1. #71701
    Quote Originally Posted by BronzeCondor View Post
    That's how they were going to overturn the election?
    I never said they would.
    It's the attempt...and the violence and deaths that followrd...

  2. #71702
    Quote Originally Posted by BronzeCondor View Post
    I don't think you know what moving goalposts is and I haven't deleted anything, I simply amended my post to provide clarification with the addition of "& Co". If I were moving goalposts, I wouldn't be addressing the fascist claim any further and would fall back to another argument.

    You haven't articulated anything, you simply linked URLs that highlighted events followed by "this is what a fascist would do" rhetoric, but you didn't explain, in your own words, how it was fascist. I'm not asking for a regurgitation of media narratives, I'm asking you for you to use your own words.

    - - - Updated - - -

    What's a sea lion?

    Why are you unable to use your words to articulate a defense to your claim that Trump is a fascist and how it relates to the links you provided?

    That's how they were going to overturn the election?
    You first claimed:

    Quote Originally Posted by BronzeCondor View Post
    How would stopping Congress from certifying the election, overturn the election?

    Do you believe a racist would have nominated the first African American Female General in our Nation's History?
    Do you have any examples of Trump hating free speech?
    Do you have any examples of Trump hating religious rights?
    Do you have any examples of Trump hating privacy rights?
    Do you have any examples of Trump opposing due process?
    Do you have any examples of Trump hating the 14th amendment?

    Do you believe the group of people who entered the Capitol Building all wanted to hang Mike Pence?
    How were the people who entered the Capitol Building going to overturn the election?
    If Trump didn't have unlimited power, is he still considered a fascist?

    This is about Trump now, sorry if my previous topic derailed the thread.
    Maybe you should stop pushing falsehoods.

    I showed he's a fascists, and provided evidence. others have done the same. I don't much care if you don't like the evidence.

    Can you refute the evidence provided?

  3. #71703
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    Quote Originally Posted by BronzeCondor View Post
    Are you able to explain how the group that entered the Capitol were going to overturn the election?
    You are sealioning. Stop that.

    And also:

    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    And again, let’s presume equity in schools is achievable. Then why should a parent read to a child?

  4. #71704
    Quote Originally Posted by BronzeCondor View Post
    That wasn't the topic of discussion but it matters to you, it's unfortunate those officers died, and the individuals responsible for that and those who broke into the Capitol were all morons.

    False equivalence, try again.
    No it's not... they sure as shit thought they were helping to overturn it.

    Trump did the same when he tried to use the DoJ to overturn it. The evidence was provided, and you ignored it. Don't blame these posters, because those shitty fascists were ignorant idiots.

  5. #71705
    Quote Originally Posted by BronzeCondor View Post
    Stopping the certification doesn't overturn the election.
    Trump disagrees and he said it openly.

  6. #71706
    Quote Originally Posted by BronzeCondor View Post
    Are you able to explain how the group that entered the Capitol were going to overturn the election?
    Ask the group who entered the Capitol Building. it was their fucking idea.

  7. #71707
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BronzeCondor View Post
    How was the crowd that entered the Capitol Building going to overturn the election?
    Because they organized ahead of time, built gallows, and called their movement "stop the steal". Trump asked them to do this, and as they were literally tearing the capital apart, called them "good people".

    Let us know if you need any more help understanding reality. We're here all day and night.

  8. #71708
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    You first claimed:

    Maybe you should stop pushing falsehoods.

    I showed he's a fascists, and provided evidence. others have done the same. I don't much care if you don't like the evidence.

    Can you refute the evidence provided?
    It should have read African American Marine Female General, since it was a significant event that occurred under Trump and a claim to refute your claim that he was a racist.

    You haven't provided anything that demonstrates that he's a fascist. You just provided links and said "here", now it's your duty to use your words to articulate how this makes him a fascist, because as of right now, it just looks like media articles on political events.

    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    Because they organized ahead of time, built gallows, and called their movement "stop the steal". Trump asked them to do this, and as they were literally tearing the capital apart, called them "good people".

    Let us know if you need any more help understanding reality. We're here all day and night.
    Do you honestly believe that political protest props were intended to be used to hang members of Congress outside the Capitol? Have you ever been to a massive Left or Right protest? I have and it's incredible what they have out there. Anti-Trump protests were much more graphic than what was displayed outside the Capitol that day. Life experience can help you there rather than parroting fear mongering from the media.

    Aside from that, there is no proof the election was going to be overturned. Capitol Police would have shot dead anyone threatening Congress. Instead, you had a bunch of morons wandering around the Capitol, even with the Capitol Police offering water or medical aid to those inside as they wandered around, until they got them to leave by force
    Last edited by BronzeCondor; 2021-08-10 at 10:21 PM.

  9. #71709
    Quote Originally Posted by BronzeCondor View Post
    It should have read African American Marine Female General, since it was a significant event that occurred under Trump and a claim to refute your claim that he was a racist.

    You haven't provided anything that demonstrates that he's a fascist. You just provided links and said "here", now it's your duty to use your words to articulate how this makes him a fascist, because as of right now, it just looks like media articles on political events.
    Well, you really should stop making so many mistakes and false claims. it's astounding how many of those you have made in so few posts on that account.

    That's not my fault, that's all on you.

    I provided numerous sources, as did others. Enjoy!!! I articulated before providing those links, which is when you asked for those links. You cannot even keep track of your own bullshit. So, feel free to refer back to that.

  10. #71710
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BronzeCondor View Post
    For them to overturn the election, there would have to be a mechanism to allow them to do so.

    Simply entering the Capitol and occupying it, interrupting a debate about an Election Commission is not a means to overturn an election.

    You have to be able to articulate yourself, not simply regurgitate media narratives.
    And you need to look up the word motivation. It's why attempted murder and other such crimes exist.

    The Capital Insurrection Terrorists organized and entered the Capital Building with the goal of overturning the election by, their own words, "stopping the steal". That's all you need to know for your questions above. They literally admitted that was their goal.

  11. #71711
    In other, non-sealion news, it turns out the math expert OANN interviewed back in January about how the election was totally rigged was not actually an expert in math. In fact, he was a convicted drug dealer and swing set installer.
    On January 27, the pro-Trump channel OAN broadcast a segment interviewing an "expert mathematician" named Ed Solomon who claimed to have found evidence within precinct-level reporting that the election was rigged by an algorithm. The basis of Solomon's claim is that he found several precincts throughout the country reporting exactly the same results at various times throughout the vote tabulation process.

    Asked by host Christina Bobb what the likelihood of what Solomon claimed to have found being a coincidence is, Solomon replied, "You can use the binomial probability formula, and the chance of that event happening is one over ten to an exponent so large there's not enough stars in the universe—there's not enough atoms in the universe to explain the number. It can't happen naturally."

    If this sounds suspiciously vague for a mathematician, that's because Solomon is not actually a mathematician, according to a lawsuit voting machine company Dominion filed against OAN for knowingly reporting defamatory claims against the company in the wake of Trump's loss. In fact, according to the lawsuit, Solomon is a convicted drug dealer and "was working as an 'installer' at a swing set construction company in Long Island" at the time of the interview.

    According to a FactCheck.org review of Solomon's segment, his mathematical expertise is limited to having taken a few math classes at Stony Brook University from 2008 to 2015. He never received a degree.

    As for the nature of Solomon's supposed findings, FactCheck.org spoke to several actual voting systems and math experts who noted that, far from being "not enough atoms in the universe" to explain its occurrence, whatever that means, is not at all odd for various precincts to have the same vote shares at different times in different parts of the country. It is also unclear where his data actually came from, since in the original 50-minute video outlining his claims, Solomon says it is the "data from the NYT feed from PA on November fourth" and the link to the "original data sets" is dead.

  12. #71712
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    Well, you really should stop making so many mistakes and false claims. it's astounding how many of those you have made in so few posts on that account.

    That's not my fault, that's all on you.

    I provided numerous sources, as did others. Enjoy!!! I articulated before providing those links, which is when you asked for those links. You cannot even keep track of your own bullshit. So, feel free to refer back to that.
    I did make mistakes and I appreciate you calling me out for them.

    You are unable to articulate how Trump is a fascist using your own words, and because you are unable to substantiate your claim that he's a fascist, I'll have to assume you're lying that is he a fascist.

    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    And you need to look up the word motivation. It's why attempted murder and other such crimes exist.

    The Capital Insurrection Terrorists organized and entered the Capital Building with the goal of overturning the election by, their own words, "stopping the steal". That's all you need to know for your questions above. They literally admitted that was their goal.

    If they were Insurrectionists, why weren't they charged for it?

  13. #71713
    Quote Originally Posted by BronzeCondor View Post
    I did make mistakes and I appreciate you calling me out for them.

    You are unable to articulate how Trump is a fascist using your own words, and because you are unable to substantiate your claim that he's a fascist, I'll have to assume you're lying that is he a fascist.
    I articulated just fine, and provided evidence. Your willful ignorance is not a refutation against my evidence. This is akin to you literally closing your eyes, and not seeing the evidence I'm trying to show you.

    Sorry, bro... that's not how it works. Let me know when you can refute all the evidence people have smashed you with. Maybe, just maybe... you should try not posting so many objective falsehoods.

  14. #71714
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BronzeCondor View Post
    Do you honestly believe that political protest props were intended to be used to hang members of Congress outside the Capitol? Have you ever been to a massive Left or Right protest? I have and it's incredible what they have out there. Anti-Trump protests were much more graphic than what was displayed outside the Capitol that day. Life experience can help you there rather than parroting fear mongering from the media.
    Nothing that you've said above it true.

    Quote Originally Posted by BronzeCondor View Post
    Aside from that, there is no proof the election was going to be overturned.
    That doesn't matter. The intent of the rioter terrorists is what matters.

    Quote Originally Posted by BronzeCondor View Post
    Capitol Police would have shot dead anyone threatening Congress.
    They literally did not do that, because they couldn't, out of fear of causing more violence. The group entering the Capital Building, illegally, was already threatening Congress, because they were there to "stop the steal".

    Quote Originally Posted by BronzeCondor View Post
    Instead, you had a bunch of morons wandering around the Capitol, even with the Capitol Police offering water or medical aid to those inside as they wandered around, until they got them to leave by force
    You mean the morons who planted bombs and brought guns intent on killing people?

    How can you be this naive?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by BronzeCondor View Post
    If they were Insurrectionists, why weren't they charged for it?
    I hope you see the lunacy of that statement. We sure do.

    (or do you not understand how time words, and that the federal prosecutors haven't completed their investigative and trial work?)

  15. #71715
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    I articulated just fine, and provided evidence. Your willful ignorance is not a refutation against my evidence. This is akin to you literally closing your eyes, and not seeing the evidence I'm trying to show you.

    Sorry, bro... that's not how it works. Let me know when you can refute all the evidence people have smashed you with. Maybe, just maybe... you should try not posting so many objective falsehoods.
    You didn't articulate anything.

    For instance, you can't articulate how President Trump nominating the First African American Female Marine General (there we go) is somehow proof that he's racist and fascist.

    You can't articulate how a ban on travel aimed at combatting Islamic Fundamentalism, and upheld by the Supreme Court, was a form of fascism.

  16. #71716
    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    How can you be this naive?
    Perhaps he's thinking of visiting the Capitol this Friday...

  17. #71717
    Quote Originally Posted by BronzeCondor View Post
    For them to overturn the election, there would have to be a mechanism to allow them to do so.

    Simply entering the Capitol and occupying it, interrupting a debate about an Election Commission is not a means to overturn an election.

    You have to be able to articulate yourself, not simply regurgitate media narratives.
    One more time, just because their plan was stupid, doesn't mean that wasn't their plan.

    These are stupid people, doing stupid things.

    There is no media narrative here.
    "When Facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." - Unknown

  18. #71718
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    Perhaps he's thinking of visiting the Capitol this Friday...
    They aren't organizing for another go at it, are they?
    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    And again, let’s presume equity in schools is achievable. Then why should a parent read to a child?

  19. #71719
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BronzeCondor View Post
    Are you able to explain how the group that entered the Capitol were going to overturn the election?
    Everyone notice how Lil Bronzey keeps ignoring the blatant fact that the people who were part of the Captial Insurrection literally said they were there to overturn the election?

    Or is "stop the steal" combined with swarming the Capital Building during the Elector Count validation confusing to you?

  20. #71720
    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    Everyone notice how Lil Bronzey keeps ignoring the blatant fact that the people who were part of the Captial Insurrection literally said they were there to overturn the election?

    Or is "stop the steal" combined with swarming the Capital Building during the Elector Count validation confusing to you?
    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    I hope you see the lunacy of that statement. We sure do.

    (or do you not understand how time words, and that the federal prosecutors haven't completed their investigative and trial work?)
    There have been ~500 arrests so far in relation to "Storming the Capitol" and not a single one for Insurrection.

    This isn't a strong point to argue, to be honest.

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