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  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by ArgusTheUnmaker View Post

    WoW classic is LITTERALLY a Classic Server...

    It's not SUPPOSED to be a polished shit.
    If it was literally just a classic server, unchanged from what it was in Vanilla, it would be out already. It's not because it isn't.

  2. #62
    I too want vanilla butt. At least more than I want chocolate butt.

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by njams View Post
    The problem is, is that we already know now what speccs will be shit and what speccs will dominate. It won't work, people will FOTM because they already know how every class will play, and what not to play. It would be a stupid move by Blizzard if they just simply copy pasted everything from Vanilla without fine tuning some stuff. The only reason I am trying to discuss this is I want to play Classic as much as you do, but I don't want it to fail and be something that will eventually be deserted because no new players will be attracted to it. People who played Vanilla will not play the game forever, you've got to keep that in mind. It also needs new players.
    You and few others have this problem. Don't make it seem like it is real problem.

  4. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by njams View Post
    Just think about it, we want the Vanilla experience to be good. Not just there for the sake of it.
    If it needs a lot of adjustments to be good, then why were people asking for it to begin with?

  5. #65
    Scarab Lord Triggered Fridgekin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AzazeltheRuthless View Post
    You do understand you have to gear 40 people in a raid, that the raid only drops 2 pieces of gear per boss. No one will be clearing stuff "in a week." Let alone prepared for the next raid. It's a grind...while yeah, you will know some stuff before hand like Nature Resist, Frost Resist, and etc....still people need their tier sets, trinkets, and weapons.
    Maybe not a week but it'll take a fairly decent chunk off the overall length of time since it'll assist with initial success and then snowball faster than it would have before if folks were struggling to get their resistances. I'll concede it will likely take less than 80 days to kill C'thun.
    A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon.

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by Triggered Fridgekin View Post
    Maybe not a week but it'll take a fairly decent chunk off the overall length of time since it'll assist with initial success and then snowball faster than it would have before if folks were struggling to get their resistances. I'll concede it will likely take less than 80 days to kill C'thun.
    Probably take longer than that. If they are doing the true Vanilla experience, we have to do Scepter of the Shifting sands, the opening the AQ events as will have to do the massive war effort across teh entire servers where everyone has to collect supplies. I agree it won't take the same length of time to kill the boss, as people will know the mechanics and have some insider knowledge. Still getting geared will be a big thing as it's a challenge.

    Plus I'm pretty sure original Naxx will still be a nightmare as it was back then.

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by Morssoe View Post
    You and few others have this problem. Don't make it seem like it is real problem.
    We can't decide that yet, because it aint out yet. But this is a forum we discuss and speculate things.

    If it needs a lot of adjustments to be good, then why were people asking for it to begin with?
    It's my opinion. I want vanilla to happen, but I am also reasonable to think that if they just copy it it won't last for long, which would be sad.

  8. #68
    OP, you sound like the people who don't even want bug fixes. Sorry, but vanilla is also quite a stretchable definition. It received quit a lot of changes until TBC, so what exactly is Vanilla?

    Until Blizzard finishes defining that there is not much point in arguing.

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by psyquest View Post
    If you are asking for any extras added to vanilla, chances are.... you have never played vanilla.

    Those that have, know what it is, know the bugs and the missing qol and I doubt anyone that really want to play vanilla AND played it at the time, wants any modification to how it was.

    ■ vanilla had long quest chains and quests that require a group. dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    ■ vanilla had long attunement quests. dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    ■ vanilla had time consuming crazy pvp to rank 14. dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    ■ vanilla had no balanced pvp. Rogues could 3 shots anyone ungeared. Undead SP in rank 14 gear were gods. Mages, warlocks with the right trinkets would 2 shot you. Engineering was crazy stupid fun with stun bombs, MC head etc. dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    ■vanilla forced you to play nice on the server and with people, no rename possible, no character transfer. If you were known to be a dick, you were on your own, good luck finding groups. dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    ■ vanilla required you to prepared for instance runs and group before you journey to the instance with the journey being also a dangerous adventure. dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    ■ vanilla required you to grind some levels to get to 60, also almost all reputations were a grind. dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    ■ getting gold was hard. getting your first fast ground mount was an achievement in itselft. Did I mention no flying? dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    ■ There was no shaman on alliance, no paladin on horde side. racials were a thing and having a dwarf priest was like mandatory for some bosses. dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    ■ enhance shaman could be played with a two hander and a nicely geared shaman would obliterate you. dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    ■ drain mana, burn mana in pvp. dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    ■ no fucking LFG, no bloody LFR, make friends in the server or join a guild if you want to have easy access to instances or raids. dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    ■ God! no transmog. If you were a good player in pvp or a good player in a good pve guild, you looked the part, not another copycat of 100000000's of players. If you were a scrub, you looked like shit. dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    I could go on and on and on. Anything other than the pure vanilla, will just not be vanilla. Careful what you ask for or you ll end up with a poor legion like server with a vanilla tag that does not even remotely ressemble the real vanilla experience.
    exactly. nostalrius was so popular because people want VANILLA. not some watered down, "fixed" version that all the casuals of today can enjoy. There are plenty of players wanting Blizzard to do itr right, they dont need to make ANY "qol" changes, just make it run on the current client, roll back API restrictions that killed some of the mods from those days, and.. thats it.

  10. #70
    I guess I started playing right at the end of vanilla, and hadn't even hit 60 by the time TBC came out (in fact maybe didn't even hit 40). For me, I never really 'played' vanilla (aside from the low level content really). I had to miss out on a lot of the questlines which to me, even to this day, seem pretty epic.

    I was aware of these questlines, but nobody ever did them by the time I got to them as TBC was out. Things like never completing a full BRD run until I was level 80 and could just solo it. Never doing the Marshall Windsor questline which unmasked Onyxia, never getting to do any of the Dire Maul quests etc. Not to mention the AQ gates quests (I got through a fair bit of this solo at 80, but it was still tricky without a group).

    I still play live, and I like it, but it's undeniably a different game from classic. Many of the traditional RPG elements are gone and will never come back in favour of a more Diablo-Esque hack and slash adventure story.

    That being said, whilst I wouldn't change the actual *content* there are a few QOL things which IMO would be nice, but not necessary, mainly being just removing things which were annoying, but didn't really add anything to the game.

    1. More Graveyards. Dying in RFD/RFK and having to run the whole barrens without a ghost form speed boost was agonising. (no instant ress in the dungeon, but the runback were ridiculous).

    2. Items stacking to 200 as they do on live. This isn't a game breaking thing, just simply removes something which was only ever irritating.

    3. Debuff limits etc removed (I think this actually happened in Vanilla after a while anyway?)

    4. AoE loot/Autoloot - just a QoL thing.

    5. Fix all of the bugs - yes, the bugs existed in the game, but they weren't a *core* component of the gameplay, they were irritating and nothing more.

    6. Most controversially - i'd have the LFG tool (albeit limited to your own server). I seem to remember using something in game which wasn't *too* unlike the current LFG tool during TBC, I can't remember if it was an addon or what, but I thoroughly remember pugging Gruul/Magtheridon with it.

    The grindiness and other parts of the way the game worked are fine as far as I'm concerned, it would take some getting used to again, but I would definitely play Classic in parallel to Live

  11. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by njams View Post
    Yeah let's drop a broken game with Rogues dominating.
    I remember when I first started WoW, leveling through Un'Goro, as Horde, and an Alliance rogue came up to me and kept me stun-locked. He wouldn't attack me, he'd just keep me stun-locked in place. Occasionally he'd stop and /laugh at me, but it went on for almost five minutes, the point I ALT+F4 out of the game out of frustration.

    Back then, diminishing returns weren't a thing. And yes, I was on a PvP server because my friends who convinced me to play were there.

  12. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by psyquest View Post
    If you are asking for any extras added to vanilla, chances are.... you have never played vanilla.

    Those that have, know what it is, know the bugs and the missing qol and I doubt anyone that really want to play vanilla AND played it at the time, wants any modification to how it was.

    ■ vanilla had long quest chains and quests that require a group. dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    ■ vanilla had long attunement quests. dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    ■ vanilla had time consuming crazy pvp to rank 14. dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    ■ vanilla had no balanced pvp. Rogues could 3 shots anyone ungeared. Undead SP in rank 14 gear were gods. Mages, warlocks with the right trinkets would 2 shot you. Engineering was crazy stupid fun with stun bombs, MC head etc. dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    ■vanilla forced you to play nice on the server and with people, no rename possible, no character transfer. If you were known to be a dick, you were on your own, good luck finding groups. dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    ■ vanilla required you to prepared for instance runs and group before you journey to the instance with the journey being also a dangerous adventure. dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    ■ vanilla required you to grind some levels to get to 60, also almost all reputations were a grind. dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    ■ getting gold was hard. getting your first fast ground mount was an achievement in itselft. Did I mention no flying? dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    ■ There was no shaman on alliance, no paladin on horde side. racials were a thing and having a dwarf priest was like mandatory for some bosses. dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    ■ enhance shaman could be played with a two hander and a nicely geared shaman would obliterate you. dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    ■ drain mana, burn mana in pvp. dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    ■ no fucking LFG, no bloody LFR, make friends in the server or join a guild if you want to have easy access to instances or raids. dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    ■ God! no transmog. If you were a good player in pvp or a good player in a good pve guild, you looked the part, not another copycat of 100000000's of players. If you were a scrub, you looked like shit. dont want it? you are not asking for vanilla

    I could go on and on and on. Anything other than the pure vanilla, will just not be vanilla. Careful what you ask for or you ll end up with a poor legion like server with a vanilla tag that does not even remotely ressemble the real vanilla experience.
    ALSO: Flight paths didn't chain connect. If you wanted to get to the other side of the continent, you better have a seat because you're clicking every new FP each time you land. And Hearthstones were on a 1-hour cooldown.

  13. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by Sabever View Post
    Who is this thread directed towards? It seems like you are directing this toward the pro vanilla crowd. The pro vanilla crowd wants Vanilla and no changes. The crowd who wants these changes are the retail people who don't like Vanilla but want to sabotage the Vanilla experience. I want Vanilla for all of its flaws.
    funny because atm it seems like much more people who refuse any changes are the ones who want to hurt the classic server .

    without making many QoL changes this server will be abandoned 2months after launch.

  14. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by njams View Post
    We can't decide that yet, because it aint out yet. But this is a forum we discuss and speculate things.
    There is nothing to be determined. Only those who would like to change vanilla have this problem.

    I have yet to see pserver that hyped ppl(that was actually popular server) saying that they balance unpopular classes.

  15. #75
    Scarab Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThrashMetalFtw View Post
    Everything that was great about Classic, was done better in TBC.

    Gief TBC servers naow!
    Me too, thx!
    If you knew the candle was fire then the meal was cooked a long time ago.

  16. #76
    Wildstar had all of those things that "Vanilla" players crave: Long attunements. Unforgiving level grinds. Long quest chains. Group Quests. No group finder (at start).

    And it failed miserably.

    Because most people don't want that out of a game anymore because unless they're some kind of incel shut-in, most people who were hardcore playing WoW 15 years ago are in their 30's-40's now and have lives and don't have 24 hours a day to play.

  17. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by Hewhoknows View Post
    If it was literally just a classic server, unchanged from what it was in Vanilla, it would be out already. It's not because it isn't.
    It is not out cause blizzard trying to make it seem like they work on the project. Meanwhile they are calculating how much money they can milk of it, using nostalrius code ofc.

  18. #78
    Elemental Lord sam86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anoregon View Post
    The first statement in your post is demonstrably false so the rest of the post is faulty.
    what exactly is false ? Pretty much everything he said is true

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Morssoe View Post
    It is not out cause blizzard trying to make it seem like they work on the project. Meanwhile they are calculating how much money they can milk of it, using nostalrius code ofc.
    why would they use nostalrius code when they actually created the game ?
    The beginning of wisdom is the statement 'I do not know.' The person who cannot make that statement is one who will never learn anything. And I have prided myself on my ability to learn
    Thrall 7:20+ "Alliance remaining super power", clearly blizz favor horde too much, that they made alliance the super power

  19. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by Morssoe View Post
    There is nothing to be determined. Only those who would like to change vanilla have this problem.

    I have yet to see pserver that hyped ppl(that was actually popular server) saying that they balance unpopular classes.
    This forum would be quite boring if we couldn't have these discussions. I am just trying to figure out why people can be so black and white about different opinions. AoE loot? BfA is for you! Debuff Limit removed? BfA is around the corner mate! Tweaking classes so there won't be the same classes? No mate classic as it should be.

    I also voted for a Classic Return, but also vowed with some QoL changes. So why can't bring my opinions to this matter?

  20. #80
    Elemental Lord sam86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelangel View Post
    Wildstar had all of those things that "Vanilla" players crave: Long attunements. Unforgiving level grinds. Long quest chains. Group Quests. No group finder (at start).
    Wildstar has a killing problem of having only 4 active spells in-game at time, I don't remember that ever in anytime EVER in wow history
    The beginning of wisdom is the statement 'I do not know.' The person who cannot make that statement is one who will never learn anything. And I have prided myself on my ability to learn
    Thrall 7:20+ "Alliance remaining super power", clearly blizz favor horde too much, that they made alliance the super power

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