1. #66501
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Now that the trial is over I hope people move on from this clown. Of course we're going to be dealing with with the aftermath of him for a bit but he no longer needs to at the center of American politics. I don't what he or any of his sideshow has to say after this. They aren't allowed to command attention from society anymore.

  2. #66502
    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    I think my point is that over the decades conservatism has basically vanished aside from a very few people, the last president that balanced the budget was a democrat. Whenever republicans get into power they spend like drunken sailors, the right has been stuck on the culture wars forever without doing any real governing or presenting a vision for the future.

    The base needed for conservatism is gone they are a dying breed.
    Oh I wouldn't say they're gone. Dying breed, certainly. I just think their voice has been greatly diminished because, as I mentioned before, their "brand" has been taken over by people who don't actually believe what they do but found their platform a convenient stepping stone for power. Completely agree that they are vastly outnumbered by now.

  3. #66503
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    Now that the trial is over I hope people move on from this clown.
    We do need to move on to repairing the damage Trump and his rabid fanbase intentionally did to the country, yes.

    But we also need to double-tap to make sure he doesn't get back up. Teabagging is optional.

  4. #66504
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeth Hawkins View Post
    Oh, it is. Your problem is that nothing in your sentence happened. Odd how you and others are wishing it did.
    So your argument is that the 1/6 attack never happened? No one was there? Everyone who was supposedly killed is still alive?
    Banned from Twitter by Elon, so now I'm your problem.
    Quote Originally Posted by Brexitexit View Post
    I am the total opposite of a cuck.

  5. #66505
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeth Hawkins View Post
    Another person here hoping for a "next time". I hope something like this does not happen again, so there will be no "next time".

    - - - Updated - - -

    Sure they will. All it requires is an impeachable offence be committed, and for the person who committed it to actually be in office.
    No, I am not hoping for the next time, but I know that Trump supporters won't help themselves since they have been committing the terrorist attacks for the last 5 or so years.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeth Hawkins View Post
    I doubt it. Removing The President based on a conspiracy theory, by the opposing party, was avoided today. This sets a good precedent for it not happening the other way around in the future.
    What conspiracy theory? We watched him incite this shit for over 3 months.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeth Hawkins View Post
    And not removed from office. Twice. One of which was, of course, after he was already out of office.

    Weird how the democrats decided to wait until President Trump became a private citizen before impeaching him.
    Actually no, he was impeached the 13th of January, Republicans waited til he was out of office to do the trial. Not surprising you are ignoring fucking reality, you are a Trump supporter after all.

  6. #66506
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeth Hawkins View Post
    Sure they will. All it requires is an impeachable offence be committed, and for the person who committed it to actually be in office.
    What will you give up when you fail to prove they have to be in office?
    Banned from Twitter by Elon, so now I'm your problem.
    Quote Originally Posted by Brexitexit View Post
    I am the total opposite of a cuck.

  7. #66507
    New York Trump investigation looks at $280m in loans – report

    While there was good news for Donald Trump in Washington on Saturday, as his second impeachment trial ended in acquittal, troubling news came out of his native New York.

    The investigations appear to be an extension of a previously acknowledged move by Manhattan’s Democratic district attorney, Cyrus Vance Jr, over what prosecutors have called “possibly extensive and protracted criminal conduct at the Trump Organization”.

    By avoiding conviction in his second impeachment trial, Trump remained free to run for office again. But without the protections of office, he is vulnerable to prosecution. The New York state attorney general is also investigating the Trump Organization.

  8. #66508
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    But without the protections of office, he is vulnerable to prosecution. The New York state attorney general is also investigating the Trump Organization.[/i]
    I was going to say "yes, but who strikes first?" But of course it's NYState. They've been chomping at the bit.

  9. #66509
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeth Hawkins View Post
    I doubt it. Removing The President based on a conspiracy theory, by the opposing party, was avoided today. This sets a good precedent for it not happening the other way around in the future.
    Oh, please. The party of "voter fraud" and "blood libel" doesn't get to claim ANYTHING is a "conspiracy theory".
    Banned from Twitter by Elon, so now I'm your problem.
    Quote Originally Posted by Brexitexit View Post
    I am the total opposite of a cuck.

  10. #66510
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Trump laywer van der Swan says...shit, that was someone else.

    Trump lawyer van der beek says...

    (checks news)

    Trump lawyer van der Veen says his home was attacked, and he's received death threats.

    Speaking to reporters, he said:

    Naturally, they were just expressing their right to free speech. I find this normal and won't be pressing charges
    HAH. No. He said this:

    My home was attacked. I'd rather not go into it because it would encourage other people to do it more, but you know, I've had nearly 100 death threats
    For the record, threats of violence are criminal, and even if they weren't, they're still immoral. That's not the way to make your point.

    But then, I've never defended that. van der vander, however, has. So it comes off a little "well what did you expect, dumbass?" when he says it.

  11. #66511
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeth Hawkins View Post
    And not removed from office. Twice. One of which was, of course, after he was already out of office.

    Weird how the democrats decided to wait until President Trump became a private citizen before impeaching him.
    Was he impeached after he was a private citizen?

    Weird how Trumpkins don't even understand the basics of what they try and comment on.

  12. #66512
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    Now that the trial is over I hope people move on from this clown. Of course we're going to be dealing with with the aftermath of him for a bit but he no longer needs to at the center of American politics. I don't what he or any of his sideshow has to say after this. They aren't allowed to command attention from society anymore.
    There is no moving on from Trump now that he has been given a free pass he is going to be milking his 2024 run in order to make money, that's not even going into the hundreds of Trump clones who are now in congress. Marjorie Taylor Greene is taking the spotlight but there are tons of these types in the house and many in the senate doing the same thing.

    They will keep making noise and being in the way that's going to be very destructive since they have a frothing violent base that will keep lashing out through terrorist attacks.

  13. #66513
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    I was going to say "yes, but who strikes first?" But of course it's NYState. They've been chomping at the bit.
    I want them to take the kid gloves off. Go after the name of Trump.

  14. #66514
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Ladies and gentlemen, the biggest coward in DC, Mitch McConnell.

    McConnell also suggested that Trump could face criminal prosecution for his actions.

    "There's no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it. The people that stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president," McConnell said.

    "And having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories and reckless hyperbole, which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on the Earth," McConnell added.

    McConnell's remarks came after the Senate fell short of the 67 votes needed to convict Trump. Though McConnell voted to acquit him, arguing it fell outside the Senate's jurisdiction, his remarks are a stinging rebuke of Trump's actions and rhetoric.

    McConnell said the mob breached the Capitol because it was fed "wild falsehoods" by Trump, who was "angry he had lost an election."

    McConnell, like most Senate Republicans, refused to acknowledge for weeks that President Biden had won the election. But he publicly congratulated Biden on the floor in mid-December after the Electoral College certified the victory.

    McConnell marked the day as when Trump "opened up a new chapter of wilder and more unfounded claims."

    "The leader of the free world cannot spend weeks thundering that shadowy forces are stealing our country and then feign surprise," the GOP leader said, adding that Trump "seemed determined to either overturn the voters decision or else torch our institutions on the way out."

    Trump's legal team defended his actions on Jan. 6, when he repeated false claims that the election was "stolen" and encouraged his supporters to march on the Capitol just as former Vice President Mike Pence and lawmakers were counting the Electoral College votes.

    Trump's team also argued that the former president did not realize that Pence was in danger.

    McConnell rejected those claims, noting that attack played out on live television.

    "We know that he was watching the same live television as the rest of us. A mob was assaulting the Capitol in his name. ... The president did not act swiftly. He did not do his job. He didn't take steps so federal law he could be faithfully executed and order restored," McConnell said.
    "So he voted guilty?"

    No. He voted not guitly, by claiming it was unConstitutional.

    "But...we had that vote. It failed."


    "Those are strong words, Why brand him a coward?"

    Where were these words before the vote?

    Where were these words last week?

    Where were these words two months ago?

    McConnell sure sounds angry, but words mean nothing. He voted (technically three times) that violence, threats, and blackmail were completely permissable. Supposedly he's going to meet with Trump to discuss the future of the GOP and one would assume from those words the future doesn't have Trump in it.

    But words are one thing. Action is another. If McConnell makes a move in the future to curtail Trump's words and actions we can revisit the subject. Until that day which may never come, he -- like all the other Republicans who haven't said otherwise, including Trump supporters on this forum -- have announced that violence and threats to change election results, aka "literally the definition of terrorism" are not just allowed, they're protected.

    The time to say something wasn't after the verdict. The time to do something was before he left office -- which McConnell personally blocked. Hopefully the Democrats will show enough initiative and/or justice to stop sharing power with McConnell in the Senate. He's lost the moral authority to say anything other than "I disagree with that thing I personally stood for".

  15. #66515
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    Now that the trial is over I hope people move on from this clown. Of course we're going to be dealing with with the aftermath of him for a bit but he no longer needs to at the center of American politics. I don't what he or any of his sideshow has to say after this. They aren't allowed to command attention from society anymore.
    I think the various state prosecutions need to move forward with all due fire and fury on Trump.

    If he's going to remain in the news media, it'll either be because he's inserting himself into it or in reports of him having his name dragged through the mud as numerous legal prosecutions mount against him. I much prefer the latter.

    And the judges of these incoming cases wont be spineless GOP yes-men.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  16. #66516
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    And the judges of these incoming cases wont be spineless GOP yes-men.
    Not to mention not only will the judges stick to the law and not partisan agendas, but the jury selection process will eliminate jury candidates who are so partisan they would hang the jury regardless of the evidence just to protect their God-Fuhrer Trump.

  17. #66517
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    I think the various state prosecutions need to move forward with all due fire and fury on Trump.

    If he's going to remain in the news media, it'll either be because he's inserting himself into it or in reports of him having his name dragged through the mud as numerous legal prosecutions mount against him. I much prefer the latter.

    And the judges of these incoming cases wont be spineless GOP yes-men.
    Exactly exactly. There's no need to give him a more press or attention than he deserves. The attention he deserves involves a judge and a case. I'm not saying there's no pieces to pick up but those can be dealt with without giving him any more free press.

  18. #66518
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    Exactly exactly. There's no need to give him a more press or attention than he deserves. The attention he deserves involves a judge and a case. I'm not saying there's no pieces to pick up but those can be dealt with without giving him any more free press.
    I think it will also be more difficult to "wave the flag of Trump" or "sing his praises" to engender more people to the Trump way as he's embroiled in criminal prosecution after criminal prosecution for tax fraud, coercion and the like. And he's not nearly eloquent enough, nor will he have the platform (especially if twitter keeps good on their ban) to paint himself as some kind of prosecuted martyr.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  19. #66519
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    So I was having coffee with an old friend and he informed me that the Lincoln Project was...not doing so hot. The leader is out from some kindo f scandal that Trump did far worse ten times over, but they were actual human beings so they actually took responsibility and resigned. Unfortunately, the real problem is that the rest of the Lincoln Project's leadership took too long to respond in any useful way, tainting what's left of them forever.

    When I heard the news, I didn't mind so much. They'd helped the GOP turn on itself, took money that would normally have gone to Trump's rabid fanbase (because there was no other option), and they served their purpose. It's possible that, without them demoralizing the conventional GOP and inspiring the Democrats, Biden wouldn't have won by so much...or at all. But with Trump gone, I wasn't sure they were needed anymore.

    My friend disagreed strongly with this. Probably because he's more informed on the topic.

    To him, the Lincoln Project was proof Republicans would actually stand up to Trump and, more importantly now, the things Trump stood for. Blatant racism, sexism, reigion..ism, adultery, theft, and of course the massive pileup of lies based on white nationalism and fraud. Without the Lincoln Project (or a replacement) all that's left for conventional conservatives are a suicide cult of intentionally ill-informed self-destructive idiots...and the Democrats. And they'll actually have a hard time deciding, when there's no public pressure to be a fucking reasonable human being.

    He was also clear that the Lincoln Project would directly, publicly attack without mincing words or apologizing. Something he says Democrats are still coming up far too short on.

    In the end, this is what it came to: Romney sided with Trump on effectively every immoral, illegal, or fattening action. He sided with Trump on every vote, arguable excluding the last one, but that didn't matter anyhow.

    There's more to focus on Trumpism than just Trump. The Lincoln Project knew that. Now, they're gone. Hopefully someone else will pick up the metaphorical shield and sword when another of the dragons pokes out of its cave to burn down the peasants.

  20. #66520
    Pit Lord Magical Mudcrab's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    Not to mention not only will the judges stick to the law and not partisan agendas, but the jury selection process will eliminate jury candidates who are so partisan they would hang the jury regardless of the evidence just to protect their God-Fuhrer Trump.
    Moreover, the judge and jury wouldn't actively help the accused's defense, as we saw in the impeachment.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    No. He voted not guitly, by claiming it was unConstitutional.
    It's actually worse than that. McConnell's reason for voting not guilty was on semantics, claiming that while Trump provoked the insurrectionist mob, he did not incite them.
    Sylvanas didn't even win the popular vote, she was elected by an indirect election of representatives. #NotMyWarchief

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