1. #2421
    Quote Originally Posted by Pantalones View Post
    For Vengeance usage, I am using a cast sequence macro for FR and IP to simplify it a bit. I don't see any disadvantage to it as I can still pool rage for larger IP's with this still, or just go back and forth just fine. Any reason not to use this?
    As pointed out above, you might want to keep both the macro and the abilities separated in your action bar so you are free of using whichever is best and if a panic IP is needed you have it there for a quick tap

  2. #2422
    Anyone "know" if haste will be main stat when we get artifacts?
    Personally not very found of a haste gameplay with prot warrior

  3. #2423
    Quote Originally Posted by Faceless Jim View Post
    As pointed out above, you might want to keep both the macro and the abilities separated in your action bar so you are free of using whichever is best and if a panic IP is needed you have it there for a quick tap
    I wouldn't recommend using them both individually AND in a macro, because then you're asking for trouble. A macro has no concept of which buff you currently have, it just would rotate between a spell list. As such say you panic cast IP manually, but the macro expects IP to be the next spell it should cast, you'll cast IP again (unempowered) when pressing the macro, meaning you'll "waste" the rage on the IP from the macro still. If you are going with using them manually, you should stick with that.

  4. #2424
    Quote Originally Posted by Undefetter View Post
    I wouldn't recommend using them both individually AND in a macro, because then you're asking for trouble. A macro has no concept of which buff you currently have, it just would rotate between a spell list. As such say you panic cast IP manually, but the macro expects IP to be the next spell it should cast, you'll cast IP again (unempowered) when pressing the macro, meaning you'll "waste" the rage on the IP from the macro still. If you are going with using them manually, you should stick with that.
    Oh yeah... didn't think of that. That would be so wrong then... having to syncing up the macro again.
    Yeah stick to manual then

  5. #2425
    I take back what I said, I just did some TBC heroics which appear in difficulty where they should have been all along instead of the cakewalk they were and the class just absolutely comes alive when your hp isn't sitting at 99% for 90% of the time.

  6. #2426
    How does Prot perform as a leveling / soling spec in 7.0.3? Tried the Prot Pally and was rather disappointed. It was squishier than I thought it would be and dps wasn't fantastic either.

  7. #2427
    Quote Originally Posted by Hybridpsycho View Post
    I'd say overall things look OK, EXCEPT for one big thing. I did some raiding tonight and we had a new tank in the guild (Paladin OT). Since he hadn't done all the bosses we decided I'd take care of things like Socrethar Robot and doing the interupts on Iskar.

    The problem is I can't hold aggro for shit, I've been raiding on my warrior since Vanilla (had a break in MoP/WoD), mostly I've played on a "higher" level...never any issues. Until now, my damage is shit and threat is even shittier (ESPECIALLY AOE). Mostly it was just the Paladin taking aggro which we can work around through voice. But sometimes even the better DPS managed to take the aggro.

    I've seen some people mention this as well. Do we know if this is just a pre-legion issue with the balance of classes or if it will stick around in early legion?

    I really hate playing any other class but Warrior and the plan is that I'm gonna tank for the guild in Legion. But right now I'm thinking of either going DH or DK or even swapping back to DPS. I could accept tanking being boring (given the changes they made to how tanking works in Legion) but playing it when it's this bad and boring really makes me sad.

    Guys, give me hope. I wanna play my warrior
    Try tanking next to a Blood DK. RIP Threat.

  8. #2428
    Quote Originally Posted by Beardyface View Post
    I ran into trouble regarding what to do when both buffs proc.
    I actually hadn't been thinking about what to do when both buffs are present when I wrote it (I don't generally run Ultimatum). I think there are a few equally valid methods - just depends what you want from the display:
    • Prioritize showing the Ignore Pain icon. This is ideal if you want to spend as much of your rage on discounted IPs as possible.
    • Prioritize showing the Focused Rage icon. This is ideal if you never want to miss a discounted FR.
    • Show both buffs if they're active so you can choose based on the situation.

    When I first posted the WA, it prioritized the FR icon, but I changed it last night to prioritize the IP buff, since defense is my priority, so it might prioritize different things depending on when you downloaded it. I'm not a huge fan of showing both - it adds to the visual complexity, and I think it isn't meaningfully relevant, but some people may prefer that.

    If you want to tweak which buff is prioritized, changing the order of the buffs in the WA group will do that. If you want to show both buffs indicators, you'll have to change the position of one of the buff type icons in the WA group so they're adjacent instead of on top of each other. So it takes a little bit of personal attention. I like what you've done with it - mine is similarly right under my health bar.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beardyface View Post
    Can WA even handle a split decision like that? You could make a new icon, but I don't know how to tell the existing icons: "hey, we don't need you when X and Y both happen. Hide yourself."
    Maybe. I don't have WA in front of me so I can't check, but you could possibly add a third trigger to one of the icons that checks for a buff and then invert it so it's false when the buff is present.

    Ugh. Macros. Just make mods to give you the information you need conveniently, then make decisions about what to press yourself.
    Last edited by Agromat; 2016-07-22 at 04:46 PM.

  9. #2429
    Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but has anyone tried a BG on live? I went into one and had 486k hp, with 726 ilvl gear. I also only had around 16-18% of haste, mastery, and crit. In contrast, a 710 warlock had 627k hp. Is this a bug which should change in the future, or are we really going into BGs with a tiny hp pool and with almost no haste/mastery (compared to what we need)?

  10. #2430
    Quote Originally Posted by Alaexaender View Post
    Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but has anyone tried a BG on live? I went into one and had 486k hp, with 726 ilvl gear. I also only had around 16-18% of haste, mastery, and crit. In contrast, a 710 warlock had 627k hp. Is this a bug which should change in the future, or are we really going into BGs with a tiny hp pool and with almost no haste/mastery (compared to what we need)?
    That's all a byproduct of our PvP stat modifiers. Every class has a generic PvP stat template they use in PvP, and on top of that every spec has tuning modifiers applies to idividual stats/skills. Our's are:

    Stat Template
    • All damage done reduced by 25%
    • Stamina: 60%
    • Mastery: 25%
    • Versatility: 0%

    Spell Multipliers
    • Focused Rage increases the damage of Shield Slam by 20% in PvP (down from 50%)
    • Ignore Pain absorbs for 40% in PvP
    • Shield Block increases Shield Slam damage by 12% in PvP (down from 30%)
    Source: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/20747314610

  11. #2431
    I'm trying to find a tank ranking (with numbers and facts, not just opinions) up to date for legion but so far failed to, how are protection warriors against the other tanks classes? Does anyone know?

  12. #2432
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    Legion is not out yet + it is still being tested even now. Rankings now won't matter through pre patch balancing w/o artifact weapons and not being 110.

  13. #2433
    If you're looking for numbers and facts, they don't exist. They likely never will, since all forms of tank ranking are problematic in different ways. The general consensus takeaways that I would say are important to share are:

    • Protection Warriors are in the upper middle rank of tanks for Legion. As a result, experienced Warrior theorycrafters predict a nerf for Warriors, since no one can imagine them not being in the bottom half of the ranks. The current situation is disorienting.
    • All tanks are viable, and none are stupidly broken (though everyone considers Druids very strong). You will not get in trouble for playing the one you personally prefer most.

  14. #2434
    Is it ok to go for Mastery > Haste instead of Haste > Mastery?
    If not, does anyone know if the stats will change later in Legion?

  15. #2435
    Quote Originally Posted by Agromat View Post
    I actually hadn't been thinking about what to do when both buffs are present when I wrote it (I don't generally run Ultimatum). I think there are a few equally valid methods - just depends what you want from the display:
    • Prioritize showing the Ignore Pain icon. This is ideal if you want to spend as much of your rage on discounted IPs as possible.
    • Prioritize showing the Focused Rage icon. This is ideal if you never want to miss a discounted FR.
    • Show both buffs if they're active so you can choose based on the situation.

    When I first posted the WA, it prioritized the FR icon, but I changed it last night to prioritize the IP buff, since defense is my priority, so it might prioritize different things depending on when you downloaded it. I'm not a huge fan of showing both - it adds to the visual complexity, and I think it isn't meaningfully relevant, but some people may prefer that.
    Yep. At first I went with "showing both" method, but now I decided to prioritize showing Ignore Pain, since all I care about now is survivability, not DPS gain.
    Here's a short vid how it looks in combat, the little icon next to the IP icon shows what to press next. Pretty simple, but works great.

  16. #2436
    Hello fellow warriors!
    First post here, i'd like to discuss a major change to my choices regarding pots/prepots.
    I've been quite struggling with the changes to my prot warrior, feeling like my rage generation was never enough to keep up with any boss fight in hfc, to counter that i now use "Pure Rage Potion" as a prepot, and during combat if i "fuck up" and end up low on rage.
    Starting an encounter with full rage and a half priced IP has had a really massive impact on my gameplay. I feel like these are the go to potions for warriors now, and i'd like to hear what you guys think.

  17. #2437
    I've been tanking since vanilla and my only issue currently is AoE threat here and there. Otherwise I'm not having any issues really. I did get a early start in beta though.

    Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

  18. #2438
    I really miss deep wounds from thunder clap. No more easy aoe dotting, you have to have all the mobs in front of you to apply it from revenge. Quality of life kinda thing. Also pressing T-Clap feels kinda useless, since it doesn't do anything defensively (outside of kiting situations), and now you don't have an excuse to press it, to reapply the dots.

  19. #2439
    Quote Originally Posted by Tizock View Post
    Hello fellow warriors!
    First post here, i'd like to discuss a major change to my choices regarding pots/prepots.
    I've been quite struggling with the changes to my prot warrior, feeling like my rage generation was never enough to keep up with any boss fight in hfc, to counter that i now use "Pure Rage Potion" as a prepot, and during combat if i "fuck up" and end up low on rage.
    Starting an encounter with full rage and a half priced IP has had a really massive impact on my gameplay. I feel like these are the go to potions for warriors now, and i'd like to hear what you guys think.
    I use str pots for pre and later. As for rage, really didnt have much issues with it, but I'm using wombo combo with vengeance. The reduced rage cost ids enough to keep up with any boss on mythic. I dont recall any situation where I had to pop SW to survive.

    In Legion you get extra bit to gain rage from (tier) and higher IPs via Dragon Scales which will reduce your needs to spam it from time to time. In general I'm quite happy with the class.

    AoE threat also can be sorted by artifact and inc dmg on Rev and TC.

  20. #2440
    Are time walking dungeons a good representation of ignore pain might feel like at 110? Since things are scaled down and having amazing gear doesn't quite play as big of a role.
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