"When Facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." - Unknown
If some nefarious group had the ability to control people through clandestine malicious nanotechnology they’d already be powerful enough to rule the world.
And besides, if it came down to that, then it’d be between whether you want to live in a society apparently capable of insane super technology… or in the remaining “resistance,” in this scenario: a society run by anti-intellectual trump supporting rednecks and neo-nazis.
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
I'm less confused about Yup's ridiculous thought process (which we knew was already at monty python levels of absurd) but more why you guys indulge him.
I mean he's been spouting some of the dumbest stuff on this website sans Ron and a few others and yet here again he tops himself. You aren't getting through.
Posters here are caricatures of real people. Like a bad snl skit on drugs.
I give you:
"controllable CCP bioweapon biding its time until Jinping feels it's enough to control nations without nukes"
That's right, there is a button that Jinping has on his desk. When he presses it, the globalist agenda of having all his US democratic ccp nanobot underlings will rise to action and turn on and fight the true patriots like yup.
If you haven't figured it out yet, either he's trolling you all or not worth your time.
He's admitted he doesn't leave his house, has zero experience in anything and will believe anything he reads from rightwing sources yet disbelieve anything anywhere else.
This is seriously akin to talking to Ted Kaczynski when he was in his cabin in the woods building bombs.
Or going back to elementary school and sitting at a lunch table to debate 4th graders.
Last edited by Hollycakes; 2021-08-11 at 11:53 PM. Reason: derps
This is quite close to the plot of F&F: Hobbes and Shaw. A programmable bioweapon that they need to save the world from and keep out of the hands of an evil tech corporation. Sure it's not 1:1, but it's close enough.
Great fuckin movie by the way. Like, it's a bad movie, but it's some of the finest cinematic entertainment I've seen in a long while. Everything you want out of a big, dumb, testosterone infused action flick.
My 2 questions to you are......
1. If we are spinning our wheels by repeatedly trying to reason with people that don't listen, then aren't you doing essentially the same thing by telling us (for the 1,000,000th time between you and others) to stop?
2. Do you realize that the end result of your desire to stop feeding the trolls, as it were, would likely cause the Politics Forum to die, which would be a weird goal from someone who obviously willingly reads the forum enough to think its a problem in the first place?
Last edited by Bodakane; 2021-08-11 at 11:59 PM.
"When Facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." - Unknown
Because the replies are either interesting or funny if you don't mind plowing through some repetition.
- - - Updated - - -
I would've preferred they dump all the dumb action scenes and gave us 90 minutes of the Rock and Statham doing: "You know what I hate most about you?"
People have to live using the internet in modern times, sadly. People blew up the accidental conspiracy post I removed out of proportion.
O the topic of Trump though, I just want to point out one of the reasons I seemed to believe in him before (a lot of which has now just moved over to other right-wing groups):
He at least had a point with his "fuck bickering about anything else," we need to all collectively look at China over COVID. Instead, what's came of that since is we cowed out of investigating Wuhan any further and are now only focused on vaccines. The fact WHO claimed to be forbidden from investigating and we overlook that because of our current problems really makes me upset. People say Trump was a madman, and on a lot of levels, he was at least a liar, but he had that much of a point with not doing anything about China because of their power and influence.
Having to walk through battlefield to get to work, is a lot different then camping on the battleground, so again, why open yourself to more of this cyber war by being online when you don't have to?
And if the covid isn't worth getting a vaccine over, then why does it matter which country unleashed it?
"When Facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." - Unknown
Whether it's accidental or not, unleashing a biological terror that has claimed the lives of millions then adamantly refusing to own up to it or cooperating should be seen as a declaration of war against life itself.
About Trump being a fascist and a racist:
Immigration being considered in moderation is one of my lifelong desires and of the reasons I support right-wing views. For instance, explicitly with the duplicity and hostile responses China had with to COVID's origins, I wish on some level we deported all the Chinese and blocked any and all travel until they formally apologized and cooperated. But with the supposed stranglehold they have over the US in debt, we're never going to see this short of a declaration of war.
Interesting take, considering your post in another thread:
Do you just not remember your earlier posts at all, or are you simply talking out of your ass?
The state "demands" vaccinations (not really), to protect it's citizens from a fucking plague, and that's a bridge too far? Or do you need the president to come and grab you by the pussy, first?
Sure, right after you apologize for the genocide of Native Americans, slavery, and creating The Backstreet Boys. Wait, you weren't directly responsible for those things and don't feel you should be punished just because you have the same skin color as those responsible? Well now you see why what you said is a stupidly racist belief to have.
"When Facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." - Unknown
we will NEVER know anything factual other than it is, without a doubt, from Wuhan in China. Because they block any and all investigations with all their might. And I never insinuated we deport the Chinese for no reason, only in response to their responses. Kind of like the same way Xi Jinping threatens Chinese students to return over tensions.
Can we just report the conspiracy theorist and move on?
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.