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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Wilfire View Post
    Ion is designing the game for himself and his guild. We need a midcore game director, not a guy known for thinking that spreadsheets are fun.
    You keep using that word. I don't think that word means what you think it means.

  2. #42
    ya'll take shit on wow WAAAAY to personally....

    I mean did old school arcade games have no respect towards players since they were designed in a way that was blisteringly hard to eat quarters? (some of ya'll are probably going to say yes)
    Did FF7 disrespect players by literally killing off a party member that you literally NEVER see again and deleting any work you put into grinding her?
    Maybe MGS disrespected players by centering the gameplay of not fighting thus taking away peoples desire to go in guns blazing?

    I mean your practically comparing Blizzard making a game..a game (Gasp I know) to Blizzard literally spraying a virus in a crowd of people and laughing about it....

  3. #43
    Epic! Pheraz's Avatar
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    I sadly agree.
    Very strange expansion.
    I am back to WoD mode, leveling alts, transmog runs, logging out, waiting for the next expansion.
    I even miss Bfa, lol! At least Bfa was happening all over the world and you actually needed to revisit old zones
    Zorn | Vynd | Pheraz | Sylwina | Mondlicht | Eis | Blut | Emerelle - Plus 20 more...

  4. #44
    The same mimimi as always. People expect to do like 1-2h/week to get BiS stuff.

    I guess most people say that the game suck its because they try to min/max the fun out of the game. How about just enjoying the game again instead of looking in guides to min/max, do the daylie/weekly grind to get another 2-3% dmg/hps increase and just play with friends?! Today everyone just play like the guide says, do what the guide says and to compare to others in a list of stupid rating points/dps&hps numbers.

  5. #45
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harbour View Post
    Usually the reason to quit SL is a very bad work/reward ratio. Up to certain point its true for me too.
    But the main reason i quit WoW 1.5 months after release was the clear realization that SL developers DONT respect me, the player and customer.

    I played every aspect of SL and can point at two major parts that define the disrespect towards players:
    1)disrespect towards players time
    2)pure incompetentce

    WoW always asked for a certain amount of time spent to get the rewads. It was fine every new expansion. Shadowlands took the crown of how every single part of gameplay designed to make player spend more time in the game with very little payoff.

    1) Hamsterwheel time machine:
    • WQs are put far from flying/teleportation point to make player run all the way to get to them.
    • Map terrain designed the way to make player spend a lot of time to run around. Verticality of the landscape is the most brutal across all expansions.
    • No whistle, no two way Oribos-Covenant portal are made to make players spent 5-10 minutes AFKing during flying. It struck me often how much time i spend in the game just AFK in the air while moving to different locations.
    • Introduction story has no reason to not have a skip button. No reason at all. Its not fun beyond first time and its tedious.
    • MAW. You know the deal.
    • Anima requirements. 35-105 anima rewards, rarely 250. 1500, 2000, 3000 anima cost of a single reward piece that has already been put behind Renown or Quest time wall. 5k, 10k, 20k anima cost for Covenant upgrades. People who designed THAT dont care about players.
    • Rare loot that makes players spend more time to get the rewards. Its in no way meaningful, since the game for a decade was designed so you can replace your item piece that you couldnt get for a few days in like a half an hour with lucky random drop. It makes no sense to make loot drop so rare.

    2) Pure incompetence. 
It boggles my mind how this game felt like it was in beta stage even 1.5 months after release.
    • The most glaring one was the Maw Elite WQ that spawned twice a week. There are four rotating WQ with 1% chance to get the Maw Mount. I dont know was it fixed by now, but 1.5 months after release only ONCE i did that WQ succesfully. The rest were bugged in one way or another. You come in, you cant finish the quest, you check it out on Wowhead, you see people in the comment section sayin «Yeah, the quest isnt working». And this is pretty major Maw feature.
    • Covenants werent tested out, neither powers, nor features like the commander table. The fact that it took Blizzard two months to somewhat bother to fix them with a tons of feedback that was given week 1 is a mindboggling. This is not an indie developer, this is 30yo rich company and the 15yo game.
    • Bugged WQs. For a month doing one or another WQ i encountered some sort of minor or major bugs that werent fixed for a week or longer. I still wonder did they fix the ground bug around one of the Bastion’s transport point, where you COULDNT use teleportation (which was bought by Transport System upgrade for a 5k anima power btw) after completing daily activity, unless you relog.
    • Torghast not being tested at all. Anima powers and mob scaling are way too off in between specs and classes. Twisted Corridors arent balanced at all.

    I encountered everything i described above and to me this is enough to feel how developers despise me, whil asking my money for the game. I realized i cant encourage this attitude towards playerbase with subscription. It must NOT be tolearated.
    I mean in some of your posts you are just flat out lying. Torghast for example was extensively tested, it was one of the first things they added to the alpha for testing. It went through changes during the alpha/beta cycle.

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Mysterymask View Post
    ya'll take shit on wow WAAAAY to personally....

    I mean did old school arcade games have no respect towards players since they were designed in a way that was blisteringly hard to eat quarters? (some of ya'll are probably going to say yes)
    Did FF7 disrespect players by literally killing off a party member that you literally NEVER see again and deleting any work you put into grinding her?
    Maybe MGS disrespected players by centering the gameplay of not fighting thus taking away peoples desire to go in guns blazing?

    I mean your practically comparing Blizzard making a game..a game (Gasp I know) to Blizzard literally spraying a virus in a crowd of people and laughing about it....

    Arcades are also actually a good example why wow isnt loved. Arcade games had 1 type of gameplay start to finish. If you liked it you played it. And this is precisely why present wow is hated -its not pure, they mix in gimmicks nobody wants to boost their engagement metric.

  7. #47
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yriel View Post
    Totally agree.
    The anima thing is especially outrageous.
    With all the upgrades and all the stuff you can buy from renown/reputation vendors you need several 100.000 anima and they really implement WQs that give you 35 for killing 10-20 mobs on top of flying and riding there in the first place. Why is that even in the game?
    But even with the 70-140 quests, sure there are no-lifers that spend like 20 hours each week topping their anima but for normal folks that play maybe 1-2 hours a day that would mean all i could do ingame is farming anima. Thats absurd.
    Anima is such an stupid and unnessecary grind for not even good rewards, it's mind boggeling.
    if I see a quest that gives a single drop of anima I don't do it. even if it's easy. there is heaps of anima in the game, plenty of world quests that give 2-4

  8. #48
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