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  1. #1

    Nefarian as Discipline

    I have a question to fellow Disc Priests, who already managed to kill Nefarian 10.

    I'm really struggling with phase 2.
    I'm starting this phase with almost full mana bar. But I'm falling behind on healing more and more. My group (3 people) is pretty much recieveing 2 shadow bolts every cycle. Sometimes all 3 are getting hit. Now at some point I have to start spamming flash heals just to top people up to survive AoE dmg from Nef when he loses another 10% of his hp.

    Ofc Im trying to use penance/Mending on CD and trying smite spam for Archangel.

    My problem is I'm often falling behind. I have really decent gear (can't link armory since I'm a new poster here. ilvl 352) so it's not a problem of output. Was watching movies with Holy Priests simply healing with slow Heal spell and managing to keep people up. I seem to fail even with GHeal spamm, shields and all avaiable CDs.
    Or maybe we're not spreading hard enough and chaining those bolts? My group states it's not the case but shadow bolt hitting all 3 people at the same time is pretty strange.

  2. #2
    Stood in the Fire chase_the_mofo's Avatar
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    Spamming smite wont help too much, and I really find that spec useless. Discipline priest is really broken, going OOM faster then retri paladin healing raid. My point is, go holy you will last longer, you will heal better, and you wont go OOM after 10 flash heals. And I don't understand how do you lose people with GHeal spam :O?

  3. #3
    maybe , the position is wrong.
    Those 3 ppl should stay spread on that pillar , like 1.5-2 yards , cos nefarian si doing small aoe dmg (1 yard i think) and all ppl will take dmg if they are to close.

  4. #4
    The Lightbringer Siri's Avatar
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    Holy is just SO much better at what you want to do, overall holy is better for this fight because the shields that disc PoH leaves will in general just go wasted in this fight (just not in p2).
    The reason you see holy priests keep three players up with what just seems like Heal is that they have renew on everyone and refresh it through the Serenity Chakra (this can also be done with four players)

    Another plus for Holy is blessed resilience, after almost any damage this fight has to offer you'll receive an extra 30% healing, the disc variant of taking less damage is mostly wasted because it mostly falls off before it gets to reduce any damage.

    If you're dead set on playing disc the first change you should do is use greater heal instead of flash heal when you need the extra output. Assuming you have the Train of Thought talent GHeal is virtually as mana effective as Heal is. Just remember to use Inner Focus when it gets off cooldown every time.

    Another thing to consider is that you don't actually have to eat an aoe in p2 on 10man, you can do three aoes in p1, (just make sure onyxia dies between where you get the message about the lightning and before it actually lands or you will wipe) shouldn't be too hard on the dps, just need to time it well.
    Last edited by Siri; 2011-01-05 at 10:43 AM. Reason: extra

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by chase_the_mofo View Post
    Discipline priest is really broken, going OOM faster then retri paladin healing raid.
    hrm did all blackwing but nefarian so far (didnt even try nef/ony fights yet) so if you talk about this particular fight i cannot discuss it. but as for all other fights there and for first 3 boss fights in twilight, i see no mana problems on disc.
    mana seems fine to the point that i actually give up on certain spirit chants and gemming. and it is not because i do nothing my tank lives, i manage to spam some poh to help on raid and im not falling below other healers on meters (altho as a tank healer i wouldnt count healing meters for much)

  6. #6
    Your going to have issues with that fight on 10 man as discipline trying to heal 3 people.

    Your other option is to binding heal which i did not see you mention. It isnt efficient but it is a hell of a lot more so than casting 2 flashes vs 1 binding.

    You will chew through your mana pool in that phase regardless of spec, that is how the encounter is designed. Discipline is amazing for this fight on 25 man for the room aoe every 10% on nef because of Barrier. On 10 man it isnt nearly as good.

    If you know holy , your better off going holy for the 10 man fight. I would hold your barrier until phase two and use it on the pillar. Should be up later on in the fight for one of the room aoe points each 10%. Stack more spirit for that fight as well. The rest of the instance is jokingly easy in comparison to Nef, thus that is the fight you want to be gearing toward as it is a marker for what the HMs of fights are like.

    also for the guy that said discipline is useless , LOL at that comment. get into a guild that kills content and say that. There are at least 4 different fights offhand , 2 on hard mode so far that I have done that aren't even feasible without 1-2 discipline priest barriers. HM Halfus being one , and HM Conclave being another. Chimaeron and Nef being two on normal it is amazing for.
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  7. #7
    The Lightbringer Siri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonish View Post
    Your other option is to binding heal which i did not see you mention. It isnt efficient but it is a hell of a lot more so than casting 2 flashes vs 1 binding.
    Actually binding heal has the same HPM as Heal does, assuming 0% overheal.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Lohe View Post
    Actually binding heal has the same HPM as Heal does, assuming 0% overheal.

    he said he falls behind and has to flash , thus the comment i made. binding is faster and more efficient than 2 flashes to my knowledge.
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  9. #9
    The Lightbringer Siri's Avatar
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    It was directed at the part where you said it isn't efficient when it in fact is.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by chase_the_mofo View Post
    Spamming smite wont help too much, and I really find that spec useless. Discipline priest is really broken, going OOM faster then retri paladin healing raid. My point is, go holy you will last longer, you will heal better, and you wont go OOM after 10 flash heals. And I don't understand how do you lose people with GHeal spam :O?
    1) You shouldn't be using flash heal, other then in emergencies
    2) Disc isn't broken
    3) You are correct that the Attonement spec is pointless
    4) lrn2play
    5) Disc is a good at single target, and can heal forever at single target

  11. #11
    I haven't done this fight on 10 man or as disc but I can say...
    1. Binding Heal (if it doesn't OH) is better HPS and HPM than Heal (unless you're holy and can chakara heal/renew)
    2. You should be getting on the pillar with no more than 4 magma stacks, 3 if you're pro
    3. You should NEVER have to FH
    4. Stay spread as it's a slight 1-2yard AE dmg nef is throwing out.
    5. Make sure people don't have their foot in lava adding magma stacks.
    6. If a group fails at interrupts, heals mana will take a huge hit and usually end's up being a wipe.
    7. Shield on person every 12 seconds for Rapture?
    8. See if you can be in the group with 4, a glyphed PoH every 6 seconds is mana efficient than other direct healing spells (assuming of course no OH)
    Last edited by zenkai; 2011-01-05 at 02:17 PM. Reason: added 8

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by chase_the_mofo View Post
    And I don't understand how do you lose people with GHeal spam :O?
    You don't? How much average GHeal hits for 25k? 30k?
    And Nef shadow bolt hits 2 / 3 people in my group for 25k every 3 sec. Now tell me how to squize 3 Gheals in 3 sec gap please.

    Thanks for the info guys btw. I apreciate it overal.
    A few words: I keep attonement specc simply because I'm not gonna take shit talents like Inner Sanctum to fill up. I would prefer trying to sneak AA here and there.
    Normaly I can keep my group alive with smite spam + PoM on CD with occasional shield/penance. But there are moments when nef starts to abuse my group especialy right before or after AoE making things much worse.

    And I'm always in a group of 3 people on the collumn.

    I have holy offspec but not going to use it on Nef since my experience with Holy is very small and need time to learn all this Chakra madness .

    Anyway, gonna try binding heal tactic with penance/shield/PoM on CDs. Will see if it works.

  13. #13
    High Overlord Arrelliana's Avatar
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    #1.. binding heal is your friend..never single target heal yourself if someone else is not at full health.
    #2. Pom is a beautiful thing on close quarters fights.
    #3. Try to save fiend for the podium to use on the add..good time for mana return.
    #4. You should be able to use pw:barrier at least once on the pillar.
    #5. Make sure you use shield enough to trigger rapture on ICD. It isn't the most efficent spell but the mana return is really worth it.
    #6. Make sure all 3 people are in the same party so you can use your PoH to hit them all and it not be a waste..
    #7. gheal is a better spell than flash to use if your people are going below 30%. Shield/innerfocus/gheal is a better combo.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by hipo View Post
    I'm not gonna take shit talents like Inner Sanctum to fill up.
    This is blasphemous.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Arrelliana View Post
    #1.. binding heal is your friend..never single target heal yourself if someone else is not at full health.
    #2. Pom is a beautiful thing on close quarters fights.
    #3. Try to save fiend for the podium to use on the add..good time for mana return.
    #4. You should be able to use pw:barrier at least once on the pillar.
    #5. Make sure you use shield enough to trigger rapture on ICD. It isn't the most efficent spell but the mana return is really worth it.
    #6. Make sure all 3 people are in the same party so you can use your PoH to hit them all and it not be a waste..
    #7. gheal is a better spell than flash to use if your people are going below 30%. Shield/innerfocus/gheal is a better combo.
    Having downed Nef as disc, this is pretty close to God's Word. Binding Heal I try to stay away from unless its necessary, considering that its pretty costly. PoH on the pillar would be fantastic but if all your mana users are in the shaman's group, someone is going to get stuck healing with the other group, and in this case it was me. PoM, Shields, Binding Heal and the odd Flash Heal were what I used. I also used PW: B as people were climbing onto the pillar to help me top them back up after lava ate them.

    As was said earlier... Disc is alright, not "broken", but feels a little situational / needlessly constrained sometimes. Overall, not a bad spot

    A note about fiend on the pillar: it *will* behave like a full retard, you DO need to make sure it starts hitting the mob.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Lohe View Post
    It was directed at the part where you said it isn't efficient when it in fact is.
    i said its more efficient than two flashes , so your still inaccurate.
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  17. #17
    I haven't done Nef on 10 but I've done it a few times on 25. And what the people are saying here is completely true:

    Atonement spec is crap for raiding, Halfus aside. Inner Sanctum isn't a crap talent, and it isn't a PvP talent. If you're going Atonement spec, you probably don't have Train of Thought or Strength of Soul, both of which impact your ability to single-target heal.

    If everyone on your platform is being hit, then you aren't spread out. My guild tells people to form a square, standing on four corners on the pillar.

    Barrier during the uh... electric shock(is that what's called? nef's big AoE every 10%) is pretty win. I stick to PoM, penance, GH and heal(if people are high health).

  18. #18
    The Lightbringer Siri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonish View Post
    i said its more efficient than two flashes , so your still inaccurate.
    You said it's more efficient than two flashes (which is right), you also said it isn't efficient (which is wrong, it is an efficient heal)

    It isnt efficient
    Oh, can't believe I missed this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Samurai View Post
    3) You are correct that the Attonement spec is pointless
    Heroic halfus says hello
    Last edited by Siri; 2011-01-06 at 05:18 AM. Reason: Extra

  19. #19
    Simple, go Holy. With holy's insane regen atm its WAY better at large quick AOE heals, and that is exactly what you need for Nef.

  20. #20
    A few words: I keep attonement specc simply because I'm not gonna take shit talents like Inner Sanctum to fill up.
    You lost me at this. If you're having trouble keeping people up, then especially now any damage that you take that you can mitigate (6%) is incredibly significant. The fact that you so callously disregard that... it's stupid on your behalf, especially since you're spending tons of mana to keep your stacks of Evangelism up so you can AA - something you could avoid in order to keep your mana at higher levels until you need it.

    Other than that, as others have said, have your people spread out a little more as there is a small aoe damage that people take, and use more efficient spells like Binding Heal and GHeal via Train of Thought for better usage on GHeal.

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