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  1. #221
    minimal effort
    maximum gain

    Aka a cashgrab

  2. #222
    No pet/mount/toy collection tab
    No LFR/LFG
    No transmog/reforge
    Weapon skills
    Spell ranks
    Key rings
    Reagent for buffs
    Arrows, bullets, poisons, etc
    No in-game quest helper (not even quest helper addon, check thottbot or whatever)
    Compared to today, raid boss mechanics were crazily simple, and class rotation were almost non-existant
    and ofc vastly inferior graphics
    Is this your reasoning for me wanting classic because of "nostalgia"? These QoL things you speak of, are why i don't play the game. Also it's not made for new players, which doesn't say they wont like it.

    What a joke. Key rings...implying that the removal of attuning is a QoL. Just stay in retail and make sure you take everyone that thinks like you along.
    Last edited by mmoc19de4c2ef6; 2018-12-08 at 07:16 AM.

  3. #223
    High Overlord syar's Avatar
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    If you are not antisocial you can sympathize with the desire for a community. That is ( well actually was ) one of the main selling points of MMO-s. Btw I if you strip the game of the social features then I see little reason to play , there are much better offline games that deliver a great single player experience. ( e.g. Wither 3 ). Why blizzard thought in the last 10 years that pixel mounts can be better than social features is beyond me.

  4. #224
    Quote Originally Posted by ashblond View Post
    I can't deny that the main reason is money. Of course it is money for a business like Blizzard.

    Instead of improving the current game, blizzard now also tries to make easy money from people's nostalgia with little effort.

    That is why I think it is a very desperate way.
    As i see it, they have continually made adjustements to the game to cater to a more casual playerbase.. To the point where the playerbase that supported the game from the beginning are being alienated, so they've cancelled their sub, some many years ago..

    For years blizzard were either too proud and stubborn to release classic wow, or peehaps they didn't think it would make a profit. But while retail is doing worse and worse, and classic private servers are doing quite well, it seems like they realised it might be worth the gamble.

  5. #225
    A lot of these quality of life stuff will have add ons for. If you think people have the patience to stand in ORG or IF to looking for a tank you are sorely misstaken. Only a extremely small portion of the playerbase found that remotely fun. I played Vanilla and I can tell you that it wasn't fun to stand still in ORG looking for a tank.
    So if you think a LFG system won't be demanded for, you're wrong lol.

  6. #226
    Stood in the Fire Sinaa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Speedlance View Post
    A lot of these quality of life stuff will have add ons for. If you think people have the patience to stand in ORG or IF to looking for a tank you are sorely misstaken. Only a extremely small portion of the playerbase found that remotely fun. I played Vanilla and I can tell you that it wasn't fun to stand still in ORG looking for a tank.
    So if you think a LFG system won't be demanded for, you're wrong lol.
    There will be a lot more tank players playing classic than in vanilla. Why? Because tanking is a lot of fun, the reason why there aren't that many tanks today in current WoW is because the excessively complicated boss mechanics make it so that most players hate the effort required to learn the fights as a tank, I loved tanking in Naxxramas in Wrath, in Legion I hated it, even just doing it in low M+ felt too much of a chore.

    The lack of lfg certainly will be felt, then again the content that vanilla had was a lot more accommodating to large guilds than what we have today. I remember that in vanilla & even in TBC in my reasonably large guild I never had problems to get ppl to play with me doing anything that needed a group...

  7. #227
    Quote Originally Posted by Silver Forte View Post
    There are two reasons. One obviously is to combat private vanilla servers, the other being to bring back or retain people who prefer classic.
    There is obviously no need for Blizzard to combat private servers, since their player numbers don't even add up to 100k, and a LOT of people playing there wouldn't just start paying sub if those servers disappeared. The majority of them are also not vanilla servers. Blizzard would have been cracking down on private servers a lot harder than they are if they really cared. It is proven that piracy can actually increase sales, since many people treat pirated content as demo, and those who weren't going to buy it in the first place won't buy it just because they can't access it otherwise. I personally knew people who first played on private servers and then subbed, because they found the game that much fun. The overwhelming majority of players coming to Classic will be returning players that didn't bother with private servers at all, those who still play retail but miss vanilla, and new players that never got a shot at it.
    Last edited by Airlick; 2018-12-08 at 09:01 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Maxos View Post
    When you play the game of MMOs, you win or you go f2p.

  8. #228
    So many people in here so sure the reason people want classic is purely nostalgia. Maybe different people enjoy different things.
    And if you need any proof that old school games are back on the upswing look at all the games being remastered of late.

    I know a lot of my friends are tired of retail routinely stripping core mmorpg features out of the game, or the fanbase being upset when blizzard utilizes core MMO mechanics (long term goal oriented rewards).

    Maybe you don't want classic, or don't think it will do well, but private servers wouldn't still be available If there was not a market for it.

    I mean for example, most modern gamers don't like freemium games or phone based games, but clearly there is a market for those games.

    Oh and if modern games are so good... explain battle for azeroth, fallout 76, and other such games.

  9. #229
    So many people in here so sure the reason people want classic is purely nostalgia. Maybe different people enjoy different things.
    And if you need any proof that old school games are back on the upswing look at all the games being remastered of late.
    These are people that either never played the game or were like "pls boost DM".

    I guess attuning didn't exist, it was a fabrication of my mind. Same goes for mage portals being an actual money maker. So were the massive quest chains and "being the guy with all the keys", or the guy that everyone knows for his professions. The feeling of community overall.

    A whole world that was constantly relevant, at no point blizz released content that made everything prior to be totally useless. Example, WotLK once toc/IC got released, instantly 80% of the game content became useless. That never happened in vanilla.

    Totally nostalgia i tell you, these things never actually existed.

    I mean, all i can do is wonder, why do these people even care why there are players that want classic.

    In short the game was a Social mmoRPG. It required you to be social to have any sort of progression, and this is in no way Nostalgia. Today you can simply play single player and then maybe join a guild if you want to push high mythic or mythic raiding.

    I realize that i will never get the same experience again, its impossible and the factors for that are allot, but calling it a simple nostalgia is borderline retarded.

  10. #230
    Quote Originally Posted by Deficineiron View Post
    citing corporation's fiduciary duty to maximize shareholder value is conspiracy talk here
    It is when you go with the "everything Blizz does is just a trick to increase MUAs and they don't care if anything is actually fun and anyone who likes it is a shill" angle.
    The most difficult thing to do is accept that there is nothing wrong with things you don't like and accept that people can like things you don't.

  11. #231
    Quote Originally Posted by Raelbo View Post
    No, people want Classic because of nostalgia. And I am not saying that to be condescending, it's a perfectly valid reason to want to have Classic, but it doesn't mean that the game back then was objectively better. It wasn't.

    Which parts of retail are objectively better than Vanilla?

    And keep in mind that neither "convenience" nor "accessibility" make for a better game. If I maximize convenience and accessibility, I arrive at somethingthat requires absolutely zero commitment or effort on the part of the player, to reap all the benefits the experience has to offer. While that can certainly be enjoyable, it doesn't make for a better game, because such systems already exist...we call them TV Shows or Movies.

    Graphics too don't make for a better game. Proof: Minecraft. By any standard, Minecraft has horrible graphics and animations, even compared to a grandfather such as WoW...but it still is an incredibly fun game. Pokemon Red is still fun, as is Super Mario Bros. both of which have Pixel-Graphics.

    So, what is a "better game" then?

    I would argue that technical stability, especially the netcode, security, installation via a content distribution system and interconnection with other games from the same company make for objectively better games. Well: Thanks to 14 years of development, Classic will have all these advantages when launching in Summer '19. So there is no advantage of Retail in that department either.

  12. #232
    Because they see a profit in it.

  13. #233
    Quote Originally Posted by wegwacc View Post
    Which parts of retail are objectively better than Vanilla?

    And keep in mind that neither "convenience" nor "accessibility" make for a better game. If I maximize convenience and accessibility, I arrive at somethingthat requires absolutely zero commitment or effort on the part of the player, to reap all the benefits the experience has to offer. While that can certainly be enjoyable, it doesn't make for a better game, because such systems already exist...we call them TV Shows or Movies.

    Graphics too don't make for a better game. Proof: Minecraft. By any standard, Minecraft has horrible graphics and animations, even compared to a grandfather such as WoW...but it still is an incredibly fun game. Pokemon Red is still fun, as is Super Mario Bros. both of which have Pixel-Graphics.

    So, what is a "better game" then?

    I would argue that technical stability, especially the netcode, security, installation via a content distribution system and interconnection with other games from the same company make for objectively better games. Well: Thanks to 14 years of development, Classic will have all these advantages when launching in Summer '19. So there is no advantage of Retail in that department either.
    The continuance of the story.
    The moving forward of ideals of gameplay experience and moving forward in lore.
    Not being stuck in an continuous cycle that has been repeated and done over and over, even if it is still a fun experience. Just as a clarification, I love going back and playing RE, but I still played RE2-6 even though I might not have enjoyed the gameplay of 5 and 6 as much.
    Progression of characters.
    Exploring new zones and not being trapped (for lack of a better word) exploring the exact same areas over and over for years (10+) at a time.

  14. #234
    Thank you for your answer. I will discuss and challenge each point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eapoe View Post
    The continuance of the story.
    The moving forward of ideals of gameplay experience and moving forward in lore.
    Really two different things. Lore has developed, yes, but that is a continuation, not an improvement. Some parts of the lore were very good (Arthas, Deathwing), others were ridiculously bad (WoD, MoP, BfA). We could also discuss whether it's a good thing that expansions since WotLK tend to go towards one "Big Bad" in comparison to having an open world where a lot of unrelated stuff happens in parallel.

    Moving forward gameplay wise...what?
    Most classes have been pruned of their iconic abilities, and simultaneously homogenized to the point where there is little left of the class fantasy. Social gameplay has been stripped almost completely, crafting is reduced to basically alchemy and a few inscription consumables. Quests are a strictly linear journey through zones that look open, but are really tunnels you are meant to experience in one way, and one way only. The world is an obstacle rather than an experience, and so is leveling. All content below maxlvl is homogenized up to and including levels itself (world-lvl-tuning). The gameplay motivation has been purely reward driven since late Cata.

    How did any of these things improve gameplay?
    All I see is the continuous REMOVAL of gameplay elements iconic to MMORPGs, in favor of a solo-centered action MMO. That is not improvement, that's ruin.

    Not being stuck in an continuous cycle that has been repeated and done over and over, even if it is still a fun experience. Just as a clarification, I love going back and playing RE, but I still played RE2-6 even though I might not have enjoyed the gameplay of 5 and 6 as much.
    A continuous cycle such as, for example, having raid tiers that completely wipe out all previous progress, because the purely reward driven content has to provide ludicrous increases in power, so that even the lower tiers of each raid nullify the highest gains from the previous one? Because that hamster-wheel is what I would call "continuous cycle".

    Progression of characters.
    I hope you are talking about lore characters here, because as explained before, our toons didn't progress, they devolved.

    Exploring new zones and not being trapped (for lack of a better word) exploring the exact same areas over and over for years (10+) at a time.

    That is one I could actually agree with, were it not for the fact that ever since cata, zones don't feel like zones any more, because of the strictly guided nature of their quests. In Vanilla/TBC/WotLK zones felt like they were first made, and then given to the quest designers going "Okay guys, what can we put there?". Nowadays, zones feel like they were designed in reverse: "Okay guys, here are the quests and rewards we want in the zone, now design it around that". Result are strictly linear tunnels, where you walk from one hub on to the next until you are finished. They invite no exploration, and no return other than for World Quests (which are dots you visit and get away from asap) and herb/mineral farming.

    Another consequence of that "reverse design" is that zones are completely self-contained. When was the last time you did quests that spanned multiple zones, or farmed for a crafting recipe that actually required you to collect stuff from multiple parts of the game world? This doesn't happen in modern, over-designed, over-streamlined wow any more. You go into a zone, you do the quests and then you are done with it. The world may be larger, and the zones new, but they don't feel like parts of a bigger whole, like old Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms did, they feel like levels in an action rpg that you explore one after another and then forget about.

    And since it's the same philosophy in every zone, they all feel alike.

    Vanilla, the Zones had character. They were not designed around maximum convenience while you follow the quests. They were obstacles, arenas, farmspots, levelarea all in one. They felt natural and invited me to go back, over and over again. I love Desolace to this day. I don't give a damn however, whether I farm "Herb I need for Pot X" in Legions "Generic Mountainrange" or BfAs "Generic Swamp", because neither is a Zone...they are both just quest-locations and farm-routes to me.
    Last edited by mmoc76fffd2ed2; 2018-12-08 at 07:57 PM.

  15. #235
    Quote Originally Posted by wegwacc View Post
    Thank you for your answer. I will discuss and challenge each point.

    Really two different things. Lore has developed, yes, but that is a continuation, not an improvement. Some parts of the lore were very good (Arthas, Deathwing), others were ridiculously bad (WoD, MoP, BfA). We could also discuss whether it's a good thing that expansions since WotLK tend to go towards one "Big Bad" in comparison to having an open world where a lot of unrelated stuff happens in parallel.

    Moving forward gameplay wise...what?
    Most classes have been pruned of their iconic abilities, and simultaneously homogenized to the point where there is little left of the class fantasy. Social gameplay has been stripped almost completely, crafting is reduced to basically alchemy and a few inscription consumables. Quests are a strictly linear journey through zones that look open, but are really tunnels you are meant to experience in one way, and one way only. The world is an obstacle rather than an experience, and so is leveling. All content below maxlvl is homogenized up to and including levels itself (world-lvl-tuning). The gameplay motivation has been purely reward driven since late Cata.

    How did any of these things improve gameplay?
    All I see is the continuous REMOVAL of gameplay elements iconic to MMORPGs, in favor of a solo-centered action MMO. That is not improvement, that's ruin.

    A continuous cycle such as, for example, having raid tiers that completely wipe out all previous progress, because the purely reward driven content has to provide ludicrous increases in power, so that even the lower tiers of each raid nullify the highest gains from the previous one? Because that hamster-wheel is what I would call "continuous cycle".

    I hope you are talking about lore characters here, because as explained before, our toons didn't progress, they devolved.

    That is one I could actually agree with, were it not for the fact that ever since cata, zones don't feel like zones any more, because of the strictly guided nature of their quests. In Vanilla/TBC/WotLK zones felt like they were first made, and then given to the quest designers going "Okay guys, what can we put there?". Nowadays, zones feel like they were designed in reverse: "Okay guys, here are the quests and rewards we want in the zone, now design it around that". Result are strictly linear tunnels, where you walk from one hub on to the next until you are finished. They invite no exploration, and no return other than for World Quests (which are dots you visit and get away from asap) and herb/mineral farming.

    Another consequence of that "reverse design" is that zones are completely self-contained. When was the last time you did quests that spanned multiple zones, or farmed for a crafting recipe that actually required you to collect stuff from multiple parts of the game world? This doesn't happen in modern, over-designed, over-streamlined wow any more. You go into a zone, you do the quests and then you are done with it. The world may be larger, and the zones new, but they don't feel like parts of a bigger whole, like old Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms did, they feel like levels in an action rpg that you explore one after another and then forget about.

    And since it's the same philosophy in every zone, they all feel alike.

    Vanilla, the Zones had character. They were not designed around maximum convenience while you follow the quests. They were obstacles, arenas, farmspots, levelarea all in one. They felt natural and invited me to go back, over and over again. I love Desolace to this day. I don't give a damn however, whether I farm "Herb I need for Pot X" in Legions "Generic Mountainrange" or BfAs "Generic Swamp", because neither is a Zone...they are both just quest-locations and farm-routes to me.
    The fact that lore continues IS the improvement and the better of the 2, instead of having a stagnant point. I didn’t say the lore is better, I said the continuation is better, instead of having a story in stagnation such as one that is classic wow that clearly has multiple places for the story to go and continue/
    Continuous cycle such as raids that never evolve. Classic will have MC, Ony, Naxx, BWL, and AQ. All are great raids for their time, but there will never be anything else. It is a continuous cycle. No matter what happens, there is nothing new and nothing to break that cycle. You arguing something different with an ongoing repeating of game pacing is different than a continuous cycle in terms of ongoing progression.
    Toons and lore both progress. My character has never gotten weaker. They have never devolved. From a lore standpoint, there are multiple NPCs that have continuously progressed in storytelling. In terms of character, they have continued to become more and more powerful as well as becoming heroes in the world, something that some people dislike and others enjoy. If you want to go with an RP standpoint, what’s wrong with getting rid of abilities that prove useless? So my abilities don’t rank 1-9, who cares? My character has evolved to a point where they have moved beyond ranks and has found the most benefit thru a combined affect, utilizing the most benefit at the reduced cost. If you talk about devolving, you obviously want to discuss an RP standpoint, correct?
    As to your last point, you are forgetting that the overall story spreads across all zones. Every storyline, regardless of how small from Voldun to Zandalar, dealt with the Blood God Ghuun and the blood trolls. Every storyline from Tiragarde to Drustvar was about helping Jaina and rallying the Kul Tirans to join the Alliance, as well as the overarching story of helping Jaina reclaim her people and redeem her. There is plenty of story spread across the zones, but you are looking at chapters and failing to see the novel.

    To point counterpoint some of your responses: when did vanilla ever cross from 1 zone to the next other than a short introduction quest or 2? Something you get from a quest hub in a cap city.
    When have i farmer for crafting recipes across the world? How about now, in BfA. I farm multiple types of leather, skin, bones, and from various parts of the world, as well as needing crafting mats from raid bosses.

    My response was about objectively better, which I answered. You reduced your responses to nonobjective feels for why you enjoyed something. Even your response to farming. You discuss something you enjoy because you have to travel all over for 1 thing, something you say you don’t do anymore. That’s something you enjoy and others do not. That is not objective, that is emotional.

  16. #236
    Legendary! Deficineiron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cparle87 View Post
    It is when you go with the "everything Blizz does is just a trick to increase MUAs and they don't care if anything is actually fun and anyone who likes it is a shill" angle.
    those are actually 3 different statements.

    everything Blizz does is just a trick to increase MUAs is too simplistic anyway. why not say revenue, with MAU's being one angle on this? (a sparkle pony does not increase MAU's but it does increase revenue)

    they don't care if anything is actually fun too binary, once again. sure they care, but it may not be their first priority in some situations.

    anyone who likes it is a shill unlike some other posters, you will not see me disputing people's right to choose what to like or not like.

    so, that is where I stand. Your absurd absolute was poorly done.
    Authors I have enjoyed enough to mention here: JRR Tolkein, Poul Anderson,Jack Vance, Gene Wolfe, Glen Cook, Brian Stableford, MAR Barker, Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, WM Hodgson, Fredrick Brown, Robert SheckleyJohn Steakley, Joe Abercrombie, Robert Silverberg, the norse sagas, CJ Cherryh, PG Wodehouse, Clark Ashton Smith, Alastair Reynolds, Cordwainer Smith, LE Modesitt, L. Sprague de Camp & Fletcher Pratt, Stephen R Donaldon, and Jack L Chalker.

  17. #237
    Quote Originally Posted by Deficineiron View Post
    those are actually 3 different statements.

    everything Blizz does is just a trick to increase MUAs is too simplistic anyway. why not say revenue, with MAU's being one angle on this? (a sparkle pony does not increase MAU's but it does increase revenue)

    they don't care if anything is actually fun too binary, once again. sure they care, but it may not be their first priority in some situations.

    anyone who likes it is a shill unlike some other posters, you will not see me disputing people's right to choose what to like or not like.

    so, that is where I stand. Your absurd absolute was poorly done.
    I see it every day, though. There's a post right now on the front page called "Well-here-we-go-again-Blizzard-are-stretching-that-taffy" where the guy goes on this huge long rant about the titan resideuum and how it's only purpose is to give us another carrot to chase with next to no reward. He even finished up his post with this gem.

    "So... thanks for nothing Blizz. I hope you like sucking on that big ole fat corporate meatstick from Activision, you spineless puppets. "
    The most difficult thing to do is accept that there is nothing wrong with things you don't like and accept that people can like things you don't.

  18. #238
    Quote Originally Posted by Sikkens View Post
    In short the game was a Social mmoRPG. It required you to be social to have any sort of progression, and this is in no way Nostalgia. Today you can simply play single player and then maybe join a guild if you want to push high mythic or mythic raiding.

    I realize that i will never get the same experience again, its impossible and the factors for that are allot, but calling it a simple nostalgia is borderline retarded.
    It was a social mmorpg when mmorpg's were one of the only forms of "social gaming". With cellphones & facebook saturating everyone's existence now, a mainstream MMO no longer has the monopoly on "connecting people to play together".

  19. #239
    Also to you, thanks for the answer, and as before, I will allow myself to discuss and challenge your points.

    This is done in the spirit of friendly discussion among fellow gamers, people sharing the same hobby and interests.
    I am stating this, as I sense a measure of aggression from you in your last paragraph, and I want to avoid this sliding into a tit-for-tat back and forth, or a devolvement into having at each other until someone believes he has the last word.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eapoe View Post
    The fact that lore continues IS the improvement and the better of the 2, instead of having a stagnant point. I didn’t say the lore is better, I said the continuation is better, instead of having a story in stagnation such as one that is classic wow that clearly has multiple places for the story to go and continue/
    As I stated before, continuation doesn't equal improvement.
    Windows has continued down over the years, and if someone thinks Windows 10 is an improvement over Windows 7, he clearly did not pay much attention to whats happening on the machine in front of him.

    That being said, a content-development is preferable to content stagnation.
    But: Not at the cost of the game mechanics, game immersion, and genre.

    If the price I pay for having more content is my MMORPG devolving into an Action-MMO with barely any RPG or social elements left to it, then I rather take the static content.

    Toons and lore both progress. My character has never gotten weaker.
    No, but it lost it's identity.
    If you played a Warlock in Vanilla, you were one of two classes with effective AoE. Today, every single dps, including all hybrid dps, have some form of effective AoE damage. You are no longer a Warlock, you are a generic ranged dps class. You have no unique role to play, such as range tanking. Your class still has distinct visuals, but less distinct gameplay than it had previously...and by now we can predict with high confidence, that the continuation of the games development will make this issue worse, not better.

    In terms of character, they have continued to become more and more powerful as well as becoming heroes in the world
    Yeah, about have been the savior of the many times now?
    Taking a quick gander over my titles and achievements over the last decade, I think I have been the literal savior of the world (as in, addressed as such by the game) about 6 or 7 times. And not just the world...I saved gods, I saved time, I saved the light of creation, and the universe itself.

    What does that make me? Powerful? Unique? No. It makes me bored. Because: The world around me feels insignificant. I laugh when mobs say "Who do we have here?!" or similar drivel, because...well, who do we have here? Oh, no one important, only the 7-times world champion in saving the planet and half the universe. The world is insignificant, and so is everything that happens in it, including the things I do.

    Contrary to that, in Vanilla, I was a nobody...just one more Warlock in service to the Dark Lady. I was just a guy, but that guy, together with other nobodies, did heroic things...and they were exciting, epic and heroic BECAUSE I WAS A NOBODY. The world felt alive and real. Today, the world feels dead and artificial, because somehow, it always revolves entirely around me (no matter how badly I play) and me alone. There are no heroes for me to look up to, there is only drivel to look down upon. Consequently, whatever I do, no matter how many jubilations the NPCs pile on me, feels insignificant.

    "In Vanilla, I was a nobody doing heroic things. Now I am a hero, doing nothing."

    If you want to go with an RP standpoint, what’s wrong with getting rid of abilities that prove useless?

    Characters in a story don't just have abilities that maximise their damage output. Bilbo Baggins isn't just an expert in sneaking, Daenerys is more than just a hot blonde who can speak with dragons, Iron Man is more than his power armor and Shakespeare is not just a guy who knows how to swing a sword really well. Characters need things that are not immediately useful or catering to the needs of the current situation. If they don't have anything beyond the immediately necessary and obvious, they become bland machinas, boring and lazily written devices of the story, not entities in the story that make it come alive.

    My character has evolved to a point where they have moved beyond ranks and has found the most benefit thru a combined affect, utilizing the most benefit at the reduced cost. If you talk about devolving, you obviously want to discuss an RP standpoint, correct?
    Explain then why your Mage cannot cast fireball when he is frost specced.
    Did he forget how to do it?
    Is he too dumb to remember what he learned in the college of Dalaran?
    Sure, you may be an expert in Frist magic, but why would that cause you to not remember how Arcane Blast works?

    Don't try to defend this with RP my friend, because it's indefensible.
    This is nothing but streamlining and homogenizing gameplay elemets, flattening them down for sake of convenience and easier balancing. And that is an ACTION MMO, not in an RPG, where you play a Mage.

    the overall story spreads across all zones

    The overall story does, but that story is told in cutscenes and events, not in things I do.
    What I do is strictly contained in a neatly progressing, linear corridor, that I am not allowed to change.

    when did vanilla ever cross from 1 zone to the next other than a short introduction quest or 2?
    Never, because the Onus was on YOU to go there and explore it.
    You get a breadcrumb quest (maybe) and then you go to, say Lakeshire. Once you are there, its up to you to find things to do...and if you don'T want to, because you really don't care about those orcs...that's fine. You are not the most important character in the world, and thet gives you the freedom to go somewhere else and explore the world on your own terms.

    You know, it's funny, I never realized that until state yourself, we are mor epowerful, lore wise, than ever before...but for all that power, we are less free than ever before as well. I know I prefer freedom.

    When have i farmer for crafting recipes across the world? How about now, in BfA. I farm multiple types of leather, skin, bones, and from various parts of the world, as well as needing crafting mats from raid bosses.
    So a recipe that requires you to farm two different types of leather in two! zones right next to each other is "farming across the world"?


    Let me introduce you to my friend Nightfall, which requires you to gather materials from a 40man raid, which have to be assigned to you by the master looter, Arcanite bars, which have to be made by one or several Alchemists (usually another player, because having multiple toons with maxed professions was a rarity in Vanilla) Dark Iron Bars, which require you to go to one of the largest 5man dungeon in the game because they can only be crafted at the Black Anvil, and Gems.

    Or, how about a lower level item, like the Robe of Power requiring you to travel multiple Zones to gather all the elemental items? (Or spend a really long time in Arathi Highlands at the Altars) on top of the usual crafting materials?

    How do such crafting recipes, spanning the entire game world (and keeping it relevant) and cooperation with other players, compare to the flat, boring, single player friendly system of Retail?

    My response was about objectively better, which I answered. You reduced your responses to nonobjective feels for why you enjoyed something. Even your response to farming. You discuss something you enjoy because you have to travel all over for 1 thing, something you say you don’t do anymore. That’s something you enjoy and others do not. That is not objective, that is emotional.
    This is all nonobjective, your response as much as mine.
    As I stated previously, we are discussing what we like in video games, which can only be a nonobjective discussion, because there is no scientific formula that can tell you whether apple pie or pork pie tastes better.

    So I suggest you stop trying to use that as a defense, and more importantly, tone down the aggression. I am not your enemy, I am a fellow player, who wants WoW to be great, for everyone who plays it. I am not an enemy of retail, which I hope will come back better next expansion. I want Retail to succeed alongside classic, with both games providing different things for different people.
    Last edited by mmoc76fffd2ed2; 2018-12-09 at 02:00 PM.

  20. #240
    Pit Lord Beet's Avatar
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    Hey OP.

    Why do people play Final Fantasy 7 when there’s 15 to play? Why do they play Mario 1 or 3 when there’s Super Mario Odyssey to play? Or why do they play Diablo 2 when there’s Diablo 3?

    Because the games are entirely different now. Some folks prefer the old game. It’s crazy I know.

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