1. #76001
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    GQP already signaling burning it all down once they take the majority in the House:

    Plenty more in here and other articles. Horror show coming soon to your United States.
    Not if the Democrats can keep the House. Redistricting is actually favoring Democrats so far, which is nice. Just the other day, for example, the Ohio Supreme Court struck down the Ohio GoP's attempt at a gerrymandered map.
    R.I.P. Democracy

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  2. #76002
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    In other news, new cases reached 827k today, a decrease of 22k from the total reported last Friday. A week from today we'll probably have a much better picture of what's to come.

    Deaths were up again at 2303, an increase of 277 over last Friday. The 7-day rate is now 1829, up from the pre-Thanksgiving low of 1047. It seems somewhat likely that we'll surpass the summer high mark of 2023 before we start to see this go back down again, but also unlikely that we'll reach last winter's high mark of 3563.
    R.I.P. Democracy

    "The difference between stupidity
    and genius is that genius has its limits."

    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  3. #76003
    For the sake of cheap amusement;

  4. #76004
    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    Not if the Democrats can keep the House. Redistricting is actually favoring Democrats so far, which is nice. Just the other day, for example, the Ohio Supreme Court struck down the Ohio GoP's attempt at a gerrymandered map.
    I hope Illinois state's supreme court let's our gerrymandered map stay. And while that statement might seem like a double standard, I look at it more like, If republicans didn't want to be crapped on endlessly, they simply wouldn't act as they do. So I'll oblige.

  5. #76005
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Mike Pence equates voting rights protections with Capitol attack

    And whyyyy is it a "power grab"? Because every Republican knows that they simply do not get the popular vote, because they're an even shittier political party than anyone can claim Democrats to be. The ability for everyone to easily vote is always detrimental to Republicans.
    Exactly, any attempt to hold fair elections is a power grab because Republicans can't win fair elections.

    Funny to see Pence compare voting rights to an assassination attempt against him tho.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  6. #76006
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    bla bla bla Hunter Biden bla bla bla
    I'm still waiting to hear what Hunter Biden did, that was worse than what Don Jr, Ivanka or Kushner did. Kushner tried to sell peace in the Middle East. Actually, what is Hunter Biden accused of, again?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    Funny to see Pence compare voting rights to an assassination attempt against him tho.
    It is, he's desperate to get out of that six-foot-hole Trump dug for him.

  7. #76007
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    I'm still waiting to hear what Hunter Biden did, that was worse than what Don Jr, Ivanka or Kushner did. Kushner tried to sell peace in the Middle East. Actually, what is Hunter Biden accused of, again?

    - - - Updated - - -

    It is, he's desperate to get out of that six-foot-hole Trump dug for him.
    He is accused of having a paying job. That is what he is accused of. Something none of the Trump kids have had besides the crime family operations at the Trump Organization.

    They are accusing Hunter Biden of getting money for him and Joe Biden, but they conveniently ignore that we have 22 years of Joe Biden's tax returns that show he hasn't had much of any cash flow besides, speaking engagements, books maybe, and his vice presidential, and senatorial salaries for years.

    There is no billions they have claimed from China or Ukraine.

  8. #76008
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    I'm still waiting to hear what Hunter Biden did, that was worse than what Don Jr, Ivanka or Kushner did. Kushner tried to sell peace in the Middle East. Actually, what is Hunter Biden accused of, again?
    He's accused of [whatever the GQP needs to say to distract their insane flock from asking real questions] and it should stick pretty well. The MAGAts aren't getting any smarter.

  9. #76009
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    He's accused of [whatever the GQP needs to say to distract their insane flock from asking real questions] and it should stick pretty well. The MAGAts aren't getting any smarter.
    Thankfully all that nonsense didn't seem to earn them much ground back in 2020, so I don't really imagine that it'll amount to anything now.

    Not even the conservative laggards that skulk around these forums are pushing "Hunter Biden" nonsense anymore. And they DO skulk; you'll see them pop in to these threads every once in a blue moon to quote someone they think they've got a "gotcha" on before having a dozen and a half other posters point out why whatever inane point they tried to make is idiotic, misinformed, hypocritical, or all three, and then they disappear for another few weeks before trying it again with someone else.

    Yes, hello, we see you.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  10. #76010
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Mike Pence equates voting rights protections with Capitol attack

    And whyyyy is it a "power grab"? Because every Republican knows that they simply do not get the popular vote, because they're an even shittier political party than anyone can claim Democrats to be. The ability for everyone to easily vote is always detrimental to Republicans.
    Only Republicans think voting should be illegal.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  11. #76011
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    So Trump had that rally instead of his Jan 6th thing, and big surprise, he talked about how the election was stolen and Fauci was the worst person he ever hired.

    He is also pushing the Gaetz/Greene thing about the Jan 6th convicted criminals being treated poorly, which also, there's no evidence of that, either. Hopefully he'll get the chance to ask when he's arrested.

  12. #76012
    The Lightbringer bladeXcrasher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    So Trump had that rally instead of his Jan 6th thing, and big surprise, he talked about how the election was stolen and Fauci was the worst person he ever hired.

    He is also pushing the Gaetz/Greene thing about the Jan 6th convicted criminals being treated poorly, which also, there's no evidence of that, either. Hopefully he'll get the chance to ask when he's arrested.
    He hired the guy whose been head of NIH since Reagan?

  13. #76013
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bladeXcrasher View Post
    He hired the guy whose been head of NIH since Reagan?
    Knowing Trump, he probably claims to have hired Reagan. And perhaps Lincoln, as well.
    R.I.P. Democracy

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  14. #76014
    The Lightbringer bladeXcrasher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    Knowing Trump, he probably claims to have hired Reagan. And perhaps Lincoln, as well.
    Silly me, forgot Trump emancipated the slaves and ended racism.

  15. #76015
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bladeXcrasher View Post
    Silly me, forgot Trump emancipated the slaves and ended racism.
    He does routinely tell black people that he's done more for them than any other president...
    R.I.P. Democracy

    "The difference between stupidity
    and genius is that genius has its limits."

    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  16. #76016
    Quote Originally Posted by bladeXcrasher View Post
    He hired the guy whose been head of NIH since Reagan?
    yah but joe's the one with dementia
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  17. #76017
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    I'm still waiting to hear what Hunter Biden did, that was worse than what Don Jr, Ivanka or Kushner did. Kushner tried to sell peace in the Middle East. Actually, what is Hunter Biden accused of, again?

    - - - Updated - - -

    It is, he's desperate to get out of that six-foot-hole Trump dug for him.
    He dug it himself. He knew what trump was before sucking up to him to be VP.

  18. #76018
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    Only Republicans think voting should be illegal.
    Nah, they want it like it used to be.
    White, male, landowners.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  19. #76019
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Steve Bannon says Trump rally precursor to overturning 2020 election.

    Just a reminder, on the 12th I did say that any Trump supporter should no longer be addressed by what's in their post but the far more important

    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    The things that have found out have more than bore out what people thought and what people felt and what people found
    We still need to do that. Because Trump's cult still seems to think that he won. So, again, any Trump poster says anything, any topic, any statement, that is not to be addressed in any way other than getting their public confirmation that Trump won/lost.

    Because the people pushing "Clinton lost, get over it" sure can't seem to get over it.

  20. #76020
    I remember when he claimed Sessions was the worst person he ever hired.
    I remember when he claimed Bolton was the worst person he ever hired.
    Now Fauci is the worst person he ever hired.

    I mean he's crapped on most of his former employee's but those are the ones I specifically recall are the ones he claimed the worst person he ever hired. Probably more though.

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