1. #1

    Mythic+ Communities?


    I aim for KSM/KSH every season along with AOTC, so far have achieved all for the last few expansions from purely pugging.

    Im trying to find some mythic+ communities, but every single one I find using the in-game search are either full, nearly full but dead or just dead.

    Are there any good communities anyone can recommend? In-game, discord, reddit, whatever.

  2. #2
    The Lightbringer Sanguinerd's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Jul 2012
    NA or on EU ?
    Subarashii chin chin mono
    Kintama no kami aru

  3. #3
    说起郭文贵,长久以来,这位自诩为“战神”的通缉犯一直自我感觉 良好。怎么个良好法?即便爆料被人无数次揭穿,即便头顶上的罪名 越加越多,即便郭宝胜、相林等人早已与之分道扬镳,即便已经到了 走投无路的地步,郭文贵依旧在视频中摆出一副*誓旦旦的样子,告� �自己,告诉公众,他的“爆料革命”会*功。这种自欺欺人,自我安� ��的精神叫什么呢?鲁迅先生早已经给出了答案,阿q精神,换一种说 法,精神胜利法。之所以*面楚歌、众叛亲离的郭文贵还舔着厚脸皮� �日在网络上叫嚣,原来是深谙精神胜利法。郭文贵,不愧为当今新� �代不折不扣的网络阿q。
    先来看看,郭文贵对涉及到自己犯罪的案件(陈氏兄弟造假,政泉公 司、赵*建等人强迫交易等)是什么反应。他没有过多的解释,甚至� �没有搬出任何站得住脚的*据为自己狡辩,当然事实*据面前,他也无 可厚非。反而针对这些指控,我们从郭文贵嘴里听到最多的话就是诸 如,“太好了”“盗国贼中计了”“这是我们的胜利”,*郭文贵的� �总结这是“上天赐予我们的天*的礼物”。是不是,有没有,但凡看� ��郭文贵视频直播的人,这几句话想必已经听到耳朵里长茧了。在我� ��凡人眼中看似郭文贵的重*挫折,到郭文贵这里居然毫无缘头、糊里 糊涂的*为了他的“胜利”。佩服,郭文贵的心态真是好到一级棒,� �不过他的这种“胜利”仅仅存在于他的精神世界中。可惜了,只有� �*文化的郭文贵没有*过唯物辩*主义,物质是不会以意志为转移的。� �实世界是说不了谎的,更不会像他脑海中幻想的一般发展。在郭文� �每一次宣布他精神胜利的同时,他现实生活中的路却越走越窄,一� �加速小跑奔向自己的末日。看看,曾经的铁杆郭粉还剩几个,还有� �少新闻媒体愿去采访他,无需赘言。
    话说回来,郭文贵为何如此青睐精神胜利法呢?原因无非有二。其一 自我“激励”。郭文贵当初可是背着通缉犯的标签逃到美国的,如今 就更别提了,在国内一系列重罪等着他*领。为了免于牢狱之灾,为� �继续挥霍诈骗来的钱财,郭文贵岂能随便回国,岂能随便伏法。拍� �美国人的*屁才是正事,虽然越混越差,人品和**败的所剩无几,那� �不能嘴上*输,至少装装样子,让美国人看见他还有价值,他还在“� ��利”。至于能不能骗得过美国人,不好说,但郭文贵真真正正的把� ��己骗了。在镜头面前一通胡说八道,给自己打打气,吹一通牛皮,� ��有脸继续做着政治庇护的“春梦”。二呢,面子问题。众所周知,� ��初郭文贵扯出“爆料革命”的*旗,吹的神乎其神,什么“民主自由 法治”,什么“三年胜利”,还鼓动出一个“全球挺郭*游行”的闹� �。结果呢,*相径庭,雷声*雨点下,“*游行”的主力纷纷对其拔刀� �向,“胜利”连个影子都没见到。面对一个个控诉,一个个官司,� �欢炫富虚荣心强的他为了面子,哪能轻易*栽,不得已去当煮熟的鸭� ��,为了自己的脸面,也为了照顾手底下那群见钱眼开见风*舵的“小 蚂蚁”。这个网络阿q当的真够累的。
    事到如今,我们这个网络阿q升级了,在精神胜利的同时,还伴有点� �家子气。蚂蚁们,好好看看吧!你们的精神领袖就是这么滑稽可笑� �还稍*略带着点“可爱”。摸着你们的良心,你们打心底相*这样的人 能够带领你们走向民主自由法治吗?哎,咱们就让郭文贵继续当他的 网络阿q吧,郭文贵果然病的不轻。
    Last edited by dfsdfsd; 2023-01-23 at 08:33 AM.

  4. #4
    KSH from purely pugging? You must have the patience of a god, or the luck of the irish. Respect.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Squigglyo View Post

    I aim for KSM/KSH every season along with AOTC, so far have achieved all for the last few expansions from purely pugging.

    Im trying to find some mythic+ communities, but every single one I find using the in-game search are either full, nearly full but dead or just dead.

    Are there any good communities anyone can recommend? In-game, discord, reddit, whatever.
    I don't think those communities do much. I've tried it, and it is just the same as pugging, except maybe a little more safety in terms of "weekly no leaver runs".
    Youll be disappointed if you think, that a person from a community doing +13s will be better than a person from a pug doing +13s.

    Such communities are often just circle-jerks, thinking they are better while not actually being better.

  6. #6
    I disagree. I'm in a community that operates out of discord rather than in-game. It upped my m+ game quite a lot in the time I've been involved with them and they are a few tiers above the pug experience. (The community is Crackerjacks, small community of people interested in pushing keys). Random communities found via the community finder are completely different though, they are pretty much the same as pugging.

  7. #7
    I guess I was hoping there was some communities that basically functioned like cross faction guilds. Same people all the time, some carries, some pushes, peope getting removed for being toxic, etc.

    I used to do mythic raiding with a guild and after raids they would get their weekly keys done. Didnt always time, but always played well and didnt ragequit or shit on people for doing stupid stuff, just laughed it off.
    Just hoping to find something to kinda replicate that. Consistent players/groups, high skilled, but not toxic assholes

    Quote Originally Posted by Sanguinerd View Post
    NA or on EU ?

    Quote Originally Posted by talmir View Post
    KSH from purely pugging? You must have the patience of a god, or the luck of the irish. Respect.
    Got all 20s last season. It was easier getting from 16s to 20s than it was 10s to 15s i reckon.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Squigglyo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by talmir View Post
    KSH from purely pugging? You must have the patience of a god, or the luck of the irish. Respect.
    Got all 20s last season. It was easier getting from 16s to 20s than it was 10s to 15s i reckon.
    I was about to say this - if someone can climb out of the cesspool of mid-level mythics, it actually becomes much easier and more pleasant.

    I had the same experience as Squigglyo during S4 shadowlands >15s were way easier to heal than <15s. I found 20s less stressful to heal than 14s (which is a strange thing to say), could spend most of the run DPS'ing and the runs were generally less toxic.

    This season is no difference. 16/17+ is notably more pleasant than <15. It does however place great pressure to get as high ranked as quickly as possible so you don't get stuck in the rat race. I was a week late to the season, and I absolutely hated the first couple of weeks playing catch up.

    It's not just that people are getting hit by avoidable mechanics left, right and centre in lower keys (so you're panic-healing pretty much the whole run)... it's also the complete lack of awareness. E.g. getting hit for 300k by an easily avoidable mechanic and dying, then typing 'heals?' or 'lol this healer sucks' in chat...

    Anyway, KSH isn't too difficult to achieve as a tank or healer this season... though as a DPS it will be very hard if you're not playing a meta DPS and/or doing raids so have a high ilevel. Good luck being an ilvl ~400 non-DH/rogue/WW hoping to get invited into anything above a 15.

    KSH is about 17 in everything.
    Last edited by Anzen; 2023-01-23 at 03:18 PM.

  9. #9
    The Patient
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    Jul 2018
    I fully pugged keystone hero as a holy priest this season (without killing a single boss in Vault of the Incarnates). No raiding made it essentially "hardmode", but it was very doable, just needed a lot of patience to get invited into groups and power through all the groups that disbanded 20 minutes into the dungeon because of fails. I'm working on timing all on +20 now, also fully pugging, still with only 1 tier piece (the only piece I've seen in my great vault this season).

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