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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Skroe View Post
    I decided he was unfit to serve the second the mocked that disabled reporter. It might have actually been earlier - his list of outrages and racism is so long and convoluted, I've lost track of the order in which they've occurred.

    But the Disabled Reporter incident sticks out, because it's so inhumanly despicable. Trump could have the most pragmatic, center-right policies. He could have a workable plan for fixing healthcare and the budget. He could be a modern day George H.W. Bush when it comes to policy - "Mostly Harmless". On the merits (or de-merits) of his thing with the disabled reporter alone, he was morally disqualified.

    Im still amazed at how many people can't see this, Trump is pretty much a uniquely awful AND incompetent human being in all of the people to actually have a chance for the Presidency to BE President and yes that includes people like Nixon. They were at least able to keep the worst stuff private since they at least had a SHRED of Self Control, Trump's total lack of morality and more importantly lack of emotional control was for all to see before even the first primary yet so few seemed to care.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by oxymoronic View Post
    nobody with a brain gives a fuck about the flynn thing. i mean cmon how important can this be, people didnt give a fuck when clinton stored emails on her own server or let them people die in benghazi. i mean that was some real shit and nobody gave a fuck so why now?

    - - - Updated - - -

    and this is how u know people dont have a fucking clue

    really, jews? REALLY BRO... ffs
    So nothing about the Mexicans and Muslims then?

    But yes also Jews... unless ofc the alt-right/neo-nazi/white supremacist groups suddenly become huge fans of Jews the appointment of Bannon in a position of untold power is a huge ''wink'' towards these groups.

  3. #23
    Trump is a strong pro-life/pro-security leader; I applaud USA for electing him.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Blastfizzle View Post
    Trump is a strong pro-life/pro-security leader; I applaud USA for electing him.
    The sheer and utter cognitive dissonance needed to be able to utter that statement while simultaneously watching the clusterfuck that is the Trump Administration in action, in fucking real time, broadcast live on twitter for everyone to see, makes me wonder how you function in daily life.

    I mean, The Trump Administration has had more major security fuckups come to light in the last week then most administrations have exposed in their entire first 4 years. But I guess having members of your staff blatantly illegally conspiring with Foreign Powers, Appointing Assloads of compromised Cronies to important positions, holding what should be Closed Doors Sessions in the middle of restaurants, and having one of your advisors blythely hand wave away the fact that her twitter account has likely been compromised are small potatoes compared to a few emails. I guess I shouldn't mention that Whitehouse staff are apparently using an encrypted instant messenger app that deletes their messages after they are read either, cause, you know, that is fucking completely illegal, but nahh, its not an issue, right?
    Last edited by Surfd; 2017-02-16 at 11:48 AM.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Blastfizzle View Post
    Trump is a strong pro-life/pro-security leader; I applaud USA for electing him.

    Trump is great for the US, if you're not exactly wishing the best upon said country.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Slinkypoe View Post
    Trump is great for the US, if you're not exactly wishing the best upon said country.
    That number of resignations is only 1 because at least half a dozen people walked out of Nominations before even getting the chance to end up in a position. His nomination for Labor Secretary basically pre-emptively fired himself by walking away from the nom just a little while ago.

  7. #27
    I fail to see how President Trump is unfit. Is it because he wants to put an end to treasonous "sanctuary" cities who put foreigners ahead of their fellow Americans? Is it because of the incompetent judges at the 9th circuit who put politics before the security of the United States? Is it because of the traitorous partisan hacks leftovers from the Obama administration who put attempting to put incompetent Democrats into office before national security? Even if President Trump was unfit the Democrats and lunatic leftists in the "news" media are choosing the wrong battles.

  8. #28
    Dreadlord nacixems's Avatar
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    I disagree with the OP post, I feel he is fit.

  9. #29
    Merely a Setback Adam Jensen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hubcap View Post
    It's too early to judge Trump, let's look at him 3 months after the inauguration and then a year, see how he does over time.
    No. He's done enough in the last 3 weeks to prove he's unfit.

    Top advisors resigning for collusion with Russia
    His own possible ties with Russia (albeit, unproven so far)
    His SecState's ties with Russia
    Unfit and unqualified cabinet nominees (Betsy DeVos, Pruitt, Puzder, who thankfully withdrew.)
    A Press Sec who just makes shit up (largest inauguration crowd in history!!!!)
    Removing generals and intelligence officials from the NSC to make room for Steve Fucking Bannon
    The horribly executed immigration ban
    His twitter fits
    His inability to understand the purpose of 3 branches of government and separation of powers and checks and balances
    His refusal to attend briefings
    His insults to various world leaders including Australia
    His dismantling of Dodd Frank to benefit his friends (he straight up said that, you can literally quote him on that.)
    His refusal to divest from his businesses

    I could keep going.
    Putin khuliyo

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Blastfizzle View Post
    Trump is a strong pro-life/pro-security leader; I applaud USA for electing him.
    Oh yea pro security.....hahah seriously?

    I;m assuming that when you talk about security you mean ''anti-minority'' because I'm pretty sure everybody learning who the guy is that carries the nuclear code isn't really secure.

  11. #31
    Frankly like it or not, we're stuck with what we have. If anything, we need this as a good dose of reality. Through the electoral college, he was chosen by the people. Why the Fuck was he chosen? Because people were absolutely done with the god damn shit they see out of the current politicians and felt they needed a change. It was a shit choice between Hillary or Trump, but people liked the shit Trump spewed more than hers. If politicians were more in touch with reality, Trump wouldn't have resonated with so many. Frankly, a lot of the rhetoric I saw with the democratic campaign was if you were against them, you were called a bigot, racist, neo-nazi etc etc. It's been pointed out by many that you can't convince people to join if you if you call them names. Rather than convince people Clinton was better, you were called a racist. Trump on the other hand made outlandish promises. Would you vote for someone that insults what you believe, or would you vote for someone that made you sweet promises. A lot of people got suckered in by Trump. I couldn't really vote for either of them. I hate both our candidates.
    Last edited by TheronShadowstorm; 2017-02-16 at 03:19 PM.

  12. #32
    No! Never! How dare you accusing me of being caught in the moment and making bad decisions based on my emotions?

  13. #33
    I am Murloc!
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    Trump has been born into wealth, then later created companies and multiplied his wealth.

    He's never had a day of hard work in his life, always had people to obey him in whatever endeavor. He thought being president is like being CEO of the united states, it's not. You can't fire americans from their country because of the economy, you have to find solutions.

    I think Trump is learning that the office of the president is nothing like he thought it was, and that make him crazy. I think he is unfit for presidency.

  14. #34
    This is the same BS as always. Just because the globalist leftist media and Trump haters claim something doesn't mean it's actually true. How about they prove hes a Russian agent or in their pocket? They can't cause it's untrue so what they do instead is spew that soviet communist style propaganda on a daily basis and hope some people are are too stupid and will actually believe it (and some apparently are as is evident from those uninformed protestors).

    To be fair, I actually believed some of it myself when I found out hes running but the more I found out the more I started to like him. Like claims hes sexist, nope, he never did anything sexist. Racist, again nope, there isnt a single racist thing he ever did or said. Hes an American patriot with a strong common sense, pure and simple. If something is bad for America, then like Milo puts it eff your feelings, don't do it.

  15. #35
    Mechagnome Maletalana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vankrys View Post
    Trump has been born into wealth, then later created companies and multiplied his wealth.

    He's never had a day of hard work in his life, always had people to obey him in whatever endeavor. He thought being president is like being CEO of the united states, it's not. You can't fire americans from their country because of the economy, you have to find solutions.

    I think Trump is learning that the office of the president is nothing like he thought it was, and that make him crazy. I think he is unfit for presidency.
    Actually a fantastic analogy, very nice!

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Cherise View Post
    Like claims hes sexist, nope, he never did anything sexist. Racist, again nope, there isnt a single racist thing he ever did or said.
    That is an absolutely fascinating alternate reality you are living in there friend. Utterly delusional and completely out of touch with actual reality, but very fascinating.

  17. #37
    Banned Dsc's Avatar
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    Premise of OP is bullshit. Just as is the Left Wing Radical, Treasonous Trump Derangement Syndrome you people have.

    But back to the charges against Trump: Is it asking too much for these people who are constantly attacking him to actually know what they are talking about? To be honest brokers of information? To be just a bit judicious?

    Quite clearly the only response has to be yes, it is too much. Because if they were to deal with the facts, their meme would collapse.

    The incident in question is Trump supposedly mocking New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski, whose hand and arm movement on his right side is impaired due to arthrogryposis. Video from 2015 seems to indicate that Trump was indeed cruelly imitating the man.

    But the media are too lazy and those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome are too nasty and small-minded to look deeper. The truth is, Trump has often used those same convulsive gestures to mimic the mannerisms of people, including himself, who are rattled and exasperated.

    Why couldn't the mainstream media look this up? Gavin McInnes of and Taki's Magazine did, and he has the video evidence to show that Trump has a history of flailing his arms to make a point. It isn't something he reserved for Kovaleski.

    McInnes wasn't alone — Catholics 4 Trump ably made the same case. So have others. If these people could do the research, why couldn't the legacy media, with all its resources, do the same?

    And here's another point: Why have we seen no images of Kovaleski moving the way Trump is moving? In every video and photograph of Kovaleski we've seen, he is calmly standing still with his right arm held firm against his chest. He's not waving his arms uncontrollably.

    Why would Trump imitate a man who has difficulty moving at least one of his limbs by madly thrashing his own?

    The answer to all these questions is this: The media and their political handlers constructed a fake news talking point against Trump and ran with it. The truth would have derailed their anti-Trump, anti-Republican, anti-conservative agenda.

    This, of course, is not the only Trump lie the media and the TDR sufferers have tried to immortalize. McInnes, a controversial and provocative fellow who has described himself as a "western chauvinist" and "anarchist," covered the Top 10 Trump Myths last week. It's a skillful takedown of the narrative that was carefully crafted to vilify Trump — and by extension the deplorables who voted for him or against Hillary Clinton — and delegitimize his presidency.

    The lesson here is while the Democrats, and the branch of the DNC that's also known as the media, are doing all they can to smear Trump as a depraved, crude and hateful man, the people who best fit under those terms are his accusers.

  18. #38
    I guess its early enough to start out with MMO-C's daily quota on rehashed Trump threads.

    Carry on.

  19. #39
    Better than Obama or Hillary.

  20. #40
    Question for the Trump supporters: Does it bother you that he has lied to you?

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