Trump cultist Pompeo goes on FOX News to blatantly lie "Trump never trusted the Taliban, the group of terrorists he intentionally negotiated with in public, when handing them a country that already had an elected government".
Trump's words at the time, of course, are different.
-- September of last yearWe’re dealing very well with the Taliban. They’re very tough, they’re very smart, they’re very sharp, but you know it’s been 19 years and even they are tired of fighting, in all fairness.
"Okay but Pompeo can't be held accountable for Trump's random off-scripts."
First of all, bullshit, he knew what his job was. Second of all, he was directly involved the whole time.
"Okay, but that sounds like 'if you break our trust, we'll kill you'."Speaking at the White House, Mr Trump congratulated Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Defense Secretary Mark Esper and "the people of the United States for having spent so much in terms of blood, in terms of treasure, and treasury."
He said the Taliban had been trying to reach an agreement with the US for a long time, and that he had faith in the deal because "everyone is tired of war."
The president added that US troops had been killing terrorists in Afghanistan "by the thousands" and now it was "time for someone else to do that work and it will be the Taliban and it could be surrounding countries".
"I really believe the Taliban wants to do something to show we're not all wasting time," he added. "If bad things happen, we'll go back with a force like no-one's ever seen."
The deal was signed by US special envoy Zalmay Khalilzad and Taliban political chief Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar with Mr Pompeo as a witness.
In a speech, Mr Pompeo urged the militant group to "keep your promises to cut ties with al-Qaeda".
Yes, but that in turn implies trust. And even if you disagree, look at Iran. Iran was working in the boundaries of the Nuclear Deal. Trump just up and ended it. So he gave the Taliban, a known terrorist group that tried to protect bin Laden after 9/11, more trust than Iran, who no I'm not going to defend as icons of good behavior but are an actual country government. That automatically puts the Taliban a step down. Trump signed a deal with them anyhow -- again, leaving out the elected govt of the country.
Pompeo is lying, trying to gaslight and deflect from his role in things. This isn't about "what should have been done instead" this is about Pompeo claiming Trump didn't trust the Taliban when there's globally public proof he did.