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    Raiding Rainbows Recruiting for MoP

    [H] <RAIDING RAINBOWS> [25Man] - [Illidan-US]

    US 53 finish of Dragon Soul tier
    RAID TIMES: (Server Times / CST)
    Monday-Thurs 7:45 - 11:00
    Sunday 6:45 - 11:00

    Loot: Council / item points (not dkp)

    Looks like you may be looking for a new guild, we are the Raiding Rainbows and here's a little bit about us! We are a hardcore progression orriented guild, we have been on Illidan since our form during the start of Wrath of the Lich King.

    About Us

    We still have raiders / officers that were with the guild when we originally formed. Everytime new content comes out we push as hard as we can to finish at a top spot and have been able to achieve our goal nearly every tier. While raids are very serious, during farm content we joke around and have fun like every other progression guild. RR recently merged with Mind Games on Illidan so we are currently working with a large roster but thinning it out quickly. If you are an exceptional player please do not hesitate, continue reading!

    Here's our statistics thus far:
    US #20th Heroic Lich King kill (15% buff)
    Ended Wrath with a US #21 and World #71 ranking.
    Tier 11: US #22, World #98
    Tier 12: US #19, World #63

    Still looking to maintain our top rankings by adding a few more core players to our roster for Mists of Pandaria.

    During downtime we run multiple alt runs weekly, older content and have multiple PvP teams with the guild.

    What kind of raiders we're looking for:

    We're looking for raiders that are 100% progression motivated, we want players excited to show up to raids to progress on a new fight. The "lets bash our head against this boss until it falls over" only works to a certain extent and not on the later heroics of current content. We expect all of our applicants to come to the guild drama free, knowing their class in / out and any relevent content that we may be working on. Again, we're not recruiting for the bench and not looking for players that only show up certain nights. If we want to keep you, we're keeping you for the long haul. If you're interested so far, go ahead and read the rest of this post then head to our website and read some more before applying.

    *We don't like to classify what classes we certainly need or not, we are mainly looking for exceptional players of any class that can complete and progress at a high level.

    With that in mind, we still have a few classes in HIGH DEMAND

    - Warrior DPS
    - Feral Druid
    - Spriest
    - Resto Druid
    - Holy Paladin

    If you have any questions feel free to post here, PM an officer on the forums or send us a msg through realid.


    Last edited by Sikonos; 2012-09-14 at 09:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Looking for more exceptional players!

  3. #3

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Get acquainted with the guild now before MoP hits!
    Want to see some apps

  6. #6
    Would love a few more top caliber players!

  7. #7

  8. #8

  9. #9
    - Warrior DPS
    - Warlock
    - Spriest
    - Resto Druid

  10. #10

  11. #11

  12. #12
    - Warrior DPS
    - Warlock
    - Spriest
    - Resto Druid

  13. #13

  14. #14

  15. #15
    - Warrior DPS
    - Warlock
    - Spriest
    - Resto Druid

  16. #16

  17. #17
    Would love another amazing resto druid!

  18. #18
    We need another warrior dps!

  19. #19
    - Warrior DPS [Currently have one]
    - Spriest
    - Resto Druid [Currently have one]

  20. #20

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