So, you have better data than them, then? Because this piece here has quite a bit of it, and according to them it's not just a single province with noticeably higher rates than the previous years, but rather shows that the number of fires overall is the highest in ten years and acknowledge that it was much worse before that. They also show that some intervening years had gotten reasonably close, but an overall downward trend.
The piece further explains that such fires are common and often deliberate, and show exactly which regions are experiencing more fires than last year, and which fewer, with 4 provinces showing more than double the amount of fires. However, they look at the whole year until the date of publishing, not a month-by-month analysis, which may look differently. ( )
Hence, again, I would like to see the data you are referring to. If you accuse 'the media' of blowing a story out of proportion, you need to present actual proof of that, not just saying they do.