Poll: What expansion/era was the absolutely worst time in your opinion for WoW?

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  1. #541
    Cataclysm. Too ambitious. Lame baddies. Disgusting crispy graphics.

    I mean Deathwing was great but they introduced him too fast after the LK. And I would expect a much better fight. Firelands were absolutely disgusting and just an asspull idea to deliver a theme (fire) that would be the direct opposite to WotLK's ice. The devs weren't that smart in those days. Cheap.
    he/him/his • please go check out Nazdorei (Playable Naga Concept) and Kul Tiran Female Edit.

  2. #542
    Quote Originally Posted by Malikath View Post
    you're a lying piece of shit, you know that?
    I'm not lying and you're being needlessly rude.

    the attunements were easily done as long as you did the content regularly, and by "you" i mean your guild since back then there actually was a community and a economy sustained around raiding.
    The attunements were not "easily done" at all. Everything past Karazhan required a full 25-man raid. You couldn't simply apply to a raiding guild, because you literally couldn't zone into the raid until you were attuned. Which meant that guild would have to waste half their week attuning a single trial raider. They'd have to run you through Magtheridon, Gruul, Alar, Kaelthas and Vashj in order before you could even zone into Hyjal or Black Temple.

    So anyone who started playing after the initial release date (which was a huge proportion of the player base, since TBC saw the biggest player growth of any expansion) simply never got to do any content beyond Karazhan until 2.3 brough Zul'Aman and removed attunements.

    Raiding guilds didn't bother getting any new players attuned. They just cannibalised players from each other until there were hardly any guilds left.

    The reason Karazhan is so fondly remembered by so many people is that it's literally what a large proportion of the player base spent most of the expansion doing. Farming Karazhan for badges was the end game for a massive percentage of players in TBC.

    There were some other massive problems with TBC too: Most classes only had 1 viable spec. There was only 1 viable tanking class - the end boss of literally every raid tier prior to Sunwell was designed around Warrior-specific abilities. Itemisation was ridiculously bad, some classes never replaced the BOE epics they got when they dinged 70.

    But attunements were by far the worst.

    That was the reality of TBC, the worst expansion ever.

    And again, the reason WOTLK is rated by most as the best expansion ever is that it fixed all of these problems, and also introduced variable difficulty of end game content which was massively popular and brought raiding to a much, much wider audience.
    Last edited by ydraw; 2018-08-17 at 08:31 AM.

  3. #543
    What's the point of these threads? I think it's fairy obvious that in the long run, WoD was the worst by far.

  4. #544
    Quote Originally Posted by xPraetoriaNx View Post
    What's the point of these threads? I think it's fairy obvious that in the long run, WoD was the worst by far.
    I guess opinions are facts now.

  5. #545
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Nothing will ever top how huge a letdown WoD was.

    LoL@people choosing BFA. Just relax, it just came out!

  6. #546
    WoD. Cata had as little content as WoD did, but at least they finished it.
    They abandoned WoD before release.
    It became clear that it wasn’t realistic to try to get the audience back to being more hardcore, as it had been in the past. -- Tom Chilton

  7. #547
    My order as of today leaving out BfA as I don't give full judgment till its over and done. Worst to best on overall design:

    WoD - Cata - TBC - Wrath - Legion - MoP (This leaves out Vanilla for various reasons)

    My fun experience is different than this ranking, mostly due to Guildies at the time. Cata and Wrath rank pretty high in fun because of the guilds I was in, RL friends playing, and being a raid lead. Next would be end of MoP forward being the most fun as my current guild is super awesome and we have a great time together with some great personalities.

  8. #548
    WoD. I enjoyed Cata honestly. But WoD, ehhh, the last raid just made want to puke and well, I eventually did, and came back at the last leg with 2 months left on it in prep for the new expac.

  9. #549
    I enjoyed Legion the least, it was a giant participation award.

    Can you login every x hours to do these repetitive, trivial tasks? yes -> reap the benefits.

    My heroic-raiding friend that played the game 8 hours a day and had a very high level artifact and every legendary loved it. That model isn't for me, so I quit playing and likely won't play BFA either.

    I liked vanilla/wrath the most.

  10. #550
    I hated Cataclysm so much. Mostly because im a Healer, so all i remember in Cataclysm is retarded people who blame you for shit thats not your fault because they were "Wrathbabies" that don't know what Crowd Control is. And then there were things like Grim Batol with bosses that just go "LolololololRNG" and kill you in particular, causing a wipe and you can do fuck all about it.
    If you are offended by something i said, im probably at least 45% sorry about it and there is a 3% Chance it was not on purpose!

    Blizzard, getting away with murder since at least 2019.

  11. #551
    I was never a big fan of Cata. And it destroyed many zones I loved.

  12. #552
    Cata had Little Content (same as WoD) and even that Content was very bad tbh. The leveling zones weren't that good honestly, especially Vashjir... while it was unique and good looking, it had probably the dullest questing in years. The only dungeons I liked were Deadmines, SFK, ZG, ZA and End Times... all the others were boring and generally among the worst dungeons ever. The Raids were buggy and boring as well, except for Al'Akir and Firelands.

    Also the MAIN lore was also pretty boring.

    WoD had at least great leveling Content, great Raids, great dungeons. The Mission table sucked (and still sucks), world Content was almost nonexistent and bad besides the 6.2 tanaan jungle, Ashran was unfinished and bad early on, 6.1 just added 2-3 quests and a couple toys.... but Overall I still enjoyed it far more than Cataclysm.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by SoundOfGuns View Post
    I hated Cataclysm so much. Mostly because im a Healer, so all i remember in Cataclysm is retarded people who blame you for shit thats not your fault because they were "Wrathbabies" that don't know what Crowd Control is. And then there were things like Grim Batol with bosses that just go "LolololololRNG" and kill you in particular, causing a wipe and you can do fuck all about it.
    That's still an issue unfortunately. Even I as a tank get blamed sometimes for shit that wasn't my fault, such as players dying by pulling extra Mobs (and then someone's like: "tank can you please stop pulling too many Mobs?"), not ccing, getting hit by avoidable spells etc.

    I swear heroic dungeons in general are more frustrating than most mythic+ runs I've done.
    Last edited by RobertMugabe; 2018-09-19 at 07:36 PM.

  13. #553
    Cata is what broke my 5 year string of WoW dedication from WoW launch to the end of Wrath.

    - hated the plotlines and characters
    - hated what they did to the old content; destroyed nostalgia permanently, streamlined everything, weak content
    - overtuned dungeons and bad raids

    Warlords of Draenor wasn't great. They screwed up lore horribly, too much mobile game influence (garrisons), and content devoid as time progressed. BUT the production values were high, the leveling experience was fun, and the first several months were great.

    BFA has not been good so far. Won't judge it yet, but it has a chance at trumping WoD for 2nd worst IMHO. The mount announcement today suggests Blizzard is scared too... subscription promotions this early on shows their lack of confidence. 8.1 didn't sound great overall and didn't address my concerns.

    Might be another 4 year break for me...

  14. #554
    Cata was epicly bad. The only expansion where i rly disliked pvp but wod was even worse

  15. #555
    legion hands down. no contest. bfa is like legion lite.

  16. #556
    WoD was never the worst for me, It was Legion. But BFA has certainly dethroned Legion as absolute worst.

    At least Legion had class hall/artifact questlines that were pretty good........BFA has uh...war campaign, which even the worst class hall questline is better.

  17. #557
    Gameplay-wise MoP was great expansion.

    Still can't get over introduction of Pandas, Pets & Farmville, though

  18. #558
    Quote Originally Posted by Lilithvia View Post
    Why the hate for Legion, if I may ask?
    the grind was on Ragnarok Online levels, make me hate leveling professions and foremost Cooking (im looking at you **cking panda apprendice), pvp wise was a mess, the artifacts that gave so much power that people still on denial for losing them and claiming that the legendaries from D3 were a good addition to wow.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Druitz View Post
    Cata was epicly bad. The only expansion where i rly disliked pvp but wod was even worse
    i like to know why you disliked cata pvp so much?, a lot of classes had one of their best moments there and was one of the expansion were the mages rein supreme all the expansion (that was the personal thing i didnt like about cata pvp, but im a warrior so they are my natural enemies)

  19. #559
    Imagine even thinking or considering BfA that has just started whew. Also with 8.1 news just coming out. Whewwww. Ask in another 1.5 years when BFA is winding down.
    Prot Warrior 2004-2008. Hunter 2008-2018.
    Retired boomer.

  20. #560
    WoD easily

    had it had WQ and mythic dungeons then BFA would easily be the worst.

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