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  1. #1

    Question Lush Jungle vs Barren Wasteland vs Snowscape vs Outlandish vs Other

    What type of area do you prefer in World of Warcraft and why?

    A couple of reasons could be

    • Gameplay
    • General atmopshere
    • Background music/sounds
    • Type of creatures inhabiting this particular kind of zone
    • Architecture
    • Relatability to real life
    • Being nothing like real life

    Or is there a type of zone that World of Warcraft hasn't touched yet but you would like to see in the future, feel free to use pictures if you find those easier to express your thoughts than words.

    I thought of this topic because I feel like all types of the upcoming new Battle for Azeroth zones are personal favourites. Desert, Nautical, Swamp, Grasslands.

  2. #2
    Queen of Cake Splenda's Avatar
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    Tough call, my favorite zones, as far as atmosphere/visual design go, are all VERY different from each other.

    I think if I had to narrow it down, I could give a top 3. In no particular order


    I love snow IRL, and I think it's so pretty. It also *tends* to be with foresty zones as well, so 2 in 1. I love forests IRL as well and I love how Blizzard has implimented them in both normal and fantasy ways. Outland zones, especially ones like Zangar and Nagrand, with their unique giant shroom-trees and floating islands are so fun and different.
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  3. #3
    The Lightbringer Dalheim's Avatar
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    I love Jungle, forested and snowscape zones. Since they are so cozy and I'd love to live in such areas sometime.

    Top zones would be:

    1. Dun Morogh/Grizzly Hills
    2. Loch Modan
    3. Stranglethorn Vale
    4. Gorgrond (Love the mix between barren and jungle)
    5. Frostfire Ridge

    As for architecture.. I do like the simplicity of trolls/orcs (old wooden orc buildings, not the spiky shit now) buildings and the stonework of dwarven areas.
    They are all quite simple, and I do love simple stuff. :>
    Hariuha laþu laukar gakar alu ole lule laukar

  4. #4
    Taiga inspired zones are the best

  5. #5
    Snow. Snow is best.

  6. #6
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    Deep forests like Ashenvale, Jade Forest and Val'sharah (minus all that red cancer), also rolling grassy plains like Nagrand and Valley of Four Winds.

  7. #7
    I love the nordic themed zones... so Howling Fjord / Stormheim... Particularly like the snowy-foresty part in northern HF / the water.

  8. #8
    In no particular order:

    - Being on top of the huge gate into Deadmines in Stranglethorn (Standing on the wall with it all overgrown make it feel hella cool to me)

    - The Scarlet trenches in Dragonblight (a real sense of biting cold and struggle there. I can almost imagine what it would feel like being there)

    - Loch Modan because Loch Modan

    - Gilneas has a real atmosphere to it, and given it's bloody empty that really says something about how well the place was made (could you imagine the atmosphere if they actually populated it?!)

    There are plenty of others but these just come to mind now.

  9. #9
    Tough call. I got favorite zones across all the usual types, but if I had to choose I'd go with snowy wastelands and mountains. Pine trees, frozen lakes. You know the deal.

  10. #10
    I'd really like a beautiful wintry forest zone, with dense woods and colourful bushes and a canopy of branches and snow. Make it feel almost Christmas-y (in terms of the comforting scenery; strong clean whites, greens, and reds; and magical atmosphere), all the snowy zones we've had in a long time have been big and bleak and rugged and inhospitable and it'd be good to get away from that a bit.

  11. #11
    Herald of the Titans Marston's Avatar
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    I don't really have a preferred type.

    I really like Tanaris, yet I deslike Desolace or old Thousand Needles (all being desert/barren zones).
    I really like Valley of Four Winds, yet I dislike Nagrand and Arathi Highlands (all being pretty open).
    I really like Dread Wastes and the Plaguelands, yet I don't like Icecrown (all being "dead" and "evil" zones).

    It more or less comes down to gameplay and story within the zone. Best example is probably Stonetalon, which I really did not like at all prior to Cataclysm, but now enjoy it very much. Same is true for Desolace, even though I still don't enjoy the new version that much, I hated the old one with a passion.

  12. #12
    decaying zone, like tirisfal, plaguelands,gundrak, in some way zangarmash and legion fel corrupted zones.
    then jungles, like jade forest and straghethorn

    so tanaan is by far my favourite zone, it has both (not considering tirisfal for the nostalgia clearly)
    Last edited by omeomorfismo; 2017-11-18 at 01:11 PM.

  13. #13
    I hate snow. I love green and colorful forests, like Jade Forest and areas like that.

  14. #14
    Winterspring is my favorite zone. It feels like Northrend ought to feel like. It also reminds me of bitter cold days when I was a kid in the northeast US. Snow everywhere, absolutely no wind, not a sound except the crunching of snow under your feet, and a feeling of isolation. They really captured it well.

    Northrend always felt bizarre because in Warcraft 3, Northrend is depicted as this barren isolated continent, and then we get it in WoW and it is incredibly populated and busy. It is actually more built up than the Eastern Kingdoms! You've got well-maintained roads, towns, massive oil factories, firmly established harbor cities. I'm like WTF this isn't Northrend at all.
    TO FIX WOW:1. smaller server sizes & server-only LFG awarding satchels, so elite players help others. 2. "helper builds" with loom powers - talent trees so elite players cast buffs on low level players XP gain, HP/mana, regen, damage, etc. 3. "helper ilvl" scoring how much you help others. 4. observer games like in SC to watch/chat (like twitch but with MORE DETAILS & inside the wow UI) 5. guild leagues to compete with rival guilds for progression (with observer mode).6. jackpot world mobs.

  15. #15
    Snowscape and Forests.

    Along the lines of Storm Peaks, Grizzly Hills, Jade Forest.

    Really, not enough snowy zones in WoW atm., Highmountain doesn't exactly count, Frostfire ridge felt too much like a an ice tundra, Kun-Lai also had hardly any snow (there also was almost nothing relevant in the snowy areas).

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Thybalt View Post
    What type of area do you prefer in World of Warcraft and why?

    A couple of reasons could be

    • Gameplay
    • General atmopshere
    • Background music/sounds
    • Type of creatures inhabiting this particular kind of zone
    • Architecture
    • Relatability to real life
    • Being nothing like real life

    Or is there a type of zone that World of Warcraft hasn't touched yet but you would like to see in the future, feel free to use pictures if you find those easier to express your thoughts than words.

    I thought of this topic because I feel like all types of the upcoming new Battle for Azeroth zones are personal favourites. Desert, Nautical, Swamp, Grasslands.
    Grasslands, Valleys, Vales, Plateus, Mountains, Jungles.

    I like variety but I value bright green open grasslands the most. Mulgore, Arathi Highlands, Valley of the Four Winds and the incoming Stormsong Valley are my favourite type of zones.

  17. #17
    I really like wide open rolling plains like Valley of the Four Winds, both Nagrands, the sunnier parts of Azsuna, and the upcoming Stormsong Valley. Deserts are also pretty neat. I'd love it if there was one where you could just go through an ocean of relatively empty, desolate sand dunes. It might feel boring, but the fantasy would be so strong. Jungles/swamps are nice too, I really like Swamp of Sorrows, Sholazar Basin, and Krasarang Wilds. Tanaan was a bit sparse in trees for my liking and never really felt like an actual jungle. But hey, Zuldazar is looking amazing!

  18. #18
    I suppose I might add nothing quite compares to climbing the mountains in the game for the first time without flying.

    Examples in Kun'lai and Highmountain come to mind when I think of this. I remember scaling them for the first time despite not having to actually be there. The feeling was incredibly, especially because I hadn't explored the other zones I could see from atop the summits.

  19. #19
    Stood in the Fire Cryptoriana's Avatar
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    I like lush forests/ rainfall, water

    Snow ew. Outland EWWW. I like that feeling of going to a national forest. Hearing the animal sounds and waterfalls

    Feralas is beautiful

  20. #20
    Cities, Forests and some Snow zones.

    With lots of ancient ruins.

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