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  1. #21
    Paragon boxes were maybe the most universally hated thing in Legion, and somehow Blizzard decided to bring them back.

    I understand that legiondaries were bad, and titanforging was shit, but paragon boxes added nothing but more pointless grinding, and took away rewards from hitting exalted.

  2. #22
    Elemental Lord
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    Kill it with fire. I got them all in Legion, but Jesus Christ, never again.

    But I understand some incentive for paragon reps is needed. I would be fine with some kind of currency (that drop from every cache) that you could use to buy mount from specific emissary (something like 10 caches = new mount). And RNG on top on that for lucky people. I would accept that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Queen of Hamsters View Post
    I don't want them to contain mounts, ESPECIALLY not the Bee mount.

    Resources, crafting materials, gear, reputation tokens that are BOA...
    Rare footage from Storm's Wake paragon cache opening in Blizzard internal 8.1 build:

    Last edited by Dracullus; 2018-09-18 at 11:31 PM.

  3. #23
    Given that Legion paragon boxes were a decent source of legendaries, I would not be shocked if they dropped some sort of azerite armour. They might not, of course, but it wouldn't surprise me if they did.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Forion View Post
    Acquiring a rare mount usually goes one of three ways:

    1. Heavily RNG-based but not very time consuming (like farming an old raid mount)
    2. Very time consuming but less RNG-based (like farming Champion's Seals for an Argent Tournament mount)
    3. It requires a lot of skill (Gladiator mount or current mythic final boss mount)

    Paragon mounts however are a combination of 1. and 2. They are heavily RNG-based and very time consuming. That's why the majority of the community hated them. Opening your 50th cache (after literally grinding 500k reputation) and getting fuck all just feels really bad. Imho this is a terrible approach of trying to make world quests stay relevant.
    That seems like a pretty absurd claim, both that it's like 1+2 combined and that those 3 convenient categories exist, I remember farming Rivendares mount back in TBC and that was horrifically time consuming, as were most raid mounts before lockout reserving became so convenient.

    They're as time consuming as you make them, if you go out clearing every WQ, then yeah - they're going to eat up a lot of time, but even then it's probably less time than an awful lot of mounts like Alani or most raid boss mounts take to get. I have 6 of the 7 cosmetics from the paragon caches and they were added part way through the expansion. That seems like pretty decent turnover considering the years it takes to farm most raid mounts and the time investment is what you want to put in, you could farm them entirely via mission tables (especially if you have alts) with minimum time investment, or just go and do caches for pretty great rep v time investment yields.

    The only problem with the paragon mounts is lack of luck protection and BFAs current decision to not make rep tokens BOA if exalted. The system itself is solid.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Nagassh View Post
    That seems like a pretty absurd claim, both that it's like 1+2 combined and that those 3 convenient categories exist, I remember farming Rivendares mount back in TBC and that was horrifically time consuming, as were most raid mounts before lockout reserving became so convenient.

    They're as time consuming as you make them, if you go out clearing every WQ, then yeah - they're going to eat up a lot of time, but even then it's probably less time than an awful lot of mounts like Alani or most raid boss mounts take to get. I have 6 of the 7 cosmetics from the paragon caches and they were added part way through the expansion. That seems like pretty decent turnover considering the years it takes to farm most raid mounts and the time investment is what you want to put in, you could farm them entirely via mission tables (especially if you have alts) with minimum time investment, or just go and do caches for pretty great rep v time investment yields.

    The only problem with the paragon mounts is lack of luck protection and BFAs current decision to not make rep tokens BOA if exalted. The system itself is solid.
    That's why I said it is "usually" one of the 3 categories. Of course there are many mounts in the game that have unique ways of acquiring them and paragon mounts are not the first ones that are a combination of the described factors. I would argue that the distribution of these factors does however heavily dictate the rarity of a mount.

    The Alani mount can also be bought if you don't feel like farming it and the drop chance of the Rivendare mount was buffed in Wotlk to make it more farmable. Soloing an old raid for a shot at a rare mount once a week takes like what? 20 Minutes per alt? Also claiming that the paragon system is solid while asking for bad luck protection is kind of contradictory. I do agree however that bad luck protection would be a good thing as it would mitigate the RNG factor while still posing a considerable time investment (category 2). Projecting your own success with the system (6/7 cosmetics) on it's overall quality is also biased because your sample size is 1.

  6. #26
    Wasn't it already confirmed there will be no mount rewards for new paragon reputations? Or am I missing something?

    I hope it's more about raid quality gear, just so I can ignore it completely. Have plenty of other things to farm for years to come in wow, including legion paragon reps.

    I can totally see them putting toys there, which would probably also mean me ignoring them. I like my toys but not to the point of grinding paragon rep

  7. #27
    Why didn't people like the Paragon rewards ? It was free stuff for doing what you were already doing.

    Is it that people felt compelled to grind for them ? That reminds of the people who did every MoP daily every single day on their main and also 4 alts and complained about being burnt out.
    I am the one who knocks ... because I need your permission to enter.

  8. #28
    If Blizzard were nice they'd put the same paragon rewards from Legion into these randomly (for that extra bit of chance for those that didn't ever finish) and then not add more collectibles for people to go absolutely insane over.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Zyky View Post
    They already stated that the new paragon rewards wouldn't have mounts, pets, or toys tied to them. If they go back on that it'll be a disaster.
    Can you link to that statement, please?

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Schizoide View Post
    Can you link to that statement, please?
    It was mentioned in one of their live QAs right before BFA in a passing thought statement by Ion, not going to watch a few hours of footage to find it, but I'll gladly provide you with the links to the few prior to BFAs release:
    Quote Originally Posted by scarecrowz View Post
    Trust me.

    Zyky is better than you.

  11. #31
    I found it, "Paragon reputation caches are going to continue, but mount rewards with low drop rates are being pulled back."

    I would have bet the farm against that changing. Definitely good news!

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Nagassh View Post
    I'd be pretty happy to see mounts back, I'd just want some stronger luck protection. I was spamming paragon boxes on multiple characters, had around 7-8 alts that were all exalted and either earning caches themselves or mailing rep tokens to my main, still got no Nightfallen carpet despite having every other mount in duplicates of 5+, which seems like some grade A bullshit.
    I'm in the exactly same boat as you. I even got the toy and those 3 elek mounts from lightforged and no Nightfallen carpet, I start to think that i got this and deleted by mistake. I darkmoon weeks, I usually opened 5 ~7 chests and nothing.

  13. #33
    Dreadlord GoKs's Avatar
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    My idea of something for the paragon boxes involves something for older content, like say maybe a token that gives you a 5% increased chance of obtaining a final boss mount from previous expansions, it is stackable up to 50% or so, or some tokens for rare pet drops. Or tokens that increase rep gains for older factions. All of course account bound. No matter what they do they wont satisfy us all but hey just a thought.

  14. #34
    As long as they don't contain mounts I'm fine with Paragon boxes, even pets are cool since you can alternatively buy those from the AH. I still don't have the Nightfallen Carpet and one of the Elekks after doing paragon boxes since they were introduced and funneling tokens from multiple alts.

  15. #35
    Something that I'll never get.

    - 42 Valarjar chests and counting.

  16. #36
    Instead of adding paragon rewards why not create new reps and new content instead of recycling old reps and world quests... so boring

  17. #37
    wow alot of hate for paragon mounts ? I for one hope they do indeed add mounts to the new chests or they wont be worth a damn /shrug

  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by minkage View Post
    wow alot of hate for paragon mounts ? I for one hope they do indeed add mounts to the new chests or they wont be worth a damn /shrug
    Would rather not have to farm half revered again and again for factions I've been exalted with for months.

    I grinded out every Legion paragon mount FYI.

  19. #39
    As long as they contain some kind of currency or consumables i'll bother doing emissaries.

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Beste Kerel View Post
    Would rather not have to farm half revered again and again for factions I've been exalted with for months.

    I grinded out every Legion paragon mount FYI.
    still grinding for highmountain and nightfallen and im a hardcore mount collector. I still want them to add mounts as it is literally a good reason to get me to do WQ's.

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