1. #17701
    Quote Originally Posted by Zaydin View Post
    I'd say Lou Dobbs has lost it, but let's be honest, he went insane years ago. He's now whining about Republicans daring to criticize Trump for smearing a dead man.

    I'm surprised he has time to talk considering how often he's blowing Trump.
    You know, I really liked his show on CNN like, 15 years ago, before he started being super racist about Mexicans all of a sudden. It was one of the best CNN shows.

    And then one day, he just got a hard on for hating on brown people.

    What the hell happened to sane Lou Dobbs?

    Oh by that way, from that clip, Ed Rollins too, who was a pretty sensible and decent guy in the room on CNN years ago, but then started doing things like backing Michelle Bachmann, then Trump, and basically enabling the racist populist nutjobs.

    And Christ that entire segment is tailor made for Trump to jerk off to. Basically it's two old men sucking Trump's dick. Holy hell.
    Last edited by Skroe; 2019-03-21 at 07:03 AM.

  2. #17702
    Quote Originally Posted by Skroe View Post
    You know, I really liked his show on CNN like, 15 years ago, before he started being super racist about Mexicans all of a sudden. It was one of the best CNN shows.

    And then one day, he just got a hard on for hating on brown people.

    What the hell happened to sane Lou Dobbs?

    Oh by that way, from that clip, Ed Rollins too, who was a pretty sensible and decent guy in the room on CNN years ago, but then started doing things like backing Michelle Bachmann, then Trump, and basically enabling the racist populist nutjobs.

    And Christ that entire segment is tailor made for Trump to jerk off to. Basically it's two old men sucking Trump's dick. Holy hell.
    I don't think you'll like this, but people like Lou Dobbs have always been this way, they just weren't as overt about it. Trump has made it easier to come out of the racist closet though. This is why, people have been saying the Repubs are the racist party before Trump.
    "When Facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." - Unknown

  3. #17703
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodakane View Post
    I don't think you'll like this, but people like Lou Dobbs have always been this way, they just weren't as overt about it. Trump has made it easier to come out of the racist closet though. This is why, people have been saying the Repubs are the racist party before Trump.
    As I've said before, and will undoubtedly say again, Trump isn't the problem. Trump is a symptom of the problem. Removing Trump and not addressing that problem (ethno-nationalism and religious nationalism within the Republican Party) just clears the field for someone who isn't a blathering moron, who might actually have the capacity to push truly terrible measures into place.

    The one saving grace of Trump is that he's too stupid and ineffectual to accomplish the terrible things his base wants him to do.

  4. #17704
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    It's worse than that, that's a standard plea deal. He just needs to admit that the government could prove he was guilty if it went to trial, not even that he's guilty. It's bullshit of the highest order.
    But the good news is, he is refusing the deal! So off to trial he goes! (the theory is accepting that deal might get him in trouble with the NFL)

  5. #17705
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    As I've said before, and will undoubtedly say again, Trump isn't the problem. Trump is a symptom of the problem. Removing Trump and not addressing that problem (ethno-nationalism and religious nationalism within the Republican Party) just clears the field for someone who isn't a blathering moron, who might actually have the capacity to push truly terrible measures into place.

    The one saving grace of Trump is that he's too stupid and ineffectual to accomplish the terrible things his base wants him to do.
    Yeah, I didn't really mean Trump the person, more like Trump the phenomenon.
    "When Facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." - Unknown

  6. #17706
    Several senior WH officials have been using personal emails and apps to conduct official WH business.


    - - - Updated - - -

    And Trump just announced by Tweet that the US recognizes Isreal's sovereignty in the Golan Heights area...

    This will go swimmingly with the rest of the world

  7. #17707
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    So uh.

    What's this I hear about Trump wanting to use "National Security lol" to put a massive tax/tariff on all foreign cars? Like, thousands of dollars per vehicle?

  8. #17708
    Quote Originally Posted by Bodakane View Post
    I don't think you'll like this, but people like Lou Dobbs have always been this way, they just weren't as overt about it. Trump has made it easier to come out of the racist closet though. This is why, people have been saying the Repubs are the racist party before Trump.
    I found this video explains it in quite detail what happened. Everything is pretty much in the title: "Death of a Eumphamism".

    It's basically the racists and douchebags in the Republican party were getting away with it because they were trying to hide their racism behind clever wording, or rather, Euphamisms. Then, Dumbass Dump came along and pretty-much validated all their racism and hatred and let them to just directly say "Why yes, it IS OK for me to say "I hate brown people!" and drop the clever wording altogether.

    This is why it's such a shocker for Skroe and some others to see people supposedly "change" within his party when all of us were pointing it out to him and others for YEARS what their party was really doing! That and, lets be honest here, they were validating HIS views as well. >_<

    I watched several videos of African American bloggers posting just after 11/9/2016 and it both amazed and saddened me how many didn't have the reaction I was expecting (that of 'surprise/'shock') to Dumbfuck Dump's election, but rather they were - I won't say "happy" - but more like "relieved" to, in their words, 'have the mask of what was going on in America finally be lifted for the rest of the world to see for themselves.'
    Last edited by mvaliz; 2019-03-21 at 05:23 PM.

  9. #17709
    Quote Originally Posted by kaelleria View Post
    Several senior WH officials have been using personal emails and apps to conduct official WH business.


    - - - Updated - - -

    And Trump just announced by Tweet that the US recognizes Isreal's sovereignty in the Golan Heights area...

    This will go swimmingly with the rest of the world


    I know republicans will just hand wave this away with some lame ass excuse to go with it.

  10. #17710
    Merely a Setback Adam Jensen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaelleria View Post
    And Trump just announced by Tweet that the US recognizes Isreal's sovereignty in the Golan Heights area...

    This will go swimmingly with the rest of the world
    But to criticize Israel's land grabs is "anti-Semetic."
    Putin khuliyo

  11. #17711
    Titan Captain N's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Jensen View Post
    But to criticize Israel's land grabs is "anti-Semetic."
    But claiming that people who say Jews Will Not Replace Us! are some very fine people is not.
    “You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.”― Malcolm X

    I watch them fight and die in the name of freedom. They speak of liberty and justice, but for whom? -Ratonhnhaké:ton (Connor Kenway)

  12. #17712
    AP: Political map-making helped GOP stem losses in 2018

    First this confirms what most of us already know. Likely may deserve its own thread, but don't feel like cluttering Politics Thread.

    The AP’s analysis indicates that Republicans won about 16 more U.S. House seats than would have been expected based on their average share of the vote in congressional districts across the country. In state House elections, Republicans’ structural advantage might have helped them hold on to as many as seven chambers that otherwise could have flipped to Democrats, according to the analysis.
    So 16 more seats should have likely been the Democrat gain in 2018 House race. The article does try to give a fair and balance argument from the GOP, but the main effect is gerrymandering.

    We do have a couple of EC College threads and now one where Trump could win in a landslide. Overall once again shows that we probably don't have a fair and even the best way to elect our politicians.
    Last edited by Paranoid Android; 2019-03-21 at 10:28 PM.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  13. #17713
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    What's this I hear about Trump wanting to use "National Security lol" to put a massive tax/tariff on all foreign cars? Like, thousands of dollars per vehicle?
    You are likely talking about the Commerce Dept report that triggers a 90-day deadline. Once the report is submitted -- no, you can't read the report -- Trump has 90 days to decide how to act on the recommendations, including tariffs as high as 25%.

    Just so we're clear: just about nobody wants to do that. Except Trump. Most experienced GOP members don't like what this will do to, say, the auto industry, when imports have their price jerked upwards -- no, China and Mexico don't pay the tariffs, the buyer does -- and retaliatory tariffs start cutting down on USA-made exports. China is already dragging their feet coming back to the negotiating table, and this will flip said table.

    Plus, as mentioned before, there's the bit about "no, you can't read the report".

    The Commerce Department did brief Senate Finance Committee Republicans on the report’s findings last month, according to two senior GOP aides. But while the department’s briefer strongly suggested that the report contained a national security finding allowing Trump to impose tariffs, and said that it laid out several options for him, the emissary did not disclose the report’s rationale or detail those options.

    The lack of information has frustrated lawmakers and trade groups. "This is a major policy decision that would have a significant impact on an industry that employs directly and indirectly 10 million Americans. If in fact this report is a secret plan to tax hard-working Americans, we ought to know about it. It’s as simple as that,” said John Bozzella, the president and CEO of Global Automakers Group and a former Chrysler executive.

    “Every automaker would be impacted in some way, shape or form. If you just assume that we are declared a national security threat and the president imposes broad, sweeping import tariffs of 25 percent, then you would naturally see the prices of all of these cars increase in a range of $2,000 to $7,000,” said Jennifer Thomas, the vice president of federal government affairs at the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, the leading advocacy group for the auto industry.
    "So the report, made by Trump's nominees, is only read by Trump, and happens to fit what Trump asked for? That sounds suspiciously like --- "

    Like citing biased studies? It is.

    GOP lawmakers suspect the Commerce Department is reverse-engineering its reports to suit the president’s policy preferences, finding a national security threat where none exists. They have pointed to the Defense Department’s finding that steel and aluminum imports did not pose a national security threat — a finding that broke with the Commerce Department’s conclusion granting Trump a green light to crack down on metal imports.

    “With regard to steel and aluminum and the 232 tariffs that were put in place back in 2017, you may know this, but when the administration was asked to opine on it, the Department of Defense said it’s not a national security threat. That’s now public,” Sen. Portman (R-Cleveland Browns) said on the Senate floor when he introduced his bill. “The memo from the Department of Defense said we have enough steel production in this country to take care of our military needs. It’s not a national security issue for us.”

  14. #17714
    Quote Originally Posted by Bodakane View Post
    I don't think you'll like this, but people like Lou Dobbs have always been this way, they just weren't as overt about it. Trump has made it easier to come out of the racist closet though. This is why, people have been saying the Repubs are the racist party before Trump.
    Well he simply didn't show it to my 20 year old self while on CNN at the time.

  15. #17715
    Quote Originally Posted by Shon237 View Post

    First this confirms what most of us already know. Likely may deserve its own thread, but don't feel like cluttering Politics Thread.

    So 16 more seats should have likely been the Democrat gain in 2018 House race. The article does try to give a fair and balance argument from the GOP, but the main affect is gerrymandering.

    We do have a couple of EC College threads and now one where Trump could win in a landslide. Overall once again shows that we probably don't have a fair and even the best way to elect our politicians.
    Considering that in North Carolina, they stole a 4 seats alone here (Along with every other position voted on my district and everyone elected/nominated by those voted on by district) I am betting probably more.

    We have a 3D/10R split in NC when our popular vote would have us at a 7D/6R split.

  16. #17716
    The Lightbringer D Luniz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaelleria View Post
    Several senior WH officials have been using personal emails and apps to conduct official WH business.


    - - - Updated - - -

    And Trump just announced by Tweet that the US recognizes Isreal's sovereignty in the Golan Heights area...

    This will go swimmingly with the rest of the world
    oh just drop the names

    Jared Kushner, using WhatsApp and his private email
    and Ivanka using her private email

    you may now begin the mandated calls of "Lock them up"

  17. #17717
    The Lightbringer D Luniz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    I wonder if any of the foreign manuf. will temp close their plants here just out of spite if that tariff crap went through.

  18. #17718
    Quote Originally Posted by Shon237 View Post

    First this confirms what most of us already know. Likely may deserve its own thread, but don't feel like cluttering Politics Thread.

    So 16 more seats should have likely been the Democrat gain in 2018 House race. The article does try to give a fair and balance argument from the GOP, but the main affect is gerrymandering.

    We do have a couple of EC College threads and now one where Trump could win in a landslide. Overall once again shows that we probably don't have a fair and even the best way to elect our politicians.
    But the Democrat bill to stop gerrymandering is a power grab!

  19. #17719
    Quote Originally Posted by Wyrt View Post
    But the Democrat bill to stop gerrymandering is a power grab!
    Ha! Yeah exactly.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  20. #17720
    Looks like the MAGAbomber pleaded guilty.

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