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  1. #81
    I hit a point where I am tired of fighting the burst meta, the vault, Torghast, the maw, the anima farm, the no gear meta, paid carries, raider IO, and class design. Either the game has evolved past me or I past it. Unsubbed and taking a break till 9.1.

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by arkanon View Post
    you mean this?

    How did you want me to reply to "i dont do those things"?
    by not brushing it under the rug, duh. i said i don't pvp. i never said i don't do m+ or raiding. it's clear at this point you have a childs grasp on logic as well as reading.

  3. #83
    The game is trash, its not a "game" anymore, its a series of Carnival games that catch your attention for a little while until you move on to the next, but you have to collect those carnival ticket currencies, so you have to play the game.

    I miss the days when the game was good. (TBC, WOTLK era)

  4. #84
    Old God Soon-TM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theangryone View Post
    I hit a point where I am tired of fighting the burst meta, the vault, Torghast, the maw, the anima farm, the no gear meta, paid carries, raider IO, and class design. Either the game has evolved past me or I past it. Unsubbed and taking a break till 9.1.
    This. I made the mistake of buying a 3 months sub though, so the time I have left will be rather spent in Classic. At least there you don't have systems on top of systems on top of systems and BS timegating (inb4 raid lockouts /eyeroll).
    Last edited by Soon-TM; 2021-01-25 at 05:27 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by trimble View Post
    WoD was the expansion that was targeted at non raiders.

  5. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by Theangryone View Post
    I hit a point where I am tired of fighting the burst meta, the vault, Torghast, the maw, the anima farm, the no gear meta, paid carries, raider IO, and class design. Either the game has evolved past me or I past it. Unsubbed and taking a break till 9.1.
    This is basically how I'm feeling, but I pay my subs with gold and have a few a months in advance so will keep pushing through, just wont be adding anymore gametime until I can see things improving.

    Toreghast could of been the best feature of this expansion, instead it's the worst. A bit of tweaking however could see it as the best again.
    It needs more interesting powers for a variety of build, rewards that scale with floor climbing rather than being tied to the final boss and it needs to rewards more than sould ash.
    "Welfare" or "catchup" gear has been a thing for a very long time in WOW. I could run Torghast 24/7 if there were a variety of builds to play with and it rewards me with gear.... much more engaging than World Quests.

    Beyond that however, the need to sort out PVE gearing... it's a complete mess. For clarity, I do not want a return to BFA where I'd spam +8's at the start of every season and outgear the Heroic Raid in a week, but we need a middle ground. Right now, unless guildies are asking, I really CBF with M+ after my first Vault reward (usually +14). That'll change later in the Season as I need more options to fill the final slots, but honestly, doing 10 +14's for no reason other than to fill the vault does not sound engaging.

    It's time to bring back PVE Vendors.

  6. #86
    if you have friends to play with SL is pretty good I suppose. All mine friends quit and stuck alone pugging M+ keys, or trying to pug raid got old quick. I got over 200+ ilvl and felt pretty good but even playing 15-20hrs a week I was just logging in forcing myself to do things that wasn't really enjoyable. Sub ends tomorrow. I got a good 50-100hrs maybe since launch so I'll come back again in 9.1 or 9.2 try it out for 1 month. Unsub again rinse repeat.

  7. #87
    To be honest, I had more fun in BFA at this point in time. Most content doesn't feel rewarding and just tedious. World quests take longer, give no good reward (especially low amounts of anima, with how much we need for the upgrades and cosmetics) and traveltime is longer. M+ is hard and with the reduced loot and just 35 anima it feels unrewarding. Same thing with the raids. Doing a full clear and only getting one item doesn't feel good especially if you get an item from let's say shriekwing, you know your chance to get another item from another boss is very low.

    Torghast is fun with the right class and right spec but long term there isn't a good incentive to run higher layers. I already crafted 2 lvl4 legendaries so running normal Torghast isn't really worth it anymore. I'll probably run it for another 7 weeks to cap soul ash. Twisting corridors is fine but some scaling is off especially layer 4 and layer 8 floor 17 have a very big jump in mob HP and damage. After finishing TC layer 8 there is no incentive to run layer 8 again. Pets that can drop from bosses can be farmed from lower layers and you probably want to farm them in normal Torghast because the normal wings have like 4 bosses total so you can someqhat target the pets you need.

    Even the adventure table isn't fun. Rewards are the same as the old adventure table but with each covenant getting different troops with different skills it's very unbalanced to the point where a lot of missions are impossible for some covenants and you'r only option is to overlevel the missions by sending your troops to die to get at least the XP.

    SL is good in the first few weeks but after that it gets tedious. All I do on my main is a full raid clear, some m+ for the vault, the world boss, covenant quests and callings. In BFA I at least leveled all my alts and geared them up but can't be arsed to do the same in SL because the intro quests takes like 40 minutes and after reaching lvl60 the only efficient and rewarding way to gear up is PVP. Finishing the covenant campaing gets you ilvl197 gear but renown catch up is total RNG.

  8. #88
    I think SL is great. Wish there was more content and story, but there's plenty of achievements and still a bit of gear left for me to get.

    I don't think we're going to hear anything substantial until Blizzcon, but I'm hungry for the next new zone already.

  9. #89
    I'm one of the guys who "defended" titanforging/warforging.

    I outgear heroic raids (only missing trinkets, and didn't even clear it yet) and aside from 1-4 weekly M+ I have basically nothing to do to improve my character as there is no reward for me outside mythic raiding (aside from the vault), which I can't go to unless I find a new guild, which I don't want to. So when I'm running heroic raids, I'm just running it for the encounter itself as gear from it has become irrelevant already.

    With titanforge/warforge items, I was at least able to improve my character stats as well as play with the friends I want to.

    Not sure how I feel about that.
    Mythic+ dungeons themselves are more fun than they were in BFA dungeons imho. But in BFA I was eager to run 1-2 every day. Now I struggle to get my ass up for 4 a week because there is hardly any incentive. I don't care about anima and the itemlvl reward at +15 is worse than heroic gear, even though it's significantly harder, or at least has to be coordinated way more than your average heroic raid-boss.

    Oh and the lack of covenant tuning this tier has been rather disturbing too.
    What is Blizzard waiting for? Some covenants are *clearly* behind others, so much that they aren't even really viable anymore and basically lacking any sort of impact for their specs and classes. I have no idea why anyone would pick Venthyr for Hunter for example, even less when they play BM or SV.

    Torghast is still the best idea WoW ever had in my opinion. So that's great.
    But that too needs a lot of upgrades and if Blizz forgets that it exists for even one patch, it's a lost opportunity.
    It's without doubt *the* best playground for them to go nuts and test stuff for shit and giggles. It's extremely fun to rush through these floors like some D3 greater rift.
    They need to work on fun abilities and powers inside it and add fun mechanics and challenges every few months/every patch.

    It's also pretty apparent in Torghast that some classes/specs actually lack proper interactions with their abilities outside of it and that specs got more boring to play now with the loss of power and the streamlining of specs in general, but that has been true in BFA also.

    My level experience in SL was horrible too. Cutscenes bugged out, events bugged out. I wasn't even able to follow the story in some cases because I didn't get to see the Ysera cutscene in Ardenweald for example. She just stood there all of a sudden next to the Queen. No cutscene - nothing - just to name an example. And most of the story quests were written/portrayed horribly, were poorly animated and especially the Bastion one was pretty insulting overall. There is quite a bit of a "time difference" between covenant quests and leveling/dungeon quests too. It's kinda dumb that you basically do all the dungeons before you even got the *chance* to do the story behind that quest. (i.e. Spires of Ascension, or De other Side)

    I liked BFA more in that regard too.

    And I didn't even enjoy BFA, I actually quit playing it after the first raid tier. Mostly due to how my spec played and I'm not eager enough to level alts and equip them.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; 2021-01-25 at 06:44 AM.

  10. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Oh and the lack of covenant tuning this tier has been rather disturbing too.
    What is Blizzard waiting for? Some covenants are *clearly* behind others, so much that they aren't even really viable anymore and basically lacking any sort of impact for their specs and classes.
    It is actually pretty ridiculous we still don't have a .5 patch on the PTR to fix the egregious class balance issues this expac has.

  11. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by Soon-TM View Post
    Yeah, I love how M+ was crazy fun in Legion, somewhat OK in BfA (especially S3), and now it's basically pointless except for getting more chances from the weekly vault, which is where all your gear comes from - unless you are into the 1 shot fest that is PvP atm.
    It's not even just that to me, it's like some of the bosses are just vastly overtuned and overly difficult for no reason on Tyrannical weeks(like Margrave Stradama and Dealer Xy'exa). Every single one of the new affixes are overly punishing to melee players that force us to frequently lose uptime on trash or bosses because of how they work. And in my opinion the worst part is how drastically strong some specs are compared to others in just raw damage because of the garbage AoE cap being put on SOME BUT NOT ALL specs.
    Quote Originally Posted by scarecrowz View Post
    Trust me.

    Zyky is better than you.

  12. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by leviathonlx View Post
    It is actually pretty ridiculous we still don't have a .5 patch on the PTR to fix the egregious class balance issues this expac has.
    It really is...

    actual numbers show:
    ~75% of all hunter players choose Night Fae
    ~3% Necrolord
    ~3% Venthir
    ~19% Kyrian

    It's just dumb and kinda weird that they haven't patched anything in regard of covenant power.
    When 1 Covenant is *clearly* the best in ST and MT situations, you did it wrong and poorly.
    I can only guess that they are too scared to change anything because the community is usually very upset when the choice they made gets nerfed or when a different choice is now better than theirs.
    F them though. It doesn't take any significant amount of time to level up a new covenant. And if all of them would be more balanced, you wouldn't have to switch anyway.

    And it's not just covenants, obviously.

  13. #93
    The Lightbringer msdos's Avatar
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    They gave up on the outdoor world completely, by they I mean every dev who isn't on the art team, there is zero reason to go out there and do guild related things. "Guilds are dead" is dramatic, but I'm sorry, guilds are dead.
    If you stop raiding you're just instantly replaced by someone else from LFG and your guild forgets you exist, because you don't matter and neither do guilds.

    Also your guild will just throw you to the wolves when it comes to M+. Certain members will all team up, then they'll be like, "bro, why aren't you pugging everything????? sup with your gear, hehe".
    There's 2 sides to this game: you have a dedicated group of people you do everything with or you don't and if you don't, you're not having anywhere close to the same experience as others and you're forced to accept the delusion that somehow solo players aren't getting the short end of the stick otherwise "find a new game bro, hehe, youre just burnt out" or some other dense platitude.

    Quote Originally Posted by Argorwal View Post
    It’s basically still WoW.

    You level up, see the new zones.

    Do new dungeons and the new raid.

    Do some pvp.

    Try and get some gear.

    The details change a bit every expansion it it’s basically the same thing.
    Well at least you admit they are just recycling the same product over and over, adding nothing new. Is that supposed to be justification for something? Did lazily recycling stuff just become the norm? I spose so. I suppose just stop striving for greatness too? Everyone just stop putting in effort in everything you do, just be satisfactory.
    Last edited by msdos; 2021-01-25 at 07:11 AM.

  14. #94
    Quote Originally Posted by Puupi View Post
    Too many weekly (and daily if you minmax) chores.

    Also the mandatory build up including the full covenant campaign and grinding through 8 layers of torghast is fucking painful.

    Oh and the Bolvar questline....
    i mean except the campaing q line up to torghast (so you can farm ash) you dont have to do any of that... i know some people think "i leveled up alt and i have to put in work to be on mythic raid level so its alt unfriendly" but thats not what it means...

    on alt you can literaly hit cap and do nothing but dungeons/pvp/raids or whatever you want to your heart desire...
    sure, if you want legendary you have to do few q and few runs of thorgast, but what would be better, just receiving legendary via mail? not to mention now you can be done with legendary first day after hitting cap...

  15. #95
    The Lightbringer msdos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lolites View Post
    i mean except the campaing q line up to torghast (so you can farm ash) you dont have to do any of that... i know some people think "i leveled up alt and i have to put in work to be on mythic raid level so its alt unfriendly" but thats not what it means...

    on alt you can literaly hit cap and do nothing but dungeons/pvp/raids or whatever you want to your heart desire...
    sure, if you want legendary you have to do few q and few runs of thorgast, but what would be better, just receiving legendary via mail? not to mention now you can be done with legendary first day after hitting cap...
    We get it. There's no new content. So just be content with the last 15 years of stuff or quit the game, yeah, we get it by now lol. It's recycled and there's no reason to even log in basically, gotcha.

  16. #96
    Quote Originally Posted by Argorwal View Post
    Wont you get caught up in renown just doing dungeons/raids and PvP?

    Alternate power gains used to be asked for years, guess players “thought they did...”
    pretty much all he calls "mandatory chore" is something you can ignore on your alt and be fine
    what he obviously wants is to get his alt to the same power hights and minmax state as main without any actual work

  17. #97
    For solo player game is dead now. End part od BfA was 500% better.

  18. #98
    Was fun to level in, SL start was fun, but now that I look back on it, it really was just the whole "new expansion, fun times" that I was feeling.

    WoW itself hasn't changed much and the last time I played before SL was in Legion. Skipped BFA completely. The game itself is every bit the same as it was back then.

    I came back with 4 friends planning to just do mythic + and no raids, and we did that for the most part, finishing our +15s and getting the mounts this week. Now there's no real purpose to play anymore since mythic + really isn't that rewarding loot wise. Can't do casual raids either since both normal and timewalking raids offer really bad loot, and we don't want to make the jump into going hard in heroic raids. So we are stuck in that shitty phase of waiting for vault loot every week. Torghast was one of my big points of the expansion and while I had fun with the first two or so iterations, now it's just a glorified waste of time and is a big disappointment. Same thing for twisting corridors.

    I'm surprised there is nothing announced yet at this point to look forward to but I guess they really just cater to the most casual of casual players now and for those players they probably are still having fun. Me personally, I will check out 9.1 but otherwise I see myself done with WoW till the next expansion.

  19. #99
    Two months in, game is still a lot of fun. I'm progging through Mythic with my guild, we max out Vault weekly, and I've even been doing PvP enough to get the elite set. Overall I think SLands is in a good place but I'm not without my gripes. Torghast is boring. Conduit energy is a dogshit system. Those are really my two major gripes and I imagine Conduit energy will be changing.

  20. #100
    Quote Originally Posted by Zyky View Post
    What world do you live in that M+ is "solid". This is the worst iteration of M+ yet...
    People need to stop treating M+ as a loot pinata.

    M+ is fun because of pushing higher keys, faster times and increasing score.

    Or for adding slots to the vault.

    Going into M+ and expecting loot is dumb af.

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