1. #72021
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Trump cultist Pompeo goes on FOX News to blatantly lie "Trump never trusted the Taliban, the group of terrorists he intentionally negotiated with in public, when handing them a country that already had an elected government".

    Trump's words at the time, of course, are different.

    We’re dealing very well with the Taliban. They’re very tough, they’re very smart, they’re very sharp, but you know it’s been 19 years and even they are tired of fighting, in all fairness.
    -- September of last year

    "Okay but Pompeo can't be held accountable for Trump's random off-scripts."

    First of all, bullshit, he knew what his job was. Second of all, he was directly involved the whole time.

    Speaking at the White House, Mr Trump congratulated Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Defense Secretary Mark Esper and "the people of the United States for having spent so much in terms of blood, in terms of treasure, and treasury."

    He said the Taliban had been trying to reach an agreement with the US for a long time, and that he had faith in the deal because "everyone is tired of war."

    The president added that US troops had been killing terrorists in Afghanistan "by the thousands" and now it was "time for someone else to do that work and it will be the Taliban and it could be surrounding countries".

    "I really believe the Taliban wants to do something to show we're not all wasting time," he added. "If bad things happen, we'll go back with a force like no-one's ever seen."

    The deal was signed by US special envoy Zalmay Khalilzad and Taliban political chief Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar with Mr Pompeo as a witness.

    In a speech, Mr Pompeo urged the militant group to "keep your promises to cut ties with al-Qaeda".
    "Okay, but that sounds like 'if you break our trust, we'll kill you'."

    Yes, but that in turn implies trust. And even if you disagree, look at Iran. Iran was working in the boundaries of the Nuclear Deal. Trump just up and ended it. So he gave the Taliban, a known terrorist group that tried to protect bin Laden after 9/11, more trust than Iran, who no I'm not going to defend as icons of good behavior but are an actual country government. That automatically puts the Taliban a step down. Trump signed a deal with them anyhow -- again, leaving out the elected govt of the country.

    Pompeo is lying, trying to gaslight and deflect from his role in things. This isn't about "what should have been done instead" this is about Pompeo claiming Trump didn't trust the Taliban when there's globally public proof he did.

  2. #72022
    The Lightbringer D Luniz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    not to mention the invite to Camp David right on the 9/11 anniversary
    "Law and Order", lots of places have had that, Russia, North Korea, Saddam's Iraq.
    Laws can be made to enforce order of cruelty and brutality.
    Equality and Justice, that is how you have peace and a society that benefits all.

  3. #72023
    Quote Originally Posted by matheney2k View Post
    Remember when they used to say you wouldn't see the new president's 'effect' on the economy and country until at least after their first year in office?

    Yea me neither.
    Oh, that only applies when it's a Republican in office and the economy isn't doing well. Then it's still the previous Democrat's policies fucking things up.

  4. #72024
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    Florida apparently had just shy of 26k new cases--another new record.
    clk-clik *chk-chk* Thanks for the extra shell.

    Until recently, the highest peak on the CDC's graph for Florida was the backlog of Jan 1 of this year, at 20,945 cases. Their 7-day average rose to at-the-time a record peak under 15,000 cases/day around the 11th or 12th.

    Let's fast forward to now.

    On the CDC's page at time of writing, their most recent caseload was 25,991 which is close enough to 26k to win both showcases. The 7-day average is 21,662 and for those of you paying attention, yes, that's higher than the state's previous spike record from a holiday.

    Yes, the average is higher than the spike. Nobody here should need an explanation as to what that means, but I'm giving you one anyhow: the situation in Florida now is constantly worse than it's ever been. The state is circling the drain.

    But I should also point out the state's cases per 100k are 706. Because we're talking about the same state, of course, that means it's also a new record. It's also almost triple the USA overall. It is triple the USA minus Florida, within a carpool or two.

    Hmm. If Florida was a country, where would it rank?

    The CDC doesn't seem to have that so I had to use worldometers. According to them, the USA is 27th overall in countries by cases-per-capita. We've been far worse. Florida would be 6th.

    Before I continue, I want to be clear: yes, Florida is worse than Cuba. Illegal immigrants would be helping right now.

    Local source after local source after local source continue to point out how Florida is breaking records daily. Hospitals are full. Some are asking why there's no state of emergency when it's clear Florida is the State of Emergency. More school districts are defying DeSantis and applying a mask mandate, still all blue counties so far.

    How bad is it? DeSantis is paying teachers $1,000 not to quit.

    DeSantis still polls strongly in the state. The cheers and applause for standing up to the left is strong from the ICUs and funeral processions. I posted earlier that his support was falling, which it is, but it's still high.

    For how long?

    Let's say that the current rate of death, 150 or so per day, continues indefinitely (the only reason it'd drop is if DeSantis takes measures). Let's say for each DeSantis voter that dies, three surviving family members change their mind about backing the man who killed their loved one. (I don't think anyone in Florida will turn on DeSantis unless DeSantis kills them, or someone they live with) Trump won Florida by about 400,000 votes. So...

    (runs numbers)

    Two years. DeSantis would remain over 50% for two more years, at this rate of death.

    Fuck Florida.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by D Luniz View Post
    not to mention the invite to Camp David right on the 9/11 anniversary
    When I say "invited the Taliban to picnic on the White House lawn" that's the event to which I refer. Just, you know, not as direct or specific.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The NYTimes reports and my long-term fuckbuddy confirms that Graham called Biden to say, basically, that Graham attacked Hunter Biden just to win over Trump supporters.

    Which sounds a lot like "it was just business, not personal". Like you hear from upstanding members of the mafia and assassins.

  5. #72025
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Let's say for each DeSantis voter that dies
    For every MAGAHat that dies, two minorities die because they’re less able to take time off.

  6. #72026
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    The NYTimes reports and my long-term fuckbuddy confirms that Graham called Biden to say, basically, that Graham attacked Hunter Biden just to win over Trump supporters.

    Which sounds a lot like "it was just business, not personal". Like you hear from upstanding members of the mafia and assassins.
    And Biden's reply seems to have been the perennial, "it was personal to me" that calls that line out for being the bullshit that it is.

  7. #72027
    Elemental Lord Templar 331's Avatar
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    So......ALL of the schools in my county are shut down. Found out last week my brother and his oldest have COVID as well.

    I'm fucking tired of Trump's America.

  8. #72028
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Templar 331 View Post
    I'm fucking tired of Trump's America.
    First of all, I hope they're okay.

    Second of all, I saw "jax" and assumed it was a Jacksonville district. It was not. Looks like Florida is still intent on self-harm.

  9. #72029
    Elemental Lord Templar 331's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    First of all, I hope they're okay.

    Second of all, I saw "jax" and assumed it was a Jacksonville district. It was not. Looks like Florida is still intent on self-harm.
    Last I heard they are and it's a link to Jacksonville News. The county that shut down is Ware county GA. Not going to lie I laughed my ass off when I saw my old high school as the video thumbnail.

  10. #72030
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Templar 331 View Post
    it's a link to Jacksonville News. The county that shut down is Ware county GA.
    Yeah I was just hoping somewhere in Florida found a third option. "Okay fine we won't have a mask mandate. We'll just close".

    Nope. Gun still pointed at head.

  11. #72031
    Monday morning gem from Trumps:

    "It is time for Joe Biden to resign in disgrace...it shouldn't be a big deal, because he wasn't elected legitimately in the first place!"

    Regarding Afghanistan.


  12. #72032
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hollycakes View Post
    "It is time for Joe Biden to resign in disgrace"
    "How dare he enact and follow through the plan I dropped on his doorstep? Didn't he know I was incompetent?"

  13. #72033
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    "How dare he enact and follow through the plan I dropped on his doorstep? Didn't he know I was incompetent?"
    Oh didn't you hear? He tried and got the RNC to delete his plan from their website, it's blowing up in his face at this very moment. That incompetent thing.

  14. #72034
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Abbott scores a TSCOTUS victory, and is able to enforce his no-mask-mandate-mandate. Texas schools will not be allowed to require masks, and parents can send sick, unmasked children to spread COVID at their discretion.

    "But they've been asked to keep sick children at home."

    And they've been asked to send their children to school in masks, and they're not doing that, either.

    Good luck, Texas. Could be worse...could be Florida. Hospitals and ICUs remain at or near capacity and they're still lying about deaths.

  15. #72035
    Can children voluntarily wear masks? If I were a Texan kid now I'd wear one just to make sure I'm at least trying not to kill my classmates.

  16. #72036
    lol thank you Breccia I was hoping someone would sum it up better than I could

    Quote Originally Posted by beanman12345 View Post
    Oh didn't you hear? He tried and got the RNC to delete his plan from their website, it's blowing up in his face at this very moment. That incompetent thing.
    Is this true?
    I want it to be so true.

  17. #72037
    Quote Originally Posted by Hollycakes View Post
    lol thank you Breccia I was hoping someone would sum it up better than I could

    Is this true?
    I want it to be so true.

  18. #72038
    lol too funny.
    Twain was right.
    The truth is stranger than fiction.

    God bless the internet.
    It never forgets.

  19. #72039
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twdft View Post
    Can children voluntarily wear masks? If I were a Texan kid now I'd wear one just to make sure I'm at least trying not to kill my classmates.

    Also, school districts are continuing to tell Abbott to fuck off, even with the TXSCOTUS ruling so it's a non-issue as of now.

  20. #72040
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twdft View Post
    Can children voluntarily wear masks? If I were a Texan kid now I'd wear one just to make sure I'm at least trying not to kill my classmates.
    I’m sure they can, but unfortunately the children, more than likely receiving direction from their parents, who more than likely voted idiots like Abbott and trump into power, probably won’t do so.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

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