1. #1741
    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDaz View Post
    Honestly, i see those places more as a legacy of the High Elves existance and continuity.
    I threw in Hearthglen as a wild card because it is not part of that legacy. Northern Lordaeron would be a whole new ball of wax. We have no idea what's there.

    While Theramore and the Dalaran crater have historical significance, these would be big changes in game. Both would essentially give High Elves their own kingdom of sorts. Moreso if they went with Theramore. Dalaran crater might be a better location for this xpac.

    Northern Lordaeron could establish a whole High Elf kingdom that is currently unknown, population and all, which would be a huge change to the world. If anything, I thought some of these choices would be seen as too radical.

    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDaz View Post
    i would chose Quel'Danil Lodge with two portals inside, one to Dalaran and another to Stormwind.
    It should also have Wildhammer dwarves emissaries inside, which proves that there is a growing allegiance between them, especially as they are neighbours.
    That's a great idea! The portals would give High Elf players an actual reason to go there in game.

  2. #1742
    Quote Originally Posted by Khuzard View Post
    Even if you are staunchly against ever adding playable High Elves, the 2014 interview specifically mentions the artists getting exciting about playable High Elves and Brown Orcs. This gives every indication that work with the artists was done on the concept before they shifted over to Void Elves.

    There's probably several pieces of concept art for playable High Elves hanging about on Blizzard's hard drives. All they have to do is dust them off and resume the process. Much of the initial work has been done.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Khuzard View Post
    Btw, that northern zone between Quel'thalas and EPL is Stratholme. It exists as an instance in the outside world, but there is a barrier preventing you from going there. It borders to Deatholme.
    That's what I always thought as well. But folks and some of the information online was saying that at one point you could fly there. It was an empty zone. Later they added the barrier.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Bjoramier of Lordaeron View Post
    I want them to have the area just above stratholme, seems like a perfect spot, even void elves had that area mentioned in the files for them, it's a shame it went to waste.
    Northern Lordaeron was mentioned connected to the Void Elves? I've not heard of that before.

  3. #1743
    I'm just gunna throw all this info and my ideas right here.

    All known High Elves Groups
    * Coldarra High Elves - Are technically bad
    * Death-Hunter High Elves - at Quel'Lithien Lodge
    * Highvale High Elves - at Quel'Danil Lodge
    * Outland Expedition High Elves - at Allerian Stronghold & Honor Hold
    * Silver Covenant - at Windrunner's Outlook
    * Silvermoon Remnant - Dawnstrider Harbor & Stormwind Mage District

    Known High Elf locations
    * Allerian Stronghold
    * Dawnstrider Harbor
    * Farstrider Lodge
    * Honor Hold
    * Quel'Danil Lodge
    * Quel'Lithien Lodge
    * Stormwind Mage District
    * Windrunner's Overlook

    Places that I think could be rebuild into a Hub or Warfront for them
    * Alterac Kingdom
    * Deathholme
    * Scarlet Enclave Ruins
    * Theramore Crater

    I have pics of the 5 skin tones that are currently available for the male and female High Elves in game from the Wowhead dressing room app by enabling npc models of the Blood Elves but I can't post them so I'd thought I'd say how I got them so you can add the pale style tones. Also there is a rough map for Hearthlands (Aka Northern Lordaeron) it was never added in game though

    P.S. Sorry for the long ramble lol if you need more details about anything let me know

  4. #1744
    Love how all the persistent spiteful anti high elf posters are suddenly so silent.

  5. #1745
    Quote Originally Posted by Blazindragon1737 View Post
    I'm just gunna throw all this info and my ideas right here.

    All known High Elves Groups
    * Coldarra High Elves - Are technically bad
    * Death-Hunter High Elves - at Quel'Lithien Lodge
    * Highvale High Elves - at Quel'Danil Lodge
    * Outland Expedition High Elves - at Allerian Stronghold & Honor Hold
    * Silver Covenant - at Windrunner's Outlook
    * Silvermoon Remnant - Dawnstrider Harbor & Stormwind Mage District

    Known High Elf locations
    * Allerian Stronghold
    * Dawnstrider Harbor
    * Farstrider Lodge
    * Honor Hold
    * Quel'Danil Lodge
    * Quel'Lithien Lodge
    * Stormwind Mage District
    * Windrunner's Overlook

    Places that I think could be rebuild into a Hub or Warfront for them
    * Alterac Kingdom
    * Deathholme
    * Scarlet Enclave Ruins
    * Theramore Crater

    I have pics of the 5 skin tones that are currently available for the male and female High Elves in game from the Wowhead dressing room app by enabling npc models of the Blood Elves but I can't post them so I'd thought I'd say how I got them so you can add the pale style tones. Also there is a rough map for Hearthlands (Aka Northern Lordaeron) it was never added in game though

    P.S. Sorry for the long ramble lol if you need more details about anything let me know
    Awesome, @Blazindragon1737 I'd love to flesh some of these out.

    What is Dawnstrider Harbor? Can't seem to find any info on that.

    What is the status of the Coldarra High Elves after the events of Northrend and Coldarra? Hadn't really thought about them before.

    Alterac Kingdom... that's a neat new idea for High Elves. Has there been any indication that Blizzard plans to do something with Alterac in the future? I've seen some players ask for Alterac humans on the Horde side.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Jokubas View Post
    longer beards
    Like these guys from the Manga? This tripped me out.

    Last edited by Traycor; 2018-04-18 at 01:52 AM.

  6. #1746
    Hmm unsure what happened to my post I think it deleted when I tried to updated it but here is some more updates of what I think

    * Alterac Kingdom - This area is just begging to be used since it's been pretty much empty for gameplay since the cataclysm but I think it might go to the Horde due to the Crushridge Clan that they can probably ally with while fleeing Undercity, so maybe Durnholde Keep will go to the Alliance instead since it almost has been just as unused besides the fight chain quest located there

    * Deathholme - I personally think this would be a great spot for a Warfront as it would be an amazing outpost for the Alliance plus it could have the High Elves, Void Elves, Army of Light and Possibly the Wildhammer Dwarves vs the Horde at Tranquillien with the fallen back Forsaken forces backed up by the Blood Elves, Nightborne and possibly the Revantusk Forest Trolls if they take over Zul'Aman if not then I don't know what could be a 4th for the Horde

    * Scarlet Enclave Ruins - Great location and already built up it just needs remodeling to better suit the High Elves style with maybe a bit of Void Elf and Army of Light help which could give it a cool Void area on one side and a cool Light Area on the other side or something

    * Theramore Crater - Unsure about this due to all the leftover Arcane energy but it would be a great place for the Alliance to have again that's for sure.

  7. #1747
    Quote Originally Posted by Blazindragon1737 View Post
    Hmm unsure what happened to my post I think it deleted when I tried to updated it but here is some more updates of what I think
    I quoted your whole post, so you could just copy it from there and paste into a new post.

  8. #1748
    Quote Originally Posted by Traycor View Post
    Awesome, @Blazindragon1737 I'd love to flesh some of these out.

    What is Dawnstrider Harbor? Can't seem to find any info on that.

    What is the status of the Coldarra High Elves after the events of Northrend and Coldarra? Hadn't really thought about them before.

    Alterac Kingdom... that's a neat new idea for High Elves. Has there been any indication that Blizzard plans to do something with Alterac in the future? I've seen some players ask for Alterac humans on the Horde side.
    Feel free to flesh out as many as you can.

    It's a place located in Northern Lordaeron area try to Google the name under Argent Archives. It's got a fan fleshed out map of NL as well

    Unsure myself but I'm pretty sure most were killed during the Blue Dragonflight takedown.

    I've been hoping for that place to have something do to it forever and even more now that Warfronts are a thing and UC has crumbled. I haven't heard Blizzard mention it at all and I think that could be a bad idea even if they were allies before. They may just be the Humans key to playing Shamans if they every rejoin the Alliance though

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Traycor View Post
    I quoted your whole post, so you could just copy it from there and paste into a new post.
    Well thanks I guess that was pretty lucky haha. I would've disliked typing it again. At least it's still there if I need to refer back to it

  9. #1749
    Quote Originally Posted by Blazindragon1737 View Post
    It's a place located in Northern Lordaeron area try to Google the name under Argent Archives. It's got a fan fleshed out map of NL as well
    So was that the in game name of the shore line before it was walled off in game so you can't get there?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDaz View Post
    Why have they diverged so much after Arthas invasion?
    Why didn't they all merged, but instead some remained on the alliance?
    Why do many identify themselves more with the Alliance and accept to make part of the Silver Covenant lead by Vereesa?
    Having been physically cut out from the Sunwell, especially after the BC when blood elves took over the sunwell, how has that impacted them?
    Have they changed physically or mentally because they are no longer dependant on the sunwell?
    Have they needed to change their class specializations to fit their new situation?
    Posting these questions again if anyone wants to give their own answers to some.

  10. #1750
    Quote Originally Posted by Traycor View Post
    So was that the in game name of the shore line before it was walled off in game so you can't get there?
    From what I was told that whole map is fleshed out from tid bits of lore but the zone was not added to the map. It was supposed to be a part of cataclysm with a Dragon Isles Raid that still hasn't been brought back since early Vanilla Alpha. They even have the Hearthglen Dock on the fan map which the Argent Crusade lead by Tirion Fordring used to get to the Broken Shore so fast and perish sadly

  11. #1751
    Mechagnome etheldald's Avatar
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    don't be surprised if blizzard kills veressa and the silver covenant just to make the possibility gone.

  12. #1752
    The Unstoppable Force Theodarzna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by etheldald View Post
    don't be surprised if blizzard kills veressa and the silver covenant just to make the possibility gone.
    While I am sure many a Horde fanboy is hoping for that, I don't think they would intentionally antagonize a contingent of the player base like that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    i think I have my posse filled out now. Mars is Theo, Jupiter is Vanyali, Linadra is Venus, and Heather is Mercury. Dragon can be Pluto.
    On MMO-C we learn that Anti-Fascism is locking arms with corporations, the State Department and agreeing with the CIA, But opposing the CIA and corporate America, and thinking Jews have a right to buy land and can expect tenants to pay rent THAT is ultra-Fash Nazism. Bellingcat is an MI6/CIA cut out. Clyburn Truther.

  13. #1753
    Quote Originally Posted by Theodarzna View Post
    While I am sure many a Horde fanboy is hoping for that, I don't think they would intentionally antagonize a contingent of the player base like that.
    I play Alliance and I don't see any purpose for Vereesa existing. The storyline with her husband was absolute cringe, and she and her Silver Covenant do nothing but stay glued to Dalaran and the Kirin Tor forever.

    Alleria is already 100x times more useful and proactive than her by participating in the Battle for Lordaron scenario.
    When we looked at the relics of the precursors, we saw the height civilization can attain.
    When we looked at their ruins, we marked the danger of that height.
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  14. #1754
    Quote Originally Posted by Theodarzna View Post
    While I am sure many a Horde fanboy is hoping for that, I don't think they would intentionally antagonize a contingent of the player base like that.
    Then you dont know blizzard at all
    Anemo: traveler, Sucrose
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    Geo: Noelle, Ningguang, Yun Jin, Gorou
    Hydro: Barbara, Zingqiu, Ayato
    Cyro: Shenhe, Kaeya, Chongyun, Diona, Ayaka, Rosaria
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  15. #1755
    Mechagnome etheldald's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theodarzna View Post
    While I am sure many a Horde fanboy is hoping for that, I don't think they would intentionally antagonize a contingent of the player base like that.
    they already done that many times before or just look at how they treating saurfang, one of the most respected heroes of the horde is now abandoning the faction and literally saying to the player that what they are doing is wrong.

    hell, i was actually really salty at blizzard for how they handled the alliance in mop.
    like i said, don't be surprised if blizzard kills the silver covenant. just prepare for the shitstorm if that happens.

  16. #1756
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by etheldald View Post
    they already done that many times before or just look at how they treating saurfang, one of the most respected heroes of the horde is now abandoning the faction and literally saying to the player that what they are doing is wrong.
    Honestly sounds correct to Saurfang's character to me. Maybe people should just stop being so damn sensitive :P like when Xe'ra showed that Illidan was trying to do right, even though he went about it the wrong way. Players all got their jimmies rustled because they took it as "waahh the game is saying we aren't actually heroes 100% of the time waaah"

    Some people want to be heroes 100% of the time, others have gone on record to complain they're tired of being demi-gods/saving world-ending disasters/wanting to be bad.

    Blizzard cannot win any which way they go when comments like yours are made. It's actually very compelling for Saurfang to defect, I look forward to how his interactions with Anduin will be.

  17. #1757
    High elves or a unique and cool race?
    Anemo: traveler, Sucrose
    Pyro: Yanfei, Amber, diluc, xiangling, thoma, Xinyan, Bennett
    Geo: Noelle, Ningguang, Yun Jin, Gorou
    Hydro: Barbara, Zingqiu, Ayato
    Cyro: Shenhe, Kaeya, Chongyun, Diona, Ayaka, Rosaria
    Electro: Fischl, Lisa, Miko, Kujou, Raiden, Razor

  18. #1758
    I thought it would be fun to take some of the ideas going around and try to mix them all together in what it might look like if high elves were playable and these were their options. Some things I copied more directly than others, and I know I could have gone further in some areas, but this ended up taking longer than I thought.


    I decided to not only play around with some scarred options, but I put one in there with shorter ears. In the classic Warcraft II artwork of a high elf fighting a troll, the ears were much shorter. I used that as inspiration along with the dialogue from Elisande about high elves mingling with lesser races. I also made an aged option, since that's something missing on current elves that could help reinforce these as much more world-weary.


    For the men, I tried to take inspiration from different cultures than the blood elves, though I don't think it turned out too well. I thought a little 80s stuff would make them feel more wild, and tried to put some more curly stuff in there. For the women, I tried to do some shorter and more combat-ready hairstyles, as well as some messier ones and braided ones.

    Hair Colors

    For the hair colors, I tried to go with earthier tones, as well as some very light and silvery ones. I tried to avoid red outside of a dark auburn to create distinction from blood elves.


    I went a bit crazy with the beards. The idea was to again take Elisande's dialogue about the high elves being peasants who mingle with other races, and decided that could mean they have much larger and more wild beards (whether that be because human blood allowed them to grow larger beards, or that larger beards are simply not in style with the higher class blood elves). I'm not really happy with the accessories I made for the female elves. I tried to take various ideas like more subtle jewelry and feathers, but most of them sort of disappear into the hair unfortunately.

    Skin Colors

    I tried to create some strong extremes here. The idea was to have some tanned options from living in the wild more, as well as some extremely pale options to create some strong contrast. Perhaps some of these options are also a result of human blood somewhere in their heritage.

    War Paints

    As much as the war paint is central to what I like about the high elf pitches in this thread, I didn't feel up to the challenge for very many options. Each one is based on an existing design, whether that be Warcraft II or one of Alleria's several variants. I also added in symbols from the elven runestones in a couple of places, but ran out of ideas after that.

  19. #1759
    Mechagnome etheldald's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlubberPuddy View Post
    Honestly sounds correct to Saurfang's character to me. Maybe people should just stop being so damn sensitive :P like when Xe'ra showed that Illidan was trying to do right, even though he went about it the wrong way. Players all got their jimmies rustled because they took it as "waahh the game is saying we aren't actually heroes 100% of the time waaah"

    Some people want to be heroes 100% of the time, others have gone on record to complain they're tired of being demi-gods/saving world-ending disasters/wanting to be bad.

    Blizzard cannot win any which way they go when comments like yours are made. It's actually very compelling for Saurfang to defect, I look forward to how his interactions with Anduin will be.
    oh i agree with everything you said,people want perfect characters who can do nothing wrong and i strongly disagree in that.
    i actually hate khadgar who is just a good guy who can't see the conflict. he is just boring. but people really love khadgar because he is the most perfect guy ever.

    also i am looking forward in how blizzard will handle saurfang, i got a huge respect for him but i only play alliance, so i don't know how the horde community will react to his character.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jokubas View Post
    For the men, I tried to take inspiration from different cultures than the blood elves, though I don't think it turned out too well. I thought a little 80s stuff would make them feel more wild, and tried to put some more curly stuff in there. For the women, I tried to do some shorter and more combat-ready hair
    As much as the war paint is central to what I like about the high elf pitches in this thread, I didn't feel up to the challenge for very many options. Each one is based on an existing design, whether that be Warcraft II or one of Alleria's several variants. I also added in symbols from the elven runestones in a couple of places, but ran out of ideas after that.
    wow, those are really good ideas, basically a helf is a belf but far better and in the alliance, i really like that.

  20. #1760
    Those look really good, great work! One thing to keep in mind is that body textures are mirrored, so it would be impossible to implement asymmetrical tattoos (e.g on one arm only) unless they were "floating" planes like LF Draenei's forehead rune, in this case wrapped as closely as possible to the mesh underneath. Might clip into it during animations, though.

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