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  1. #1
    Merely a Setback FelPlague's Avatar
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    YOUR Warlock changes coming Shadowlands.

    I am compiling a list of wanted changes for the warlock class in shadowlands, all the way from minor things to things that you really wish, but likely wont make it till maybe a future expansion or patch. but putting them out there for blizz to look at who knows they might do it.
    I felt like now is a good time to open it to MMOChamp, and get some of YOUR feedback to the alpha forums. since obviously there is some that do not agree with the current feedback.

    if anyone has a thing they like, dislike, want changed, want added, want removed, please feel free to put them here, I will add them to the list, in a second post reserved below.
    Here is a link to the post here.

    Please feel free to leave feedback and anything you wish to add. I am also willing to remove stuff if enough people disagree with it, as usually I wait until 5 people agree with something before adding it, I have been asking warlocks in game on the alpha, and in my guild/friends/viewership.

    Just don't give your feedback in this manor, don't be this guy.

    Full post for those who cant visit link.

    Redid this to be shorter and easier to read. Will add more later, and will put time stamps beside them for when added.
    Warlock Feedback, ideas, and dislikes about the class as it currently is.



    Nice to have it back for demo and destro, however it feels awkward to have a second dot in destro, and in demo a spec so reliant on timing its odd. Plus with ZERO synergies in these specs, it seems like a spell that is just there to deal damage, while all other abilities synergise with the spec, this does not.


    It really sucks, the chance to summon never happens, and the bonus to enslave seems like something that should be base. Make the talent so it still lasts a minute, but ticks every 30 seconds still.

    Maybe also have it summon an imp/give a soulshard each tick, the talent making it summon more, or stronger imps on its tick. Plus this talent for many will never get used.

    The spell overall does not work in this fast paced day, most fights are not going to last 60 seconds for destro and demo, so this is a dead ability, while for demo it just seems to not be as exciting as it used to be. And since many times you will be forced to use a defencive curse, this will be useless


    Either as a glyph, or a dps cooldown, this needs to return, it was such a huge part of the spec, it was THE main spell for demonology from wotlk till wod, it needs to be a thing again, even if only wings, claws, and horns as a glyph.

    Another idea would be to make it a talent that makes hand of gul’dan into chaos wave, shadowbolt into chaos slash, and make your 4 basic abilities castable while moving, slowing you while casting.

    Demonic circle

    Warlocks having 2 “Set up ahead of time” mobility moves baseline, with 0 baseline movement speed ability feels really bad, while demonic circle is nice, and gateway is nice, swapping one of these out for baseline burning rush would be so nice. Especially with burning rush, being in the same row as their defensives, while also hurting them, has always made it a tough choice.

    Call felhunter

    In a raid and dungeon, or even solo content, having to switch to fel hunter to interrupt, something all other classes have baseline is annoying, however for demonology this is a massive dps downgrade, 2 abilities become unusable, and the felhunter does far less damage then the felguard.

    Adding call felhunter baseline to demo, summoning a weaker felhunter that interrupts, then deals a bit of damage for a bit would be great.

    Or simply allow demonolgy to have a second, weaker demon, it does far less damage, but has the “command lesser demon” ability, it cant be felguard of course, this way they need to be one of the “utility” pets. Allowing demonolgy to have access to the cc, interrupt, and dispel.


    During legion we got the artifact ability that made your summon infernal summon down 3 extra mini-fernals, these would be amazing to add back, maybe as a talent? A good replacement for grimoire of supremacy to make it less “force as many chaos bolts into infernal as possible” and put more onto the demon.

    Grimoire of supremacy

    Returning our choice to focus on our summoning and controlling of powerful demons, It would be great to have our permanent infernal back, a new permanent darkglare, and maybe for demo, make the felguard into a fel lord, or the wrathguard, removing the glyph of wrathguard. Warlocks have always been limited in choice of pets, but allowing us to empower our pets has been a great class fantasy.

    Soul drain

    Make soul drain baseline for affliction, it just feels so much better, and makes each spec have their own unique filler spell, it feels so much nicer.

    Tongue tied

    This while a cool concept as a pvp talent, seems useless as a pve talent, negates healing? Not often in PVE, on a caster? Again not super common, most usually cast 1 spell once in awhile, and those that are heals would heal others, not themselves. So oftentimes to use this… To stop a healer npc, from healing themselves? It just seems like its never going to happen, move this to pvp talents, it is not a PVE ability. Why it even made it into the pve talent is beyond me. This spot would be a great place to move burning rush to the utility row.

    Curse of agony

    Give curse of agony to demo and destro, as a curse, this way they have a dps curse, that does not take a whole minute to hurt… allowing them to use this on basic mobs.


    Fel armor and demon armor, returning these would be amazing, magic resist, armor, and extra healing received? Or passive healing and extra damage, allows us to slightly manipulate ourselves depending on the situations.


    Make shadowfury do damage again, return it to its old self. Maybe by default, or make the talent also have it deal damage, as currently the talent is rather meh.

    Fel domination

    6 second demon cast is nice, it gives us punishment for letting our demons die, but a way to quickly ressurect one incase of an emergency would be great, return fel domination, allowing us to reduce it to 1 or 2 seconds, with maybe a 5 to 10 minute cooldown, so you get 1 extra chance

    Curse of X

    Curse of tongues and curse of weakness, merge then into curse of enfeeblement, this spell was very nice back in the day, had the effect of both, although slightly weaker. This way we could save an extra spot, and prevent curse juggling. This way we simply have 3 (or 2) curses to deal with. And also the stronger versions could be in pvp talents, the right out curse of tongues, and weakness.

    Curse of recklessness

    Nice to have it back, but in this day, it really does not have a use, not many mobs flee these days, and also warlocks are unlikely to make a mob take extra physical damage (something we dont do) at the risk of it killing some of our allies. It just does not seem useful, and in my many hours on alpha, i never once found myself going “this is the perfect time for it!”

    Grimoire of sacrifice

    Return it to the older version which gave you extra health and damage, as how is it currently, its just a random proc of damage, which feels lame.

    Death bolt

    Cool concept, but it feels like it forces affliction to try and stack as many dots all into one small window, this does not feel really good, as you run into the issue of APM trying to get out everything at once, and then buff them with darkglare. Especially with the new ability taking a quite big role like this.

    Soul conduit

    This random return of soulshards is just very annoying sometimes, the feeling of your resource just not emptying, causing you sometimes to go from a spender to a generator, only to find you didnt lose any resources, and are at cap… It sucks… So it seems like it would be better if it instead increased the chance to obtain charges of demonic core, and the charge cap of demonic core to compensate, maybe to 5 or 6.

    Inevitable Demise

    Give this azerite trait baseline, or make it a talent, this is quite a fun talent, that gave affliction some burst single target when really needed.

    Seed of Corruption

    To make this really worth it, it should maybe spawn 1 more seed, having it spread to 2 extra targets seems just shy of it even being somewhat notable.


    Soul flame was a fun ability, when you killed an enemy it exploded dealing a bit of damage to stuff around it, this was such a fun effect, and lead to some fun fireworks in old dungeons, it would be amazing if this returned as baseline, or the side effect of a talent. as having this be a talent on its own would feel lame in raids, and mean likely never being taken anywhere but some dungeons with big aoe.



    Simply cosmetic, it has been part of demonology from wotlk to wod, it really needs to be in demo. Change shadowbolt into demonbolt, and demonbolt into soulfire. Give destro locks their legion artifact ability in place of this, again simply cosmetic. This is a great way to show green fire in demo, and return the spell to its rightful owner.

    Demon customization

    Allow us to customize the colours and apperances of our demons. Either more glyphs, allowing us to choose the colours of our demons, as many come in many colours, or even allow us to go out into the world and enslave demons to collect their apperances, maybe even have them become like hunter tame beast, demons out in the world fitting into specific demon families.


    Return 2 handed weapons to wrathguard, as for a long time they did, but suddenly they started using 1 weapon, then again 2 weapons, and then again 1 weapon, and been that way since.


    Soulshards, this glyph added in 7.2 used to cost a lot of gold, making soulshards float above your head, this is very cool, however there is no way to tell unless you ask others, to realise these soulshards are basically UI elements, as no one else can use them. Please make them visible to all, its as if transmog or mounts were not visible to others. Yes there is the worry of pvp, but maybe make the other faction unable to see, or simply let people go hey, i understand if i equip this glyph, they can see my soulshards, i gotta accept that. If they dont want it, they can ignore the glyph.

    Green Fire

    Add green fire back to our spells, ⅔ specs do not show any green fire, this once epic effect was a huge boon to locks, but now only destro even sees it, make some abilities that even arnt fire green, shadowbolt, hand of guldan, demonbolt, drain soul, phantom singularity, implosion, etc.


    None of the abilities feel rather warlocky… They feel mostly like they are just… Normal spells anyone could learn, with 1 thing that has something to do with a warlock tacked on

    “Deals constant damage… if they die it gives soulshards!”
    “Deals aoe damage… Applies a curse!”
    “Deals damage depending on their hp… Buffs your most basic ability!”
    “Deals aoe damage… Makes your drain life aoe!”

    All of these, you could just swap the second part and it would feel like any other class, they have no feeling of “this is a warlock themed ability” some other classes have this problem with 1 or 2 abilities, but for warlocks it is all four. The kyrian one could literally be changed to combo points for feral or rogue and it would feel exactly in place, its so generic because of such.

    None of the abilities currently stick out as “fun’ or “exciting” meanwhile every other class seems to have one like the hunt, or turn into a skeleton mage, or send out a swarm of bouncing shields, or fire off 16 spells in 4 seconds.

    All of the warlock covenant abilities feel extremely generic, and that they could really be any class, hopefully this is soon enough for some change, cause right now, many other classes i go “wow that so cool!” but to all of the warlocks ones i say “meh”
    I even made a video on the most unique abilities, and it hurt to not even be able to consider a warlock one.
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    Remove combat, Mobs, PvP, and Difficult Content

  2. #2
    I think you are right in some things, wrong in some others.

    I feel like mini-infernals should not come at a cost of losing grimoire of supremacy. Destro is already not deep at all, removing one of the very few things it has to min max would suck.

    I would say that grimoire of supremacy should not be tied to infernal, darkglare or demon commander, instead, it should upgrade our regular pet of choice majorly, giving it extra abilities, and having it interact with our own rotation. Make our imp a powerful casting demon that can basically cause our next chaos bolt to become AoE for example with one of its abilities, or a different demon for affliction that instantly burns all our dots to deal massive damage to the enemy to give affliction a new bursting ability, either through a channel or a single cast for the demon.

    On the rest of the things I don't have many complaints, I think you are on the right track.

    Further suggestions I'd love to see implemented are:

    FnB: For Incinerate, but also for conflag. Make it work like old FnB from MoP.
    Charred Remains aoe Chaos Bolt: Don't make it super spammable, instead make havoc became aoe havoc when used in FnB mode (doubling its cd to 1 min instead of 30 seconds), for 10 seconds of aoe chaos bolts that hit everyone in the zone (up to 5-8 targets or w/e).
    Soul Swap, KJ's Cunning, Dark Bargain, Harvest Life, Mannoroth's fury like in MoP.
    Felbolt from MoP, but now it's a 1 min cd and just refreshes fully your dots.
    Soul Drain gameplay from Legion warlock.
    Shadowburn like in MoP.
    Rework Havoc to be 3-4 charges, just like it was in MoP.

  3. #3
    Excellent list, and i can see you have taken on board a lot of things from various threads, hell i can even see a few things i have mentioned myself.

    Curious to see where this progresses and what everyones take on this. I really hope it doesn't turn into a your wrong im right sort of deal.

    Really well put together though its clear you have spent a lot of time on this sterling work. The things i would add are essentially already in here, demon customization, curse of exhaustion back.

  4. #4
    Merely a Setback FelPlague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soluna View Post
    I think you are right in some things, wrong in some others.

    I feel like mini-infernals should not come at a cost of losing grimoire of supremacy. Destro is already not deep at all, removing one of the very few things it has to min max would suck.

    I would say that grimoire of supremacy should not be tied to infernal, darkglare or demon commander, instead, it should upgrade our regular pet of choice majorly, giving it extra abilities, and having it interact with our own rotation. Make our imp a powerful casting demon that can basically cause our next chaos bolt to become AoE for example with one of its abilities, or a different demon for affliction that instantly burns all our dots to deal massive damage to the enemy to give affliction a new bursting ability, either through a channel or a single cast for the demon.

    On the rest of the things I don't have many complaints, I think you are on the right track.

    Further suggestions I'd love to see implemented are:

    FnB: For Incinerate, but also for conflag. Make it work like old FnB from MoP.
    Charred Remains aoe Chaos Bolt: Don't make it super spammable, instead make havoc became aoe havoc when used in FnB mode (doubling its cd to 1 min instead of 30 seconds), for 10 seconds of aoe chaos bolts that hit everyone in the zone (up to 5-8 targets or w/e).
    Soul Swap, KJ's Cunning, Dark Bargain, Harvest Life, Mannoroth's fury like in MoP.
    Felbolt from MoP, but now it's a 1 min cd and just refreshes fully your dots.
    Soul Drain gameplay from Legion warlock.
    Shadowburn like in MoP.
    Rework Havoc to be 3-4 charges, just like it was in MoP.
    good to know, whille write this all down. Although while the charges for havoc would be a good way to make it abit more balanced, i feel it would hurt the class a lot.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Atrieus View Post
    Excellent list, and i can see you have taken on board a lot of things from various threads, hell i can even see a few things i have mentioned myself.

    Curious to see where this progresses and what everyones take on this. I really hope it doesn't turn into a your wrong im right sort of deal.

    Really well put together though its clear you have spent a lot of time on this sterling work. The things i would add are essentially already in here, demon customization, curse of exhaustion back.
    yeah i took a lot of time reading over MANY threads to gather things everyone seemed to agree upon. and meta is like one of the biggest things.
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    Remove combat, Mobs, PvP, and Difficult Content

  5. #5
    Scarab Lord Boricha's Avatar
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    Destro is the only warlock spec I've ever really enoyed, so most of my feedback is for that.

    Shift damage back into conflagrate and incinerate, maybe give back absorb pen to CB to compensate. Get rid of GoSup, make our damage less CD reliant. Give back soul fire and Shadowburn baseline and make them do relevant damage again. I think corruption would be fine if it were instant cast so we had a filler while moving, but Id rather have back fel flame (with +dot duration) than corruption or CoA.

    Personally, I miss when warlocks had more utility and less defensive mitigation. I'd gladly drop soul leech and unending resolve for baseline mortal coil, howl, shadowfury, and maybe incinerate while moving.

  6. #6
    Herald of the Titans PickleballAce's Avatar
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    The last thing Destruction needs is more DOTs. The absolute last bloody thing.

    We don't want another Cataclysm where none of the specs had any priority add burst (aside from 3 minute hero Demo) because all the specs were balanced around a bunch of damage over time effects.

  7. #7
    Nice post and nice idea. Lets begin:


    -Agree with you with Corruption, its nice to see it again, but needs some kind of interaction with the kit of Destro and, specially, Demon.
    -Agree with the new talent for Curse of Toes, 0 use on pve, should be a pvp talent.
    -Doom has to have the 5% of summon a Doomguard always, not just if kills the target. Its easier to win the lottery than summoning the doomguard.


    -Demonology is clunky without tons of haste and Baleful Invocation. Too many casts. Some of the spells need to be instant, the dogs and all the special summons like Demonic Tyrant or the Vilefiend.

    -Nether Portal. Nothing new to say about it, it just needs to summon demons based on the number of shards.

    -Interrupt. Seriously. Your ideas are nice. I dont care how they implement it but Demonology NEEDS an interrupt.

    -Talent tweaking. From the Shadows etc.

    -Summon Doomguard and Summon Infernal should return to Demonology.

    -The dogs should have something baseline to reset their cd and / or deal cleave damage always, not just with a talent.

    -The second demon idea is nice.

    BTW, I really have no hope with warlocks for Shadowlands. Its pretty clear than Blizzard gives a shit about the warlock class. They just dont care.

  8. #8
    Merely a Setback FelPlague's Avatar
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    Changes you lot have been reccomended have been sent around, and i got enough "yeah" to put them up!
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    Remove combat, Mobs, PvP, and Difficult Content

  9. #9
    What would be a super warlocky spell for the covenants do you think? I'd like to see something involving our pets. I've long advocated that the Hearthstone card "Power Overwhelming" should be a Warlock Spell. Empower your demon massively for the next X seconds. Then it dies. Horribly. That would perhaps suit the Maldraxxus covenant.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stormbreed View Post
    Mexico is already part of the USA so is Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Shandalar View Post
    Shadow deserves nothing, the same as Fire Mages.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by AwkwardSquirtle View Post
    What would be a super warlocky spell for the covenants do you think? I'd like to see something involving our pets. I've long advocated that the Hearthstone card "Power Overwhelming" should be a Warlock Spell. Empower your demon massively for the next X seconds. Then it dies. Horribly. That would perhaps suit the Maldraxxus covenant.
    All i can think of here is Demonic Empowerment and it terrifies me greatly.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Atrieus View Post
    All i can think of here is Demonic Empowerment and it terrifies me greatly.
    Cooldown, not spam. Don't worry, I don't want us casting Empowerment every cast.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stormbreed View Post
    Mexico is already part of the USA so is Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Shandalar View Post
    Shadow deserves nothing, the same as Fire Mages.

  12. #12
    Meta is never happening. It's a demon hunter spell. It always was a demon hunter spell. Giving it to warlocks was a mistake. It's like giving priests lay on hands. It's just never going to happen.

  13. #13
    What I'd like to see is a way for Warlocks to be able to tame Demons permanently.
    The Enslave Demon spell already exists, and could fulfill this function.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    I am compiling a list of wanted changes for the warlock class in shadowlands, all the way from minor things to things that you really wish, but likely wont make it till maybe a future expansion or patch. but putting them out there for blizz to look at who knows they might do it.
    I felt like now is a good time to open it to MMOChamp, and get some of YOUR feedback to the alpha forums. since obviously there is some that do not agree with the current feedback.

    if anyone has a thing they like, dislike, want changed, want added, want removed, please feel free to put them here, I will add them to the list, in a second post reserved below.
    Here is a link to the post here.

    Please feel free to leave feedback and anything you wish to add. I am also willing to remove stuff if enough people disagree with it, as usually I wait until 5 people agree with something before adding it, I have been asking warlocks in game on the alpha, and in my guild/friends/viewership.

    Just don't give your feedback in this manor, don't be this guy.

    Full post for those who cant visit link.

    Redid this to be shorter and easier to read. Will add more later, and will put time stamps beside them for when added.
    Warlock Feedback, ideas, and dislikes about the class as it currently is.



    Nice to have it back for demo and destro, however it feels awkward to have a second dot in destro, and in demo a spec so reliant on timing its odd. Plus with ZERO synergies in these specs, it seems like a spell that is just there to deal damage, while all other abilities synergise with the spec, this does not.


    It really sucks, the chance to summon never happens, and the bonus to enslave seems like something that should be base. Make the talent so it still lasts a minute, but ticks every 30 seconds still.

    Maybe also have it summon an imp/give a soulshard each tick, the talent making it summon more, or stronger imps on its tick. Plus this talent for many will never get used.

    The spell overall does not work in this fast paced day, most fights are not going to last 60 seconds for destro and demo, so this is a dead ability, while for demo it just seems to not be as exciting as it used to be. And since many times you will be forced to use a defencive curse, this will be useless


    Either as a glyph, or a dps cooldown, this needs to return, it was such a huge part of the spec, it was THE main spell for demonology from wotlk till wod, it needs to be a thing again, even if only wings, claws, and horns as a glyph.

    Another idea would be to make it a talent that makes hand of gul’dan into chaos wave, shadowbolt into chaos slash, and make your 4 basic abilities castable while moving, slowing you while casting.

    Demonic circle

    Warlocks having 2 “Set up ahead of time” mobility moves baseline, with 0 baseline movement speed ability feels really bad, while demonic circle is nice, and gateway is nice, swapping one of these out for baseline burning rush would be so nice. Especially with burning rush, being in the same row as their defensives, while also hurting them, has always made it a tough choice.

    Call felhunter

    In a raid and dungeon, or even solo content, having to switch to fel hunter to interrupt, something all other classes have baseline is annoying, however for demonology this is a massive dps downgrade, 2 abilities become unusable, and the felhunter does far less damage then the felguard.

    Adding call felhunter baseline to demo, summoning a weaker felhunter that interrupts, then deals a bit of damage for a bit would be great.

    Or simply allow demonolgy to have a second, weaker demon, it does far less damage, but has the “command lesser demon” ability, it cant be felguard of course, this way they need to be one of the “utility” pets. Allowing demonolgy to have access to the cc, interrupt, and dispel.


    During legion we got the artifact ability that made your summon infernal summon down 3 extra mini-fernals, these would be amazing to add back, maybe as a talent? A good replacement for grimoire of supremacy to make it less “force as many chaos bolts into infernal as possible” and put more onto the demon.

    Grimoire of supremacy

    Returning our choice to focus on our summoning and controlling of powerful demons, It would be great to have our permanent infernal back, a new permanent darkglare, and maybe for demo, make the felguard into a fel lord, or the wrathguard, removing the glyph of wrathguard. Warlocks have always been limited in choice of pets, but allowing us to empower our pets has been a great class fantasy.

    Soul drain

    Make soul drain baseline for affliction, it just feels so much better, and makes each spec have their own unique filler spell, it feels so much nicer.

    Tongue tied

    This while a cool concept as a pvp talent, seems useless as a pve talent, negates healing? Not often in PVE, on a caster? Again not super common, most usually cast 1 spell once in awhile, and those that are heals would heal others, not themselves. So oftentimes to use this… To stop a healer npc, from healing themselves? It just seems like its never going to happen, move this to pvp talents, it is not a PVE ability. Why it even made it into the pve talent is beyond me. This spot would be a great place to move burning rush to the utility row.

    Curse of agony

    Give curse of agony to demo and destro, as a curse, this way they have a dps curse, that does not take a whole minute to hurt… allowing them to use this on basic mobs.


    Fel armor and demon armor, returning these would be amazing, magic resist, armor, and extra healing received? Or passive healing and extra damage, allows us to slightly manipulate ourselves depending on the situations.


    Make shadowfury do damage again, return it to its old self. Maybe by default, or make the talent also have it deal damage, as currently the talent is rather meh.

    Fel domination

    6 second demon cast is nice, it gives us punishment for letting our demons die, but a way to quickly ressurect one incase of an emergency would be great, return fel domination, allowing us to reduce it to 1 or 2 seconds, with maybe a 5 to 10 minute cooldown, so you get 1 extra chance

    Curse of X

    Curse of tongues and curse of weakness, merge then into curse of enfeeblement, this spell was very nice back in the day, had the effect of both, although slightly weaker. This way we could save an extra spot, and prevent curse juggling. This way we simply have 3 (or 2) curses to deal with. And also the stronger versions could be in pvp talents, the right out curse of tongues, and weakness.

    Curse of recklessness

    Nice to have it back, but in this day, it really does not have a use, not many mobs flee these days, and also warlocks are unlikely to make a mob take extra physical damage (something we dont do) at the risk of it killing some of our allies. It just does not seem useful, and in my many hours on alpha, i never once found myself going “this is the perfect time for it!”

    Grimoire of sacrifice

    Return it to the older version which gave you extra health and damage, as how is it currently, its just a random proc of damage, which feels lame.

    Death bolt

    Cool concept, but it feels like it forces affliction to try and stack as many dots all into one small window, this does not feel really good, as you run into the issue of APM trying to get out everything at once, and then buff them with darkglare. Especially with the new ability taking a quite big role like this.

    Soul conduit

    This random return of soulshards is just very annoying sometimes, the feeling of your resource just not emptying, causing you sometimes to go from a spender to a generator, only to find you didnt lose any resources, and are at cap… It sucks… So it seems like it would be better if it instead increased the chance to obtain charges of demonic core, and the charge cap of demonic core to compensate, maybe to 5 or 6.

    Inevitable Demise

    Give this azerite trait baseline, or make it a talent, this is quite a fun talent, that gave affliction some burst single target when really needed.

    Seed of Corruption

    To make this really worth it, it should maybe spawn 1 more seed, having it spread to 2 extra targets seems just shy of it even being somewhat notable.


    Soul flame was a fun ability, when you killed an enemy it exploded dealing a bit of damage to stuff around it, this was such a fun effect, and lead to some fun fireworks in old dungeons, it would be amazing if this returned as baseline, or the side effect of a talent. as having this be a talent on its own would feel lame in raids, and mean likely never being taken anywhere but some dungeons with big aoe.



    Simply cosmetic, it has been part of demonology from wotlk to wod, it really needs to be in demo. Change shadowbolt into demonbolt, and demonbolt into soulfire. Give destro locks their legion artifact ability in place of this, again simply cosmetic. This is a great way to show green fire in demo, and return the spell to its rightful owner.

    Demon customization

    Allow us to customize the colours and apperances of our demons. Either more glyphs, allowing us to choose the colours of our demons, as many come in many colours, or even allow us to go out into the world and enslave demons to collect their apperances, maybe even have them become like hunter tame beast, demons out in the world fitting into specific demon families.


    Return 2 handed weapons to wrathguard, as for a long time they did, but suddenly they started using 1 weapon, then again 2 weapons, and then again 1 weapon, and been that way since.


    Soulshards, this glyph added in 7.2 used to cost a lot of gold, making soulshards float above your head, this is very cool, however there is no way to tell unless you ask others, to realise these soulshards are basically UI elements, as no one else can use them. Please make them visible to all, its as if transmog or mounts were not visible to others. Yes there is the worry of pvp, but maybe make the other faction unable to see, or simply let people go hey, i understand if i equip this glyph, they can see my soulshards, i gotta accept that. If they dont want it, they can ignore the glyph.

    Green Fire

    Add green fire back to our spells, ⅔ specs do not show any green fire, this once epic effect was a huge boon to locks, but now only destro even sees it, make some abilities that even arnt fire green, shadowbolt, hand of guldan, demonbolt, drain soul, phantom singularity, implosion, etc.


    None of the abilities feel rather warlocky… They feel mostly like they are just… Normal spells anyone could learn, with 1 thing that has something to do with a warlock tacked on

    “Deals constant damage… if they die it gives soulshards!”
    “Deals aoe damage… Applies a curse!”
    “Deals damage depending on their hp… Buffs your most basic ability!”
    “Deals aoe damage… Makes your drain life aoe!”

    All of these, you could just swap the second part and it would feel like any other class, they have no feeling of “this is a warlock themed ability” some other classes have this problem with 1 or 2 abilities, but for warlocks it is all four. The kyrian one could literally be changed to combo points for feral or rogue and it would feel exactly in place, its so generic because of such.

    None of the abilities currently stick out as “fun’ or “exciting” meanwhile every other class seems to have one like the hunt, or turn into a skeleton mage, or send out a swarm of bouncing shields, or fire off 16 spells in 4 seconds.

    All of the warlock covenant abilities feel extremely generic, and that they could really be any class, hopefully this is soon enough for some change, cause right now, many other classes i go “wow that so cool!” but to all of the warlocks ones i say “meh”
    I even made a video on the most unique abilities, and it hurt to not even be able to consider a warlock one.
    What an absolute waste of time. Why don't you post this on the official forums where people who actually play the game, and Blizzard, are more likely to see it. Now it just looks like an endless rant by someone who may or may not even play the game.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nizah View Post
    why so mad bro

  15. #15

    It really sucks, the chance to summon never happens, and the bonus to enslave seems like something that should be base. Make the talent so it still lasts a minute, but ticks every 30 seconds still.

    Maybe also have it summon an imp/give a soulshard each tick, the talent making it summon more, or stronger imps on its tick. Plus this talent for many will never get used.

    The spell overall does not work in this fast paced day, most fights are not going to last 60 seconds for destro and demo, so this is a dead ability, while for demo it just seems to not be as exciting as it used to be. And since many times you will be forced to use a defencive curse, this will be useless
    Doom needs to summon a doomguard if a target dies with it active, not if the DoT kills it. Alternatively, let us detonate it like seed of corruption.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stormbreed View Post
    Mexico is already part of the USA so is Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Shandalar View Post
    Shadow deserves nothing, the same as Fire Mages.

  16. #16
    Merely a Setback FelPlague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by munkeyinorbit View Post
    What an absolute waste of time. Why don't you post this on the official forums where people who actually play the game, and Blizzard, are more likely to see it. Now it just looks like an endless rant by someone who may or may not even play the game.
    ... if you ACTUALLY read, it IS on the official forums...
    maybe actually read, and click the link...?
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    Remove combat, Mobs, PvP, and Difficult Content

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by munkeyinorbit View Post
    What an absolute waste of time. Why don't you post this on the official forums where people who actually play the game, and Blizzard, are more likely to see it. Now it just looks like an endless rant by someone who may or may not even play the game.
    If you read super closely you might notice that they've already posted it in the Alpha forums and it's been crossposted here to gather more information to put on the forum. The stuff they already have is there so the thread isn't just "give meta".

    Also you don't have to quote the entire wall of text.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stormbreed View Post
    Mexico is already part of the USA so is Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Shandalar View Post
    Shadow deserves nothing, the same as Fire Mages.

  18. #18
    Please, please, please, if they won't give demo better demons, at least give us glyphs to use inquisitors/jailers/Ur'zuls/fel lords.

    And delete grimoire of supremacy. It completely ruins the tuning and damage distribution for destruction, nothing will compete with it so long as it exists as it is.

    Infernal baseline should increase the warlock's critical strike chance by 15% and grimoire of supremacy could increase that by another 10% and reduce the infernal cd by 15-20 secs.

    Also, make demonbolt work with green fire already, and finish updating drain soul and channel demonfire and soulfire and cataclysm animations.

    Increase Rain of Fire Radius to Starfall radius and make it an ember generator instead of spender.

  19. #19
    Much rather keep demonic circle and gateway than get burning rush. Burning rush has never really felt like it fits warlocks fantasy and it's also much worse in PVP. I'd rather they replace burning rush in the tree with some passive that gives a short speed boost on casting conflag. Maybe it could steal health + speed from the target. Call it essence flame or something and have it heal you for 50% of conflag damage+ grant 40% movespeed for 3 seconds to you while slowing the target for 40% for 3 seconds.

  20. #20
    Herald of the Titans
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    Jan 2011
    Canada,we've got freedom too, except we don't pretend to be american when we travel.
    fuck jayx10 right in the ear, *I* want meta back... most fun play style for warlocks ever /shrug
    "There are other sites on the internet designed for people to make friends or relationships. This isn't one" Darsithis Super Moderator
    Proof that the mmochamp community can be a bitter and lonely place. What a shame.

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