1. #72961
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Things in California are looking good for Democrats so far. Things in Texas are too.

    The survey released Thursday found that 41 percent of Texans approved of the job Abbott is doing, compared to 50 percent who disapproved of his job performance.

    The approval is lower than it was in June when 44 percent approved of the governor's performance, equal to the 44 percent that said they disapproved.

    Fifty-two percent of voters said the state is headed in the wrong direction, the worst the institute has recorded since it started in 2008.

    The more recent Texas Policy Project poll found that Abbott’s job approval dropped among all partisan groups, but decreased most significantly among independents. Thirty percent of respondents who identified as independent voters said they approve of the job Abbott is doing, down from 41 percent in June.

    His approval dropped from 77 percent to 73 percent among Republicans, and from 8 percent to 6 percent among Democrats.

  2. #72962
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Things in California are looking good for Democrats so far.
    Things in Texas are too.
    Unfortunately, it would take more than replacing Abbot...Texans would have to flip their legislature as well, if they want to see any meaningful improvement.

  3. #72963
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Things in California are looking good for Democrats so far. Things in Texas are too.
    Fifty-two percent of voters said the state is headed in the wrong direction, the worst the institute has recorded since it started in 2008.
    Well, it's probably because Abbott is trying to kill off his constituents, though admittedly not as quickly as DeSantis. Speaking of, Texas just today beat their summer record for their 7-day average of covid deaths, set last year. They moved from 261 to 282 today, and the high mark from last summer was 266.

    Next up is their winter high of 345.
    R.I.P. Democracy

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    and genius is that genius has its limits."

    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  4. #72964
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    Next up is their winter high of 345.
    Florida stands at 325, but finally we're seeing a drop in cases and hospitalizations. Deaths will eventually follow. I already posted the numbers on how many more people Florida killed than the national average applied to them would have.

  5. #72965
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Things in California are looking good for Democrats so far. Things in Texas are too.
    But did Abbot molest any children and drink blood of virgins?
    That's how low the bar as been set for conservatives.

  6. #72966
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    Quote Originally Posted by ati87 View Post
    But did Abbot molest any children and drink blood of virgins?
    That's how low the bar as been set for conservatives.
    I see your point, and poll numbers don't mean anything until they're votes cast. But it's good to know that even the Republican Party is starting to frown upon rules/laws applied whose goal seems to be to kill them.

  7. #72967
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    I see your point, and poll numbers don't mean anything until they're votes cast. But it's good to know that even the Republican Party is starting to frown upon rules/laws applied whose goal seems to be to kill them.
    They will still vote for him en masse when it comes time to vote.

  8. #72968
    Tuesday's report:

    142,059 new cases; about 28k fewer than two weeks ago.

    Top 10:

    Fuck Florida.
    Texas: 21,240 new cases; 318 deaths
    California: 10,106 new cases; 103 deaths
    Georgia: 7,327 new cases; 128 deaths
    Ohio: 7,325 new cases; 28 deaths
    Tennessee: 5,089 new cases; 127 deaths
    North Carolina: 4,760 new cases; 58 deaths
    Illinois: 4,660 new cases; 39 deaths
    New York: 4,606 new cases; 32 deaths
    Minnesota: 4,598 new cases; 12 deaths

    The national trend still appears to be declining, though there are several states with high numbers and strained resources (*ahemahem* Texas, masters of the pandemic) which means we'll continue to be losing a lot of people over the coming weeks. If Florida's numbers are to be believed they're probably not number one in cases or hospitalizations anymore, which I'm sure comes as a relief to our resident Floridians for now. They did, however, post more cases yesterday than California and DeathSantis continues fighting against mask mandates, politicizing what should be a no-brainer safety precaution. Fuck Florida. 35 states reported over 1k new cases, so we're still a long way off from the end of this current wave despite the downturn.

    1,934 deaths is around 300 more than two weeks ago and brings the total to 682,341. Florida, Texas and Georgia took the top spots and Tennessee, Louisiana and Arizona all had more deaths than California which is pretty horrible considering the population difference. Some of Tuesday's total is likely a correction from the weekend but the 7-day average has been pushed just above 1.5k.

    Related news:

    Few people medically exempt from getting COVID-19 vaccine: Experts --The bottom line is that there should not be any health reasons--pre-existing conditions or otherwise--that prevent people from getting the vaccine. Studies show "no immediate health issues or side effects", so all of those people lining up to get an exemption from a chiropractor are wasting their time.

    West Virginia battles Covid surge after failing to build on early vaccine success--They went from one of the best to one of the worst in short order and now their healthcare system is just about as fucked as those in the South.

    COVID surge pushes much of Idaho toward medical rationing--You know...the thing the GOP said would be prevalent under Democrat-proposed healthcare reform.

    Stay safe, folks.

  9. #72969
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benggaul View Post
    Stay safe, folks.
    Several NFL teams are now requiring fans in physical attendance show proof of vaccination to get through the front door.

    I'll start with Buffalo. Erie County has seen a bunch of new cases, and officials there are taking it seriously. Yes, Buffalo is upstate NY and yes, a lot of upstate NY is red, but Buffalo is a major-ish city and is still blue, so this isn't a massive surprise. With vaccine proof in hand (yes, you need to bring your card, or you need to enrol in NYState's "Excelsior" program, nuff said) you don't need to mask in the stadium, which of course means some dumb motherfucker's going to lie/cheat their way in and infect some kids.

    The New Orleans Saints said four weeks ago not only would vaccination be required, but also, you need to bring a negative test with you. Oh, and you don't get a refund if you refuse, because remember Mardis Gras? Yeah.

    The Seattle Seahawks are not quite as strict. Starting this coming home game, you have to have proof of vaccination, or a recent negative test. However, you also need to be masked, because the stadium is in the city and the city says mask up.

    And finally, the Raiders of Las Vegas have announced a vaccination requirement. Well, most of them. The Fiends were first in line, not a huge surprise there with the other stuff they already cram into their system, with the Great Khans right behind them. The Jackals and Vipers are also believed to have signed on as well, but they haven't released an official statement. The Powder Gangers are notable, public holdouts, choosing to "stick it to the man". As such, they will not be allowed to attend home games, and the NCR will wipe them out once Hoover Dam is secured.

  10. #72970
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Vegas announced the vaccine requirement a month ago.
    Yeah it was the Bills' more recent announcement that prompted the post. I just wanted to point out it wasn't just them.

  11. #72971
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    I find it fun that they were the first NFL team to have this requirement in place.
    Indeed. Most fans think they have the best story, especially when compared to DC, Boston and West Virginia.

  12. #72972
    Herald of the Titans Ayirasi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    Did you forget? Covid magically disappeared a couple weeks after Biden won.
    I'd be fine with commemorative Biden/Harris waifu pillows.
    Need Roll - 1 for [Bright Pink Imbued Mageweave Banana-Hammock] by Ayirasi

  13. #72973
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    It looks like Murderous Insurrection 2 won't be happening. The expected turnout is 700.

    Also for added fun, if you show up wearing a Trump hat

    We request that anybody attending our events not wear any clothing or have signs supportive of either President Trump or Biden.

    Anyone not honoring this request will be assumed to be an infiltrator and we will take your picture, find out who you are, and make you famous.
    Yeah, I don't think a ton of Biden supporters were going anyhow. But man, I can't wait to hear about the Trump supporters in Trump clothing showing up and the whole thing becoming the Republican civil war, right out of Biden's window.

    "Should we call the police, Mr. President?"
    "No," (sips) "not yet. I'm sure there are very fine people on both sides. They're just very loving tourists."

  14. #72974
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    It looks like Murderous Insurrection 2 won't be happening. The expected turnout is 700.

    Also for added fun, if you show up wearing a Trump hat

    Yeah, I don't think a ton of Biden supporters were going anyhow. But man, I can't wait to hear about the Trump supporters in Trump clothing showing up and the whole thing becoming the Republican civil war, right out of Biden's window.

    "Should we call the police, Mr. President?"
    "No," (sips) "not yet. I'm sure there are very fine people on both sides. They're just very loving tourists."
    Where have I heard that particular quote before....

    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  15. #72975
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Also for added fun, if you show up wearing a Trump hat

    Yeah, I don't think a ton of Biden supporters were going anyhow. But man, I can't wait to hear about the Trump supporters in Trump clothing showing up and the whole thing becoming the Republican civil war, right out of Biden's window.
    I can't help but assume that they're "requesting" this because they want to be able to blame Antifa shock troops if something goes sideways at the event (like they tried to do with Jan 6th). Hard to do that when everyone is in their best pro-Trump cosplay.

  16. #72976
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    Quote Originally Posted by s_bushido View Post
    I can't help but assume that they're "requesting" this because they want to be able to blame Antifa shock troops if something goes sideways at the event (like they tried to do with Jan 6th). Hard to do that when everyone is in their best pro-Trump cosplay.
    That, of course, does not match their stated public goals. So yeah, you're probably right. The group is claiming they're just helping these poor political prisoners out of nonparistan charity, but nobody believes that, not even them.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Milley confirmed today that he called China, saying that the U.S. would not launch a surprise attack.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Fauci goes on CNN to refute yet another COVID conspiracy theory spread by yet another celebrity with no idea what they're talking about.

    Despite what Nicki Minaj says, no, the vaccine does not cause impotency.

  17. #72977
    Remember how we were talking about how there weren't any real reasons that religions should get a waiver from the vaccine mandate? well ....
    U.S. judge blocks N.Y. vaccine mandate for healthcare workers
    U.S. District Judge David Hurd in Utica, New York in a written order said he was blocking the mandate from taking effect on Sept. 27 because it does not allow for exemptions based on workers' religious beliefs.

    The order came in a lawsuit filed on Monday by 17 doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals who say New York's requirement violates their constitutional rights in various ways.

    The plaintiffs are all Christians who say they object to receiving the vaccines because the cell lines of aborted fetuses were used in their testing and development.
    bleh ...

  18. #72978
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    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    Remember how we were talking about how there weren't any real reasons that religions should get a waiver from the vaccine mandate? well ....
    U.S. judge blocks N.Y. vaccine mandate for healthcare workers

    bleh ...
    Good thing medicare/medicaid doesn't have to worry about bullshit religious waivers. Pretty soon they will stay denying payment for services not rendered by unvaccinated healthcare providers.

  19. #72979
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    bleh ...
    Hoo boy.

    1) Pfizer used mRNA tech, which in turn, does not use aborted cell tissue. Get that one.
    2) The MMR vaccine was developed using aborted cell tech, so, you've already shot up with it. Have fun with that. Oh, and shingles.
    3) The Pope personally and specifically said it was okay, and his word is God's word on earth.
    4) And the Vatican is making everyone get vaccinated.

  20. #72980
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    3) The Pope personally and specifically said it was okay, and his word is God's word on earth.
    4) And the Vatican is making everyone get vaccinated.
    Without getting into religion discussion, "Christians" aren't inherently Catholics. It's more likely they're some flavor of Protestant, meaning they don't give a shit about Il Papa and what the Vatican says.

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