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  1. #1

    Druid tank rotation addon?

    I have been searching for a druid tanking rotation addon. I would like to find one similar to Protection Is Surprisingly Stupendous. (if at all possible). And i was wondering if anyone here at MMO-Champion knew of such an addon.

  2. #2

    Re: Druid tank rotation addon?

    I don't think there's really a need for one. We don't have an equivalent to the 969 rotation a paladin does. Macro your maul to your swipe key, keep 5 stacks of lacerate up, mangle on cooldown, and swipeswipeswipeswipe. Even on bosses, this is the most threat.

  3. #3

    Re: Druid tank rotation addon?

    i belive its to max your damage, not threat/surviability. but its cuz druid tanking is whole different from prot pala (or warrior for that sake, but not that different as pala). pala tank is all about having almost all things on CD. holy shield, SotR, HotR, judgement, concentration etc etc. druid tanking is more about using mangle whenever possible, stack lacerate, maul on everything, swipe on more than a few mobs and use our CDs wise.

  4. #4

    Re: Druid tank rotation addon?

    i dont want it so much for the threat boost cause i do bout 11-15k TPS. i want it so i dont have to look at my mangle/FF Cd's. i just want to be able to look in 1 spot like the pally addon.

  5. #5
    Herald of the Titans Hinalover's Avatar
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    Re: Druid tank rotation addon?

    For single target it's not THAT difficult. only modification of the previous poster is to keep Farie Fire on CD as well since it provides as bit of threat. If you really need a mod that would help with this, get Ovale. Their rotation is okay but it should give you an idea. once You have that down, I tend to use BadKitty to manage debuff lengths.


    If your wanting to know if an ability is off CD, then I would suggest either Power Aura Classic or Need to Know.

  6. #6

    Re: Druid tank rotation addon?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hinalover
    For single target it's not THAT difficult. only modification of the previous poster is to keep Farie Fire on CD as well since it provides as bit of threat. If you really need a mod that would help with this, get Ovale. Their rotation is okay but it should give you an idea. once You have that down, I tend to use BadKitty to manage debuff lengths.
    While I haven't tried since early ToC, I went on a target dummy in 10 minute intervals and tracked my threat, one using FFF on cooldown and one not using it at all, swiping in its place, and I saw swipe as the higher TPS. But I guess it also depends on your talents, since I go into MS for 4% increased physical damage.

    Quote Originally Posted by Markin
    i dont want it so much for the threat boost cause i do bout 11-15k TPS. i want it so i dont have to look at my mangle/FF Cd's. i just want to be able to look in 1 spot like the pally addon.
    You could use ForteXorcist. It has a cooldown mod that's just amazing. Like, seriously, the best cooldown timer out there IMO.

  7. #7
    Bloodsail Admiral bloodkin's Avatar
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    Re: Druid tank rotation addon?

    i've macro'd maul to lacerate, swipe and mangle, and that's just about the hard part of ur rotation,

    and if u don't use addons like me, for tracking stuff, it works just as good. trackers and similar addons makes it way too easy imo, our rotation is already shit easy. i just don't know how ppl can play bear, and still need addons.

    how do u guys play other classes with harder rotations ? the game is already easy, ( only addon i tried was forte, and didn't like it)
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  8. #8

    Re: Druid tank rotation addon?

    i want it so i can improve my raid awarness when has been lacking abit lately.

  9. #9

    Re: Druid tank rotation addon?

    i just don't know how ppl can play bear, and still need addons.
    you dont NEED addons at all. but it makes your gameplay and UI more personal and can provide some information in a better way than blizzards custom UI. having an addon to track CDs can be usefull

  10. #10

    Re: Druid tank rotation addon?

    Rotation addons for druids, bears at least, are near worthless. The only worth while ones i have seen since mid BC was Feral By Night and BadKitty and those are more so suited for kittys. I will say though if you want a nice localization of cooldowns and debuffs on target for bears then feral by night has a very nice little icon set just for that. I personally use quartz cast bar and quartz_proc (maybe no _) to see the debuff on them and whats been proced on myself. There is no need to know when something is off of cooldown everything should be up when you need it for the most part, its more so on knowing the class and when the cool downs come up anyway.

    On a side note, Ormula said it the best if you want to use macros. We have a feral simple tanking style.

  11. #11

    Re: Druid tank rotation addon?

    The only reason FFF has a higher threat priority than swipe is because of the cost to damage ratio... it only costs a gcd to use... where as swipe is 15 rage and a gcd. Don't get me wrong you should still use it, prolly on every cd... but its not a huge loss like letting mangle sit off cd or letting your lacerates fall off.

    Personally the only times i prioritize it is when im kiting, and there is distance between me and the mob... (rotface slimes... granted its pretty much the only thing i use there, or proff when he casts something while your kiting him to the other side of the room)

    For the dude that wants to look in one spot... i suggest feralbynight. You can get it from the curse site, it supports both kitty dps, and tank threat.

  12. #12

    Re: Druid tank rotation addon?

    You mean to say there is another button as apposed to swipe!?

    On a serious note, its like creating an add on that opens up your bags for you - meaning that its almost too simple.

    Macro Maul to Swipe, Mangle and Lacerate - use FFF on CD. Other to that, keep Demo Roar up and watch your HP incase you need to use a CD.


  13. #13

    Re: Druid tank rotation addon?

    You could even macro Maul to FFF, and it uses it each CD.
    I just got Forte, and I love it so far, tosses a giant mangle icon in my face when it's off CD, so i can look around for any deaths/raid frames for healer's mana, etc.

  14. #14

    Re: Druid tank rotation addon?

    TellMeWhen is nice CD/buff/debuff monitor, you wont need anything else...

  15. #15

    Re: Druid tank rotation addon?

    Get fortexorcist, it list your debuff, you dont have to look on the CD of mangle and FFF

    just count

    mangle 2 other abillities mangle

    and for FFF its 3

    that simple.

    I can do the rotation with closed eyes.

  16. #16

    Re: Druid tank rotation addon?

    I use CatRotationHelper, and it works great for bearform, tracking number of lacerates, FFF and Mangle CDs, barkskin, berserk and more.
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  17. #17
    Herald of the Titans xebtria's Avatar
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    Re: Druid tank rotation addon?

    such addons for tanks are a bad idea in general, because how often you get into a situation where you have to brake your general "rotation" as a tank and you have to react on what is going on... so just make yourself 4 makros (FFF, mangle, lacerate, swipe), combine them with maul and use them as needed. the common bear tank rotation isn't that complicated afterall, so you really don't need an addon telling you when and what to press...

  18. #18

    Re: Druid tank rotation addon?

    In general, I've found add-ons actually make people less aware or not any more aware then when they did not have them.

    People that were getting hit by Malleable Goo, sitting in void zones, being in the wrong place as the wrong time, etc. will still get hit by the exact same things even with AVR/AVRE running (well, it's going away in 3.3.5 anyways). I've seen healers focus on Grid/Healbot/<insert healing addon> so much that they forgot about themselves in terms of positioning/jobs. Quite a few DPSers can still fail to perform utility acts (interrupts/debuff removal) even with Decursive/screams on vent/mod yelling at you to do something because they have tunnel vision on DPSing only. More simply DPSers with Omen or the default Blizz threat indicator will still pull threat and ignore the addons.

    Now, I'm not saying the OP has these issues, but mods generally will not fix situational awareness, you have to train yourself to multitask better. Since the bear rotation right now is at the point where you could technically do it blindfolded (yay zero reactive tanking), you can just train your motor skills to hit the right sequences and not ever look at your cooldowns on abilities once you're good at it.
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  19. #19

    Re: Druid tank rotation addon?

    Quote Originally Posted by Markin
    i dont want it so much for the threat boost cause i do bout 11-15k TPS. i want it so i dont have to look at my mangle/FF Cd's. i just want to be able to look in 1 spot like the pally addon.
    Power Auras can pop up a symbol on your screen every time Mangle or FFF are off CD. But if you aren't a complete n00b you will notice a pattern in your rotation that is incredibly easy to follow. 3/3 Improved Mangle rotation (after 5 stacks of Lacerate):

    Mangle > Swipe > Swipe > Mangle > FFF > Swipe > Mangle > Lacerate > FFF > Mangle > Swipe > Swipe > Mangle > FFF > Lacerate > Mangle > Swipe > Swipe...

    You have two attacks between each Mangle and your FFF is up at the same time as every other Mangle at which point you choose Mangle because it is more threat than FFF

    0/3 Improved Mangle (after 5 stacks of Lacerate):

    Mangle > Swipe > Swipe > FFF > Mangle > Swipe > Lacerate > FFF > Mangle > Swipe > Swipe > FFF > Mangle > Swipe > Lacerate > FFF > Mangle...repeat til boss = dead.

    You have 3 attacks between Mangle and FFF and Mangle never coincide. Throw in Lacerate to keep stacks rolling, switch out Swipe for Lacerate if you are tanking Saurfang and Blood Beasts are up. Keep Maul queued always, and now you are a hardcore bear tank.

    I'm not sure why you need an addon to know that you mangle every 2nd or 3rd attack based on your spec and FFF every 3rd attack unless it coincides with Mangle when you are using the 3/3 Improved Mangle talent.

  20. #20
    Immortal Tharkkun's Avatar
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    Re: Druid tank rotation addon?

    If you need something simple to track debuffs you can get needtoknow.

    I track mangle/trauma (nearly pointless with aura/1min duration), lacerate, demo shout/demo roar, thunderclap/infected wounds and faerie fire. The only one that really concerns me is whether I need to demo roar or if the warrior offtank is covering it and keeping my stacks of lacerate refreshed.
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