Shoot, yeah - he did. Stupid scooping @Thekri - j/k of course.Will be interesting to see how this plays out. The only guarantee is that Trump will lose this round.
- - - Updated - - -
The Lincoln Project is already salivating at the prospect.
Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!
The Trump campaign has apparently unveiled a new logo for official campaign T-shirts. Wanna see it? No? Too bad.
I did nazi this one coming.
Last edited by Zaydin; 2020-07-02 at 12:18 AM.
"If you are ever asking yourself 'Is Trump lying or is he stupid?', the answer is most likely C: All of the Above" - Seth Meyers
Not sure I'd say 'inspiration' cuts it. "Wholesale copy" feels more appropriate.
"If you are ever asking yourself 'Is Trump lying or is he stupid?', the answer is most likely C: All of the Above" - Seth Meyers
I'm still more inclined to say they're aping a version of the USMC logo than the Nazi one...but when when you pair it up with the $88 baseball, the frequent use of double words starting with H, the 14 letters, the continued existence of Stephen Miller and his dead fucking eyes...
Yeah, they're pandering to a very specific audience. Probably the same folks that thought that the neighbor with the Nazi flag outside his house wasn't a problem and was just fine because he'd smile at people.
I have a gripe with this. Not because of the ad itself (as a mean to get into Dotard Tang skin) but because it paints modern Russia as a sort of communist continuation of the USSR. It's not. Russia ATM is a fascist capitalistic Oligarchy, and the only thing that carried over from the soviet era (apart from the love of dictator-style governance) is the hatred of the US.
Actual commies and lefties hate modern russia (and dislike soviey russia). But i think that fact flies over th head of the Americans.
Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker
51k today with new records set in Texas, Arizona (also new death record) and Georgia. Louisiana came close to 2k for the first time since the beginning of April. California, Tennessee, North and South Carolina all continue trending among their highest highs.
Fuck Florida.
Conversely, New York had their lowest total deaths since the pandemic began at 14. If it weren't for the Northeast getting its shit together we would definitely still be hitting 1k easily daily. As it stands we were just under 700 today which was a good amount lower than the previous Wednesday. Here's hoping that trend continues even as the South and Midwest continue fucking it up.
Stay safe, folks.
Yeah, well, there's been some funny business with their numbers too. Go here and look at their Active Cases chart. Specifically April 23rd to 24th. Not suspicious at all, right?
At this point I find a lot of the numbers from some of these states suspect. I think things are worse in Louisiana than they're letting on.
Yep. Somehow 15k cases just cleared up overnight. I'm thinking they were "corrected" to other illnesses.
That sometimes happens after a correction. USUALLY it's deaths that see that happen as "probable" deaths due to COVID are ruled out. For it to happen for New Cases, however, is just plain weird. Either you have a tested and confirmed case of COVID or you don't. Unless you're using one of Trump's busted tests, I guess.