Poll: Should garrisons be scrapped in 7.0?

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  1. #1
    The Lightbringer Snes's Avatar
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    Question Should garrisons be scrapped or kept next expansion?

    Do you feel they did more harm than good? Or are you enjoying the repetitive nature of them?

    Personally, I think they need to go. In MoP, flying made the world feel empty. WoD got rid of flying, but now we have Garrisons making the world feel more empty than ever, aside from the lvl 100 apexis daily zones. The extra gold might make you feel nice, but everything's inflated, so the net difference is marginal.

    If they keep them, they should scrap the profession buildings and replace it with a small quality of life improvement like a mass-smelting forge or a prospecting building or mass-disenchanting building or something, maybe with a daily that lets you get a bit of rare material. Other than that, it would be nice to be excited about finding a rare mineral node again..

    The missions would need a big overhaul, rewarding more cosmetic stuff rather than loot and gold. Remove the bank building so people have a reason to get out and visit a capital city once in awhile. Just to name a few.
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  2. #2
    Spam Assassin! MoanaLisa's Avatar
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    Honestly I was expecting more of a builder game out of garrisons. Disappointed that the building stopped too soon and became mostly a button-pushing game of managing followers.

    Of course they should be scrapped as is next expansion but the idea behind them could be applied in different ways with adjustments for what worked and what didn't. Many fewer followers would help. And do something else with professions. And customization. Might as well not bother with a second go-around if they can't be endlessly customized. Garrisons are OK as a hub but I'd prefer the hub send you out into the world instead of running around inside the walls of your prison garrison.
    "...money's most powerful ability is to allow bad people to continue doing bad things at the expense of those who don't have it."

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Snes View Post
    Do you feel they did more harm than good? Or are you enjoying the repetitive nature of them?

    Personally, I think they need to go. In MoP, flying made the world feel empty. WoD got rid of flying, but now we have Garrisons making the world feel more empty than ever, aside from the lvl 100 apexis daily zones. The extra gold might make you feel nice, but everything's inflated, so the net difference is marginal.

    If they keep them, they should scrap the profession buildings and replace it with a small quality of life improvement like a mass-smelting forge or a prospecting building or mass-disenchanting building or something, maybe with a daily that lets you get a bit of rare material. Other than that, it would be nice to be excited about finding a rare mineral node again..

    The missions would need a big overhaul, rewarding more cosmetic stuff rather than loot and gold. Remove the bank building so people have a reason to get out and visit a capital city once in awhile. Just to name a few.
    For me I think they should be overhauled. It would be great if they made the garrisons for guilds, take out the Herb garden and the mine and leave that for the open world. you could have all the profession building in there but only have access to the professions you actually use. It would be great to see guild members walking around in the garrisons, would give way to more social interaction etc. Great for RP too

  4. #4
    Scrap it and replace it with real housing system (with full customization and not tied to progression). Also everyone hanging around in their own instance is pretty terrible from community standpoint
    Quote Originally Posted by RedGamer030 View Post
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  5. #5
    They should work on it and improve it even further for the next expansion, make it more interesting and less of a facebook game.

    Quote Originally Posted by PrairieChicken View Post
    Scrap it and replace it with real housing system (with full customization and not tied to progression). Also everyone hanging around in their own instance is pretty terrible from community standpoint
    Is everyone hanging around Shrine, Orgrimmar/Stormwind, Dalaran, Shattrath, Orgrimmar/Stormwind/Ironforge any better? Because the past expansions were exactly the same in that sense. Personally I definitely prefer sticking around alone in my Garrison over sticking around hundreds of people I don't interact with anyway.

  6. #6
    I think it's such an enormous feature that took so much development time and money that they'll feel obligated to include something similar next expansion. That said, I'm sure we'll see a large number of changes since it's pretty clear they aren't universally beloved.

  7. #7
    I am Murloc! dacoolist's Avatar
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    No, I don't think WoD's Garrison's should be removed - but going forward, Blizzard shouldn't include them. I think everyone QQ'ing about their "Wow Housing" got a taste of their own medicine, while us folks who like hanging out with other people, are stuck in cities that are half empty.

  8. #8
    Didn't they already confirm garrisons strictly being a WoD feature? I am pretty sure one of the designers mentioned it in an interview. Though a new spin on the same idea is probably likely

  9. #9
    Lightforged Draenei
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    I hope they get rid of it. While it does make me tons of gold daily for doing nothing, I still prefer to afk in cities like shattrath and dalaran full of people rather than alone. It simply takes away the mmo feel. This is not a singleplayer rpg.

  10. #10
    Bloodsail Admiral Cien's Avatar
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    I think they might be in the new expansion, but perhaps made a bit differently. While some have said they have empty cities, I've found on my server that they are still very very populated, and even so, I don't really care since I don't talk to every individual as it is. I do think changes need to be made, it seems very silly to have professions made so easy through the buildings and such easy access to herbs/ore is kind of lame too

    To those who dont like afking in your garrison, why not just do your garrison stuff and then hearthstone to your favourite city? :P Thats what everyone I've seen is doing, explains the full cities

  11. #11
    Scrapped. Having your own little instance is a disaster. The world feels dead.

  12. #12
    They already said garrisons wont be in the next expansion.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Lora Twinblade View Post
    Is everyone hanging around Shrine, Orgrimmar/Stormwind, Dalaran, Shattrath, Orgrimmar/Stormwind/Ironforge any better? Because the past expansions were exactly the same in that sense. Personally I definitely prefer sticking around alone in my Garrison over sticking around hundreds of people I don't interact with anyway.
    I wouldn't say there is much interaction, but it is entirely different experience to mingle around with 100+ people compared to being in personal lobby waiting for queues to pop. It is about having a feel of mmo
    Quote Originally Posted by RedGamer030 View Post
    I do not need to be constructive in this thread, nor provide an argument. There is nothing here to actually debate. Your reasoning is flawed and thusly you have no argument.
    ↑ Epitome of Internet Logic

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Of-the-horde View Post
    I hope they get rid of it. While it does make me tons of gold daily for doing nothing, I still prefer to afk in cities like shattrath and dalaran full of people rather than alone. It simply takes away the mmo feel. This is not a singleplayer rpg.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tya View Post
    Scrapped. Having your own little instance is a disaster. The world feels dead.
    Scrapped. Pretty much this ^

  15. #15
    I'd prefer scrapped but if they stuck around they need very significant changes to them.

  16. #16
    Yes, the implementation has been terrible. They killed professions and people just sit in their garrison leaving the world/cities empty, they feel like a chore and have killed any optimism of leveling another alt knowing Id have to maintain a garrison.

    Well done Blizzard, 15 months of SoO for this really poor effort of an expansion.

  17. #17
    Next Garrison should be a ship if its the Azsharaxpac and you are the Captain yarrrr!

  18. #18
    I'd prefer them not to carry Garrisons through to the next expansion, perhaps they could remove the gold missions at the end of the expansion too. Even if they weren't in the next expansion, people would still go back and forth to it for that extra bit of free gold.

    I still want some form of true player housing with customisation and the like, but with regards to making the world feel dead I imagine that'd have the same effect as garrisons. I'd personally rather AFK in my own player house than a capital city.

  19. #19
    Garrisons won't stay. The tech for them might, but I hope it's not as tedious as garrisons and not a place to afk in...

  20. #20
    There is room for improvement, but I think they should stay. Perhaps with a twist, like the warship/fleet idea, or several smaller outposts so that you don't stay in the same place forever.

    It has single player and housing elements that the game benefits from. It just wasn't implemented properly.

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