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  1. #21
    Legion, it didn't feel like a grind.

  2. #22

  3. #23
    i like those rep tokens that drop from those zandalari dudes in MoP. farm them for mounts get tokens,mats and what not.
    i think the best way is to add many different activities to choose from like dailies,drop tokens,tabards for instanced pve/pvp. just let people do what they enjoy while working on it.

    copy the reward track system from gw2 but have it include all activities.
    I had fun once, it was terrible.

  4. #24
    None, they were all equally boring but important in their own ways.
    I don't think anyone likes grinding reps. But they like the rewards.
    Its the rest of the game they like or dislike, and that viewpoint shapes how they feel about much of the rest of the content the game has.
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  5. #25
    Free Food!?!?! Tziva's Avatar
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    Although I also grind exalted on every rep on one character (a human of course), I don't particularly find any rep grind enjoyable to do. Any of the eras where you could "champion" a particular faction and get bonus rep for doing tasks you were already going to do incidentally (whether in the rep tab itself or via tabards) was probably the least painful but I've never been like "yay rep grinds." Likewise for any era that gave you BoA tokens you could send to alts for their rep, although I still think the better solution is to make rep account wide so you weren't stuck in the situation of having to grind the same rep twice just so your alchemist can get a stupid flask recipe or whatever. But that's another topic.

    As far as the rep system itself, I like the paragon system for rep employed in BfA and Legion so that extra rep earn isn't wasted. I just wish unique rewards weren't locked behind the RNG of paragon bags and they stuck to gold/resources/etc type stuff.
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  6. #26
    Immortal Schattenlied's Avatar
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    Slap a tabard on, and any dungeons you run give you rep.
    A gun is like a parachute. If you need one, and don’t have one, you’ll probably never need one again.

  7. #27
    Wotlk, not just the tabard system. But i actually enjoyed the icecrown trial of the crusader daily/rewards

  8. #28
    MoP 5.1 reputations were perfect

  9. #29
    Elemental Lord
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    Nightfallen, it had more story quests than any other faction and plot was really good. Also back then people were rather doing emissary, now they often try to do rep ASAP and grind world quests for some reason.

  10. #30
    WOLTK. Wear a tabard. Go to a dungeon and you are good to go

  11. #31
    Legendary! SinR's Avatar
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    WotLK hands down.
    We're all newbs, some are just more newbier than others.

    Just a burned out hardcore raider turned casual.
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  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by XDurionX View Post
    Tabards were no rep grind though, you were just awarded additionel rep for something you were doing anyway.

  13. #33
    Old God Mirishka's Avatar
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    Wrath, and Mists once they did away with the initially-insane daily quest system.

    I didn't mind Legion/BFA's reps too much (aside from hating Nazjatar) though.
    Appreciate your time with friends and family while they're here. Don't wait until they're gone to tell them what they mean to you.

  14. #34
    Anything with mob grinds or turn ins, always hated time gated rep and always will *looks at every rep since introduction of world quests*

  15. #35
    Probably MoP and Legion. MoP because I actually enjoyed all that content, and Legion because the grind itself felt more rewarding than grinding does now compared to BFA. I miss getting 250 rep from the elite blue world quests in Legion.

  16. #36
    Wrath...little ofcourse

  17. #37
    Most convenient, mental health friendly: anything in MoP (maybe except golden lotus and august celestials, and the locking reps behind golden lotus part), WotLK.
    Story, pace, progress, immersion: Klaxxi.
    But I also like SOME reps coming from plain mob grind. NOT ALL OF THEM HELLO WOD STARTER REPS.
    I hate hate hate world quests for 75 rep each and beyond exalted rep gain.

  18. #38
    I liked Wrath, Cata, and Mists reps. I liked Storm Peak, Deepholme, and Dread Wastes as my favorite zones to do dailies in. Gettin the polar bear with the vrykul ladies, making friends with Pebble, becoming the Wakener, all good experiences.

    My favorite rep ever was Bloodsail rep during Wrath as I could just murder goblins all day in Booty Bay for however long I wanted at whatever pace I wanted and I happened to be in an endless mood then so it felt like I got it done in no time at all, though I must have done it for a long time.

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Zacharyarons View Post
    Title says it all.
    WotLK, even without tabards it required just 3 easy daily per day for every faction and rewards were purely cosmetic, i.e. no reason to rush.

    But everybody forgets, that Cata also had tabards. But overcomplicated 5ppls were problem back then.

    Tillers and Klaxxi may be. But not at release, when locations were overcrowded.

    Plus Tanaan reps, that were the only reps for me, that were obtained via "just playing the game", not grinding them intentionally.

    I don't care about Wow 11.0, if it's not solo-MMO. No half-measures - just perfect xpack.

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    WotLK, even without tabards it required just 3 easy daily per day for every faction and rewards were purely cosmetic, i.e. no reason to rush.

    But everybody forgets, that Cata also had tabards. But overcomplicated 5ppls were problem back then.

    Tillers and Klaxxi may be. But not at release, when locations were overcrowded.

    Plus Tanaan reps, that were the only reps for me, that were obtained via "just playing the game", not grinding them intentionally.
    Those were different times in wotlk. People maybe wore the tabards in their daily heroic, but chain running dungeons for rep just wasn't a thing when you had to scrape together your whole group from trade chat. Running normals just wasn't a thing either, and rep progress from dailies were really okay. The dungeon finder greatly changed how we play the game. But that was just from the very end of wrath (when rangom group finder was actually released), early cata. Heck, the first chain running era I remember was from mop, when people ran it for justice points to buy heirloom, and to cap valor or whatever.

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