1. #15601
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Felya View Post
    Did you just use Trump polling lower than Obama as a good thing?
    He used "Trump's best poll is Obama's worst poll" as a good thing.

    Trump supporters are desperate. In a desert, every drop of dew is a treasure.

  2. #15602
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Some people thought it was fine when (I believe it was Georgia) opted for a centralized polling place during the primaries.

    Remember when concerns were brought up, even that the GOP would use it as an excuse to cut access to polls for a "bigger more convenient central location"...yeah.

    Let me guess what the excuses will be? There's enough time between now and election day to get to the ballot box. There's not enough workers due to COVID19 to man other stations. A large central location better serves everyone?

    People as a whole have to stop giving these people vectors to stomp all over your rights. Just because something benefited you in one instance doesn't mean it can't be exploited and used against you in the next.

    If I was In Texas I wouldn't trust the post offices short if 2 weeks before the election.

  3. #15603

    Having already stolen $3.7M from the FDNY's 9/11 treatment program and finally been caught, the Trump administration Treasury Department, who said they were legally obligated to take the money to settle an unrelated debt and nothing could be done about it, found a way do to something about it and have said they will stop stealing millions from a fund designed to provide medical care for 9/11 first responders.

    Oh, and that "something"?

    The fix identified by the Daily News and lawmakers last month is a provision in the law that Treasury cited that says Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin can exempt payments if the paying agency involved asks for it.

    That would be NIOSH, which, like CMS, is under the Department of Health and Human Services.
    They have not said whether or not they will restore the $3.7M they stole from the fund.

  4. #15604
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    To be fair, only 2% of people said the debate changed their mind. But um...2% of voters is kind of a lot.
    To make this clear: Biden is now ahead by 2% in Georgia according to the most recent poll.

    Based on Georgia polls before, this is less of an outlier and more of an increase. Biden has been slightly ahead in the last few. If I were in the Biden campaign, I'd launch an all-out trolling war in Georgia to force him to retreat and defend his base while I went after riper targets like Ohio and Pennsylvania.

  5. #15605
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Have we talked about Texas' most recent confirmation that they hate it when people vote?

    Republican Texas Governor Shuts Down Absentee Ballot Drop-Off Sites

    At what point with these people just start dragging out the swastika's and stop screwing around with their half-Nazi measures?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    To be fair, only 2% of people said the debate changed their mind. But um...2% of voters is kind of a lot. How many states in 2016 would have flipped with a 2% change?
    To make this clear: Biden is now ahead by 2% in Georgia according to the most recent poll.

    Based on Georgia polls before, this is less of an outlier and more of an increase. Biden has been slightly ahead in the last few. If I were in the Biden campaign, I'd launch an all-out trolling war in Georgia to force him to retreat and defend his base while I went after riper targets like Ohio and Pennsylvania.
    People laugh off 2%, but in some/most battleground states, 2% will make a yuge difference.

  6. #15606
    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    Have we talked about Texas' most recent confirmation that they hate it when people vote?

    Republican Texas Governor Shuts Down Absentee Ballot Drop-Off Sites

    At what point with these people just start dragging out the swastika's and stop screwing around with their half-Nazi measures?

    - - - Updated - - -

    People laugh off 2%, but in some/most battleground states, 2% will make a yuge difference.
    Republicans: We don't trust the mail to deliver ballots!

    Also Republicans: We're going to remove drop off places to force people to mail in ballots.

    Republicans are just evil.

  7. #15607
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    People laugh off 2%
    It stopped being funny when Trump won PA by less than the crowd of a Bengals game.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelinrah View Post
    Republicans: We don't trust the mail to deliver ballots!

    Also Republicans: We're going to remove drop off places to force people to mail in ballots.
    There's the reek of desperation in the air when the Party of Trump is stooping to gorilla tactics just to hold Texas.


    Nah man, everything's bigger in Texas.

  8. #15608
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    There's the reek of desperation in the air when the Party of Trump is stooping to gorilla tactics just to hold Texas.


    Nah man, everything's bigger in Texas.
    Texas going blue would be an amazing sight to see and a huge "fuck you" to Trump on his way out.

  9. #15609
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    To make this clear: Biden is now ahead by 2% in Georgia according to the most recent poll.

    Based on Georgia polls before, this is less of an outlier and more of an increase. Biden has been slightly ahead in the last few. If I were in the Biden campaign, I'd launch an all-out trolling war in Georgia to force him to retreat and defend his base while I went after riper targets like Ohio and Pennsylvania.
    Isnt Biden like 6-8 points ahead in both Ohio and Pennsylvania?
    Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker

  10. #15610
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    Some people thought it was fine when (I believe it was Georgia) opted for a centralized polling place during the primaries.

    Remember when concerns were brought up, even that the GOP would use it as an excuse to cut access to polls for a "bigger more convenient central location"...yeah.

    Let me guess what the excuses will be? There's enough time between now and election day to get to the ballot box. There's not enough workers due to COVID19 to man other stations. A large central location better serves everyone?

    People as a whole have to stop giving these people vectors to stomp all over your rights. Just because something benefited you in one instance doesn't mean it can't be exploited and used against you in the next.

    If I was In Texas I wouldn't trust the post offices short if 2 weeks before the election.
    Not here, at least - https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads...n-GA-Primaries

    - - - Updated - - -


    President Donald Trump on Thursday said he would overturn "ridiculous" decisions by two elite Navy military units to make their ethos and creed statements gender-neutral.

    "I will be overturning this ridiculous order immediately!" the president declared on Twitter, after a pro-Trump account tweeted out a link to a story on the recent moves by U.S. Navy SEALS and Navy Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen.

    The American Military News story said one update to the SEAL ethos was changing the wording in the sentence "A common man with uncommon desire to succeed” to “Common citizens with uncommon desire to succeed.” The phrase “I am that man” was updated to “I am that warrior.”

    Naval Special Warfare spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Matthew Stroup told American Military News the changes were made because of the potential for women to join the units.
    Donald Trump, pathetic, small, tiny little culture warrior.

  11. #15611
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    There's the reek of desperation in the air when the Party of Trump is stooping to gorilla tactics just to hold Texas.
    That is definitely worth noting. When the GOtrumP has to spend money, resources, and Nazi-like efforts to hold Texas, perhaps their is hope for this country.

    One very interesting item to consider is that whatever the vote tally ends up being per state and the nation, we'll know that because of Trump's actions, it would have been larger. So if Biden does eek out a victory despite the rampant voter suppression/intimidation, we can be assured the unknowable actually margin of victory would have been larger.

  12. #15612
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thepersona View Post
    Isnt Biden like 6-8 points ahead in both Ohio and Pennsylvania?
    Last I checked Ohio was even. Hold on.

    (checks 538)

    No, 2% ahead in Ohio. Much further ahead in Pennsylvania, based on geography that's no surprise.

    EDIT: Oh but to address your point, if I were running the show, I would be mostly focused on holding ground and reinforcing slight leads, than pushing into enemy territory. Taking Georgia would take time and effort that could be spread over multiple existing neutral/lean Dem states to hold that advantage, but forcing Trump to spend effort for votes he should be handed would be a welcome bonus, hence the "distraction" ploy.
    Last edited by Breccia; 2020-10-02 at 12:27 AM.

  13. #15613
    Woooooooow, big middle finger to Texas’s governor. Not much else to say about it; just...what a sack of garbage.
    "We must make our choice. We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both."
    -Louis Brandeis

  14. #15614
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Conservative grifters Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman have been charged with multiple felonies by the Michigan AG in connection with robocalls they arranged in the state.

    For context on those charges -

    For those doing the math, that's four felony charges for each of them totaling in a maximum of 24 years in prison.
    Hopefully they get convicted, would teach them fucking lessons.

    - - - Updated - - -


    So, I dunno how accurate this poll is. But they said they did a landline and cellphone line poll of Iowa Voters, but they are saying Greenfield is up 12 POINTS. With a margin of error of 4%. I don't know if this poll is accurate, as most other polls show that Greenfield has only been up by 2-3% points.

    Apparently Ernst had a REALLY BAD debate performance.

  15. #15615
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    For the penny seats among Trump supporters who whine all the time, here's Trump admitting to being an outright racist.

    "Then she tells *us* how to run *our* country, can you believe it?"

    Omar's an American. She's as American as Donald Trump is. The only way he's making Omar into a "them", and suggesting the country isn't as much hers as it is anyone's, is if he's arguing that the USA is a white Christian nation, and Omar, by virtue solely of being a Muslim of color, is thus not a "real American".

    That's bigotry. There is no other possible explanation for that phrasing. This is why we keep pointing out that Trump is a stupid obvious bigot. Disputing this basically just means you support that bigotry.
    Oh there's another possible explanation - it just isn't any better: misogyny.

    'Then she tells us..."
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Woods View Post
    LOL never change guys. I guess you won't because conservatism.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostpanther View Post
    I do care what people on this forum think of me.
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    This site is amazing. It's comments like this, that make this site amazing.

  16. #15616
    Quote Originally Posted by Antiganon View Post
    Oh there's another possible explanation - it just isn't any better: misogyny.

    'Then she tells us..."
    I have an explanation onto why is so hard for you americans to elect a woman for the highest office, a thing that has happened in Latin America many times ATM, and bear with me, because it may be a complicated one. It all boils down to the lack of intermingling between the englishmen that colonized (invaded) the land in the 1600-1700s, and the native americans, a thing that did totally happen in LA. That thing made possible a crapton of synchretism between cultures, and part of that was the pachamama (or any mother earth/life/love deity) that the native americans had and mother Mary. That made the possible election of a female to the highest office in the land a much more palatable thing, because a lot of times, they're compared to the mothers of the nation.

    And believe me, we're much more misogynistic than you are, at large. But the love for the mother, and the mother figure here is strong.
    Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker

  17. #15617
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    Hopefully they get convicted, would teach them fucking lessons.
    That would be fantastic - teach them and perhaps others. Rules matter, and have consequences. Not that the GriftersOfPolitics care of course.

    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post

    So, I dunno how accurate this poll is. But they said they did a landline and cellphone line poll of Iowa Voters, but they are saying Greenfield is up 12 POINTS. With a margin of error of 4%. I don't know if this poll is accurate, as most other polls show that Greenfield has only been up by 2-3% points.

    Apparently Ernst had a REALLY BAD debate performance.
    Damn - we're seeing those number swings in at least one poll - fivethirtyeight is updating as fast as possible.

  18. #15618
    Quote Originally Posted by Grapemask View Post
    I can't imagine any half-reasonable court would let that stand. One per county, statewide, is absolutely ludicrous. I can't even imagine how it would work.
    It could work in New England - northeast of Maryland, excepting perhaps NY and ME (I don't know how big their counties are but the states themselves are big enough for it to be a feasible problem), you are never more than 30 minutes tops by car from the center of your county.

    But this is Texas, which is massive, both in terms of geography and population.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Woods View Post
    LOL never change guys. I guess you won't because conservatism.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostpanther View Post
    I do care what people on this forum think of me.
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    This site is amazing. It's comments like this, that make this site amazing.

  19. #15619
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Antiganon View Post
    Oh there's another possible explanation - it just isn't any better: misogyny.

    'Then she tells us..."
    Even worse - both.

  20. #15620
    Quote Originally Posted by Antiganon View Post
    Oh there's another possible explanation - it just isn't any better: misogyny.

    'Then she tells us..."
    I don't think your and Endus' theories are mutually exclusive.
    "When Facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." - Unknown

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