Encounter Journal Preview
The Encounter Journal is finally on the test realms and even if it isn't finished we finally know how much information we will get from it: a lot. The Firelands raid encounters are already there and it looks like Blizzard really wants you to know where you're going before you enter a raid, see the screenshots below.

I also added a small video preview from OMFGCata because every time I forget to post a video from Jesse, a puppy gets sad.

If you're still wondering how much info you can get for a single fight, check the preview of the Ragnaros encounter below. Everything in the preview (except for the picture, I guess) is from the Encounter Journal and not a single bit of it is from extra datamining.

Ragnaros - Encounter Journal Preview (Heroic Version)
Ragnaros, lord of the Firelands, embodies the fury and destruction of the promordial infernos that forged Azeroth itself. Promised the chance to set Azeroth aflame without interference from Neptulon and Therazane, Ragnaros seeks to appease the Old Gods by incinerating the World Tree of Nordrassil.

He has legs now. Who knew?

Stage 1: By Fire be Purged!
Sulfuras SmashRagnaros faces a random player and prepares to smash Sulfuras on the platform. The impact creates several Lava Waves which move out in several directions from the point of impact.
Lava WaveA Lava Wave inflicts 70000 Fire damage and knocks back all players it passes through. Targets who are knocked back suffer an additional 20000 Fire damage every 1 sec for 5 sec.
Wrath of RagnarosRagnaros targets a player, inflicting 60000 Fire damage to all players within 6 yards and knocking them back.

In 25 players raids, Ragnaros targets three players.
Hand of RagnarosRagnaros inflicts 30000 Fire damage to all enemies within 50 yards, knocking them back.
Magma TrapRagnaros periodically forms a Magma Trap at a random player's location. The Magma Trap persists for the duration of the battle and will trigger when stepped on, causing a Magma Trap Eruption.
Magma Trap EruptionWhen triggered, a Magma Trap erupts for 60000 Fire damage to all enemies within the Firelands and violently knocks the player who stripped the Magma Trap into the air.

An enemy that triggers a Magma Trap will take 50 additional damage from the Magma Trap Eruption for 30 sec. Stacks.

Intermission: Minions of Fire!
At 70% health, Ragnaros will cast Splitting Blow, wedging Sulfuras into the platform and creating Sons of Flame across the platform. Ragnaros will stay submerged for 45 seconds or until all of the Sons of Flame are destroyed.
Splitting BlowRagnaros buries Sulfuras within the platform, creating Sons of Flame that attempt to reach the mighty hammer.
Sons of Flame
Sons of Flame will cross the platform and attempt to re-form with Sulfuras, causing a Supernova if they are able to reach the mighty hammer.
Burning SpeedSons of Flame move faster as their blaze burns hotter. Their movement speed is increased by an amount equal to every 1% health they have above 50% health.
SupernovaIf a Son of Flame reaches Sulfuras, the elemental will explode in a Supernova, inflicting 90000 Fire damage to all players within the Firelands.

Stage 2: Sulfuras will be Your End!
Sulfuras SmashRagnaros faces a random player and prepares to smash Sulfuras on the platform. The impact creates several Lava Waves which move out in several directions from the point of impact.
Lava WaveA Lava Wave inflicts 70000 Fire damage and knocks back all players it passes through. Targets who are knocked back suffer an additional 20000 Fire damage every 1 sec for 5 sec.
World In FlamesRagnaros periodically engulfs one third of the platform in flame every 2.6 sec for 13 sec. Inflicting 70000 Fire damage to players caught in the conflagration.
Molten SeedRagnaros forms a Molten Seed at the location of 10 random players, inflicting 55000 Fire damage to all players within 6 yards. After 10 sec the Molten Seed will burst in a Molten Inferno.

In 25 player raids, Ragnaros targets 20 players.
Molten InfernoWhen Molten Seeds burst, they cause a Molten Inferno that inflicts 100000 Fire damage to all players who are near the Molten Seed. The damage decreases the farther away the target is.

Following the Molten Inferno, a Molten Elemental is created at the location of the Seed.
Molten ElementalThe Molten Elemental is spawned from a Molten Inferno. It will attack and fixate on a random player.
Molten PowerThe Molten Elemental is empowered by nearby Molten Elementals, increasing its damage done by 25% and causing it to be immune to Snare effects.

Intermission: Denizens of Flame!
At 40% health, Ragnaros will cast Splitting Blow, wedging Sulfuras into the platform and creating Sons of Flame. Ragnaros will stay submerged for 45 seconds or until all of the Sons of Flame are destroyed.
Splitting BlowRagnaros buries Sulfuras within the platform, creating Sons of Flame that attempt to reach the mighty hammer.
Sons of Flame
Sons of Flame will cross the platform and attempt to re-form with Sulfuras, causing a Supernova if they are able to reach the mighty hammer.
Burning SpeedSons of Flame move faster as their blaze burns hotter. Their movement speed is increased by an amount equal to every 1% health they have above 50% health.
SupernovaIf a Son of Flame reaches Sulfuras, the elemental will explode in a Supernova, inflicting 90000 Fire damage to all players within the Firelands.
Lava Scion
One Lava Scion will form on each side of the platform.
Blazing HeatThe Lava Scion inflicts a random target with Blazing Heat, causing them to create a trail of Blazing Heat in their wake. Blazing Heat inflicts 50000 Fire damage every 1 sec and heals Sons of Flame and Lava Scions for 10% every 1 sec.

Stage 3: Begone From my Realm!
Sulfuras SmashRagnaros faces a random player and prepares to smash Sulfuras on the platform. The impact creates several Lava Waves which move out in several directions from the point of impact.
Lava WaveA Lava Wave inflicts 70000 Fire damage and knocks back all players it passes through. Targets who are knocked back suffer an additional 20000 Fire damage every 1 sec for 5 sec.
World In FlamesRagnaros periodically engulfs one third of the platform in flame every 2.6 sec for 13 sec. Inflicting 70000 Fire damage to players caught in the conflagration.
Summon Living MeteorRagnaros calls down an increasing number of Living Meteors over time, inflicting 65000 Fire damage to players within 5 yards of the location.
Living MeteorThe Living Meteor will fixate on a random target and chase them. A player that gets within 4 yards of the Living Meteor will trigger a Meteor Impact, inflicting 500000 Fire damage to enemies within 8 yards.
Meteor ImpactA player that gets within 4 yards of the Living Meteor will trigger a Meteor Impact, inflicting 500000 Fire damage to enemies within 8 yards.
CombustibleThe Living Meteor is highly Combustible. When attacked, it will cause Combustion, knocking it back several yards away from the enemy that hit it. Combustible is removed for several seconds after Combustion is triggered.
CombustionWhen Combustible is active, the Living Meteor is knocked back several yards from the enemy that hit it.

Stage 4: The True Power of the Fire Lord
The Fire Lord unleashes his full power and is able to move freely around the platform. Players have the aid of powerful heroes of Azeroth to support them.
SuperheatedRagnaros is at his full power and is now Superheated, inflicting 2000 Fire damage every 1 sec, increasing damage taken from Superheated by 10%. Stacks.
Empower SulfurasRagnaros begins to Empower Sulfuras. After 5 sec, Sulfuras becomes Empowered and attacks made by Ragnaros cause Flames of Sulfuras, influcting 500000 Fire damage to all enemies within the Firelands.
Flames of SulfurasWhen Sulfuras is Empowered, attacks made by Ragnaros cause Flames of Sulfuras, inflicting 500000 Fire damage to all enemies within the Firelands.
DreadflameSulfuras creates a Dreadflame at two nearby Locations. The Dreadflame multiplies rapidly and spreads across the platform. Dreadflame inflicts 35000 Fire damage and an additional 3500 Fire damage every 1 sec for 30 sec.

In 25 players raids, Dreadflame will strike five locations at once.
Magma GeyserRagnaros will target a Magma Geyser whenever he notices four players in a cluster together. The Magma Geyser inflicts 55000 Fire damage every 1 sec and destroys any nearby Breadth of Frost.
Cenarius is a demigod, the son of Malorne and Elune, and the patron of all of Azeroth's druids. Cenarius will support the raid by freezing Living Meteors and reducing the damage caused by Superheated.
Breadth of FrostCenarius forms a Breadth of Frost at a nearby location. Any Living Meteors that enter the Breadth of Frost are frozen and take 15000% additional damage. Additionally, players who stand within the Breadth of Frost are immune to Superheated damage and have the Superheated debuff removed from them.
Hamuul Runetotem
Hamuul Runetotem is a tauren druid and leads the druids of Thunder Bluff. In Mount Hyjal, he assists Ysera in protecting Nordrassil from Ragnaros. The arch druid will support the raid by entrapping Ragnaros.
Entrapping RootsArch Druid Hamuul Runetotem forms Entrapping Roots at a nearby location. If Ragnaros enters the area of the Entrapping Roots, he will become stunned for 10 sec and take 50% additional damage while stunned.
Malfurion Stormrage
Malfurion Stormrage is an ancient and powerful night elf druid. He leads the army of Cenarius in the Defense of Mount Hyjal against the forces of Ragnaros.

Malfurion will support the raid by protecting players from Dreadflame.
CloudburstMalfurion forms a Cloudburst. The players who interacts with the Cloudburst will be surrounded with a Deluge. Deluge makes the player immune to Dreadflame damage, and also allows the player to extinguish any nearby Dreadflame.

In 25 player raids, up to three player can use a single Cloudburst.
DelugeMakes the player immune to Dreadflame damage, and also allows the player to extinguish any nearby Dreadflame.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Encounter Journal Preview started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 179 Comments
  1. MrCobaltBlue's Avatar
    Blizzard implements something to help players and players complain. News at 11.
  1. skylla05's Avatar
    Is Crabby really there, or is Boub playing with my heart?
  1. Crimzonblood's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by epec View Post
    Sounds a lot like the kil'jaeden fight, only a bit more complex. I honestly don't think super hard complex raid fights are what wow needs right now. Not that difficult fights are a bad thing, I'm all for challenging raid content -- I just believe that they should put more effort into actually putting out more content that's interesting. I mean a raid instance is great, but what about the other time I'm not raiding? I'd personally like to see more world events, interaction among players, daily and solo content than "Here's a heroic encounter that's super complex and hard that most people wont even bother to do!" It just feels like they're wasting their time on the wrong kind of content.
    They are adding a massive daily hub in Hyjal along with this raid. Blizzard has to evenly pread out their content, It's also about time for new raids, as the previous tier is becoming stale. I don't think people would like to go 6 more months with Tier 11 content.
  1. mmoc006fb91b8d's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by prZ View Post
    Encounter Journal... funny they implement it now, after the Codex was announced in SW: TOR.
    Funny thing that they announced long ago and said that should not be on prio list for 4.0 but for fireland old 4.1 and now 4.2.
  1. dess's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Archijs View Post
    The melee will be fucked on this fight, as far as I suspect. most loved chars - demo locks, hunters, mages.
    It sounds exactly like the molten core fight. Just more epic cause of the new phases and its like epic battle with 3 hero classes to help.
  1. Darthne's Avatar
    looks like a long fight
  1. naitomeru87's Avatar
    and blizzard dose it again. its a amazing tool
  1. Auralan's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by shadowflay View Post
    Good bye atlas, we had a good run
    If we look at how long it took for Blizzard to add all of the old dungeon / raid maps, I doubt that this thing will hold anywhere near the amount of item information of Atlasloot. At least not anytime soon. (especially since it seems to be boss loot only at this point)
  1. Imhullu's Avatar
    "I also added a small video preview from OMFGCata because every time I forget to post a video from Jesse, a puppy gets sad. "
    But everytime someone watches one of these horrible videos, 10 puppies spontaneously combust.
  1. Nosferato's Avatar
    seems like its a new yogg'saron fight only against the firelord, and instead of the watchers its the demigod and his 2 druid sidekicks
  1. klaps_05's Avatar
    was bout time, no more "type /camp in trade to open the Encounter Journal" but it looks very neat and tidy, hopefully will help a lot of players deal with more complex mechanics in both 5man hcs and raids
  1. ScorchHellfire's Avatar
    Damn... Rag looks even more intense than LK...
  1. mmoc27cecdbbd7's Avatar
    How does someone actuelyl get to Firelands? I can't seem to figure out how to get there.
  1. ZeroEdgeir's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by epec View Post
    Sounds a lot like the kil'jaeden fight, only a bit more complex. I honestly don't think super hard complex raid fights are what wow needs right now. Not that difficult fights are a bad thing, I'm all for challenging raid content -- I just believe that they should put more effort into actually putting out more content that's interesting. I mean a raid instance is great, but what about the other time I'm not raiding? I'd personally like to see more world events, interaction among players, daily and solo content than "Here's a heroic encounter that's super complex and hard that most people wont even bother to do!" It just feels like they're wasting their time on the wrong kind of content.
    Did ya miss the part of a whole new zone with a massive, personally-progressed daily hub, that will likely take 1 month + to finish?

    As well, keep in mind, if Blizzard didn't break 4.1 off from the Firelands patch, we'd still be on 4.0.6, and testing everything that came in 4.1 ALONG WITH Firelands, with zero new content.

    We will be getting more content. They will likely do heroics + many new features in the intermediary patches between raid tier patches, unlike Wrath, that had far, far less content pushed (aside from the Tourney Dailies, we saw how much extra content outside of raids? 4 5-mans? Not too impressive. We are already getting a fair bit more in Wrath).
  1. Hungrydingo's Avatar
    Sweet. More knockbacks and more anti melee mechanics.
  1. ZeroEdgeir's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by prZ View Post
    Encounter Journal... funny they implement it now, after the Codex was announced in SW: TOR.
    Yeah, this had been announced on the table since Blizzcon 2010. So, was likely conceived even earlier (so, say Summer of 2010).
  1. UndrCover's Avatar
    Here's to hoping Crabby stays in the top left corner!
  1. mmoc231fd0df90's Avatar
    Totally in love with this new feture, thank you Blizzard it will make raids friendly more then it is now.
  1. mmoc006fb91b8d's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Alieta View Post
    This sucks.

    No more fun on new encounters where you do not know the spells. I would have nothing against the loottable or the story. But this is nearly a guide for everybody and it destroys the hardmode race....
    1st hardcore race start in ptr. they allready know all bosses and kill it very times way before they come to live. So this will not change nothint at all. If paragon did not kill all bosses in one week that was because they did not have gear enouth because they know all bosses way before.

    2nd If you don't want to know what boss do dont read. Like before this you do not read wowhead.

    3rd many ppl don't only read ability but check videos for strategys so this will not change that. Ppl still need to go to youtube or wowhead to share and read information. The only thing that change is that now you don't need to alt+tab to talk about onbe ability as RL or to check names.

    4rd This will be easly to update because because nerfs, buffs or fix on boss most of time are numbers and that will not be ingame and even if they change a lot one ability that they need to rework all text in journal they only need to make a small patch less then 10k with fix that can be download while you you play.
  1. Fojos's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Crazia View Post
    Thanks for ruining another fun aspect of the game Blizzard.... good job
    So instead of looking at the abilities on wowhead or wowpedia you look at them in-game. Yeah, huge difference.

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