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Legion - Max Camera Distance Reduction
The latest Legion build reduced the amount you can zoom out with the camera.

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
This is one of this changes that we realize will be intensely unpopular with the group of players that has used console/WTF CVars to increase camera zoom beyond what the UI slider permits. For everyone else, they probably won't see what the big deal is, since it's removing a hidden option that most never used. But for those who are accustomed to an increased max zoom, it's changing the way you're experiencing the game in a way that feels restrictive and simply worse. So why would we do that?

In a broad range of gaming genres (from RTS to Action RPG), being able to zoom out and see more of the world around you provides an objective advantage in the form of information. Due to that competitive advantage, camera-unlocking or increased zoom distance are features commonly found in third-party hacks for a variety of games. Whatever the maximum allowed, that's what competitive players will use in order to maximize performance, even at the expense of the game's overall look and feel.

We strongly believe that there needs to be parity in this area between players who are using the default UI and those who have addons or knowledge of hidden console variables. One option was certainly to just allow the in-game slider to go all the way up to the CVar hardcap. But that scale is beyond the one around which the game was designed at its core. The development team builds the world, its art, its combat mechanics, and other interactions, around the base UI experience and scale. At the 3.4-CVar zoom level, your heroic Warcraft avatar takes up about as much screen-space as one of the dozens of marines you might control in a game of Starcraft.

Basically all of us started out playing WoW at the UI-enabled zoom level, and fell in love with that world enough that we now find ourselves here posting on an expansion beta forum discussing its future. At some point, we saw a raid video and wondered how they could see so much of the field at once, or we saw a forum post or got a helpful tip from another player, and learned that if you typed "/console CameraDistanceMaxFactor 4" you could zoom out way more, and we never looked back. But was that original experience bad, or have we just grown accustomed to something different?

There may also be a bit of hyperbole in the discussion around the change. This is a screenshot I just took with the max UI-selectable zoom settings in the current Legion build: http://i.imgur.com/e8vFT6t.jpg

I'm not sure it's fair to say that this level of zoom entails your character dominating the screen, or removes any awareness of nearby threats.

Finally, why did this happen suddenly now, late in the beta cycle, seemingly without any communication? Honestly, the intent was for the change to have been in place from early alpha onwards. I believe that what happened was that one of the CVars (CameraDistanceMaxFactor?) was clamped from the start, but a second CVar (CameraDistanceMax?) was overlooked. That issue was entered and tracked as a bug, and was just fixed recently. As a development team, at this point we're fixing up to 2000 Legion bugs a week, and it's not always obvious which player-facing build will contain a particular one of those fixes. This clearly wasn't something we ever imagined could just be swept under the carpet.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Legion - Max Camera Distance Reduction started by chaud View original post
Comments 795 Comments
  1. mmoc8d59f12786's Avatar
    As a tank and a raidleader this is a horrible change. Jesus Christ.
  1. mmoc1f5e02b9df's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Rorcanna View Post
    Up next: "We have removed the support for UI addons such as DBM, Bartender, TellMeWhen, BigWig and the likes to even out the playing field. Many players are simply not aware of addons that enhance your effectivenes and as such the game shouldn't give those that do an edge!"...
    "We removed keybindings, because some people clicked the buttons and we thing keybindings give an unfair advantage over those who click!"

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Syenite View Post
    The hectic camera movement that comes with being zoomed in that far gives me a bloody headache. Will see what options come up. But it might be the end of WoW for me.
    There will be third-party programs that will give you camera control like you never had before... I have a tool that detached the camera from my player, so I can play rogue with the viewpoint of a mage. Problem is, the tool is bugged as hell and has problems reattaching... but when the need for such tools grows better ones will come along.
  1. Mavick's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by uxzuigal View Post
    Good. Being forced to play on a camera factor that makes the game have feel way to distant in order to be on the same grounds as everyone else is bullshit.
    You were never forced to do anything before. This is actually forcing those of us who used the command.
  1. opposing critter's Avatar
    Poll should of had a third option "No but i would of if i had known it was possible"
  1. mmoc18e6a734ba's Avatar
    It is a horrible change for raiding ....

    Next change : "we removed third person view camera because we believe the player should see what the character see".
  1. mmoc67c8efd961's Avatar
    OMG what a horrible change! How it gives unfair advantage in wow it does in starcraft but here there is no fog of war and you can see up to render distance anyway. OMFG whoever came up with this ide needs to be kicked in the nuts... repeatedly...
  1. mmocfa52095fb7's Avatar
    Rarely used this command, cause i hate to not see my character... also never had a problem with only seeing the feet of big bosses as melee, it was just always fine for me... but don't understand the decision either. The argument for removing this command is really dumb
  1. Xcelsion's Avatar
    Why not dynamically change the maximum distance based on the content the user is experiencing? E.g. make it bigger when fighting huge raid bosses.
  1. Fog's Avatar
    I've played with the console command ever since I first entered the game. I thought the camera was too close, so I searched for a camera distance macro for WoW. There was one, and now 11 years later it's gone. Why?
    If you make the argument that it gave an unfair advantage over those not knowing about it you should just remove addon support as well. There are a bunch of people who don't know of addons or certain addons and there are people who can make their own addons and never share it with the public. If you first start going down this road, you can't stop. If you do, you end up looking like you don't take your job seriously.
  1. Shadocat's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Evolixe View Post
    Make a trial account.

    Wow, now you can post. Amazing I know.
    Have you actually tried that?
    Amazing how that is not working at all because you are still locked out from 99% of the forum.
  1. Xcelsion's Avatar
    I don't get it, just change the max camera dinstance based on the content being consumed.
  1. Carem's Avatar
    This is just awful.
    First thing I had to do with a fresh install, beta or PTR is to google the command, because I could never remember it. Zoomed in game felt really uncomfortable to me, like something suddenly preventing you to do the usual thing you've lived your whole life with.
    Why improve the view distance and the nerf the camera? It's a huge hit to a flying/riding, exploring, questing, and raiding experiences for me. God damn, unbelievable.
    I didn't expect this from me at all, I wasn't that annoyed about my mangled class or game mechanics, another cut zones, garrisons and whatever, but this change made me really really angry.
  1. Evolixe's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadocat View Post
    Have you actually tried that?
    Amazing how that is not working at all because you are still locked out from 99% of the forum.
    I have. It works.
  1. Redblade's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Grodle View Post
    I've played with the console command ever since I first entered the game. I thought the camera was too close, so I searched for a camera distance macro for WoW. There was one, and now 11 years later it's gone. Why?
    Same here, way to kick the players that used this option for a decade in the balls. This change pretty much killed any hype I had for Legion...it's yet another change with the lowest common denominator defense.
  1. Tradu's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadocat View Post
    Have you actually tried that?
    Amazing how that is not working at all because you are still locked out from 99% of the forum.
    It works for the beta forums, so the only ones that actually matter.
  1. rosebull's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mavick View Post
    People are annoyed because many of us put a lot of time and effort into raiding and this is, whether you want to acknowledge it or not, Blizzard making that at least a tiny bit harder on us. Their arguments for doing so are absolutely awful as well. Oh you want us to experience your art? Are they even aware that most of us only zoom out on boss fights that require us to have a wide overview of the fight area (Xhulorac being a perfect example) but zoom in to whatever feels right the rest of the time? And this parity between default UI users and those of us with this super secret knowledge of this top secret console command? I didn't realize we still lived in a world where google search didn't exist. So don't fault us for being angry, people have a right to be angry when something they like doing is being changed for reasons that just don't make sense to them.
    Sounds like you need an extra dosage of get good.
  1. uxzuigal's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mavick View Post
    You were never forced to do anything before. This is actually forcing those of us who used the command.
    If you wanted to have maximum situational awareness (you want this while progress raiding mythic) - you would most likely run with this command. If not, you'd have less situational awareness than others and be at a disadvantage. Maybe it's not a big disadvantage, but it certianly is a disadvantage.
  1. Airwaves's Avatar
    While I am kinda disappointed. I understand their reasoning. Much like FPS games cap their FOV. This is pretty much the exact thing.
  1. Mr. Smith's Avatar
    Okay yeah, let's go ahead and try to enforce player parity.

    30 FPS hardcap when?
    Mandatory 1024x768 resolution when?
    Non-modular graphics when?
    Removal of add-ons when?
    Deletion of all third-party helper sites when?
  1. Alcsaar's Avatar
    Just another company making design changes from the perspective of developers, instead of from the perspective of what an actual player experiences.

    A dissapointment.

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