My favorite Twitter bots are the 20-something attractive women whose short bit about themselves is like
Family, GOD and Country, #2A, #MAGA ❌ I love my President!!!!
The profile pic flashes a bit of boob. The banner is either a Trump rally or some meme like him riding a dinosaur with two M-16s.
And then they've retweeted everyone ranging from Fox News regulars to QAnon every 3 minute for the last 36 hours.
You know.
Just like real people do.
Looks like I missed a memo. The stopgap spending bill has passed.
81-16 in the Senate after a similarly one-sided 301-123 vote.
"But Breccia! Earlier reports said 82 to 15!"
Yeah, a Republican retroactively changed his vote.
As this is an extension of the previous spending bill, a lot of things Trump wants aren't in it. He's still going to sign it, which anyone else would too, because this only lasts until Nov 21 and that's the next chapter.
The leading issues for the long-term spending bill are, of course, Republicans trying to give Trump Wall funding and the Democrats saying "good luck getting to 60 with that, motherfuckers." I suppose it's possible the GOP will bribe the Democrats with something that allows them to spend the listed $5 billion extra to DHS, $3.6 billion more to the military for Wall funds, and $3.6 billion retroactive to repay the military for the money Trump already took. Which, if it happens, will be yet another massive budget buster.
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Yeah...I'm wondering if Twitter is going to going to round the bots up and have them virtually shot, and more importantly, when. Could be a fun debate topic.
"Mr. Trump, your Twitter followers just lost 30% of their number when their IPs were traced to the same server farm in Russia. Perhaps you could have Giuliani find that server, too?"
Not even Trump does that.
Trumps latest tweets are always on TV, imagine all the news that are based just on his tweets. Well, Donald Trump has written 7,225 tweets since he won the election in, almost 10 tweets per day. We are not counting here the RTs he has sent, just the original tweets he has written and sent. 7,225 tweets divided in:
5,040 text tweets: tweets containing only text (no link, no pic, etc.).
277 replies: tweets where he replies to other users (however, in this case, he’s replying to himself when creating threads)
1,912 links or images. (some of these tweets are also replies, so we don’t count them twice)
Yeah there are tons of bots that reply to every single one of Trump's tweets that I see every time I expand one of his panic tweets basically polishing his nuts and there are a line of the same bots behind them. There are some that have been accused of being ran by Jacob Wohl since he got banned by Twitter which wouldn't surprise me.
Twitter's problem is much the same as with Facebook - neither have grown in the west in years. Twitter probably hasn't grown ANYWHERE in years. The Facebook first wavers (mid-2000s college students) have been leaving for years. The post-millennial kids shifted to different forms of social media (Instagram, Snapchat). Twitter was NEVER that popular with anybody outside of celebrities and the media.
There is a good chance a substantial proportion of both services user base is bots... way more than they officially say. Facebook nominally has like 2 billion accounts, but also says it fights off about a billion bot accounts a year (numbers from memory). Chances are lets get through. A real lot.
As for Twitter... Facebook is an actual revenue generating company. Twitter's been living off investor cash for years.
I wouldn't be surprised if it comes out one day that the actual install bases (and actual regular users) are a fraction of their estimated size, and Facebook and Twitter largely turn a blind eye to it in order to say "hey we're still growing". Because it's a conflict of interest on their part. There is technically no reason they HAVE to stop bots other than a comittment to user experience. There is no law. But doing so - creating a "real number" of users, only really matters when investors are looking at product growth. And I bet it's totally massaged.
An example... Blizzard! I did tech investment consulting for a VC before my current job. I knew when a start up was pitching a bullshit number. MOUs, the number that replaced subs, is a bullshit number. Activision-Blizzard used it to obscure an across the board game-by-game decline in subs and users by rightly concluding that investors don't care if WoW has has more or fewer subs and Heathstone has more or fewer users so long as all products in the portfolio show a general growth direction. MOUs also allows Blizzard to report questionable number and double dip. For example, everyone who logs onto Hearthstone for their freebie pack - because hey, it's free! - suddenly is a +1 in the MOU column.
I kind of chuckle at those threads about "WoW is dying", "classic more popular than retail" or this or that, because they entirely miss the point: the numbers thrown around are all based on a certain business fiction. And investors aren't stupid. They know it too.
For fucks sake, I leave for a work trip for a few days and everything fucking explodes...
Does anyone have the TLDR of everything over the past like 2-3 days? Because I'm trying to catch up on everything and I still feel like I'm missing shit.
WH hid transcripts from SA/Russia calls too.
Barr is potentially implicated and took a secret trip to Italy.
Ukrainian envoy resigned (which was apparently reported by a college kid!)
Trump is going absolutely fucking nuts.
Giuliani is Guliani-ing hard on any network that will host him.
Impeachment is gaining momentum, at least for an inquiry.
Republicans, especially Graham, are doubling down on defending Trump.
Am I missing anything? >.>
I'm really pulling for ol' Jacob Wohl to really commit a big federal crime.
I know he has it in him.
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Short Version:
Trump released a memo (a quasi-transcript of the conversation).
Then the ICIG released the largely un-redacted Whistleblower complaint, which opened up a ton of leads and illustrated more wrongdoing.
And everything's gone to shit for the Trump White House, which is fumbling for a response.
Also Pelosi started an impeachment inquiry, and want to write and vote on articles by the end of the year.
Guiliani was also working with 2 additional lawyers in pressuring Ukraine.
He should be in federal jail for trying to obstruct the Russia Investigation for that bullshit stunt he tried to pull where people asked him if he was going to enjoy prison. But since he was charged for a federal crime in California earlier this month, there hasn't been much from him.
Seeing that the only thing Trump was offering different from other republicans was more overt bigotry, I dont feel bad for them. They will get exactly what they deserve. And if the universe has a sense of irony, theyll get all the misery and suffering they wanted for others.
The few that really did just care about their jobs i hold no issue with beyond, dont be so willing to believe a conman cause your scared.
Pretty much. They can't seem to make up their minds on what insult to use about Democrats time and again. Either they're all sheeple who follow the herd, or they're in fighting and eating themselves. Either their connivingly corrupt or they're bumblingly disorganized and inept. Either they want to kill everyone in America with communism, or they want to blow up the budget trying to help everyone. etc.
“Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
Diary of Anne Frank
January 13, 1943
So of course with Trump I sometimes never know where to post since we'll, it's a Shitshow and as usual this could go in multiple threads.
So the link is showing that the Whistle-blower is in federal protection and fear for their safety.
Why is this?
Trump actually tweeted he wants to confront the whistle-blower.
Trump has done this multiple times if you remember threatening witnesses such as Michael Cohen in public. now on CBS: "@60Minutes has obtained a letter that indicates the government under federal protection because he or she fears for their safety"
Context to the story.
Here are Trump's tweets.
Threatening a member of Congress with Treason with no evidence.His lies were made in perhaps the most blatant and sinister manner ever seen in the great Chamber. He wrote down and read terrible things, then said it was from the mouth of the President of the United States. I want Schiff questioned at the highest level for Fraud & Treason.....
Once again threats.....In addition, I want to meet not only my accuser, who presented SECOND & THIRD HAND INFORMATION, but also the person who illegally gave this information, which was largely incorrect, to the “Whistleblower.” Was this person SPYING on the U.S. President? Big Consequences!
Last edited by Paranoid Android; 2019-09-30 at 12:28 AM.
"Buh dah DEMS"
And we are back to Hillary
because the orange man child cant even let anything go.
Trump seems to forget that he saved the conversation. He also seems to forget that multiple people in his administration, including him, are blocking that conversation as hard as they can. Trump didn't release the edited transcript until he was threatened with impeachment. And even FOX News is saying what's going on is serious or even illegal.
Trump also seems to forget he has an entire Department of Justice. The second he actually wants Schiff questioned, they're welcome to try.
Which they're not going to do.
While this is more disturbing than his usual deflection and distraction, he's still just screaming into the wind.