1. #1
    Dreadlord Zippoflames's Avatar
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    Reno mage win condition.

    Not sure if I am having a senior moment here but I cant seem to figure out the actual win condition? All I seem to be doing is stalling and stalling?

  2. #2
    Depends on the deck. The Mediv one is tech vs aggro and Mediv for board swing. Then there is the one that looks like freeze mage and plays kind of similar to freeze mage. That is the two version I have seen.

  3. #3
    I've ran one with Mediv and currently running without. Against aggro you just stall until you play your Reno and then they concede 90% of the time. Against other decks you pretty much stall until you can alex your opponent then hope you have enough burst in hand and on board to finish them off. Kazakus can be really important too and helps if you can get him with a Brann against control decks.

    I should add every game can be different because you get so many random cards from kazakus, babling book, cabals tome, Kabal courier and so on that a lot of the time you adjust your play and win condition on what these give.
    Last edited by caractacus; 2017-01-02 at 05:34 PM.

  4. #4
    Dreadlord Zippoflames's Avatar
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    Cheers guys for the input, Not really sure I am liking the deck at the moment so will crack on for a few days see how it plays out

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Zippoflames View Post
    Cheers guys for the input, Not really sure I am liking the deck at the moment so will crack on for a few days see how it plays out
    Are you playing Wild or Standard?

    I only play Wild so that's what I'll comment on. My home-brew is predicated on stalling until turn 7+ where you start to seize back board control. My win condition is usually Pyroblast, N'Zoth, Fireball/Frostbolt, or Kazakus potion. Sometimes all of that is necessary, and some.

    Here's my list if you're interested. I very casually get to rank 5 each month although I'm quite sure I could push to legend with it.


  6. #6
    Dreadlord Zippoflames's Avatar
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    Standard for me matey, Cheers for the deck might give wild a ride as not bothered since it came out

  7. #7
    Bloodsail Admiral Tenris's Avatar
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    Its similar to the way control decks work tbh, stalling until you draw big legendaries or the combo pieces and keeping the board through value and tempo in the late game through board clears and super valuable cards.

  8. #8
    Not a big fan of Reno Mage. It lacks consistency, which of course is a problem with any Reno deck when you're running all 1 ofs, but at least Locks have life tap.

    There really is no set win condition. Against aggro its just survive the initial onslaught, play Reno and GG because your opponent is out of cards by turn 6. Against control its just remove all their threats and grind them out, and hope you don't go into fatigue(the only other pure control deck nowadays is Reno Lock anyway which will always fatigue before Reno Mage assuming you play properly).

  9. #9
    Imo many reno decks i see around, no matter what class you play, dont really have a major win condition. Ofc you cannot put together random cards and win because you have reno. I tried some netdecks from hearthpwn which were most popular, basicly because i was to lazy to work in many decks at the same time. The gameplay is really boring. It seems like its all about just who lives longer. Just dont do anything offensive, just wait for the other to put something thats a threat on the board and remove it.

    I mean, i like the reno decks. There is a lot of cards that see gameplay only due to reno. Because they would be all "to slow" else. But again in the end the gameplay is "just dont do to much and outlast"

    In general, mage is the class i played the most. Since Gadgetzan other classes somehow got cooler cards to work around with.

  10. #10
    Immortal Nikkaszal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PPN View Post
    Imo many reno decks i see around, no matter what class you play, dont really have a major win condition. Ofc you cannot put together random cards and win because you have reno. I tried some netdecks from hearthpwn which were most popular, basicly because i was to lazy to work in many decks at the same time. The gameplay is really boring. It seems like its all about just who lives longer. Just dont do anything offensive, just wait for the other to put something thats a threat on the board and remove it.

    I mean, i like the reno decks. There is a lot of cards that see gameplay only due to reno. Because they would be all "to slow" else. But again in the end the gameplay is "just dont do to much and outlast"

    In general, mage is the class i played the most. Since Gadgetzan other classes somehow got cooler cards to work around with.
    Errrr the ones that actually work in the meta - Renolock and Reno Priest - both definitely have win conditions. Priest works best with dragons, which means they have incredibly strong midgame and usually a couple fat legendaries like Ysera/Ony/Nef/Deathwing to secure the lategame. Renolock has an even more concrete condition with Leeroy+PO+Faceless shenanigans. Both also usually take 10cost Kazakus spells to swing the late game, and usually in conjunction with Bran.

    And yes... Reno decks are defensive. That's the point. They are designed to hard counter face decks, and the reason Priest and Lock work so well is because of their additional dominance of the mid- and late-games respectively.
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  11. #11
    Vs Aggro - Survive. Once they are out of cards and you have stabilised with Reno you win.
    Vs Renolock - Stall whilst you try and piece together 15 damage to kill them when they Jaraxxus.
    Vs Renopriest - Burn em down whilst dealing with their board.
    Vs Mirror - Play better than the other guy.
    Vs Jade Druid - Try and burn em out before they become unstoppable.
    Vs Maly Druid - Answer their threats, kinda hard to lose once you have Iceblock up with Reno in hand.
    Vs Rogue - Survive and kill those minions. Flamestrike is a great answer to Conceal plays, Iceblock shuts down Leeroy+Cold Blood pretty effectively. Whilst they draw their deck every game they have a very finite amount of damage if you can kill their minions.

    Hope these give you an idea of what your basic game plan is against the current crop of popular decks.

  12. #12
    I have a problem with win condition as well. I seem to be just stalling and countering what my opponents play. By the time I reno, if I even draw it the board is full and it doesn't matter much. Funny how I don't very often draw reno in time but any time I play against a reno deck they have it when they need it.

  13. #13
    Stood in the Fire Sharde's Avatar
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    i don't go into aggro matches as those are just "survive until they are bored and/or out of cards and concede".

    generally reno mage wins due to value. and as priest has more value most of the time due to dragons the answer is one of three options:

    - MASSIVE greedy value with brann + kazakus + soulcaster for up to 4 10-cost potions.
    - medivh in general. weapon will get oozed most of the time though. so brewmaster or soulcaster is probably necessary for a second one.
    - playing like a freeze mage with alex and burn.

    there is an interesting variant for a burn mage i would like to try if i had the cards. it plays mukla and burgly bully for bananas and coins to use with antonidas for more fireballs as another win condition.

    all this helps little against priest getting lucky with the historian / drakonid chain. and jade druids who get a dream start. but they seem to be rare.

    the general problem with reno mage is the balance between survival against pirates and enough value cards to win against control. it does not help that mage is rather spell heavy and low on minions that stick and trade. compared to other reno classes i find it harder to have sufficient staying power to compete with aggro AND control.
    Last edited by Sharde; 2017-01-12 at 05:31 PM.

  14. #14
    If I'm playing any reno deck, I just insta concede the second I see a priest drop a dragon card or a druid play a jade card.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Kronik85 View Post
    Vs Aggro - Survive. Once they are out of cards and you have stabilised with Reno you win.
    Vs Renolock - Stall whilst you try and piece together 15 damage to kill them when they Jaraxxus.
    Vs Renopriest - Burn em down whilst dealing with their board.
    Vs Mirror - Play better than the other guy.
    Vs Jade Druid - Try and burn em out before they become unstoppable.
    Vs Maly Druid - Answer their threats, kinda hard to lose once you have Iceblock up with Reno in hand.
    Vs Rogue - Survive and kill those minions. Flamestrike is a great answer to Conceal plays, Iceblock shuts down Leeroy+Cold Blood pretty effectively. Whilst they draw their deck every game they have a very finite amount of damage if you can kill their minions.

    Hope these give you an idea of what your basic game plan is against the current crop of popular decks.
    Yeah this is basically spot on.

    In the Mirror match to be more specific you gotta outvalue him and try not to draw cards. Push the game into fatigue. Use Brann with Kazakkus to get double potions.

  16. #16
    Why is everyone only about Renomage? Tempo mage is amazing. Took it to legend this month. Took it to legend last month. It owns pirate warrior.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Faint^ View Post
    Why is everyone only about Renomage? Tempo mage is amazing. Took it to legend this month. Took it to legend last month. It owns pirate warrior.
    Because it's a thread specifically about Reno mage?

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by caractacus View Post
    Because it's a thread specifically about Reno mage?
    No I think he means why is everyone in general only playing reno mage. Since MSG, I think I've seen a tempo mage maybe twice. If you go look at Hearthpwn, all the mage decks are reno. I'm just not sure why people think they have to play reno decks. Tempo seems very viable to me.

  19. #19
    It's very viable. And exactly what pat said.

  20. #20
    It has a bad matchup againt Aggro Shaman, which dominates the ladder and its easier to play.

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