1. #17721
    Pit Lord Mekkle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    Looks like the MAGAbomber pleaded guilty.
    the fucking magamobile still destroys my lungs to this day man

  2. #17722
    Well, I was thinking about something that was relevant to this. I am going to post it on Facebook, so I might as well post it here as well.

    I have been thinking about how many Christians have repeatedly claimed that God had put Trump in office.

    Now, while I am not a religious man myself, I have been thinking about that. And if true, I can only think of one reason he would possibly do so. It wouldn't be to fix this nation, it would be to teach his disciples an important lesson and remind them of what he has given them.

    If true, God would have put Trump in office to teach his children not to trust anyone who just praises him with his words. He gave humanity an intelligence and the ability to learn and think critically to use it. Trump would be that lesson to remind them to do so. He praises God with his words while disgracing him with his actions, all the while lying about everything. He has lied about his skills as a business man, he has lied about his net worth, he has lied about him being a self-made man. In office he has lied about countless things big and trivial and his only real successes thus far has been to try and take credit for the successes of Obama while denying his own failures. This would go back to Gods lessons as you shouldn't believe me or Trump on blind faith when it comes to this. God gave you the ability to learn and think critically. Use it. All of his successes and failures aren't hidden, they are in plain site for all to see if they just look and not take what they are told on blind faith.

    Trump is a wannabe dictator without the intelligence to pull it off at best and a false prophet at worst if he succeeds. God's lesson is to learn from this so you don't fall victim to an actual skilled one later next time.

    Now, you may respond about his Supreme Court picks being gods plan, lets look into them.

    With Gorsuch nominated from a stolen seat (Thou Shalt Not Steal) as it wasn't his seat to nominate. In one of his early cases after being nominated he was the tie breaking vote along party lines ruled that US Workers have no guaranteed right to due process under the law against their employers. He ruled that your employer can force you to sign away your right to due process as part of an employment contract and your employer may force you to instead go through "Mandatory Arbitration" which prevents much of the media coverage of their wrong doings as well as prevents class action lawsuits against them while also favoring them through not having to worry about state providing legal counsel and arbiters will tend to favor the companies that pay for their services otherwise the company will dump them for an arbiter who will. That means that your kid could be injured on the job and the employer deny them disability and instead fire them and your kid could no longer sue them in court as they are no longer lawfully allowed to and must instead rely on arbitration. Does that sound like gods will? Especially when you can expect that clause as boiler plate in virtually every contract you sign within a few years so the option of just not taking THAT job won't really be an option.

    Then we have Kavanaugh, a potential serial rapist. You can have some who claim he was cleared and looked into. Again, God gave you the ability to learn and think critically. If you look into it, the FBI didn't officially do an investigation, it was classified as a background check where the White House could set the limits of it. The FBI was given 7 days. After 4 days it came out that the FBI was so limited they had only talked to I think it was 3 people. Trump lied about it on Twitter only for Kelly Ann to be forced to admit it on camera as they weren't even allowed to talk to all the accusers. They relaxed the restricts somewhat but not much. At the end of the 7 days, they had talked to 9 people but were barred from talking to all the accusers, they were barred from talking to Kavanaugh himself, they were barred from doing followups, they had over 40 people calling them to comment on Kavanugh and him lying as they knew him, the FBI was barred from talking to them. They were also barred from looking into anything that came forward during the hearing itself as Kavanaugh had repeatedly committed perjury while under oath on Camera during his hearing while interviewing for a seat as a judge on the highest court in the nation. And the entire GOP went along with this. Does that sound like gods will to you?

    Then as to why he was nominated in the first place. Justice Kennedy stepped down under the condition that Trump name Kavanaugh to replace him. Kavanaughs views were that a president is effectively above the law and can not be indicted while in office. Justice Kennedy's son also worked at the Russian bank that has loaned Trump over 2 BILLION dollars when even their own paperwork evaluated his worth as being roughly 770 million instead of the billions he claimed. Does this sound like gods will? Or does this sound like a Justice stepping down and requesting a nomination to protect Trump as a way of protecting his own son working with the same people?

    Then job creation, that started 7 years before Trump took office and Trump overall hasn't improved it. Same when it comes to the economy.

    Now, you can doubt me on this if you like. I am glad that you do. But, as I have said, if you believe in god, this is his lesson to you. He gave you the ability to learn, he gave you the ability to think critically. Don't waste his gifts blindly accepting any man just because he tells you what you want to hear. Use his gifts, educate yourself on the issues before blindly following a false idol or engaging in tribalism which can lead you selling yourself and your children's futures away for a pretty sounding fantasy without you even realizing it because you wasted your gifts he has given you.

    But as I have said, I am not a religious man myself. So take from this what you will.
    Last edited by Fugus; 2019-03-22 at 02:03 AM.

  3. #17723
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    North Korea abandons its liaison office in SK in direct response to US sanctions after talks fell apart.

    Boeing loses a $5 billion contract as the DoJ investigation continues, despite Trump putting one of their best in charge of the Pentagon. Who is also being investigated.

    Trump tells FOX News that, if the fed listened to him and didn't do their job, we'd have the 4% growth he promised and not 3.1%. Of course, we don't have 3.1% either, but then, it's Trump and FOX News.

    Farms have the lowest profits in ten years, while farms defaulting on their loans have hit their highest level in ten years. Oh, and that was before the Midwest floods. Tariffs, trade wars and low sale prices have made a farming economic crisis that's the worst in 30 years.

    Pompeo goes on an interview to say that, yes, it's "possible" God chose Trump to save the Jews.

    Trump claims he approved Sen. McCain's funeral, despite his funeral neither needing nor wanting such. Only Presidential funerals need that. Also Trump didn't order lowering of the flags for two days, so it's very likely Trump lied about giving even unnecessary "approval" of the funeral.

    And it's not even lunch yet.

  4. #17724
    Elemental Lord Templar 331's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    Well, I was thinking about something that was relevant to this. I am going to post it on Facebook, so I might as well post it here as well.
    I hope you don't mind if I do the same. Though I'm sure I'll catch some crap later.

  5. #17725
    Quote Originally Posted by Wyrt View Post
    But the Democrat bill to stop gerrymandering is a power grab!
    Exactly. The dems are trying to grab back a valid amount of seats which would make the GOP sad.

  6. #17726

    Steve King continues to make disgusting, racist comments and Republicans continue to do little but wag their finger at him. Because they don't seem to care about his hate and bigotry simply because he's a reliable vote. Power over basic decency indeed.

  7. #17727
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Let's add one more thing to the ever growing list of things Trump doesn't know about.

    Oblivious to the fact that union members, employees, pay dues out of their paychecks and that the amount owed has no direct impact on GM's finances.
    What a moron, does he even know what a union is?

  8. #17728
    Epic! Ermelloth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CryotriX View Post
    Wow, just wow.

    Y, that's the only thing you can do. Won't help though.

    Something that should have been done long ago. Thank you, Donald Trump.

  9. #17729

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday said he was ordering the withdrawal of recently announced North Korea-related sanctions imposed by the U.S. Treasury Department.

    “It was announced today by the U.S. Treasury that additional large scale Sanctions would be added to those already existing Sanctions on North Korea,” Trump said on Twitter. “I have today ordered the withdrawal of those additional Sanctions!”

    It was not immediately clear what sanctions Trump was referring to, although the United States on Thursday blacklisted two Chinese shipping companies that it said helped North Korea evade sanctions over its nuclear weapons program.
    What sanctions is he talking about? WHO KNOWS!
    What has NK done to earn lifting unknown sanctions? WHO KNOWS!
    Why is this happening? WHO KNOWS!

    So NK can spin back up their missile and nuclear programs after ditching a second meeting and they still get rewarded, somehow, apparently. Trump is truly the ultimate "cuck".

  10. #17730
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    What sanctions is he talking about? WHO KNOWS!
    What has NK done to earn lifting unknown sanctions? WHO KNOWS!
    Why is this happening? WHO KNOWS!

    So NK can spin back up their missile and nuclear programs after ditching a second meeting and they still get rewarded, somehow, apparently. Trump is truly the ultimate "cuck".
    Trump keeps surrendering to North Korea. He claims the deal with Iran was a surrender but this really is it.

  11. #17731

    Update on the justification behind Trump lifting the sanctions!

    In explaining the president’s surprise move, press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said “President Trump likes Chairman Kim and he doesn’t think these sanctions will be necessary.
    Well if he likes him then that explains everything. That's more than enough reason for me! (/s)

  12. #17732
    Quote Originally Posted by CryotriX View Post
    Wow, just wow.

    Israel. Regional stability.

    Lmao. What a moron

  13. #17733
    The Lightbringer bladeXcrasher's Avatar
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    That word salad gave me an aneurism.

    "It's always interesting to me because a deputy, that didn't get any votes, appoints a man that didn't get any votes, he's going to write a report on me. I had one of the greatest election victories in history. Would you say that's true? They came from the valleys, they came from the rivers, they came from the cities, they came from all over, they voted in one of the greatest elections in the history of our country, and now I have a man, because we have an attorney general who -- nobody can even believe he didn't tell me, but he recused himself -- so I have a man who is a deputy who I don't know, who I didn't know at all, and he appoints a man who had just left my office, I didn't give him the job at the FBI, [James] Comey's his best friend, but listen, you know it better than anybody, you've been very fair in this, but listen, I have a deputy, appoints a man to write a report on me, to make a determination on my presidency? People will not stand for it."

  14. #17734
    Quote Originally Posted by bladeXcrasher View Post

    That word salad gave me an aneurism.
    They came from the valleys, they came from the rivers, they came from the cities, they came from all over, they voted in one of the greatest elections in the history of our country
    Trump must jackoff furiously each night to a picture of the electoral college map

  15. #17735
    Immortal Fahrenheit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redwyrm View Post
    Trump must jackoff furiously each night to a picture of the electoral college map
    39k people spread over 3 states vote differently and he loses the EC along with getting beat in the popular vote, but it's totally one of the greatest election victories in history. Total landslide.
    Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh. You touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding.
    You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it.

    Mass Effect

  16. #17736

    The U.S. posted its biggest monthly budget deficit on record last month, amid falling corporate and individual tax revenue and increasing federal spending.

    The budget gap widened to $234 billion in February, compared with a fiscal gap of $215.2 billion a year earlier. That gap surpassed the previous monthly record of $231.7 billion set seven years ago, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
    Trump now has claim to the bigliest, most bestest monthly deficit in US history. Of all time. Period.

    And he's not even in the throws of a recession.

    I never. Ever. Ever. Want to hear a Republican complain about deficits or debt again in my life.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Trumps next pick for the Fed, Stephen Moore, is a fucking retard who's greatest claim to fame is probably spending the past two decades being consistently wrong with almost everything he said.

  17. #17737

    Glad to know the next financial crisis, the Fed will tell everyone to buy Gold.

    Realistically, this may be a line too far for Republicans in the Senate. This is a money issue. And Moore is a crank.

  18. #17738
    Quote Originally Posted by Skroe View Post
    Realistically, this may be a line too far for Republicans in the Senate. This is a money issue. And Moore is a crank.
    I mean, the tax bill was a money issue and they passed that too, causing deficits to pointlessly skyrocket over the past year or so.

  19. #17739
    Quote Originally Posted by Skroe View Post

    Glad to know the next financial crisis, the Fed will tell everyone to buy Gold.

    Realistically, this may be a line too far for Republicans in the Senate. This is a money issue. And Moore is a crank.
    And possibly Herman Cain for Fed Board

  20. #17740
    Quote Originally Posted by Redwyrm View Post
    And possibly Herman Cain for Fed Board

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