  • There are several different types of quests:
    • Regular, Rare, Rare Elite, Epic, Elite, and Epic Elite World Quests
    • Profession World Quests, including Herbalism, Skinning, Mining, First Aid, Fishing, Cooking, and Archaeology
    • Dungeon World Quests
    • PvP World Quests (Not required to complete Emissary quests)
    • Battle Pet World Quests
  • The quest icon helps to indicate what type of quest it is. Swords for PvP, Profession icons, Battle Pet icons, and then different rarity colors and borders around the normal quest icon. The dragon border usually indicates a group is required.

World Quest Availability
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Yes! One of our major design goals for the endgame of Legion is getting players out into the world with friends to do activities.

A few things help accomplish this:

1) Everyone in your entire region will see the same World Quests. Invite your cross-server friends, you can all do the same activities!*

2) Similarly, everyone will see the same loot (or a fallback). If a world boss spawns and is going to drop a mount this week, everyone will see (on the World Quest UI) the mount.**

*Some World Quests may be gated behind personal quest progression (e.g. Suramar), though.

**There will still be random, rare toys/mounts/pets from a variety of activities, this is simply a philosophy for World Quests.

We want to make it easy and fun to coordinate an adventure with your friends, no matter where they are in the world, and what item level they're at.

Legion and the Salvage Yard
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
just saw he salvage crate nerf on MMO-C, will that take effect on prepatch, or will we be able to keep our boxes for wardrobe?
In 7.0, Salvage Yard will give a new crate. Pre-existing unopened crates will not be affected. We’re not THAT cruel.
To clarify, changes like this are being made so that you don't feel obligated to run Draenor missions in Legion. (WarcraftDevs)

To clarify: we're going to make sure you can still get the transmog gear sets. The intention is NOT to remove that gear or make it otherwise inaccessible. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

On Pruning, PvP, and Our Goals for Legion
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
So, let’s talk about pruning. I’d like to give some clearer insight into what we’re trying to achieve, and the type of feedback we’re looking for. Warning: there are likely to be many, many words here.

What you’re seeing in Legion falls under one of two different goals:
  • Refocusing each spec around their core concepts
  • Reduced reliance on cooldowns, both offensive and defensive

I’ll explain these one at a time.

On refocusing: Over the years, as we’ve attempted to add new toys for every class in each expansion, we feel that the gameplay of quite a few specs has drifted away from the philosophies and ideals behind them. For some classes, such as Rogue, the specs don’t really feel very different from each other. For others, such as Priest, the differences are purely mechanical; Discipline uses absorbs, and Holy uses direct healing, but it’s not really clear why.

So, in Legion, we’re taking a hard look at what each spec should make you feel like when you’re playing it, and making sure that the abilities you’re using tie into that. When we talk about “class fantasy,” that’s more or less what we mean. It’s also made us realize that, frankly, we’ve made some mistakes over the years. Each spec is supposed to have some strengths and weaknesses, and as we’ve added abilities to shore up those weaknesses, we’ve diminished the value of their strengths.

Compare a Mage to a Warlock, for example. Mages were supposed to be highly mobile, but very squishy if you can lock them down; Warlocks were supposed to be able to take more direct punishment, but have a harder time getting away. But then we started giving Warlocks more mobility, which meant we had to give Mages more survivability, and nowadays those differences are subtle at best. The two classes should feel a lot more distinct than they do, both to play as and to play against. That means dialing back the mobility for Warlocks, and dialing back the survivability for Mages.

End result: Yes, you’ve probably lost a couple tools in Legion. But so have other people. So, when we get feedback along the lines of “Now I don’t have any way to deal with X”… we might actually think that’s a good thing. In PvP, this means you’re going to rely on your teammates a little more often. In a raid or dungeon, it means you might not want to purposefully stack Warlocks just because “they have the best numbers.”

On cooldowns: We’ve gotten a ton of feedback over the past couple of expansions that players feel like they aren’t able to do much without cooldowns active. When a Ret Paladin uses Avenging Wrath, Holy Avenger, and Execution Sentence all at once, they hit like a freight train carrying a truck full of bricks, but as soon as those effects end, they just kind of… keep themselves busy until their cooldowns are back up. “Your class is fun and exciting 17% of the time” isn’t awesome.

We’ve also gotten to the point where there’s entirely too many “get out of jail” cards in PvP. The Mage is in trouble… Ironbark. In trouble again… Nature’s Swiftness. Then Ice Block. Then another Ironbark. Then a trinket. Then Nature’s Swiftness. Then maybe, if you’re really good, you can get the Mage’s second Ice Block before Ironbark comes up again. He had to use Cold Snap, what an amazing play!

I’m obviously exaggerating here – most of the time, your goal is to force several of those cooldowns at once – but that kind of illustrates the point. In order for a kill to ever happen, things have to get excessive. So, in Legion, we want to chill out on just how strong those cooldowns can be, so that we can let you be more effective once they’ve worn off. Theoretically, we could accomplish that by just making the numbers on those cooldowns lower, but that quickly gets to the point where each individual cooldown just feels flat. “Increases damage by 5% for 20 seconds” just isn’t that exciting. Our only real alternative is to reduce how many cooldowns you have available, so that the ones that are left can still feel substantial.

Now then, on feedback: We recognize that all of these changes are pretty scary, and we’ve been in the MMO business long enough at this point to know better than to assume we’ll get everything right on the first try. So, let’s talk about feedback, and what you can do to help us make Legion an amazing expansion.

Many players have already been providing great feedback and bringing up good points of discussion, which we’re extremely grateful for, and have already made several changes that were influenced by that feedback. For example, pretty early on in the Legion Alpha, we decided against our original thought of removing resurrection spells from non-Healer specs (such as Shadow, Enhancement, or Balance). A lot of you thought that felt weird, and we agreed. More recently, several PvPers have expressed concern that Legion is currently too focused on simply dealing damage, and there aren’t enough opportunities for a skilled player to shine. That’s a big concern of ours as well, and one we’re doing our best to avoid.

However, sometimes good feedback gets so bogged down in hyperbole that it’s hard for us to tell if the point you’re making is based on actual concerns and testing, or if you’ve just been misinformed. For example, one complaint we see a lot is that “classes only have 5 or 6 spells in Legion.” That’s simply not true – as of this post, most specs have between 20 and 25 baseline abilities, with talents, Honor talents, and your Artifact active skill adding up to 5-10 abilities on top of that (and yes, we recognize that not all of those skills will be useful in all situations).

So, the biggest thing that can help us understand your concerns is to be as specific as possible. “I have too few abilities” is certainly a reasonable opinion, but that doesn’t tell us why you feel that way. Instead of leaving at that, try to expand on it a bit:

  • What specific ability do you miss, and why do you feel it’s important?
  • If you’re concerned that your spec will be too weak in a given scenario, what makes you feel that way? Do you feel you shouldn’t be? Why?
  • If you want more abilities, but are taking passive talents instead of active ones, why is that?
  • Are the new abilities your spec has in Legion not doing it for you? Why not?

Those are obviously just some examples, but that’s the sort of feedback that lets us really understand what your specific concerns are. And while there are certainly going to be cases in which we just disagree (we’re always going to do what we feel is right for the game), pointing out the underlying issues goes a long way towards making sure we recognize when we need to improve.

Blue Posts
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Broken Shore Scenario
Thanks for the feedback! What you're seeing is a consequence of the current beta concurrency. The Broken Shore Scenario supports up to 20 allied players at once (and eventually, 20 Horde as well).

New tech allows you to queue and be placed in the scenario immediately, without waiting for a full 20 players. For the first 20 seconds of the boat ride, other players can be placed in the instance, up to the cap of 20.

This will allow you to play a player-filled scenario during the first few weeks of the expansion launch, and continue to play Broken Shore much later in the expansion when less than 20 players are present in the queue.

This also means that the scenario should be fun for both groups of 20 and solo players, please let us know your thoughts! (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Raid Testing Schedule - April 15-18
Schedule update: We'll only be testing Tel'arn on Monday.

High Botanist Tel'arn - Heroic Nighthold
14:00 PDT (17:00 EDT, 23:00 CEST) (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

FEEDBACK: Artifacts in a Raid Context
So for today's raid tests (and going forward), we have artifact traits fully unlocked, and are scaling item level down a bit to offset the extra power. Please use this thread to offer feedback and discuss concerns regarding artifact traits in a raid context. That can be anything from bug reports, tuning issues, conceptual concerns with trait design, reports of traits that can break or trivialize mechanics, and so forth. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Discipline Priest Feedback -- Build 21466 -- 13-Apr
What kind of trinket rules should we be able to expect? Anything that does spell damage = atonement? Or only holy/shadow spell damage?
Not finalized yet. Worth pointing out, there is something to be said for the option of not letting any of them Atone, which would let us tune them around damage alone for Disc. That would probably mean a minor proc rate reduction compared to casters, rather than a very substantial one. And it would maintain the use cases for trinkets more clearly and consistently with other healers--healer trinkets for healing, DPS trinkets only for DPS use (so rarely in serious content). Either is an option; we want to see how it plays out in testing.

The main point above was that, in ether case, we don't want caster trinkets to be better for healing. Disc can get caster trinkets (necessarily, since Shadow uses them), and they can have some damage or damage+healing value, but they shouldn't be desirable for main role use in challenging content. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

World Quests - Time Remaining
Thanks for the feedback. We will be swapping it to the same notation as buffs are currrently (a single number, like "2h" or "49s"). (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

[Feedback] Flightpaths
Final continent wide taxi pass is in progress right now. This should be improved soon™ (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Shaman (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
Elemental Shaman Feedback -- Build 21466 -- 13-Apr
Chain Lightning consumes all 3 charges of Stormkeeper

Thanks, this should be fixed next build. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Heroes of the Storm - Tracer Spotlight
Blizzard recently released an overview of the Tracer hero.

by Published on 2016-04-15 07:48 AM

Update: The Salvage Yard transmog gear will still be available in Legion.
Update: To clarify, changes like this are being made so that you don't feel obligated to run Draenor missions in Legion.
Update: In 7.0, Salvage Yard will give a new crate. Pre-existing unopened crates will not be affected.

Patch 2.4.1 Preview - Cosmetic Items

New Rogue Card Reveal - Shadowcaster, New Mage Hero - Khadgar! Available on iOS Only, Playable on all Platforms

Spring Championship Portrait Issue, WTF Moments #45, March 2016 Leaderboards

Legion - The Nighthold: Tichondrius
Tichondrius is a boss in the Nighthold.

Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
  • Overview - Tichondrius uses foul carrion magic to corrupt players. First afflicting them with Carrion Plague and then targeting them with Mass Carrion Swarm. Players must use Fel Spires to avoid the dark energy that Tichondrius periodically releases with Echoes of the Void. As the fight progresses, Tichondrius will use Illusionary Night to trap all players in an illusion for 30 sec. Inside of the illusion he will assault players with Carrion Nightmare.
  • Stage One: Lord of the Nathrezim -
    • Carrion Plague - Tichondrius corrupts several random players, inflicting 103,000 Shadow every second for 40 sec.
    • Seeker Swarm - Tichondrius unleashes a wave of chaotic magic at all players afflicted with Carrion Plague. This effect inflicts 321,000 Shadow damage to all players in a line towards each target. In addition, this effect applies Carrion Plague to all players hit.
    • Brand of Argus - Tichondrius marks several players with a deadly brand for the remainder of the fight. If a marked player is ever within 6 yards of a clump of their allies, the brand is removed, causing a violent explosion. This effect inflicts 823,000 Fire damage to all players and knocks back all players within 8 yards. The damage of Brand of Argus is reduced the further players are away from the source of the explosion.
      • Flames of Argus - The Flames of Argus erupt from the ground under all players that trigger Brand of Argus for 3 min. This effect inflicts 150,000 Fire damage every 0.5 sec to all players within the targeted area.
    • Vampiric Aura - Tichondrius' allies within 30 yards are healed for 400% of their damage dealt by melee attacks.
    • Feast of Blood - Tichondrius marks a player, increasing their Physical damage taken by 15% and summoning 3 Tainted Bloods that fixate the target. In addition, this effect increases the effects of Vampiric Aura by 300%.
      • Tainted Blood - Tainted Blood fixates the target of Feast of Blood until it is killed. In Mythic difficulty, Tainted Blood returns to life until cancelled after being killed.
    • Echoes of the Void - Tichondrius calls on the void, inflicting 87,588 Shadow damage every 0.5 sec for 8 sec. The damage of this effect increases with each tick.
      As the void is torn open, 4 Fel Spires form throughout the room. Each spire absorbs the damage from Echoes of the Void for each player behind it until it is destroyed.
  • Stage Two: Shadow of Terror -
    • Illusionary Night - Tichondrius dissolves into bats, trapping all players in a horrific illusion for 30 sec.
      • Carrion Nightmare - Tichondrius forms in the illusion, inflicting 650,300 Shadow damage in a line, stunning all players hit for 3 sec.
      • Phantasmal Bloodfang - Phantasmal Bloodfangs continuously form in the illusion at an increasing rate.
        • Essence of Night - As Phantasmal Bloodfangs die, an Essence of Night is created. This effect increases all damage and healing by 30% as long as players are within the Illusionary Night. In addition, mana regeneration is increased by 2%.
          This effect persists for 30 sec after exiting the illusion.
  • The Nightborne - When Tichondrius exits the Illusionary Night for the first time, he begins to call the Nightborne to aid him.
    • Nightborne Spellguard -
      • Rapid Pursuit - Movement speed increased by 15% for the remainder of the fight. This effect stacks.
      • Volatile Wound - Strikes an enemy with Arcane energy, inflicting 428,500 damage and increasing all damage taken by 5% for 8 sec. This effect stacks.
        When Volatile wound expires, a Nether Zone is created.
        • Nether Zone - A chaotic void of Arcane magic that inflicting 393,000 damage every second to all players within the targeted area.
    • Nightborne Wizard -
      • Temporal Orb - Summons an orb of chaotic magic that moves out from the caster. As the orb travels it inflicts 250,000 Arcane damage every 0.25 sec to all players it passes through.
      • Blast Nova - Unleashes a wave of energy that inflicts 803,250 Arcane damage to all players within 12 yards.
  • The Legion - When Tichondrius exits the Illusionary Night for the second time, he begins to call the Legion to aid him.
    • Wrathguard Dreadblade -
      • Blade Rush - Charges to a random player's location and casts Fel Storm.
        • Fel Storm - Instantly attacks all players within 8 yards for 8 sec, inflicting 325,000 Fire damage.
    • Sightless Watcher -
      • Burning Soul - Burns a random healer's soul, inflicting 350,000 Fire damage every second for 30 sec. In addition, this effect drains 77,000 Mana every second.
        When this effect is removed, it explodes inflicting 589,000 Fire damage to allies within 8 yards.
      • Ring of Shadows - Encircles the caster in a ring of souls that inflicts 89,300 Shadow damage to all players within 10-20 yards every 0.5 sec.

Legion Alpha - Build 21491 Garrison Building Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
  • Salvage Yard Level 3. 500 Gold Cost. 300 Resource Cost. 5 Work Orders. The Salvage Yard turns other people's trash into your treasure.. Greatly increases your chance at recovering Salvage from missions. In addition, you may now discover player items in Salvage..

Raid Testing Schedule - April 15-18
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
On Friday, April 15, and Monday, April 18, we will continue our Legion Alpha raid testing.

Remember that Heroic difficulty scales for any group size between 10 and 30 players, so feel free to assemble and bring a group of any size within that range. Mythic, of course, requires 20 and does not scale.

There are a couple of bugs active in the current build - the obvious phasing issue, and an issue that causes many player abilities (and some boss abilities) to not properly consume resources. We have a hotfix in flight for the second issue as I write this; the phasing issue is under investigation, but shouldn't impact raid tests. Of course, should anything change on that front, we'll update our testing plans accordingly.

Friday, April 15

Ursoc - Mythic Emerald Nightmare
13:30 PDT (16:30 EDT, 22:30 CEST)

Chronomatic Anomaly - Heroic Nighthold
15:00 PDT (18:00 EDT, 00:00 CEST)

Monday, April 18

Nythendra - Mythic Emerald Nightmare
13:30 PDT (16:30 EDT, 22:30 CEST)

High Botanist Tel'arn - Heroic Nighthold
15:00 PDT (18:00 EDT, 00:00 CEST)

As always, this testing schedule is very fluid and subject to the realities of an alpha environment. We might have to change the time of a testing session, change the boss being tested, or cancel a test entirely, due to bugs, server hardware issues, etc. Keep an eye on this forum for the latest information, and thank you in advance for testing and providing feedback.

Blue Posts
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Trinkets in Instanced PvP
Trinkets should not work. It is a bug. Feel free to let us what ones you find and we'll investigate. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

World Quests Design Notes Apr 13
PvP activities currently reward honor and loot, but are not required to complete the Emissary quests. You can completely avoid them if you aren't interested. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Priest (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
Discipline Priest Feedback -- Build 21466 -- 13-Apr
You guys have pretty much figured it out, but, right--the passive damage increase on the artifact should not increase Atonement healing. The traits on the artifact itself should ultimately increase Disc's total healing ability (including both Atonement and non-Atonement) by the same amount as the other healers' artifacts. We do want to figure out how to make this clearer.

Disc should be able get use out of DPS trinkets, but we have to make sure they're not overpowered. For example, they have to add less healing than healing trinkets. Corrupted Starlight as the twin problems of being AoE (which will always risk being overpowered for Atonement purposes) and being an RPPM proc (which results in it adding the same amount of DPS to Disc's low damage as it does to a caster's high damage). We will likely reduce RPPM proc rates for Disc on trinkets like this. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Warlock (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
Destruction Warlock Feedback -- Build 21466 -- 13-Apr
Is Chaos Barrage intended to be a portal that is SIGNIFICANTLY better than the other two portals?
These are still subject to tuning; however, they will likely have some variance in how much damage they do (among other reasons, due to the different durations). (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Legion Alpha - Build 21491 Misc Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Character Titles
  • Shadowblade %s (New)
  • Slayer %s - Name changed from "Illidari Master %s" to "Slayer %s".

Currency Types
  • Seal of Broken Fate (New) - Twists fate to provide an opportunity for additional treasure in the Emerald Nightmare or the Nighthold. Max Quantity: 10.
  • Seal of Inevitable Fate - Twists fate to provide an opportunity for additional treasure in Hellfire Citadel or Mythic Dungeons. Max Quantity: 10. Draenor Mythic Dungeons. Max Quantity: 20.
  • Sightless Eye - A rough, hand-minted coin. It bears a symbol similar to that of the Kirin Tor, with one key difference: the eye is closed. Max Quantity: 1000. 5000.
  • Timeworn Artifact - Name changed from "Timeworn Pearl" to "Timeworn Artifact". A glowing pearl A mysterious naga artifact from the depths of the nearby sea. King Murgl-Murgl is looking for these nearby within Great Sea. King Mrgl-Mrgl is looking for these at Timeworn Strand. Max Quantity: 100000.

Flight Masters
Broken Isles

LFG Dungeons
  • Challenge of Valor - Havi offers aid against the Legion if you prove your valor on the Broken Shore. Map: The Broken Shore. Level 98-110. Suggested level: 100. Roles: 1 damage.
  • Court of Stars (New) - Map: Court of Stars. Level 100-110. Suggested level: 100. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage.
  • Light's Hope Chapel (New) - Slaughter Light's Hope Chapel. Map: Death Knight Campaign - Light's Hope Chapel. Level 98-110. Suggested level: 100. Roles: 1 damage.
  • The Aldrachi Warblades - You are closing in on Caria Felsoul, wielder of the infamous Aldrachi Warblades. Map: The Broken Shore. Level 98-110. Suggested level: 100. Roles: 1 damage.
  • The Arcway Scenario (New) - [NYI]. Map: The Arcway - Suramar Scenario. Level 110-255. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1 damage.
  • The Defense of Netherlight Temple [NYI] (New) - Defend Netherlight Temple against a Legion invasion. Map: Netherlight Temple. Level 110-255. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1 damage.
  • The Legend of The Ashbringer - You have embarked on a mission to rescue Highlord Tirion Fordring in the Broken Shore. Map: The Broken Shore. Level 98-110. Suggested level: 100. Roles: 1 damage.

Map Areas
Battle of Exodar
  • The Crystal Hall (New) - Music: Zone-AzureMystWalkingUni.

Broken Isles
  • Azsuna > Illidari Perch (New)
  • Azsuna > Pits of Despair - Name changed from "Azsuna > Hope's End" to "Azsuna > Pits of Despair".
  • Azsuna > Pits of Despair - Name changed from "Azsuna > Hope's End" to "Azsuna > Pits of Despair".
  • Stormheim > Cove of Nashal - Name changed from "Stormheim > Maw of Nashal" to "Stormheim > Cove of Nashal".
  • Stormheim > Helmouth Cliffs - Name changed from "Stormheim > Maw of Souls" to "Stormheim > Helmouth Cliffs".
  • Suramar > [Unused]Felsoul Hold - Name changed from "Suramar > Felsoul Hold" to "Suramar > [Unused]Felsoul Hold".
  • Suramar > Cliffclutch Roost (New)
  • Suramar > Crimson Thicket - Name changed from "Suramar > Dawnscleft" to "Suramar > Crimson Thicket".
  • Suramar > Estate of the First Arcanist (New)
  • Suramar > Felsoul Command - Name changed from "Suramar > Felsoul Hold > Felsoul Command" to "Suramar > Felsoul Command".
  • Suramar > Highmist Terrace - Name changed from "Suramar > Moon Guard Stronghold > Highmist Terrace" to "Suramar > Highmist Terrace".
  • Suramar > Lower Gardens - Name changed from "Suramar > Moon Guard Stronghold > Lower Gardens" to "Suramar > Lower Gardens".
  • Suramar > Moonfall Approach - Name changed from "Suramar > Moon Guard Stronghold > Moonfall Approach" to "Suramar > Moonfall Approach".
  • Suramar > Moonfall Roost - Name changed from "Suramar > Moon Guard Stronghold > Moonfall Roost" to "Suramar > Moonfall Roost".
  • Suramar > Starweaver's Sanctum - Name changed from "Suramar > Moon Guard Stronghold > Starweaver's Sanctum" to "Suramar > Starweaver's Sanctum".
  • Suramar > Su'esh's Lair (New)
  • Suramar > Sundered Shoals - Name changed from "Suramar > The Tidal Marsh" to "Suramar > Sundered Shoals".
  • Suramar > The Aetherium (New)
  • Suramar > The Arcway Vaults - Name changed from "Suramar > The Nightborne Vault" to "Suramar > The Arcway Vaults".
  • Suramar > The Athenaeum - Name changed from "Suramar > Moon Guard Stronghold > The Athenaeum" to "Suramar > The Athenaeum".
  • Suramar > The Lunar Crucible - Name changed from "Suramar > Moon Guard Stronghold > The Lunar Crucible" to "Suramar > The Lunar Crucible".
  • Suramar > The Menagerie (New)
  • Suramar > The Parade Grounds (New)
  • Val'sharah > Emerald Ascent - Name changed from "Val'sharah > Sylvan Pass" to "Val'sharah > Emerald Ascent".
  • Val'sharah > Sundersong Glade - Name changed from "Val'sharah > Shal'doren Grove" to "Val'sharah > Sundersong Glade".
  • Val'sharah > The High Road - Name changed from "Val'sharah > Shal'doren Trail" to "Val'sharah > The High Road".

Broken Shore
  • Broken Shore - Name changed from "The Broken Shore" to "Broken Shore".
  • Broken Shore > Hope's End - Name changed from "The Broken Shore > Hope's End" to "Broken Shore > Hope's End".
  • Broken Shore > The Lost Temple - Name changed from "The Broken Shore > The Lost Temple" to "Broken Shore > The Lost Temple".
  • Broken Shore > The Shattered Edge - Name changed from "The Broken Shore > The Shattered Edge" to "Broken Shore > The Shattered Edge".

Broken Shore Scenario
  • Broken Shore > Broken Shore - Music: Zone-60-TD-DraeneiWartorn-Walk. Music: ShadowmoonValleyWalking.

Death Knight Campaign - Light's Hope Chapel
  • Sanctum of Light (New)

Halls of Valor
  • Halls of Valor > Fields of the Eternal Hunt - Name changed from "Halls of Valor > Field of the Eternal Hunt" to "Halls of Valor > Fields of the Eternal Hunt".

Maw of Souls
  • Helmouth Cliffs - Name changed from "Maw of Souls" to "Helmouth Cliffs".
  • Helmouth Cliffs > The Naglfar - Name changed from "Maw of Souls > The Naglfar" to "Helmouth Cliffs > The Naglfar".

Netherlight Temple
  • Netherlight Temple > Sanctuary of the Light (New)

The Nighthold
  • The Nighthold > The Shal'dorei Terrace (New) - Music: Zone-62-HFC-Archimonde-Walk.

  • Eastern Plaguelands (New) - Music: Zone-EasternPlaguelands.
  • Eastern Plaguelands > Attack on Light's Hope Chapel (New)
  • Eastern Plaguelands > Browman Mill (New) - Music: Zone-EPlaguelandsHaunted.
  • Eastern Plaguelands > Eastwall Tower (New) - Music: Zone-EplaguelandsArgent.
  • Eastern Plaguelands > Light's Hope Chapel (New) - Music: Zone-LightsHopeChapel.
  • Eastern Plaguelands > Pestilent Scar (New)
  • Stormwind City > SI:7 (New)

Map Difficulties
  • Broken Shore - Normal Scenario - Name changed from "The Broken Shore - Normal Scenario" to "Broken Shore - Normal Scenario".

  • Broken Shore - Name changed from "The Broken Shore" to "Broken Shore".

An Eye for a Scepter
  • Step 06: A Secret Meeting - Name changed from "Step 06: Nagaz in Need" to "Step 06: A Secret Meeting".

Battle for the Exodar
  • Step 04: The Light's Heart - Name changed from "Step 04: Revelations..." to "Step 04: The Light's Heart". Accompany Prophet Velen to the Seat of the Naaru. Let Prophet Velen examine the Mysterious Lightbound Object.
  • Step 05: Revelations... (New) - Help Prophet Velen rescue O'ros.

Invasion: Azshara
  • Step 01: Defend the Rear Gate - Name changed from "Step 01: Push Back the Legion Assault" to "Step 01: Defend the Rear Gate". Legion Activities Disrupted Defend against the Legion threat at the Orgrimmar Rear Gate.
  • Step 02: Defeat the Demon Commander (New) - Defeat the Legion within Mountainfoot Stripmine.
  • Step 03: Repel the Legion Forces (New) - Repel the Legion's forces throughout Azshara.
  • Step 04: Defeat the Demon Lord (New) - Defeat the demon lord commanding the invasion at the Orgrimmar Rear Gate.

The Arcway
  • Step 01: Loadout (New) - Get started

The Defense of Netherlight Temple
  • Step 01: Defeat the Legion invaders (New) - Defeat Ogoroth and Toregal the Souleater, and close 4 Legion portals.
  • Step 02: Defeat Balnazzar (New) - Slay Balnazzar.

The Fourth Horseman
  • Step 01: The Return to Light's Hope - Name changed from "Step 01: The Ebon Blade Returns" to "Step 01: The Return to Light's Hope".
  • Step 02: Preparations - Name changed from "Step 02: Prepare for Invasion" to "Step 02: Preparations".
  • Step 03: Upon the Hill of No Return - Name changed from "Step 03: Begin the Invasion" to "Step 03: Upon the Hill of No Return".
  • Step 04: The Dead Shall Rise - Name changed from "Step 04: Raise the Tomb" to "Step 04: The Dead Shall Rise".
  • Step 05: The Highlord Awaits - Name changed from "Step 05: Meet With Mograine" to "Step 05: The Highlord Awaits".
  • Step 06: The Sanctum of Light (New) - Fight your way to the Hall of Champions.
  • Step 07: Lady of the Light (New) - Defeat Lady Liadrin.
  • Step 08: An Unholy Fate (New) - Open the Tomb of Tirion Fordring.

World Map Areas
Maw of Souls
  • Helmouth Cliffs - Name changed from "Maw of Souls" to "Helmouth Cliffs".

World Safe Locations
Battle of Exodar
  • Illidan Origins - BFE - H/A Entry - Name changed from "Battle for the Exodar - H/A Entry" to "Illidan Origins - BFE - H/A Entry".
  • Stage 01 - Default GY - Illidan Origins - BFE (New)
  • Stage 02 - Default GY - Illidan Origins - BFE (New)
  • Stage 02 - GY P01 - Illidan Origins - BFE (New)

Broken Isles
  • 7.0 Azsuna - (15) Timeworn Strand North - Name changed from "7.0 Azsuna - (15) Timeworn Strand" to "7.0 Azsuna - (15) Timeworn Strand North".
  • 7.0 Azsuna - (16) Isle of the Watchers Central (New)
  • 7.0 Azsuna - (17) Isle of the Watchers East (New)
  • 7.0 Azsuna - (18) Isle of the Watchers North (New)
  • 7.0 Azsuna - (19) Timeworn Strand South (New)
  • 7.0 Azsuna - (20) Faronaar (New)
  • 7.0 Suramar City Dungeon - Court of Stars Exit Target (New)
  • 7.0 Suramar: Menagerie - TRex Cave - AJB (New)
  • Stormheim - Storm's Reach North - GY (New)
  • Stormheim - Storm's Reach South - GY (New)
  • Suramar - Crumbling Coast GY (New)
  • Suramar - Dawnscleft E GY (New)
  • Suramar - Dawnscleft W GY (New)
  • Suramar - Felsoul Hold Central GY (New)
  • Suramar - Felsoul Hold E GY (New)
  • Suramar - Felsoul Hold W GY (New)
  • Suramar - Jandvik E GY (New)
  • Suramar - Meredil GY (New)
  • Suramar - Moonfall Retreat GY (New)
  • Suramar - Moonguard Stronghold GY (New)
  • Suramar - Moonwhisper Gulch GY (New)
  • Suramar - Oculeth's Workshop GY (New)
  • Suramar - Suramar 01 GY (New)
  • Suramar - Suramar City (New)
  • Suramar - Suramar City - Docks District (New)
  • Suramar - Tel'anor 01 GY (New)

Court of Stars
  • 7.0 Suramar City Dungeon - Court of Stars Entrance Target - KLH - Name changed from "7.0 Suramar City Dungeon - Entrance Target - KLH" to "7.0 Suramar City Dungeon - Court of Stars Entrance Target - KLH".

Death Knight Campaign - Light's Hope Chapel
  • 7.0 Order Hall - DK - Light's Hope Chapel Scenario Start (KMS) (New)

Death Knight Campaign - Scarlet Monastery
  • 7.0 Order Hall - DK - Scarlet Monestary Start (KMS) (New)

Helhiem Exterior Area
  • Helheim - Graveyard - Eternal Battlefield - Quest Hub (New)

Netherlight Temple
  • The Defense of Netherlight Temple Start (New)

The Arcway - Suramar Scenario
  • 7.0 Arcway Scenario - Start Location (New)

Tol Barad
  • 7.0 Artifacts - Warlock - Dest - Tol Barad - Baradin GY (New)
  • 7.0 Artifacts - Warlock - Dest - Tol Barad - D-Block GY (New)

Legion Alpha - Build 21491 New Order Hall Missions
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Artifact - Death Knight Mission
  • Essence of Undeath (New) Level 102. Item Level 700. 3 Followers. Cost: 50 Resources. Duration: 24 hrs. In order to create the Dreadsteeds of the Four Horsemen, Salanar requires Essence of Shadow from The Shadowlands. It can only be harvested by slaying powerful undead souls residing in the realm of death.. Rewards: 100 XP. 90 Gold
  • Essence of Undeath (New) Level 102. Item Level 700. 3 Followers. Cost: 50 Resources. Duration: 24 hrs. In order to create the Dreadsteeds of the Four Horsemen, Salanar requires Essence of Undeath from The Shadowlands. It can only be harvested by slaying powerful undead souls residing in the realm of death.. Rewards: 100 XP. 90 Gold
  • Essence of Undeath (New) Level 102. Item Level 700. 3 Followers. Cost: 50 Resources. Duration: 24 hrs. In order to create the Dreadsteeds of the Four Horsemen, Salanar requires Essence of Hatred from The Shadowlands. It can only be harvested by slaying powerful undead souls residing in the realm of death.. Rewards: 100 XP. 90 Gold
  • Essence of Undeath (New) Level 102. Item Level 700. 3 Followers. Cost: 50 Resources. Duration: 24 hrs. In order to create the Dreadsteeds of the Four Horsemen, Salanar requires Essence of Darkness from The Shadowlands. It can only be harvested by slaying powerful undead souls residing in the realm of death.. Rewards: 100 XP. 90 Gold
  • Essence of Undeath (New) Level 102. Item Level 700. 3 Followers. Cost: 50 Resources. Duration: 24 hrs. In order to create the Dreadsteeds of the Four Horsemen, Salanar requires Essence of Fear from The Shadowlands. It can only be harvested by slaying powerful undead souls residing in the realm of death.. Rewards: 100 XP. 90 Gold
  • Mission: Salanar the Horseman (New) Level 100. Item Level 700. 3 Followers. Cost: 50 Resources. Duration: 4 hrs. If we are to bring about the return of the Four Horsemen, then we will need to acquire suitable steeds. There is only one man who has the knowledge to bring about this task. Send word to the Shadowlands for Salanar the Horsemen to come Acherus.. Rewards: 100 XP. 90 Gold
  • Saddle of the Fallen Crown (New) Level 102. Item Level 700. 3 Followers. Cost: 50 Resources. Duration: 24 hrs. Salanar the Horseman requires the saddle of Invicible, the former steed of Arthas Menethil. Since the defeat of Arthas, it has been lost within the frozen ground of Icecrown. We will need to send a team of Death Knights to retrieve it.. Rewards: 100 XP. 90 Gold
  • Saddle of the Headless Horseman (New) Level 102. Item Level 700. 3 Followers. Cost: 50 Resources. Duration: 24 hrs. Salanar the Horseman requires the saddle formerly used by the great Sir Thomas, the Headless Horseman. The saddle is buried in the cemetary of the Scarlet Monestary. We should send our champions to retrieve it.. Rewards: 100 XP. 90 Gold
  • Saddle of the Huntsman (New) Level 102. Item Level 700. 3 Followers. Cost: 50 Resources. Duration: 24 hrs. Salanar the Horseman requires the magical saddle of Midnight, the magnificent steed of Attumen the Huntsman. The saddle should be found somewhere within the ruins of Karazhan. We should send our champions to retrieve it.. Rewards: 100 XP. 90 Gold
  • Shadow Reins (New) Level 102. Item Level 700. 3 Followers. Cost: 50 Resources. Duration: 24 hrs. Salanar the Horseman requires the legendary Shadow Reins used by the ancient Dark Riders. The reins can only be obtained by defeating one of the powerful, ancient Dark Riders. This will be a mission for our strongest champions.. Rewards: 100 XP. 90 Gold
  • The Baron's Saddle (New) Level 102. Item Level 700. 3 Followers. Cost: 50 Resources. Duration: 24 hrs. Salanar the Horseman requires the saddle of Deathcharger, the former steed of Baron Rivendare. Following his defeat in Naxxramas, the saddle was returned to its rightful place beneath the ruins of Stratholme. The time has come to send our champions to retrieve it.. Rewards: 100 XP. 90 Gold

Artifact - Paladin Mission

Artifact - Rogue Mission
  • Where In the World is Mathias?: At the Altar of End Times (New) Level 108. Item Level 700. 3 Followers. Cost: 20 Resources. Duration: 24 hrs. The command center known as the Altar of End Times floats above Faronaar in Azsuna. It is one of the most secure Legion locations in all of the Broken Isles. Break in and have a look around.. Rewards: 100 XP. 40 Gold
  • Where In the World is Mathias?: Back into Black Rook Hold (New) Level 108. Item Level 700. 3 Followers. Cost: 20 Resources. Duration: 24 hrs. Mathias is being moved around. Detheroc is a clever dreadlord. The trail leads to Black Rook Hold. Too bad you did not notice him while you were there acquiring the Raven's Eye.. Rewards: 100 XP. 40 Gold
  • Where In the World is Mathias?: Obvious Starting Point (New) Level 108. Item Level 700. 3 Followers. Cost: 20 Resources. Duration: 24 hrs. The Broken Shore is the obvious location to begin our search for Master Mathias Shaw. We must determine where the Legion is holding him. We should question some of the demons there.. Rewards: 100 XP. 40 Gold
  • Where In the World is Mathias?: SI:7 (New) Level 108. Item Level 700. 3 Followers. Cost: 20 Resources. Duration: 24 hrs. We seem to have run out of leads. Time to do the impossible. Time to break into SI:7 headquarters and see if Detheroc, posing as Mathias Shaw, has left any clues for us to find.. Rewards: 100 XP. 40 Gold
  • Where In the World is Mathias?: The Gates of Valor (New) Level 108. Item Level 700. 3 Followers. Cost: 20 Resources. Duration: 24 hrs. The Burning Legion has a powerful ally in the vrykul God-King Skovald. Perhaps they are holding Mathias Shaw at the Gates of Valor. Send a champion, or two, on a scouting mission to see if he is there.. Rewards: 100 XP. 40 Gold

Artifact - Warrior Mission
  • Capturing the Gateway (New) Level 0. Item Level 0. 3 Followers. Cost: 0 Resources. Duration: ???. The Legion gateway in Felblaze Ingress is powerful enough to take your armies to Niskara. Hymdall will need to wrest it from the hands of the Legion first.. Rewards: 0 XP
  • On the Trail of the Great Worm (New) Level 0. Item Level 0. 3 Followers. Cost: 0 Resources. Duration: 4 hrs. Jorhuttam, the great worm, swalled whole the fabled Gjallerhorn. Send your armies to track the beast!. Rewards: 0 XP

Warcraft Movie Graphic Novel
The Warcraft movie is getting a prequel graphic novel called Warcraft: Bonds of Brotherhood. It is a 112 page graphic novel with a story created by Chris Metzen, releasing on June 7th. IGN has the details:

Discover how three of Azeroth’s greatest champions forged their first alliance, in the official graphic prequel to the Warcaft movie from Legendary, Universal Pictures and Blizzard Entertainment.

In a fantasy action epic set decades before the film, the young and headstrong Llane, Lothar, and Medivh embark on a mission of vengeance that will forge them into heroes… the kind of heroes Azeroth will need in its darkest hour.

by Published on 2016-04-14 02:32 PM

Legion Alpha - Build 21491 - Models, Maps, Icons, The Broken Shore Intro, and More!

Legion Alpha - Build 21491
A new Legion build went out last night with lots of data changes. Keep in mind errors are possible in our list of changes below.

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
We are tentatively looking at another Friday/Monday set of raid test sessions, based on build stability. I'll update with details on Thursday.

Achievement Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
  • Forged for Battle Upgrade your artifact forge and be recognized by the members of your Order unlock an alteration for your artifact weapon. Rewards: Artifact Appearance. 10 points.
  • Improving on History Complete the quest line "Balance of Power," unlocking a further alteration for your artifact weapon. Rewards: Artifact Appearance.



  • Brokenly Epic (New) Equip an epic item in every slot with a minimum item level of 845. 10 points.
  • Brokenly Superior (New) Equip a superior item in every slot with a minimum item level of 790. 10 points.
  • Cataclysmically Epic Equip an epic item in every slot with a minimum item level of 359. 25 points. 10 points.
  • Epic Equip an epic item in every slot with a minimum item level of 213. 25 points. 10 points.
  • Mystically Epic Equip an epic item in every slot with a minimum item level of 476. 25 points. 10 points.
  • Savagely Epic Equip an epic item in every slot with a minimum item level of 640. 25 points. 10 points.


Legion Dungeon
Dungeons & Raids
  • Burning Down The House (New) Defeat the Shade of Xavius while he has 10 stacks of Apocalyptic Empowerment on Heroic Difficulty. 10 points.
  • Egg-cellent! (New) Defeat Dresaron after slaying the Hatespawn Abomination in Darkheart Thicket on Heroic difficulty.

Legion Raid
Dungeons & Raids
  • Cage Rematch Defeat Skorpyron in the Nighthold on Normal difficulty or higher without any player leaving the center rings. 10 points.
  • Fruit of All Evil (New) Defeat High Botanist Tel'arn in the Nighthold while all members of the raid are afflicted with Arcane Exposure on Normal Difficulty or higher.
  • Gluten Free Defeat Trilliax in the Nighthold by eating no more than 20 Toxic Slices on Normal Difficulty or higher. 10 points.
  • I Attack the Darkness (New) Defeat a Creature in the Dark during each of phase of the encounter with Xavius. 10 points.
  • I've Got My Eyes On You Defeat Gul'dan in the Nighthold on Normal difficulty or higher after defeating 16 Eyes of Gul'dan within 3 seconds. 10 points.
  • Not For You Defeat Tichondrius in the Nighthold without taking any damage from Echoes of the Void on Normal difficulty or higher. 10 points.
  • Use the Forces... (New) Defeat Cenarius without cleansing each of the following Forces of Nightmare in The Emerald Nightmare on Normal difficulty or higher. 10 points.
  • Webbing Crashers (New) Defeat Elerethe Renferal in the Emerald Nightmare after destroying all her Egg Sacs on Normal Difficulty or higher. 10 points.

  • Hot Swapper Achieve 250000 points in a single jewelcrafting minigame. 10 points.Account Wide.
  • Resourceful (New) Upgrade all star recipes in one primary profession to 2 stars or higher. 10 points.
  • The Shortest Distance Reach level 20 in the Blingtron Circuit Tutorial minigame. 10 points.Account Wide.

Spell Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Item Set Bonuses

Death Knight (Forums, Talent Calculator, PvP Talent Calculator, Artifact Calculator)
  • Frost Fever A disease that deals Frost damage every 3 sec for [ 378.4% of AP ] Frost damage over 24 sec and has a chance to grant the Death Knight 5 runic power. Unlimited range. Instant. each time it deals damage. Unlimited range. Instant.

  • Avalanche While Pillar of Frost is active, jagged icicles your melee critical strikes cause jagged icicles to fall on your nearby enemies, dealing [ 240% of AP ] damage over 20 sec [ 24% of AP ] damage. Frost Death Knight - Level 45 Talent.
  • Bursting Sores Festering Wounds deal 50% more damage when burst, and all enemies within 8 yds of a burst Festering Wound suffer [ 11.35% [ 58% of AP ] Shadow damage. Unholy Death Knight - Level 15 Talent.
  • Castigator Each Festering Strike critical strike applies 2 additional Festering Wounds. Each Scourge Strike critical strike bursts 1 additional Festering Wound, and bursting Festering Wounds grants an additional 2 Runic Power each. Unholy Death Knight - Level 45 Talent.
  • Dark Arbiter Summon a Val'kyr to attack the target for 40 sec. The Val'kyr's attacks will burst Festering Wounds 15 sec. The Val'kyr will gain 1% increased damage for every 1 Runic Power you spend. Unholy Death Knight - Level 100 Talent. 30 yd range. Instant. 3 min cooldown.
  • Debilitating Infestation Enemies affected by Outbreak have 50% reduced movement speed Outbreak reduces the movement speed of all affected enemies by 50% for 3 sec. Unholy Death Knight - Level 60 Talent.
  • Ebon Fever Virulent Plague deals its damage 50% more frequently and lasts 200% longer the same damage in half the time. Unholy Death Knight - Level 15 Talent.
  • Epidemic Empower your Virulent Plague, causing all infected enemies to instantly suffer Causes each of your Virulent Plagues to flare up, dealing [ 150% of AP ] Shadow damage. Nearby enemies suffer to the infected enemy, and an additional [ 27.5% of AP ] Shadow damage and are infected with Virulent Plague. Unholy Death Knight - Level 90 Talent. 2 Runes. Instant. to all other enemies near them. Unholy Death Knight - Level 30 Talent. 1 Runes. Instant.
  • Freezing Fog Howling Blast deals 100% more damage to the primary target. Frost Death Knight - Level 15 Talent. and Frost Fever deal 50% increased damage. Frost Death Knight - Level 30 Talent.
  • Frostscythe A sweeping attack that strikes all enemies in front of you for (0% of weapon damage) Frost damage. This attack benefits from Killing Machine. Critical strikes with Frostscythe deal 4 times normal damage. Frost Death Knight - Level 90 Talent. 1 Runes. 8 yd range. Instant. 6 sec cooldown.
  • Frozen Pulse Your auto attacks have a chance to While you have no full Runes, your auto attacks radiate intense cold, inflicting Frost [ 1 + 36% of AP ] damage on all nearby enemies. Frost Death Knight - Level 90 Talent. 30 Talent.
  • Gathering Storm Remorseless Winter deals 15% more damage with each successive wave Each Rune spent during Remorseless Winter increases its damage by 10%, and extends it by 0.5 sec. Frost Death Knight - Level 90 Talent.
  • Icecap Your critical strikes during Pillar of Frost have a chance to extend its duration by 1 Your Frost Strike and Obliterate critical strikes reduce the remaining cooldown of Pillar of Frost by 1.0 sec. Frost Death Knight - Level 45 Talent.
  • Icy Talons Frost Strike hits increase also increases your melee attack speed by 25% for 3 sec 10% for 6 sec, stacking up to 3 times. Frost Death Knight - Level 15 Talent.
  • Infected Claws Your Ghoul's Claw attack has a 50% chance to cause a Festering Wound on the target. Unholy Death Knight - Level 30 Talent. 90 Talent.
  • Murderous Efficiency Consuming the Killing Machine effect has a 50% 10% chance to cause you to gain 1 Rune. Frost Death Knight - Level 30 Talent. 15 Talent.
  • Obliteration Gain a charge of Killing Machine. For the next 6 sec For the next 8 sec, every Frost Strike hit triggers Killing Machine, and, Obliterate costs 1 less Rune. Frost Death Knight - Level 100 Talent. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown.
  • Ossuary While you have at least 6 5 Bone Shield charges, the cost of Death Strike is reduced by 5 80 Runic Power. Blood Death Knight - Level 30 Talent.
  • Pestilent Pustules Festering Strike now applies 2 to 6 Festering Wounds Every fifth Festering Wound you burst grants you 1 Rune. Unholy Death Knight - Level 30 Talent.
  • Rapid Decomposition Your Death and Decay deals damage 50% more often, and while in your Death and Decay you generate 10% 20% more Runic Power. Blood Death Knight - Level 30 Talent.
  • Runic Attenuation Increases your chance to trigger Runic Empowerment as if you had spent 35% more Auto attacks generate 1 Runic Power. Frost Death Knight - Level 30 Talent. 90 Talent.
  • Shadow Infusion Dealing damage with Death Coil will decrease the While your ghoul is not transformed, Death Coil will also reduce the remaining cooldown of Dark Transformation by 2 seconds 0 sec. Unholy Death Knight - Level 90 Talent.
  • Shattering Strikes Increases Frost Strike critical strike damage by 30% If there are 5 stacks of Razorice on the target, Frost Strike will consume them and deal 50% additional damage. Frost Death Knight - Level 15 Talent.
  • Soul Reaper Strike an enemy for (150% of weapon damage) Physical damage and enemy's soul for (350% of weapon damage) Shadow damage afflicting them with Soul Reaper for 5 sec. Bursting a Festering Wound on an enemy afflicted by Soul Reaper grants 3% Haste 7% Haste for 15 sec, stacking up to 3 times. Unholy Death Knight - Level 100 Talent. 1 Runes. Melee range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown.
  • Tightening Grasp Reduces the cooldown on Gorefiend's Grasp by 60 sec, and your Death and Decay also reduces the movement speed of enemies within its radius by 50% 70%. Blood Death Knight - Level 75 Talent. 60 sec cooldown.
  • Tombstone Consume all Bone Shield charges. For each charge consumed, you gain 3 Runic Power and absorb damage equal to 4% 3% of your maximum health for 8 sec. Blood Death Knight - Level 60 Talent. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
  • Unholy Frenzy When a Festering Wound bursts, your ghoul gains you gain 100% increased attack speed for 2 sec. Unholy Death Knight - Level 45 Talent.
  • Volatile Shielding Your Anti-Magic Shell turns your enemies' pathetic magic against them, absorbing 35% more damage, but generating no Runic Power. When it expires, 100% 25% of all damage absorbed is dealt as Arcane damage divided among nearby enemies. Frost Death Knight - Level 75 Talent.

Blood, Frost, Unholy
  • Wraith Walk Sidestep into the Shadowlands, breaking Root effects and increasing your movement speed by 70% for 3 sec. During this time all movement-impairing effects are suppressed but you may not attack attacking will cancel the effect. Death Knight - Blood, Frost, Unholy Spec. 3 sec cast (Channeled). 60 sec cooldown.

  • Howling Blast Blast the target with a frigid wind, dealing [ 38.52% of AP ] to that foe, and [ 30.8% of AP ] Frost damage to all other enemies within 10 yards, infecting all targets with Frost Fever. Frost Fever A disease that deals Frost damage every 3 sec for [ 378.4% of AP ] Frost damage over 24 sec and has a chance to grant the Death Knight 5 runic power. each time it deals damage. Death Knight - Frost Spec. 1 Runes. 30 yd range. Instant.

  • Outbreak Deals [ 38% of AP ] Shadow damage and surrounds the target in a miasma lasting for 6 sec that causes the target and all nearby enemies to be infected with Virulent Plague. Virulent Plague A disease that deals [ 168% [ 294% of AP ] Shadow damage over 21 sec. It erupts when the infected target dies, dealing [ 45% of AP [ AP ;] Shadow damage divided among nearby enemies, and has a 30% chance to erupt each time it deals damage. Death Knight - Unholy Spec. 1 Runes. 30 yd range. Instant.

Demon Hunter (Forums, Talent Calculator, PvP Talent Calculator, Artifact Calculator)
  • Critical Strikes (New) Increases your chance to critically strike by 10%. Passive.
  • Eye Beam Blasts all enemies directly in front of you for [ 9 + 2,142% 1,530% of AP ] Chaos damage. 50 Fury. 20 yd range. 2 sec cast (Channeled). 45 sec cooldown.

  • Felblade (Havoc) Generates 40 Fury. Generates 30 Fury.
  • Netherwalk Slip into the nether, increasing movement speed by 100% and becoming immune to damage, but unable to attack. Lasts 5 sec. Replaces Blur. Havoc Demon Hunter - Level 60 Talent. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown.
  • Prepared Reduces the cooldown of Vengeful Retreat by 10 sec, and generates 75 Fury over 6 sec after using if you damage at least one enemy with Vengeful Retreat. Havoc Demon Hunter - Level 30 Talent.
  • Spirit Bomb Launch a nearby Soul Fragment at your target, exploding for [ 150% of AP ] Shadow damage in a 6 yd radius. Damaged enemies become Frail for 10 sec, increasing your chance to shatter Lesser Soul Fragments from them. with Shear. Vengeance Demon Hunter - Level 60 Talent. 30 yd range. Instant.


  • Mastery: Fel Blood Demon Spikes reduces Physical damage taken by an additional 8.00%. Also increases your attack power by 8%. Demon Hunter - Spec. Vengeance Spec.

Major Glyphs

Druid (Forums, Talent Calculator, PvP Talent Calculator, Artifact Calculator)
  • Moonfire (Balance) A quick beam of lunar light burns the enemy for [ 1 + 126% of Spell Power 1 + 100% of Spell Power;] Arcane damage and then an additional [ 8 + 84% 60% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage over 16 sec.
  • Moonfire (Feral, Guardian, Restoration) A quick beam of lunar light burns the enemy for [ 1 + 126% of Spell Power 1 + 100% of Spell Power;] Arcane damage and then an additional [ 8 + 84% 60% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage over 16 sec.
  • Moonfire 10% 6% of Base Mana.
  • Moonfire (Balance) A quick beam of lunar light burns the enemy for [ 1 + 126% of Spell Power 1 + 100% of Spell Power;] Arcane damage and then an additional [ 8 + 84% 60% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage over 16 sec.
  • Moonfire (Feral, Guardian, Restoration) A quick beam of lunar light burns the enemy for [ 1 + 126% of Spell Power 1 + 100% of Spell Power;] Arcane damage and then an additional [ 8 + 84% 60% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage over 16 sec.
  • Rebirth Returns the spirit to the body, restoring a dead target to life with 60% health and 20% mana. Castable in combat. 30 10 Rage. 40 yd range. Instant. 10 min cooldown.
  • Sunfire (Balance) A quick beam of solar light burns the enemy for [ 1 + 126% of Spell Power 1 + 100% of Spell Power;] Nature damage and then an additional [ 6 + 84% 60% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec to the primary target and all enemies within 5 yards.
  • Sunfire (Feral, Guardian, Restoration) A quick beam of solar light burns the enemy for [ 1 + 126% of Spell Power 1 + 100% of Spell Power;] Nature damage and then an additional [ 6 + 84% 60% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec to the primary target and all enemies within 5 yards.

  • Incarnation: Chosen of Elune An improved Moonkin Form that increases the damage of all your spells by 45% 40% and causes your Lunar Strike and Solar Wrath to generate 50% additional Astral Power. Lasts 30 sec. You may shapeshift in and out of this improved Moonkin Form for its duration. Druid - Level 75 Talent. Instant. 3 min cooldown.

Balance & Restoration
  • Sunfire (Balance) A quick beam of solar light burns the enemy for [ 1 + 126% of Spell Power 1 + 100% of Spell Power;] Nature damage and then an additional [ 6 + 84% 60% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec to the primary target and all enemies within 5 yards.
  • Sunfire (Feral, Guardian, Restoration) A quick beam of solar light burns the enemy for [ 1 + 126% of Spell Power 1 + 100% of Spell Power;] Nature damage and then an additional [ 6 + 84% 60% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec to the primary target and all enemies within 5 yards.
  • Sunfire 18% 12% of Base Mana.

  • Ironfur Increases armor by 100% 75% for 6 sec. Multiple uses of this ability may overlap. Requires Bear Form. Can't be cast in Flight Form. Druid - Guardian Spec. 45 Rage. Instant. 1 sec cooldown.

Hunter (Forums, Talent Calculator, PvP Talent Calculator, Artifact Calculator)
  • Feed Pet - You may use the Beast Lore ability to identify what types of foods your pet will eat.

  • Head Shot now does 675% of weapon damage, down from 900%.
  • Lone Wolf now increases your damage by 20%, down from 35%.

PvP Talents
  • Go for the Throat When you Kill Command a target at 50% 40% health or lower, the cooldown is reset. Beast Mastery Hunter - Tier 5 PvP Talent.

  • Aimed Shot now does 185% of weapon damage, down from 250%.
  • Marked Shot now does 225% of weapon damage, down from 300%.

Mage (Forums, Talent Calculator, PvP Talent Calculator, Artifact Calculator)
  • Splitting Ice (New) Your Ice Lance and Icicles now hit a second nearby target for 75% damage. Frost Mage - Level 60 Talent.

PvP Talents
  • Burning Determination Reduces the duration of interrupts by 30% After being interrupted while casting a spell, you become immune to being interrupted while casting for 30 sec. Mage - Tier 2 PvP Talent.
  • Burst of Cold Your Frost Nova instantly resets the cooldown of your Cone of Cold and increases its damage by 50% 400% for 6 sec. Frost Mage - Tier 5 PvP Talent.
  • Concentrated Coolness Frozen Orb now is cast Frozen Orb's damage is increased by 20% and is now castable at a location with a 40 yard range, and no longer moves. Damage is increased by 20% but no longer moves. Frost Mage - Tier 5 PvP Talent.
  • Dense Ice now increases the amount your Ice Barrier absorbs by 60%, up from 30%.

  • Arcane Barrage now does 187.5% of Spell Power Arcane damage, down from 250%.
  • Arcane Explosion now does 75% of Spell Power Arcane damage, down from 98%.

  • Mastery: Ignite Your target burns for an additional 8% 6% over 9 sec of the total direct damage caused by your Fireball, Inferno Blast, Scorch, Pyroblast, and Flamestrike. If this effect is reapplied, any remaining damage will be added to the new Ignite. Every 2 sec, your Ignites may spread to another nearby enemy. Mage - Fire Spec.


Monk (Forums, Talent Calculator, PvP Talent Calculator, Artifact Calculator)
  • Fists of Fury Pummels all targets in front of you, dealing [ 2,500% of AP ] damage over 4 sec. Deals reduced damage to secondary targets. Can be channeled while moving. Melee range. Instant.
  • Renewing Mist now heals for 60% of SP health, up from 50%.
  • Spinning Crane Kick now has an additional effect for Windwalkers: Spinning Crane Kick's damage is increased by 50% for each unique target you've struck in the last 15 sec with Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick, or Rising Sun Kick.

  • Renewing Mist Surrounds the target with healing mists, restoring [ 50% [ 60% of Spell Power ] health over 20 sec. If Renewing Mist heals a target past maximum health, it will travel to another injured ally within 20 yds. Each time Renewing Mist heals, it has a 4% chance to increase the healing of your next Vivify by 50%. Monk - Mistweaver Spec. 2.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 8 sec cooldown.
  • Vivify Causes a surge of invigorating mists around the target, healing them and their 2 nearest injured allies for [ 225% of Spell Power ]. Limited to 3 targets. Monk - Mistweaver Spec. 4% of Base Mana / 20 Energy / 20 Energy 4.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.

  • Cyclone Strikes (New) Brewmaster, Mistweaver: Spin while kicking in the air, dealing [ 400% of AP ] damage over 1.5 sec to enemies within 8 yds. Windwalker: Spin while kicking in the air, dealing [ 400% of AP ] damage over 1.5 sec to enemies within 8 yds. Spinning Crane Kick's damage is increased by 50% for each unique target you've struck in the last 15 sec with Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick, or Rising Sun Kick. Monk - Windwalker Spec.
  • Fists of Fury Pummels all targets in front of you, dealing [ 2,500% of AP ] damage over 4 sec. Deals reduced damage to secondary targets. Can be channeled while moving. Monk - Windwalker Spec. 3 Chi. Melee range. 4 sec cast (Channeled). 24 sec cooldown.
  • Storm, Earth, and Fire Split into 3 elemental spirits, suited to attacking multiple enemies. Each spirit deals 75% of normal damage and healing for 15 sec, each spirit dealing 33% of normal damage and healing. While active, Spinning Crane Kick deals 100% increased damage. You directly control the Storm spirit, while Earth and Fire spirits mimic your attacks on different nearby enemies. They will not attack the same target as you. Lasts until toggled off, or either Earth or Fire spirit is destroyed. Monk - Windwalker Spec. Instant. nearby enemies. Monk - Windwalker Spec. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown.

Windwalker & Mistweaver
  • Rising Sun Kick now costs 2% of Base Mana, down from 3%.
  • Spinning Crane Kick Brewmaster, Mistweaver: Spin while kicking in the air, dealing [ 159.8% [ 400% of AP ] damage over 1.5 sec to enemies within 8 yds. Monk - Windwalker & Mistweaver Spec. 1 Chi / 1 Windwalker: Spin while kicking in the air, dealing [ 400% of AP ] damage over 1.5 sec to enemies within 8 yds. Spinning Crane Kick's damage is increased by 50% for each unique target you've struck in the last 15 sec with Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick, or Rising Sun Kick. Monk - Windwalker & Mistweaver Spec. 3 Chi / 3 Chi / 1% of Base Mana. Instant.

Paladin (Forums, Talent Calculator, PvP Talent Calculator, Artifact Calculator)
  • Holy Prism A beam of light turns the target into a Holy Prism. An enemy target takes [ 2 + 300% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and radiates [ 2 + 250% [ 225% of Spell Power ] healing to 5 nearby allies within 15 yards. A friendly target is healed for [ 400% of Spell Power ] and radiates [ 225% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to 5 nearby enemies within 15 yards. 40 yd range. Instant. 20 sec cooldown.
  • Holy Prism A beam of light turns the target into a Holy Prism. An enemy target takes [ 2 + 300% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and radiates [ 2 + 250% [ 225% of Spell Power ] healing to 5 nearby allies within 15 yards. A friendly target is healed for [ 400% of Spell Power ] and radiates [ 225% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to 5 nearby enemies within 15 yards. 40 yd range. Instant. 20 sec cooldown.
  • Judgment now costs 3% of Base Mana, down from 8%.

  • Beacon of the Lightbringer now has an additional effect: The healing and range of Light of Dawn are increased by 30%.
  • Crusader's Might Crusader Strike's critical strike chance is doubled, and its critical strikes grant you Infusion of Light Crusader Strike reduces the cooldown of Holy Shock and Light of Dawn by 1.5 sec. Holy Paladin - Level 15 Talent.
  • Divine Hammer now does 25% of weapon damage, down from 35%>
  • Divine Steed now has a 45 sec cooldown, down from 60 sec. Now has a 3 sec duration, down from 4.
  • Execution Sentence now does damage after 8 sec, down from 10.
  • Holy Prism A beam of light turns the target into a Holy Prism. An enemy target takes [ 2 + 300% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and radiates [ 2 + 250% [ 225% of Spell Power ] healing to 5 nearby allies within 15 yards. A friendly target is healed for [ 400% of Spell Power ] and radiates [ 225% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to 5 nearby enemies within 15 yards. Holy Paladin - Level 75 Talent. 17% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 20 sec cooldown.
  • Rule of Law 60 sec cooldown.
  • The Fires of Justice Reduces the cooldown of Crusader Strike by 0.5 1 sec and gives it a 30% 25% chance to reduce the cost of your next Holy Power ability by 1. Retribution Paladin - Level 30 Talent.
  • Zeal Strike the target for (150% 210% of weapon damage) Physical damage. Maximum 2 charges. Grants Zeal, causing Zeal attacks to chain to an additional nearby target per stack. Maximum 3 stacks. |cFFFFFFFFGenerates 1 Holy Power. Retribution Paladin - Level 30 Talent. Melee range. Instant.

  • Divine Steed now has a 45 sec cooldown, down from 60 sec. Now has a 3 sec duration, down from 4.


Priest (Forums, Talent Calculator, PvP Talent Calculator, Artifact Calculator)
  • Divine Star 100 yd range. Instant. Fires a Divine Star forward 24 yds, healing allies in its path for [ 1 + 90% of Spell Power ] and dealing [ 1 + 90% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to enemies. After reaching its destination, the Divine Star returns to you, healing allies and damaging enemies in its path again. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Halo 100 yd range. Instant. Creates a ring of Holy energy around you that quickly expands to a 30 yd radius, healing allies for [ 287.4% of Spell Power ] and dealing [ 287.4% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to enemies. 100 yd range. Instant.

  • Power Word: Solace Strikes an enemy with heavenly power, dealing [ 1 + 300% [ 300% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and restoring 0.75% of your maximum mana. Priest - Level 60 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 12 sec cooldown.
  • Schism Attack the enemy's soul with a surge of Shadow energy, dealing [ 300% [ 400% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing damage that you deal to the target by 30% for 6 sec. Discipline Priest - Level 15 Talent. 1% 2.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. 15 sec cooldown. 6 sec cooldown.
  • Shadowy Insight Shadow Word: Pain periodic damage has a 10% chance to reset the remaining cooldown on Mind Blast. and cause your next Mind Blast to be instant. Shadow Priest - Level 75 Talent.
  • Void Lord Lingering Insanity persists for 10 8 seconds after you next enter Void Form. Shadow Priest - Level 60 Talent.

  • Penance Launches a volley of holy light at the target, causing [ 600% of Spell Power ] Holy damage over 2 sec. Castable while moving. Priest - Discipline Spec. 2.5% 3% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 9 sec cooldown.
  • Plea (Discipline) Mana cost increased by 50% 100% for each Atonement you have active.
  • Plea 0.6% 0.36% of Base Mana.
  • Power Word: Radiance A burst of light heals a friendly target and their 2 nearest allies for [ 250% of Spell Power ], and applies Atonement. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Can't be cast in Shadowform. Priest - Discipline Spec. 6% 6.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2.5 sec cast.

Discipline & Shadow

  • Holy Fire Consumes the enemy in Holy flames that cause [ 150% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and an additional [ 40% of Spell Power ] Holy damage over 7 sec. Stacks up to 2 times. Can't be cast in Shadowform. Priest - Holy Spec. 1.5% 1% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. Instant. 10 sec cooldown.
  • Holy Word: Chastise Chastises the target for [ 1 + 500% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and incapacitates them for 5 sec. Can't be cast in Shadowform. Priest - Holy Spec. 3% 2% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.

Rogue (Forums, Talent Calculator, PvP Talent Calculator, Artifact Calculator)
  • Agonizing Poison Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 60 min. Each strike has a 20% chance to poison the enemy 12 sec, increasing all damage taken from your abilities by 10% 5%, stacking up to 5 times. Damage bonus increased by Mastery: Potent Poisons. Assassination Rogue - Level 90 Talent. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Death from Above 50 25 Energy.
  • Ghostly Strike Strikes an enemy with your cursed weapon, dealing (176% of weapon damage) Physical damage and causing the target to take 10% increased damage from your abilities for 15 sec. Awards 1 combo points. Outlaw Rogue - Level 15 Talent. 60 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 30 Energy. Melee range. Instant.
  • Master of Shadows You immediately gain 60 Energy when you enter Stealth. Rogue - Subtlety Spec. Subtlety Rogue - Level 100 Talent.

  • Relentless Strikes You gain an additional 40 Energy when you enter Stealth. Subtlety Rogue - Level 100 Talent. Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to generate 0 Energy. Rogue - Subtlety Spec.

Shaman (Forums, Talent Calculator, PvP Talent Calculator, Artifact Calculator)
  • Ancestral Protection Totem Summons a Totem at the target location for 30 sec. All allies within 20 yards of the totem gain 10% increased health, and the first ally who dies can If an ally dies, the totem will be consumed to allow them to Reincarnate with 20% health and mana. Cannot reincarnate an ally who dies to massive damage. Restoration Shaman - Level 75 Talent. 11% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 5 min cooldown.
  • Ascendance Transform into a Flame Ascendant for 15 sec, replacing Chain Lightning with Lava Beam and removing the cooldown on Lava Burst, and increasing the damage of Lava Burst by an amount equal to your critical strike chance. Elemental Shaman - Level 100 Talent. Instant. 3 min cooldown.
  • Elemental Blast Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing [ 577.5% [ 600% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike, Haste, or Mastery by 0 for 10 sec. Elemental Shaman - Level 60 Talent. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. 12 sec cooldown.
  • Elemental Fusion Flame Shock has a 10% 5% increased chance to trigger Lava Surge. Elemental Shaman - Level 75 Talent.
  • Icefury Hurls frigid ice at the target, dealing [ 1 + 180% of Spell Power ] Frost damage and causing your next 4 Frost Shocks to deal 400% increased damage. Generates 30 24 Maelstom. Elemental Shaman - Level 100 Talent. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. 30 sec cooldown.
  • Liquid Magma Totem Summons a totem at the target location for 15 sec that erupts with liquid magma, hurling [ 1 + 45.6% hurls liquid magma at a random nearby target every 1 sec, dealing [ 1 + 25% of Spell Power ] Fire damage at all enemies within 8 yards every 3 sec to all enemies within 8 yards. Elemental Shaman - Level 100 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
  • Totem Mastery Summons four totems that increase your combat capabilities for 30 sec. Resonance Totem Generates 1 Maelstrom every 1 sec. Storm Totem Increases the chance for Lightning Bolt to trigger Elemental Overload by 10%. Ember Totem Increases Flame Shock damage over time by 20%. Tailwind Totem Increases your haste by 3% 2%. Elemental Shaman - Level 15 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.

  • Earth Shock Instantly shocks the target with concussive force, causing up to [ 600% [ 700% of Spell Power ] Nature damage based on Maelstrom spent. Shaman - Elemental Spec. 10 Maelstrom. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Earthquake Totem Summons a totem at the target location which causes the earth within 8 yds to tremble and break, dealing [ 300% of Nature Spell Power ] Physical damage over 10 sec and sometimes knocking down enemies. Shaman - Elemental Spec. 40 50 Maelstrom. 35 yd range. Instant.
  • Flame Shock Sears the target with fire, causing [ 1 + 87.5% of Spell Power ] Fire damage and then an additional [ 1 [ 7.5 + 43.75% of Spell Power ] Fire damage every 2 over 15 sec. Maelstrom increases duration up to 100%. Shaman - Elemental Spec. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Frost Shock Chills the target with frost, causing [ 1 + 50% 60% of Spell Power ] Frost damage and reducing the target's movement speed by 50% for 5 sec. Maelstrom increases damage and duration up to 100%. Shaman - Elemental Spec. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Lightning Bolt Hurls a bolt of lightning at the target, dealing [ 1 + 204% 180% of Spell Power ] Nature damage. Generates 10 8 Maelstrom. Shaman - Elemental Spec. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Mastery: Elemental Overload Your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst casts have a 16% chance to trigger a second cast on the same target for 75% of normal damage and 50% of normal Maelstrom generation. Shaman - Elemental Spec.

Elemental & Restoration

  • Healing Surge Heals a friendly target for [ 550% of Spell Power ]. Consumes 20 Maelstrom, if available, to become instant. Shaman - Enhancement Spec. 19.8% 27% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast.

  • Flame Shock Sears the target with fire, causing [ 1 + 175% of Spell Power ] Fire damage and then an additional [ 3 [ 4 + 175% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 15 sec. Shaman - Restoration Spec. 20% 20 sec. Shaman - Restoration Spec. 15% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 6 sec cooldown.
  • Lightning Bolt Hurls a bolt of lightning at the target, dealing [ 1 + 300% 270% of Spell Power ] Nature damage. Shaman - Restoration Spec. 40 yd range. Instant.
  • Tidal Waves Casting Chain Heal or Riptide reduces the cast time of your next Healing Wave by 0% 20% or increases the critical effect chance of your next Healing Surge by 30%. Stacks up to 2 times. Shaman - Restoration Spec.

Warlock (Forums, Talent Calculator, PvP Talent Calculator, Artifact Calculator)
  • Summon Felhunter Summons a Felhunter under your command, able to heal itself by consuming the beneficial magic disrupt the spell casts of your enemies. Summon. 0 Soul Shard. 2.5 sec cast.

  • Mastery: Chaotic Energies Your Destruction spells deal up to 24% additional damage, randomly. You take up to 5.328% reduced damage, randomly. Warlock - Destruction Spec. Your spells deal a random amount of additional damage, up to 24%. Damage you take is reduced by a random amount, up to 5.328%. Warlock - Destruction Spec.



  • Glyph of Fallow Wings Name changed from "Glyph of ?" to "Glyph of Fallow Wings". Craft a Glyph of ?. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Fallow Wings. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Glyph of Tattered Wings Name changed from "Glyph of ?" to "Glyph of Tattered Wings".
  • Vantus Rune: Cenarius Name changed from "Vantus Rune: Xavius" to "Vantus Rune: Cenarius". Craft a Vantus Rune: Xavius. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Cenarius. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: Cenarius Name changed from "Vantus Rune: Xavius" to "Vantus Rune: Cenarius". Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Xavius. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Cenarius. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: Cenarius Name changed from "Vantus Rune: Xavius" to "Vantus Rune: Cenarius". Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Xavius. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Cenarius. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: Dragons of Nightmare Name changed from "Vantus Rune: Ursoc" to "Vantus Rune: Dragons of Nightmare". Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Ursoc. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Dragons of Nightmare. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: Dragons of Nightmare Name changed from "Vantus Rune: Ursoc" to "Vantus Rune: Dragons of Nightmare". Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Ursoc. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Dragons of Nightmare. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: Dragons of Nightmare Name changed from "Vantus Rune: Ursoc" to "Vantus Rune: Dragons of Nightmare". Craft a Vantus Rune: Ursoc. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Dragons of Nightmare. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: Elerethe Renferal Name changed from "Vantus Rune: Cenarius" to "Vantus Rune: Elerethe Renferal". Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Cenarius. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Elerethe Renferal. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: Elerethe Renferal Name changed from "Vantus Rune: Cenarius" to "Vantus Rune: Elerethe Renferal". Craft a Vantus Rune: Cenarius. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Elerethe Renferal. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: Elerethe Renferal Name changed from "Vantus Rune: Cenarius" to "Vantus Rune: Elerethe Renferal". Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Cenarius. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Elerethe Renferal. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: High Botanist Tel'arn Name changed from "Vantus Rune: Krosus" to "Vantus Rune: High Botanist Tel'arn". Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Krosus. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. High Botanist Tel'arn. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: High Botanist Tel'arn Name changed from "Vantus Rune: Krosus" to "Vantus Rune: High Botanist Tel'arn". Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Krosus. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. High Botanist Tel'arn. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: High Botanist Tel'arn Name changed from "Vantus Rune: Krosus" to "Vantus Rune: High Botanist Tel'arn". Craft a Vantus Rune: Krosus. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. High Botanist Tel'arn. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: Il'gynoth, The Heart of Corruption Name changed from "Vantus Rune: Elerethe Renferal" to "Vantus Rune: Il'gynoth, The Heart of Corruption". Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Elerethe Renferal. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Il'gynoth, The Heart of Corruption. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: Il'gynoth, The Heart of Corruption Name changed from "Vantus Rune: Elerethe Renferal" to "Vantus Rune: Il'gynoth, The Heart of Corruption". Craft a Vantus Rune: Elerethe Renferal. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Il'gynoth, The Heart of Corruption. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: Il'gynoth, The Heart of Corruption Name changed from "Vantus Rune: Elerethe Renferal" to "Vantus Rune: Il'gynoth, The Heart of Corruption". Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Elerethe Renferal. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Il'gynoth, The Heart of Corruption. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: Krosus Name changed from "Vantus Rune: High Botanist Tel'arn" to "Vantus Rune: Krosus". Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: High Botanist Tel'arn. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Krosus. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: Krosus Name changed from "Vantus Rune: High Botanist Tel'arn" to "Vantus Rune: Krosus". Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: High Botanist Tel'arn. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Krosus. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: Krosus Name changed from "Vantus Rune: High Botanist Tel'arn" to "Vantus Rune: Krosus". Craft a Vantus Rune: High Botanist Tel'arn. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Krosus. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: Nythendra Name changed from "Vantus Rune: Il'gynoth, Heart of Corruption" to "Vantus Rune: Nythendra". Craft a Vantus Rune: Il'gynoth, Heart of Corruption. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Nythendra. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: Nythendra Name changed from "Vantus Rune: Il'gynoth, Heart of Corruption" to "Vantus Rune: Nythendra". Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Il'gynoth, Heart of Corruption. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Nythendra. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: Nythendra Name changed from "Vantus Rune: Il'gynoth, Heart of Corruption" to "Vantus Rune: Nythendra". Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Il'gynoth, Heart of Corruption. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Nythendra. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: Ursoc Name changed from "Vantus Rune: Nythendra" to "Vantus Rune: Ursoc". Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Nythendra. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Ursoc. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: Ursoc Name changed from "Vantus Rune: Nythendra" to "Vantus Rune: Ursoc". Craft a Vantus Rune: Nythendra. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Ursoc. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: Ursoc Name changed from "Vantus Rune: Nythendra" to "Vantus Rune: Ursoc". Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Nythendra. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Ursoc. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: Xavius Name changed from "Vantus Rune: Dragons of Nightmare" to "Vantus Rune: Xavius". Craft a Vantus Rune: Dragons of Nightmare. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Xavius. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: Xavius Name changed from "Vantus Rune: Dragons of Nightmare" to "Vantus Rune: Xavius". Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Dragons of Nightmare. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Xavius. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Vantus Rune: Xavius Name changed from "Vantus Rune: Dragons of Nightmare" to "Vantus Rune: Xavius". Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Dragons of Nightmare. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Xavius. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.

  • JewelCraft Name changed from "Jewel Toy" to "JewelCraft".

String Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
  • ADVENTURE_MAP_TITLE - Adventure Scouting Map
  • ARCANE_CHARGES_POWER (New) - Arcane |4Charge:Charges;
  • BOOST2_SHAMANELE_HEX (New) - Use |cFFFFFFFFHex|r to turn the solider into a frog.
  • BOOSTED_CHAR_LOCKED_SPELL_TIP - Additional abilities will unlock as you progress through quests in Tanaan Jungle. combat training.
  • BOUNTY_BOARD_NO_BOUNTIES (New) - You'll receive another Emissary Quest tomorrow
  • CHALLENGE_MODE_NEW_BEST - %s - New Best! Weekly Best!
  • CHALLENGE_MODE_NO_RUNS_THIS_WEEK (New) - You haven't run any Challenge Mode dungeons this week.
  • CHALLENGE_MODE_WEEKLY_REWARD_AVAILABLE (New) - You've earned a reward chest for last weeks performance. Visit your class hall to claim it!
  • CHARACTER_SELECT_INFO_TRIAL_BOOST_LOCKED_TOOLTIP_TEXT (New) - Apply a Level 100 Character Boost to unlock this character.
  • CHARACTER_TYPE_FRAME_TRIAL_BOOST_CHARACTER_TOOLTIP - Create a new level 100 character and try it for a limited time. You have an the option to apply a boost token to this character at the end of the trial.
  • CHARACTER_TYPE_FRAME_TRIAL_BOOST_CHARACTER_TOOLTIP_INVALID (New) - |nTrial boost is invalid for your selected class.
  • CHARACTER_UPGRADE_FREE_100_POPUP_DESCRIPTION - Your purchase of Legion comes with a World of Warcraft: Legion includes a level 100 Character Boost. You can choose to boost a character now or try a class first before you use your boost. an existing character, try a new class before using your boost, or close the window to use the boost later.
  • CHARACTER_UPGRADE_FREE_100_POPUP_TITLE - Thank you for joining us! Welcome to Legion!
  • CHAT_BUBBLES_EXCLUDE_PARTY_CHAT (New) - Exlude party chat
  • CHAT_BUBBLES_TEXT - Player Chat Bubbles
  • COMBO_POINTS - Combo Points |4Point:Points;
  • GARRISON_ABILITY_UNLOCK_TOOLTIP (New) - |n|nUpgrade %s to %s quality to unlock this ability.
  • GARRISON_MISSION_COMPLETE_BONUS_CHANCE (New) - Bonus Chance:|n|cff00ff00%d%%|r
  • INSANITY (New) - Insanity
  • INSANITY_POWER (New) - Insanity
  • MAELSTROM_POWER (New) - Maelstrom
  • ORDER_HALL_TALENT_TITLE (New) - Order Advancement
  • PVP_HONOR_XP_BAR_CANNOT_PRESTIGE_HERE - Open your Honor Talents frame to prestige! Open the Honor Talents pane to prestige
  • PVP_PRESTIGE_RANK_UP_WARNING - Your Honor Level will be reset to 1. You will lose access to all of your honor talents until you earn them again.
  • SHOW_COMBAT_TEXT_TEXT - Enable Scrolling Combat Text for Self
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_298 - Requires 2 Withered Berserker Berserkers
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_299 (New) - Target's health is too low
  • SPELL_FAILED_MUST_KNOW_SUPERCEDING_SPELL (New) - Must know previous spell rank to learn.
  • TALENTS_FRAME_TALENT_LOCK_DESC - Talents will unlock as you progress through quests in Tanaan Jungle. once you finish combat training.
  • TOOLTIP_SUPERCEDING_SPELL_NOT_KNOWN (New) - Requires Previous Rank
  • TRANSMOGRIFY_CLEAR_ALL_PENDING (New) - Undo all pending changes
  • TRANSMOGRIFY_INVALID_MISMATCH - This armor This item type isn't compatible with this appearance.
  • WARGAME_TOOLTIP - War Games allow you to challenge groups of other players to a showdown in a battleground or arena of your choice. To start a War Game you must be the party leader, select a battleground or arena, target an opposing party leader, and click the Start War Game button.
  • WORLD_QUEST_CANT_COMPLETE_BY_SPELL (New) - You can't use that on this quest type.
by Published on 2016-04-14 12:22 AM

Update (1:30 AM EST): Still working on diffs, added Warlock Class Hall screenshots.
Update (12:05 AM EST): Due to some data changes, diffs are taking longer than normal. New quests have been added to the WoWDB Beta site.

Legion Alpha - Build 21491
Another build is on the way!

Adventure Guide
The Adventure Guide has been updated to contain a filterable list of legendary items per spec and slot, as well as a list of item sets (NYI).

New Models

New Icons

Stormwind Harbor

Warlock Class Hall

New Loading Screens

New Maps

World Quests Design Notes Apr 13
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
Greetings everyone! In the next test build we will be unlocking the World Quests feature, which will play a major role in the endgame content of Legion.

At BlizzCon, we spoke briefly about World Quests, and since then we have been busy adding and iterating on this system. We now have well over 300 World Quests ready for testing. Before you dive in on the test realms, we’ve got details for you.

What are World Quests?
World Quests represent our new approach to end game questing, with a few key differences from other systems such as daily quests.

First, you don’t have to head to a daily quest hub to gather up quests. Once you’ve unlocked World Quests, simply open up your map and look around. You will see a variety of things to do, including which loot and reputation gains you can earn from each activity. You’ll plan your adventure, then head out into the wilds.

Second, World Quests encompass many types of gameplay. World Quests will show you quests, rare elite spawns, rare spawns, pet battles, outdoor PvP activities, world bosses, special dungeon activities, profession activities, and more. Want to know what there is to do in Azeroth today? Just open your map!

Third, and perhaps most importantly, World Quests aren’t daily. Some World Quests will stick around for a week, such as world bosses, while others will rotate every three hours, such as PvP towers. Our goal is for your map to be an evolving landscape of engagements throughout the day, where interesting things can pop up periodically, rather than on a strictly daily basis.

What are Emissaries?
Emissaries are the representatives of the major factions in Legion. Each day, you’ll receive a new emissary quest which will automatically appear on your map of Broken Isles.

To complete the Emissary quest, simply finish four World Quests that are associated with that faction. This will reward you with a lucrative cache of loot. Most World Quest types will satisfy this requirement, allowing you to choose which activities best fit your gameplay style.

Each Emissary quest will be available for three days. If you forgot to log in yesterday, that emissary quest will be available for two more days, and you’ll also have a new one. You can have up to three Emissary quests active at once.

I believe loot was mentioned?
Yes! World Quests provide many types of loot, including toys, mounts, battle pets, and even power items. While many items are still works in progress, our main goal here is to provide you with a variety of activities and rewards that will evolve with your character, keeping World Quests viable for a long time.

How are World Quests unlocked?
As soon as you hit level 110, World Quests will become available to you.

We’re looking forward to your feedback on this feature. Please bring it here to this new discussion forum so that we can talk as we test World Quests with you.


I'm assuming by next build you don't mean the one today? As it wasn't mentioned in design notes
Yes, World Quests are in the build coming today.

You will be able to level to 110.

Oh, and World PvP objectives are a part of World Quests? YESSS, love it. @Holinka Just hope it won't be queued or phased.
Most of them are open FFA arenas, sometimes involving riding a goat. Embrace the world PvP! (Muffinus)

Will reason be provided as to why our characters will do them? Like, how do they know things are going on on the map?
Quest text will be given to you via a Talking Head when you start/finish the quest, and are tied to the zone's quest story. (Muffinus)

For those of us who hate PvP more than GC hated Paladins, I assume the PvP objectives are fully optional?
Both PvEvP (PvE that flags you) and full PvP objectives will be available. Both grant honor. (Muffinus)
That's not my question. Can I complete all reputation besides the inevitable PvP one with just pure PvE quests?
Yes (there is currently no PvP reputation). (Muffinus)

Legion : Worlds Quests
Currently, World Quests can drop power items all the way up to top-tier raid loot.

With the usual caveat that the frequency, distribution, and item levels possible are in a very early state and subject to change.

More challenging content will have a higher chance at an awesome or unique reward. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

4/13 Alpha Build Design Notes
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Hey all,
We have another alpha build going up today. This build includes a variety of revisions and bugfixes all around, but most notable changes are focused on classes:

  • New Specialization Unlocked – Finally, the last specialization is unlocked. We’d love any and all feedback about gameplay, artifact quest line, abilities, etc.
  • Destruction Warlock
  • Broken Shore (Alliance) available – Alliance players will be given the quest "The Legion Returns" upon logging in. Follow Varian Wrynn to the Broken Shore and face off against Gul'dan in the experience that will begin your adventure into Broken Isles.
  • World Quests available – Once you level to 110, World Quests and Emissary Quests will appear on your map. This is our new approach to endgame questing in Legion. Please direct your feedback to the new World Quests forum here:
  • Class Status – We’ve made many iterations based on feedback and testing. Here are some highlights:
  • Frost Mages – Splitting Ice has returned.
  • Frost Death Knights – Many talents revised for more engaging gameplay.
  • Unholy Death Knights – Many talents revised for more engaging gameplay. Artifact ability revised further.
  • Windwalker Monks – Fists of Fury, Spinning Crane Kick, and Storm, Earth, and Fire revised to adjust AoE gameplay.
  • All Hunters – Growl threat massively increased.
  • Subtlety Rogues – Master of Shadows and Relentless Strikes swapped and revised.

Thanks, and we look forward to your feedback!

Also, check out the design notes from the previous build, if you haven't already as well:

Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
New Logging Feature: COMBATANT_INFO
FYI, today’s build should finally include the Interesting Auras data. Let us know how that works out. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Death Knight (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
Blood Death Knight Feedback -- Build 21466 -- 13-Apr
Hey Blood Death Knights. You may have noticed that Frost and Unholy got some significant revisions to their talents in today’s build. We were in the process of doing the same for Blood when today’s build was made, along with some baseline changes, and most of those changes didn’t make it in in time. Here’s a full list of what’s yet to come in the next build for Blood:

  • Blood Strike removed.
  • Heart Strike is now baseline for Blood. It hits 2 targets, generates 5 bonus RP, and snares. While in Death and Decay, it hits 5 targets.
  • Blood Boil damage increased by 300% in order to let it function as snap aggro.
  • Asphyxiate is now baseline for Blood.
    • It also is no longer channeled, and now has a 45sec CD, down from 2min. (This part applies to Unholy’s as well.)
  • Many talents have been changed. Here’s a full list of Blood talents and what’s changing with them:
  • Level 56
    • Bloodworms – Duration increased to 15sec.
    • Heartbreaker – New: Passive. Heart Strike generates 2 additional Runic Power per target hit.
    • Exsanguinate – Unchanged.
  • Level 57
    • Rapid Decomposition – Unchanged.
    • Soulgorge – No longer replaces Blood Boil, but Blood Boil no longer applies Blood Plague.
    • Spectral Deflection – Swapped from Level 58. Redesigned to: Attacks that deal more than 25% of your maximum health will consume a second Bone Shield charge to further reduce the damage.
  • Level 58
    • Ossuary – Swapped from Level 57. Now triggers at 5+ Bone Shield stacks, and also increases max Runic Power by 10.
    • Blood Tap – New: Active. Generate 1 Rune. 2 charges, 1min recharge. Recharge time reduced by 1sec whenever a Bone Shield charge is consumed.
    • Anti-Magic Barrier – Unchanged.
  • Level 60
    • Mark of Blood – Swapped from Level 90. Now costs 30 Runic Power, lasts 25sec, has no cooldown, only triggers from auto attacks, and application range increased to 15yd.
    • Red Thirst – Swapped from 58.
    • Tombstone – Unchanged.
    • Level 75
    • Tightening Grasp – Unchanged.
    • Tremble Before Me – Now a fears the target in place, and only breaks on significant damage, like other fears.
    • March of the Damned – Unchanged.
  • Level 90
    • Will of the Necropolis – Unchanged.
    • Rune Tap – Swapped from 60. Redesigned to be similar to live: Active. Consume a Rune to reduce all damage taken by 25% for 3sec. 2 charges, 25sec recharge.
    • Foul Bulwark – Unchanged.
  • Level 100
    • Bonestorm – No longer costs Runes. Now costs 10-100 Runic Power. Lasts 1sec per 10 Runic Power spent.
    • Blood Mirror – Unchanged.
    • Purgatory – Swapped from 60.

While you unfortunately won’t be able to play with these changes until the next build, we look forward to your feedback on them. Thanks!

What exactly are your plans for Blood mobility, snare capabilities and immunities? Because the status quo is just terrible.
Wraith Walk for mobility, Heart Strike to snare, and no immunities (What immunities are you thinking of? IBF's stun immunity?), plus talented stronger snare, AoE fear, or CC-break.

Will Heart Strike be generating bonus RP per target hit?
Not baseline, that's the Heartbreaker talent.

Thank you! Depending on DnD for aoe damage felt awful and this plugs a hole in our toolkit. I'm assuming it's still 2 charges with no rune cost.

So this is going to reduce the damage by an extra 20%? Multiplicative?
Additive. Attacked for 100, first charge reduces that to 80, second charge reduces it to 60.

Blood Tap is the preferred rune regeneration talent on live because of the degree of control it gives the Death Knight. Being able to bank a Death Strike for when you need it, or just being able to keep tighter control on runes in general without relying on RNG, made the talent great. Since Death Strike has a runic power cost now, is it possible that you'd consider making Blood Tap give runic power instead of a rune? Say 20 RP/charge? And is this version of Blood Tap off the GCD?
We tried it as RP, and found Runes to be much more versatile. We found that you'd generally rather have the option of which Rune ability, plus the RP ability with a GCD or two delay. (Giving you 1 rune is effectively giving you 10-15 RP as well, once you spend it)

This looks REALLY strong. Blood has traditionally struggled with auto attack damage disproportionately to the amount we've struggled with boss abilities, but I think this might be too much. 100% uptime on an 8% hp heal per melee swing is kind of crazy. 3 minutes was too long of a CD but 0 CD is too little. I'd suggest putting it on a 1 min CD and make it cost a rune instead of RP.
The Heal % will be tuned. Probably halved, or more, since you can keep it up more often. We think it works well as an alternative RP spender.

Part of me is saying THANK GOD, because Blood really needed a way to pass AM checks without misusing Death Strike. But this talent is far and away the strongest of the tier, and significantly devalues Tombstone. Tombstone was going to be our answer to large, predictable bursts of damage but if we have Rune Tap we probably won't need to exchange bone shield charges for an absorb, and can take Mark of Blood for a much larger benefit overall.

Is there any way we can roll Tombstone and Rune Tap into one talent? Maybe take Rune Tap, decrease the base damage reduction and the cost to 0, and allow it to consume Bone Shield charges for increments of damage reduction up to a certain cap? Something like 1 charge for 10%, 2 charges for 20%, etc?

This sounds like tuning feedback; we'll get to tuning. Tombstone and Rune Tap are somewhat similar, but their frequency is intentionally rather different, as is how you setup to use them.

No hope for that one iteration of Bonestorm that worked off of consuming Runic Power for uptime the same way Breath of Sindragosa does on live? It's a fun mechanic that's only going to be more fun with the elimination of RNG in our runic power generation.

Also, the tooltip for this ability is a bit unclear; if Bonestorm hits multiple targets, is it intended to heal us for each target hit? So a 5 second Bonestorm heals us for 5% of our HP if it only hits one target, but 10% for 2 targets hit and 15% for 3 etc. or is it going to be that a Bonestorm will always heal for 1% of max HP/second?

We'd like to leave the 'continuously drain RP until you run out' mechanic to Breath of Sindragosa on DKs. Yes, multiple targets causes multiple heals per sec. It's good for self-healing when there are multiple enemies.

Purgatory will still be mandatory for progress on any boss that threatens the tanks
Purgatory being considered 'mandatory' to some is always interesting to us, since it doesn't actually reduce the healing you need, while its competitors do. It's quite likely that if you took one of the competing talents, you'd never need Purgatory, and would need less external healing. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Monk (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
Windwalker Monk Feedback -- Build 21466 -- 13-Apr
Hey Windwalkers. Today’s build includes the previously-described new design for Windwalker AoE. Please give it a try, run a dungeon, and let us know how it feels. There are a few changes still to come that we’ve made internally, but not in time for today’s build, that are further revisions to this, that I’d like to describe.

It feels odd for the only throughput benefit of SEF to be the bonus SCK damage, in most situations (since on <5 targets you likely already have tagged them all for SCK even without SEF). Fantasy-wise, SEF is a really cool spell, and we think this version is too restrictive on its use case. As such, we’re going to merge it with Tigereye Brew, to function in all the ways you used Tigereye Brew as well. With the below changes, SEF will become your primary DPS cooldown, for both single-target and AoE, with the added bonus of quickly tagging targets for Spinning Crane Kick.

  • Tigereye Brew has been removed.
  • Storm, Earth, and Fire has been revised again, in order to fill Tigereye Brew’s purpose:
    • Each spirit does 45% of normal damage, for a net gain of 35% damage.
    • It has 2 charges.
    • It no longer increases Spinning Crane Kick damage.
    • The spirits will no longer attack CC’d targets.
    • While SEF is active, the button can be reactivated to direct your spirits to focus their attacks only on the selected target.
  • Serenity now replaces Storm, Earth, and Fire, instead of Tigereye Brew.

This is intended to be a pure upgrade to Tigereye Brew, so let us know if you see any issues this may cause. You’ll be able to try this out in the next build.

Any changes to healing brew? Because of the removal of TEB we will lose a trigger for the talent.
Healing Elixirs was already thin on triggering effects, for all specs. We're considering that as its own separate problem that we will solve. Current thought on how to best do that is to just make it an active button itself, instead of tied to other abilities, but with the nuance that it'll auto-activate if you get knocked low, just like it currently does (so you can still treat it as a passive if you prefer).

SEF will be used like TEB is being used previously, the clones can/will attack your target and all damage will still be increased?

Will the clones automatically go toward other targets or will you have to target them and reactivate to send them elsewhere?

What will their initial target priority be?

The change and stacks of SCK are remaining, correct? You'll still tag unique enemies to build stacks for bonus SCK damage?

Will activating SEF a 2nd time send one spirit or both to the selected target?

Basically, how will the spirits function in a single target and AOE environments both with and without player intervention? What if you pop it with one target then others spawn?

Will they copy any additional % damage increases like the current ring type buff, or just stat increases?

When you cast SEF, the clones will spawn and pick two nearby targets. Whenever you attack something, they'll repick their target, based on the aforementioned logic. However, if you press the SEF button again they will immediately jump to the targeted enemy and attack only them, never swapping off them. If you swap targets and press it again, they'll swap to that target. If they're focused on a target and that target dies, they'll revert to autopicking (bouncing around like crazy).

The SCK changes should be in today's build. Yes, SEF spirits hitting anything does count as you tagging it for SCK.

Whether they benefit from % damage increase buffs will have to be handled manually per effect (they're pets, under the hood, of course), but we intend for them to almost always benefit from whatever you benefit from. Please let us know when they don't, and we'll fix it if we can.

There's no mention in the description, but since you said it is our "single target dps button" as well, I imagine the clones can attack the same target we are attacking for full dmg, right? Also, whats the planned duration / recharge time cd?
Yes, they can attack the same target as you. You and your spirits each deal 45% of normal damage, for a total of 135% of normal, a net gain of 35% increased damage.

Same duration/recharge as Tigereye Brew had. 2 charges, 90sec recharge, 15sec duration. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

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