1. #60901
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Remember that Trump rape case that the DoJ wanted to act as Trump's personal lawyers and they were blocked because, when Trump said "she lied and she's ugly" he wasn't acting in an Executive Branch role?

    The Trump rape case is moving forwards.

    It's civil, not criminal, but it's yet another legal issue Trump will have to deal with without the protection of office.

  2. #60902
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Remember that Trump rape case that the DoJ wanted to act as Trump's personal lawyers and they were blocked because, when Trump said "she lied and she's ugly" he wasn't acting in an Executive Branch role?

    The Trump rape case is moving forwards.

    It's civil, not criminal, but it's yet another legal issue Trump will have to deal with without the protection of office.
    Ahh civil or not, when trump is gone, may justice prevail.

  3. #60903
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beanman12345 View Post
    Ahh civil or not, when trump is gone, may justice prevail.
    Funny thing, civil case won't need a unanimous decision.

  4. #60904
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Trump announces sanctions against Jyna.

    Trump on Thursday signed an executive order paving the way for the U.S. to blacklist Chinese companies that the administration alleges are connected to Beijing’s military.

    The order is expected to go into effect Jan. 11, ahead of the start of the new presidential administration in which Joe Biden is the projected next U.S. president.

    A series of high-profile Chinese companies are named in the order including Huawei, a technology company that the Trump White House has sought to block sales from U.S. businesses to over national security concerns.

    The Department of Defense over the summer released a list of dozens of Chinese companies it identified as having connections to the Chinese military, including telecommunications firms, aviation, aerospace, shipping and construction companies, to name a few.

    Now, U.S. citizens are blocked from owning or trading securities linked to these companies.

    Trump said he signed the executive order because the Chinese government seeks to compel “civilian Chinese companies to support its military and intelligence activities,” which he warned will pose an “unusual and extraordinary threat” to the U.S. including its national security, foreign policy and economy.
    "What's wrong with that?"

    Well for one, while taking actions when necessary against bad actors makes sense, poking a bear with a stick before fleeing the room is bad form.

    For two, China knows full well these sanctions might not survive.

    And for three, Trump continues to take actions that burn the trade deal he promised to the ground, and now his tears are salting the earth.

    Trade wars are good, and easy to win
    -- Donald Trump, loser.

  5. #60905
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    I would ask what aspects of Hilary were deemed worse than Trump's for Trump's reality to come to pass by the American voters, but people dispute this saying Trump technically wasn't voted over Clinton and he exploited a loophole.
    There was a 20+ year Republican hit job on the Clinton's, going back to Bill's time as Governor of Arkansas. There was Benghazi. There were the emails (never mind that Colin Powell, Bush's Sec State, did the exact same thing, nor that multiple Trump spawn and others in the Trump regime did the exact same thing). There was Comey announcing he was reopening an investigation 3 days before the election. There was the DNC fuckery with debate questions and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and others stabbing for Hillary long before Bernie lost the primary (he did in fact lose fairly, but the whole debacle caused many progressives to sit at home because they didn't want to actively support somebody that everyone thought would win anyway).

    Also Hillary is a woman.
    Last edited by Antiganon; 2020-11-13 at 01:42 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Woods View Post
    LOL never change guys. I guess you won't because conservatism.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostpanther View Post
    I do care what people on this forum think of me.
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    This site is amazing. It's comments like this, that make this site amazing.

  6. #60906
    Quote Originally Posted by Antiganon View Post
    There was a 20+ year Republican hit job on the Clinton's, going back to Bill's time as Governor of Arkansas. There was Benghazi. There were the emails (never mind that Colin Powell, Bush's Sec State, did the exact same thing, nor that multiple Trump spawn and others in the Trump regime did the exact same thing). There was Comey announcing he was reopening an investigation 3 days before the election. There was the DNC fuckery with debate questions and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and others stabbing for Hillary long before Bernie lost the primary (he did in fact lose fairly, but the whole debacle caused many progressives to sit at home because they didn't want to actively support somebody that everyone thought would win anyway).

    Also Hillary is a woman.
    doesn't Biden have enemies or a shady past? He won so easily this election without any fare. So easily that we have the dilemma with Trump calling foul.

  7. #60907
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    doesn't Biden have enemies or a shady past? He won so easily this election without any fare. So easily that we have the dilemma with Trump calling foul.
    Trump called foul when he won in 2016...

  8. #60908
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    doesn't Biden have enemies or a shady past? He won so easily this election without any fare. So easily that we have the dilemma with Trump calling foul.
    Not really no. There isn't dirt to stick to him, because he's been active in politics for decades and kept his nose clean.

    The Clinton issues started with the Whitewater real estate scandal, where they bought into a real estate development that was run by some people who were committing fraud. After 6 or 8 years of investigations, it was found that the Clinton's had committed no wrongdoing, they were honest and upstanding business partners who had no knowledge of or control over their oartners' malfeasance. The only thing they could find was that Hillary had made more money than she thought she had, and had paid too little in tax. When brought to her attention, she immediately cut the IRS a check for the back due taxes, with interest.

    Biden has kept his nose clean the whole time. The only thing they have on him is that he has a son with addiction issues and some other problems, who maybe might have attempted to trade on his father's name without his permission. Even then, there is no actual verifiable evidence, and nobody is coming after the father for his addict son saying "Hey you know who my dad is right? Hook me up."
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Woods View Post
    LOL never change guys. I guess you won't because conservatism.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostpanther View Post
    I do care what people on this forum think of me.
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    This site is amazing. It's comments like this, that make this site amazing.

  9. #60909
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Trump announces sanctions against Jyna.

    "What's wrong with that?"

    Well for one, while taking actions when necessary against bad actors makes sense, poking a bear with a stick before fleeing the room is bad form.

    For two, China knows full well these sanctions might not survive.

    And for three, Trump continues to take actions that burn the trade deal he promised to the ground, and now his tears are salting the earth.

    -- Donald Trump, loser.
    In theory, decoupling America's economy from China and instead focusing on building up economic ties with the US' actual allies along with strengthening internal production is a good thing.

    But I don't trust it, of course, because it's Trump that's doing it. He's proven himself utterly incapable of doing... well, anything but personally enriching himself, and to even do that he's had to fall back on fleecing people of their money to pay for his "recounts." It's the exact same token nonsense with no tact, substance or long-term effect charted out that will likely only serve to harm the US. Just like his "trade war."
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  10. #60910
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    In theory, decoupling America's economy from China and instead focusing on building up economic ties with the US' actual allies along with strengthening internal production is a good thing.
    In theory, yes.

    But that would be hard to do while claiming you could force China to buy a bunch of American goods and flip the trade gap.

    Which Trump said he would do.

    And then just...didn't.

  11. #60911
    Pucker up people, grab a drink, maybe 2. Sit down and mentally prepare yourselves for @Benggaul’s report. It’s not unexpected, but at the same time, it still feels surreal that we are actually at this point with the Trump virus.

    Indiana is also seeing a crazy spike today. Idk how or why, maybe carryover from Veterans Day? But also, we are approaching our death records. I see worldometer has a higher number, but the state site spreads it out as a correction, or attributes the deaths to the day of the test, rather than when it was reported.

  12. #60912
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    Quote Originally Posted by swiftowner View Post
    Pucker up people, grab a drink, maybe 2. Sit down and mentally prepare yourselves for @Benggaul’s report.
    I'm going to hate this so much, aren't I?

  13. #60913
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    I'm going to hate this so much, aren't I?
    Well on a scale of 1 to Trump, it’s pretty Trumpy.

    Edit: The only thing I can say that might be a positive is that the growth rate *MIGHT* have leveled off, but it’s hard to tell with the limited data. We will see tomorrow and next week if it leveled off, or if it is still increasing. But even if the growth rate has hit its peak, we are still so fucked before daily new case numbers start decreasing. Even at this point we’d probably hit 300k daily cases before it leveled off.

    But I’m also not a math teacher/professional so I’ll leave that kind of prediction up to those who are, like you.
    Last edited by swiftowner; 2020-11-13 at 02:28 AM.

  14. #60914
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    I'm going to hate this so much, aren't I?
    Yes. Everyone will loathe this. I hope that the US passes this 3rd wave fast.
    Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker

  15. #60915
    161,541 new cases; about 38k more than last Thursday. Another new national record.

    Top 20:

    Illinois: 12,702 new cases (new record); 48 deaths
    Texas: 10,378 new cases; 157 deaths
    California: 9,158 new cases; 35 deaths
    Wisconsin: 7,497 new cases (new record); 58 deaths
    Michigan: 7,311 new cases (new record); 49 deaths
    Minnesota: 7,225 new cases (new record); 39 deaths
    Ohio: 7,115 new cases (new record); 38 deaths
    Indiana: 6,591 new cases (new record); 51 deaths
    Pennsylvania: 6,023 new cases (new record); 57 deaths
    Fuck Florida.
    Colorado: 5,197 new cases (new record); 25 deaths
    New York: 5,055 new cases; 28 deaths
    Iowa: 4,413 new cases; 31 deaths (new record)
    Missouri: 4,327 new cases; 24 deaths
    Utah: 3,919 new cases (new record); 9 deaths
    New Jersey: 3,741 new cases; 19 deaths
    Tennessee: 3,344 new cases; 27 deaths
    Georgia: 2,982 new cases; 75 deaths
    Washington: 2,915 new cases (new record); 26 deaths
    North Carolina: 2,893 new cases; 8 deaths

    Special mention:

    South Dakota: 2,020 new cases (new record). Fuck you, Kristi Noem.

    More new records in North Dakota, New Mexico, Oregon (passed 1k for the first time), Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Vermont. California's flood gates may well have opened after holding relatively well for a while. They've also joined Texas in the 1 million cases club (according to worldometers...YMMV). New York has hit 5k again for the first time since April. 40 states reported over 1k cases today. 27 reported 2k or more. I think we all pretty much expected to hit the 160k threshold today given the trend of the past couple weeks, but that doesn't make it any easier to swallow. 170k is within sight for tomorrow (about 38k more than last Friday's total). We might not hit it, but I'm not betting either way.

    I should mention, Wisconsin was pretty much the epicenter of this wave. Their cases started increasing back in mid-September and they are STILL FUCKING INCREASING.

    1,190 deaths is "only" around 50 more than last Thursday, so...."yay"? I expect that to be the exception more than the rule, however. The total stands at 248,585. We could easily hit 250k tomorrow, but we will hit it by Saturday. It looks as though Illinois' number yesterday might have been a fluke/correction that wasn't identified as such in the report...but we'll need another week of data to see for sure. Everything remains bigger in Texas.

    Related news:

    CDC projects up to 282,000 Covid-19 deaths by December, a new forecast shows--That's over 30k more in just over two weeks. I'm going to cross my fingers and hope we don't hit that high-end.

    California becomes the second US state to top one million Covid-19 cases, after Texas--Hey, whaddya know? Looks like JH and WO are on the same wavelength today.

    Biden talks with Pelosi, Schumer about need for COVID bill--While Trump continues peddling conspiracy theories, Biden is already trying to get things prepared for one of the most pressing issues once he takes office. McTurtle and the GOP better come up with some better excuses as to why they don't want to help the American people. You know, because "Trump doesn't want to sign it" isn't going to work anymore.

    Stay safe, folks.
    Last edited by Benggaul; 2020-11-13 at 02:46 AM.

  16. #60916
    Merely a Setback Adam Jensen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    I'm going to hate this so much, aren't I?
    You wanna see exponential growth in action?
    Putin khuliyo

  17. #60917
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    1,190 deaths is "only" around 50 more than last Thursday, so...."yay"?
    With the sheer number of new cases and hospitalizations, it honestly is a partial yay.

    But deaths lag so...more on this in a week, I guess.

  18. #60918
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    With the sheer number of new cases and hospitalizations, it honestly is a partial yay.

    But deaths lag so...more on this in a week, I guess.
    I'm holding my "yay" until I see what tomorrow brings.

  19. #60919
    They've been warning us the next couple months are gonna be the darkest. We'll hit 250k-300k a day before Biden is sworn in.

  20. #60920
    Oh, by the way, remember when I said a few days ago that the US had hit 10 million cases? The US will hit 11 million cases tomorrow (again, according to worldometers, YMMV).

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