View Poll Results: Rate Y'shaarj!

81. This poll is closed
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    7 8.64%
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    6 7.41%
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    9 11.11%
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    9 11.11%
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    14 17.28%
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    17 20.99%
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    6 7.41%
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    5 6.17%
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    2 2.47%
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    6 7.41%
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  1. #1

    [GAME] S2 - Rate The Character /10! Day #121: Y'shaarj


    - One character to be polled every day, to be voted on a scale of 1 to 10.
    - Each poll lasts for 24 hours and closes automatically. Shortly afterwards, a new Day starts!
    - We have an initial roster for S2 that will be picked from randomly. For the remainder of the Season, characters need 9 nominations to make it to the next poll, with players allowed a single S2 nomination a Day each.
    - Nominations expire every 5 days. Each day a character gets a new nominations, the 5 days counter resets again.
    - If a character has two incarnations, both from the main and alternative universes, then the poll will be referring to both versions simultaneously.
    - Every ten days, we will have a SPECIAL Day! We will host a character from Season 1 to re-vote! Meaning, Days #110,120,130... etc will be about characters from Season 1.
    - Days that end with 5 will always feature a major or an iconic character! Meaning, Days #115, 125, 135... etc will be similar to what the SPECIAL Days of S1 used to be, but the character will be picked from the nominations list instead of being a random major.
    - The same nominating rule apply for SPECIAL Days! Players can nominate a character for Season 2 AND for SPECIAL Days in the same post. So in other words, you can nominate twice per topic; once for S2, and once for S1!
    - The Game Master reserves the right to decline any nomination without giving the reason, though a reason will usually be provided.
    - The Game Master can participate in the voting, but is not allowed to nominate.
    - Regarding the S1 re-voted characters, there is no longer a criteria of votes to be achieved. Instead, the nomination will be treated like a competition; the character that gets the most votes before the next SPECIAL Day will be featured on the next SPECIAL Day.
    - Only SPECIAL Days nominations (S1 characters) are allowed during SPECIAL Days.
    - Have fun voting, everyone! And don't forget to place your nominations as well!
    Ranking Scale:

    10, and/or Contests Champions: Absolute Tier
    9.99 - 9: Deity Tier
    8.99 - 8: Great Tier
    7.99 - 7: Good Tier
    6.99 - 5: Average Tier
    4.99 - 4: Mediocre Tier
    3.99 - 3: Shit Tier
    2.99 - 1: Med'an Tier

    Today's Character: Y'shaarj
    "I can taste the essence of your soul... it is sweet..."

    Ranking /10:

    Day #035: Lei Shen - Champion of the Helheim Battle Royal
    Day #110: Khadgar - 9.12 (87 votes) \\\ Ascended from Day #034 (8.77 | 80 votes)
    Day #063: Uther - 9.08 (77 votes)
    Day #100: Aegwynn - 8.79 (113 votes)
    Day #086: Nazgrim - 8.75 (81 votes)
    Day #010: Arthas Menethil - 8.71 (52 votes)
    Day #021: Gul'dan - 8.65 (57 votes)
    Day #033: Medivh - 8.48 (56 votes)
    Day #059: Tirion Fordring - 8.47 (81 votes)
    Day #051: Yogg-Saron - 8.43 (77 votes)
    Day #071: Muradin Bronzebeard - 8.38 (72 votes)
    Day #068: Malygos - 8.27 (63 votes)
    Day #107: Durotan - 8.14 (72 votes)
    Day #006: Varok Saurfang - 8.11 (37 votes)
    Day #062: Maraad - 8.09 (66 votes)
    Day #074: Sargeras - 8.07 (75 votes)
    Day #007: Daval Prestor - 8.05 (20 votes)
    Day #076: Nozdormu - 8.04 (50 votes)
    Day #084: Drek'Thar - 8.03 (67 votes)
    Day #120: Varian Wrynn - 8.01 (79 votes) \\\ Ascended from Day #036 (7.05 | 67 votes)
    Day #017: Cairne Bloodhoof - 7.98 (42 votes)
    Day #087: Katrana Prestor - 7.94 (77 votes)
    Day #053: Orgrim Doomhammer - 7.93 (80 votes)
    Day #001: Anduin Lothar - 7.90 (31 votes)
    Day #080: Ragnaros - 7.89 (71 votes)
    Day #070: Grommash Hellscream - 7.82 (72 votes)
    Day #103: Kurdran Wildhammer - 7.78 (74 votes)
    Day #020: Illidan Stormrage - 7.77 (63 votes)
    Day #023: Ner'zhul - 7.76 (59 votes)
    Day #045: Zul'jin: 7.76 (54 votes)
    Day #026: Kel'Thuzad - 7.75 (62 votes)
    Day #052: Garrosh Hellscream - 7.73 (108 votes)
    Day #098: Vanessa VanCleef - 7.71 (62 votes)
    Day #028: Anub'arak - 7.64 (50 votes)
    Day #054: Magni Bronzebeard - 7.62 (73 votes)
    Day #114: Cho - 7.57 - (73 votes)
    Day #037: Kael'thas Sunstrider - 7.55 (66 votes)
    Day #108: Kor'vas Bloodthorn - 7.53 (75 votes)
    Day #075: Sally Whitemane - 7.48 (71 votes)
    Day #032: Rexxar - 7.4 (63 votes)
    Day #088: Darion Mograine - 7.38 (63 votes)
    Day #115: Kargath Bladefist - 7.36 (67 votes)
    Day #025: Bolvar Fordragon - 7.34 (61 votes)
    Day #083: Nobundo - 7.32 (64 votes)
    Day #056: Vashj - 7.17 (72 votes)
    Day #072: Edwin VanCleef - 7.12 (67 votes)
    Day #065: Brann Bronzebeard - 7.09 (77 votes)
    Day #117: Varimathras - 7.08 (70 votes)
    Day #008: Fandral Staghelm - 7.04 (23 votes)
    Day #047: Alexstrasza - 6.95 (73 votes)
    Day #043: Malfurion Stormrage - 6.93 (73 votes)
    Day #094: Thassarian - 6.93 (67 votes)
    Day #016: Chen Stormstout - 6.92 (39 votes)
    Day #004: Cho'gall - 6.88 (34 votes)
    Day #105: Algalon - 6.88 (73 votes)
    Day #082: Akama - 6.87 (61 votes)
    Day #093: Alexandros Mograine - 6.85 (86 votes)
    Day #119: Hamuul Runetotem - 6.81 (70 votes)
    Day #040: Thrall - 6.75 (83 votes)
    Day #027: Sylvanas Windrunner 6.74 (93 votes)
    Day #044: Moira Bronzebeard - 6.73 (67 votes)
    Day #013: Wrathion - 6.68 (40 votes)
    Day #078: Mal'Ganis - 6.66 (57 votes)
    Day #109: Farondis - 6.65 (70 votes)
    Day #005: Liadrin - 6.64 (36 votes)
    Day #039: Archimonde - 6.58 (81 votes)
    Day #067: Ysera - 6.57 (70 votes)
    Day #113: Loken - 6.56 (70 votes)
    Day #069: Taretha Foxton - 6.52 (60 votes)
    Day #042: Lor'themar Theron - 6.49 (94 votes)
    Day #079: Darius Crowley - 6.46 (56 votes)
    Day #046: Tyrande Whisperwind - 6.4 (73 votes)
    Day #111: Krasus - 6.33 (72 votes)
    Day #030: Azshara - 6.32 (75 votes)
    Day #038: Magatha Grimtotem - 6.27 (55 votes)
    Day #096: Arugal - 6.21 (70 votes)
    Day #118: Ymiron - 6.18 (66 votes)
    Day #019: Rokhan - 6.15 (38 votes)
    Day #041: Nathanos Blightcaller - 6.1 (70 votes)
    Day #003: Maiev Shadowsong - 6.09 (33 votes)
    Day #022: Jaina Proudmoore - 6.04 (66 votes)
    Day #014: Johnny Awesome - 6.03 (37 votes)
    Day #012: Genn Greymane - 6.02 (54 votes)
    Day #011: Baine Bloodhoof - 6 (43 votes)
    Day #095: Vincent Godfrey - 5.96 (72 votes)
    Day #102: Halduron Brightwing - 5.91 (73 votes)
    Day #090: Mannoroth - 5.9 (73 votes)
    Day #091: Teron Gorefiend - 5.88 (66 votes)
    Day #031: Shandris Feathermoon - 5.86 (57 votes)
    Day #015: Garona Halforcen - 5.8 (25 votes)
    Day #000: Kalecgos - 5.74 (31 votes)
    Day #018: Alleria Windrunner - 5.73 (40 votes)
    Day #101: Helya - 5.73 (80 votes)
    Day #116: Taylor - 5.73 (71 votes)
    Day #092: Gruul - 5.72 (68 votes)
    Day #050: The Hero - 5.71 (77 votes)
    Day #064: Sinestra - 5.62 (65 votes)
    Day #057: Millhouse Manastorm - 5.53 (66 votes)
    Day #077: Valeera Sanguinar - 5.52 (61 votes)
    Day #029: Vol'jin - 5.4 (82 votes)
    Day #002: Velen - 5.39 (23 votes)
    Day #104: Catherine Rogers - 5.24 (81 votes)
    Day #060: Anduin Wrynn - 5.23 (79 votes)
    Day #049: Elune - 5.21 (70 votes)
    Day #073: Jarod Shadowsong - 5.18 (55 votes)
    Day #112: Gelbin Mekkatorque - 5.15 (80 votes)
    Day #099: Neptulon - 5.01 (68 votes)
    Day #081: Putress - 4.97 (64 votes)
    Day #061: Yrel - 4.78 (75 votes)
    Day #058: Moroes - 4.77 (66 votes)
    Day #089: Falstad Wildhammer - 4.75 (51 votes)
    Day #009: Lilian Voss - 4.64 (33 votes)
    Day #085: Rhonin - 4.61 (67 votes)
    Day #048: Daelin Proudmoore - 4.48 (73 votes)
    Day #055: Vereesa Windrunner - 4.27 (82 votes)
    Day #097: Jastor Gallywix - 3.64 (66 votes)
    Day #106: Phaoris - 3.18 (67 votes)
    Day #024: Med'an - 2.37 (70 votes)

    Season 2 Roster:

    Aethas Sunreaver
    ِAnveena Teague
    Cordana Felsong
    Harrison Jones
    Huln Highmountain
    Kilrogg Deadeye
    Kur'talos Ravencrest
    Li Li Stormstout
    Lorna Crowley
    Ly'leth Lunastre
    Meryl Felstorm
    Monkey King
    Nekros Skullcrusher
    Othmar Garithos
    Taran Zhu
    Thisalee Crow
    Thoras Trollbane
    Varedis Felsoul
    Victor Nefarius


    Thorim*** - 7/9 (Neil, Kirygosa, MK, Ethenil, Arafal, Enthralled, Graden)
    Balnazzar** - 7/9 (Ethenil, Xiu, Vamp, Neil, Luka, Craw, Arafal)
    Freya** - 6/9 (Roudene, Arafal, Amaterasu, Star, Snow, MK)
    Xuen*** - 6/9 (Ethenil, Roudene, Sangris, Enthralled, Wind, Arafal)
    Alonsus Faol*** - 5/9 (Arafal, Roudene, Ethenil, MK, Amaterasu)
    Leyara** - 4/9 (Roudene, Bat, Runes, Aeula)
    Hodir** - 1/9 (Superman)
    Mimiron** - 1/9 (Star)
    Yu'lon** - 1/9 (Xiu)
    Terenas Menethil** - 1/9 (Neil)
    Al'Akir** - 1/9 (Ethenil)

    SPECIAL Days Re-voting:

    Gul'dan - 9 (Wind, Star, Xiu, Superman, Bat, Arafal, Shampro, MK, Gul'dan)
    Kalecgos - 9 (Star, Amaterasu, Xiu, Superman, Ethenil, MK, Arafal, Enthralled, Runes)
    Illidan Stormrage - 8 (Runes, Craw, Xiu, Superman, Arafal, Dianna, Star, Ethenil)
    Uther - 8 (Craw, Runes, Xiu, Aeula, Star, Enthralled, Random, Graden)
    Kael'thas Sunstrider - 6 (Random, Superman, Star, Xiu, Enthralled, Amaterasu)
    The Hero - 5 (Craw, Aeula, Snow, Cereal, Wind)
    Arthas Menethil- 5 (Wind, Neil, Star, Superman, Arafal)
    Maiev Shadowsong - 5 (MK, Shampro, Bat, Craw, Luka)
    Anduin Wrynn - 5 (Wind, Craw, Amaterasu, Arafal, Jason)
    Medivh - 4 (Wind, Superman, Xiu, Bat)
    Vol'jin - 4 (Zulkhan, Craw, Xiu, Superman)
    Sylvanas Windrunner - 3 (FImmo, Craw, Runes)
    Zul'jin - 2 (Captain, Superman)
    Alleria Windrunner - 2 (Star, Snow)
    Sargeras - 2 (Jason, Wind)
    Lor'themar Theron - 2 (Chase, MK)
    Ysera - 2 (MK, Zanjin)
    Nozdormu - 1 (Wind)
    Yrel - 1 (Wind)
    Nazgrim - 1 (Saaf)
    Bolvar Fordragon - 1 (Wind)
    Anduin Lothar - 1 (Wind)
    Garrosh Hellscream - 1 (Wind)
    Vereesa Windrunner - 1 (Runes)

  2. #2
    Meh, just another old god.


  3. #3
    High Overlord Dahlia Dawnseeker's Avatar
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    I gave him a 6/10 and I feel generous, and that is taking into account that I am a huge fan of the Old God/Lovecraft inspired lore.

    It was really cool seeing his effects in Pandaria, in addition to getting to interact with him during the Garrosh encounter, but that is basically all we could touch regarding his characteristics, so I tend to appreciate him much less than Yogg-Saron and C'Thun.
    Last edited by Dahlia Dawnseeker; 2017-02-09 at 07:29 AM.

  4. #4
    Dreadlord Kelthos's Avatar
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    I gave him a 7/10 just based upon the after-effects of his death and his heart causing an entire continent to be more or less victim to people's emotions. Pretty powerful stuff there. But we've never seen him in game (for obvious reasons) and what we did see was limited so that knocked him down a bit for me.

  5. #5
    High Overlord Superman Z's Avatar
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    Not much to say about him. Not much to rate him. Mists of Pandaria never appealed to me and I am not that high on Old Gods to begin with. I am leaning to 4/10 but I will give him a 5/10 instead because admittedly his influence over Pandaria was displayed well enough.

    I want to nominate Danath Trollbane. It appears as if he is the only(?) Son of Lothar we didn't get to vote yet.

    And did the number of required votes rise again? I get the reasoning, but do we really need to slow things down that much?

  6. #6
    How do you rate a character who has been dead for longer than most characters, even demigods, have existed...

    Its corpse poisoning the world is interesting, I'll give it that, and there was some potential with the mantid worshiping a dead Old God. Unlike its brethren, it's not a schemer, but just a curse, a permanent corruption. But all it ended up doing is spawn Sha in random places and be used by Garrosh as a weapon. 6/10.

    I nominate Al'Akir and Vol'jin.

  7. #7
    10/10, he's an Old God, enough said.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Vote for Terenas.

  8. #8
    the hints about him after the mantid story conclusion and then seeing what he was capable of doing even in death was awesome imo

    I nominate Alakir, and Arthas for revote

  9. #9
    1, garbage character created for filler content.

    Nominating Ritssyn Flamescowl
    Last edited by Ulfric Trumpcloak; 2017-02-09 at 09:17 AM.

  10. #10
    Bloodsail Admiral Smallfruitbat's Avatar
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    Not really boyfriend material -I mean can you imagine taking him home to meet your parents for Sunday lunch.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Smallfruitbat View Post
    Not really boyfriend material -I mean can you imagine taking him home to meet your parents for Sunday lunch.
    I know, right? He would only whisper and your family would spend the whole time trying to understand what he's saying.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thunderaan View Post
    All it takes is an incel at the wrong place wrong time and we won't even know what hit us.

  12. #12
    The Unstoppable Force Arrashi's Avatar
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    Now that's what i call underdeveloped character. Its difficult to say anything about him that couldn't be said about other old gods, and even then its mostly assumptions.

    Then again, his sphincter giving up as he died created terror that lolpandas couldn't deal for 10k years.

    Overall weak 4/10.

  13. #13
    Meh. I just gave him 5 because I am a fan of the Titans and Old God lore. I never felt any of the mystique Blizzard tried to make us feel with him.

    I nominate Terenas Menethil, and Vol'jin for an encore.

  14. #14
    3/10, he did almost nothing before he got one-shot by Amman'Thul. I like the concept of Sha tho.

    Off-topic: Can someone tell me who's the other champion mages get in 7.2, please? I know Aethas is one, but who's second?

  15. #15
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XamFTW View Post
    1, garbage character created for filler content.

    Nominating Ritssyn Flamescowl
    you are mistaking mop for wod.

    - - - Updated - - -

    OT: i give him a 6.

    was able to wreck titanforged ass.
    then got squished like a bug.

    nominating titan keeper mimiron.
    and sylvanas for revoting.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  16. #16
    Can't find a way to connect him to Sons of Lothar. 1/10.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kangodo View Post
    Does the CIA pay you for your bullshit or are you just bootlicking in your free time?
    Quote Originally Posted by Mirishka View Post
    I'm quite tired of people who dislike something/disagree with something while attacking/insulting anyone that disagrees. Its as if at some point, people forgot how opinions work.

  17. #17
    The Unstoppable Force Arrashi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mehrunes View Post
    Can't find a way to connect him to Sons of Lothar. 1/10.
    O'rly ?

    Sons of Lothar.
    Sons of Lothar.

    Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Arrashi View Post
    O'rly ?

    Sons of Lothar.
    Sons of Lothar.

    Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun.

    snekciht tolp ehT.

  19. #19
    Herald of the Titans Lotus Victoria's Avatar
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    Awesome in Hearthstone. Not so much outside of it, for me. Still, I like his appearance. BEAUTIFUL THING


  20. #20
    I have an idea.

    Let's talk in Old God language when we have Old God or Titan characters in the poll.

    siht ekiL.

    aedi na evahi.

    Llop eht ni sretcarahc Natit ro Dogdlo evah ew nehw egaugnal Dogdlo ni kalt s'tel.

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