I have been thinking about how many Christians have repeatedly claimed that God had put Trump in office.
Now, while I am not a religious man myself, I have been thinking about that. And if true, I can only think of one reason he would possibly do so. It wouldn't be to fix this nation, it would be to teach his disciples an important lesson and remind them of what he has given them.
If true, God would have put Trump in office to teach his children not to trust anyone who just praises him with his words. He gave humanity an intelligence and the ability to learn and think critically to use it. Trump would be that lesson to remind them to do so. He praises God with his words while disgracing him with his actions, all the while lying about everything. He has lied about his skills as a business man, he has lied about his net worth, he has lied about him being a self-made man. In office he has lied about countless things big and trivial and his only real successes thus far has been to try and take credit for the successes of Obama while denying his own failures. This would go back to Gods lessons as you shouldn't believe me or Trump on blind faith when it comes to this. God gave you the ability to learn and think critically. Use it. All of his successes and failures aren't hidden, they are in plain site for all to see if they just look and not take what they are told on blind faith.
Trump is a wannabe dictator without the intelligence to pull it off at best and a false prophet at worst if he succeeds. God's lesson is to learn from this so you don't fall victim to an actual skilled one later next time.
Now, you may respond about his Supreme Court picks being gods plan, lets look into them.
With Gorsuch nominated from a stolen seat (Thou Shalt Not Steal) as it wasn't his seat to nominate. In one of his early cases after being nominated he was the tie breaking vote along party lines ruled that US Workers have no guaranteed right to due process under the law against their employers. He ruled that your employer can force you to sign away your right to due process as part of an employment contract and your employer may force you to instead go through "Mandatory Arbitration" which prevents much of the media coverage of their wrong doings as well as prevents class action lawsuits against them while also favoring them through not having to worry about state providing legal counsel and arbiters will tend to favor the companies that pay for their services otherwise the company will dump them for an arbiter who will. That means that your kid could be injured on the job and the employer deny them disability and instead fire them and your kid could no longer sue them in court as they are no longer lawfully allowed to and must instead rely on arbitration. Does that sound like gods will? Especially when you can expect that clause as boiler plate in virtually every contract you sign within a few years so the option of just not taking THAT job won't really be an option.
Then we have Kavanaugh, a potential serial rapist. You can have some who claim he was cleared and looked into. Again, God gave you the ability to learn and think critically. If you look into it, the FBI didn't officially do an investigation, it was classified as a background check where the White House could set the limits of it. The FBI was given 7 days. After 4 days it came out that the FBI was so limited they had only talked to I think it was 3 people. Trump lied about it on Twitter only for Kelly Ann to be forced to admit it on camera as they weren't even allowed to talk to all the accusers. They relaxed the restricts somewhat but not much. At the end of the 7 days, they had talked to 9 people but were barred from talking to all the accusers, they were barred from talking to Kavanaugh himself, they were barred from doing followups, they had over 40 people calling them to comment on Kavanugh and him lying as they knew him, the FBI was barred from talking to them. They were also barred from looking into anything that came forward during the hearing itself as Kavanaugh had repeatedly committed perjury while under oath on Camera during his hearing while interviewing for a seat as a judge on the highest court in the nation. And the entire GOP went along with this. Does that sound like gods will to you?
Then as to why he was nominated in the first place. Justice Kennedy stepped down under the condition that Trump name Kavanaugh to replace him. Kavanaughs views were that a president is effectively above the law and can not be indicted while in office. Justice Kennedy's son also worked at the Russian bank that has loaned Trump over 2 BILLION dollars when even their own paperwork evaluated his worth as being roughly 770 million instead of the billions he claimed. Does this sound like gods will? Or does this sound like a Justice stepping down and requesting a nomination to protect Trump as a way of protecting his own son working with the same people?
Then job creation, that started 7 years before Trump took office and Trump overall hasn't improved it. Same when it comes to the economy.
Now, you can doubt me on this if you like. I am glad that you do. But, as I have said, if you believe in god, this is his lesson to you. He gave you the ability to learn, he gave you the ability to think critically. Don't waste his gifts blindly accepting any man just because he tells you what you want to hear. Use his gifts, educate yourself on the issues before blindly following a false idol or engaging in tribalism which can lead you selling yourself and your children's futures away for a pretty sounding fantasy without you even realizing it because you wasted your gifts he has given you.
But as I have said, I am not a religious man myself. So take from this what you will.