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  1. #101
    Quote Originally Posted by Speedlance View Post
    It's not like I didn't want to progress, I have no issues with doing normals etc, working my way up but when these pugs who are doing these runs want ilvl 900+ it's not easy. I have a tank I might just start with that, he's about 872 til my gear improves.
    As tank you can easily carry yourself to an acceptable gear state, especially for m+ even undergeared tanks are in heavy demand. Spamming +6 dungeons (only one affix, not very hard) gives good AP and sooner or later decent titanforged equip, at ~885 I'd start applying for NH heroic pugs and of course a +10 dungeon for the weekly chest (905+ item + shitton of AP). You can definitely and easily get to 900+ before ToS is released, even without really getting carried that hard.

  2. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by Speedlance View Post
    You can't get 895 in a few days by nethershards or by any means unless you got boosted.. Also I did mention that I tried making a group but no healer or tank joins, so what can I do.
    Why not? You can get to 875 as soon as you ding 110. 10 or so m+ 2-3's, nethershards, boe's and wq's, then your are 890+ easily.

    The system is flawed...if you don't raid, maybe you shouldn't be 900+, but with WF/TF its not difficult to achieve.

    AP grind, what? AP is all over the place, wq's, class hall missions, pvp, raid finder, etc.

    Yes, people in LFG are dumb requiring 900+ ilvl for a+6, but theres some reality to this...a lot of wow players, with higher ilvl just don't put out the dps, or stand in crap, or whatever.

    If you want to run higher m+ or raid Heroic or Mythic (current) raids, you should probably understand you class and pull some really big numbers. The game is too easy.

    At the end of the day, if you want to run higher m+ or raid heroic into mythic content, join a guild. If you can't achieve what you want in the guild you are in, find another guild; there are far too many guilds on each realm, everyone can find a guild that meets their ability and aspirations on each realm.

  3. #103
    I think people's thoughts are that anyone who plays semi regularly and is moderately competent is at least 900. People under 900 consist of 3 groups.
    1.) people like you who took a break, and are maybe quite good but just need gear.
    2.) People who barely play the game and have no idea what they are doing.
    3.) Alts, may or may not know what they're doing.

    Out of those 3 categories there's a strong chance of subpar performance and/or not knowing fights very well. If you take a decently geared person there is certainly a chance they don't have a clue and perform poorly, but it's a lot less likely. There's probably some elitism going on, but mostly people just take the most geared players they can get in a reasonable amount of time because they want the group to be successful. If you're far enough below the average level that a group can find in 10min, you'll struggle to get in.

  4. #104
    Just do what I did! Realize the game is never going to be designed for people like us, not really, and quit. (That's not really why I quit, but it sure isn't an element of the game I like)

    That or find a guild/group of friends to play with.

  5. #105
    Elemental Lord clevin's Avatar
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    Well this is a new and original topic.

    Honestly, we need a few more megathreads...

  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by Magicpot View Post
    Pray then, how did you gear your rogue? Farm sentinax for 38 of those 40 hours?
    How to get your alt to 895ilvl by yourself with this SIMPLE TRICK!!! casuals hate him!

    You only need to make your own groups and get boosted.

  7. #107
    Quote Originally Posted by Speedlance View Post

    I recently took a 6 month break from wow because I got hooked a bit on Overwatch, and I wanted to play a little d3, so I kinda let wow go for a bit.
    I've since returned to wow, in a more casual way, but I'd still like to do things in game with involves raids or higher tier mythic dungeons.

    I understand the path of progression and I shouldn't expect to raid mythic guldan as soon as I rejoined the game.
    But when I find myself struggling to get into regular mythic groups, it discourages me into even try to ask for groups for mythic+ or raids.
    I see stuff like "900+ for mythic+ 6", which is very insane. I understand the speed element of mythic+, but come on, the same goes for normal nighthold btw, 900+?
    I remember a post from a blizzard employee about the wq rewards and it should give you ilvl enough do nighthold normal.

    Is 882 ilvl with 38 artifact traits really not good enough for mythic +6, nighthold normal and regular mythics?
    Am I just another lower ilvl DPS in a unlimited pool of 900+ super experienced dpsers?

    I understand that this is player set rules and people decide exactly what they want for their raids but don't you remove 95% of the playerbase by having such restrictions?
    If anyone has any tips on how to get into groups for this (I've tried starting my own but nobody joins or I never get tanks/healers).
    If you've ever tried making a group for any level M+ you would instantly see that there is an endless pool of 900+ ilvl dps constantly trying to get into your group.

  8. #108
    Quote Originally Posted by Eggroll View Post
    Yeah, but how much "more time" could it be in an m+ like Maw? Three minutes? Five? I mean, playing video games is in it self no "efficient" way to spend your time if you are looking at it like that...
    People with higher ilvl will generally get to the dungeon faster, pull faster, focus the correct things, etc. and on top of that they will push higher numbers meaning you can pull more.

    In the end the time saved by playing with good/high ilvl players adds up to an insane amount however if you want to play with 880 ilvl people, you're free to do so.

  9. #109
    Quote Originally Posted by Speedlance View Post

    I recently took a 6 month break from wow because I got hooked a bit on Overwatch, and I wanted to play a little d3, so I kinda let wow go for a bit.
    I've since returned to wow, in a more casual way, but I'd still like to do things in game with involves raids or higher tier mythic dungeons.

    I understand the path of progression and I shouldn't expect to raid mythic guldan as soon as I rejoined the game.
    But when I find myself struggling to get into regular mythic groups, it discourages me into even try to ask for groups for mythic+ or raids.
    I see stuff like "900+ for mythic+ 6", which is very insane. I understand the speed element of mythic+, but come on, the same goes for normal nighthold btw, 900+?
    I remember a post from a blizzard employee about the wq rewards and it should give you ilvl enough do nighthold normal.

    Is 882 ilvl with 38 artifact traits really not good enough for mythic +6, nighthold normal and regular mythics?
    Am I just another lower ilvl DPS in a unlimited pool of 900+ super experienced dpsers?

    I understand that this is player set rules and people decide exactly what they want for their raids but don't you remove 95% of the playerbase by having such restrictions?
    If anyone has any tips on how to get into groups for this (I've tried starting my own but nobody joins or I never get tanks/healers).
    Well, name a single reason I should take an 882 geared character over a 900+ one?

    People wanted great gear for everyone, great gear is expected from everyone. That's how it is.

  10. #110
    Honestly 882 with 38 traits is doable in 2 days after hitting 110 as confirmed by multiple alts in my guild. People have standards. Don't like them then create your own group. Thats life.

  11. #111
    Most groups after the weekly reset demands 910+ for just anything. Mythic+0 or normal/heroic anything. Mythic+ anything over +7 is allready often with wowprogress checks, ilvl and achievement is not enough, you have to proove you play this game.

    Why shouldnt they? Its mid/late content, with tons of mythic geared players.

    If you pause in WoW badly and trying getting back mid content without any inGame catch-up mechanism thats what you get. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Join a Raid and socialize, because the active players are way ahead of you. But dont be surprised when you reach 910+ ilvl and still getting kicked out of groups because your weapon is not high enough.

    Similar topics like this show up since gearscore / ilvl is used by the community and the fault is not in our community but in your bad timed break from the game.

  12. #112
    Quote Originally Posted by Motorman View Post
    Im 916 ilvl and only play once a week my key upgrade with randoms. Wanna reconsider the random false crap you just posted?

    - - - Updated - - -

    That was the point I wanted to make thanks. 900 on a rogue can be the 870 of a mage easily.
    1) You are either lucky to the point where the odds of such luckiness are pretty damn low
    2) Or you are playing way more
    4) Or you are talking out of your ass

    Srsly this classic "internet hero" thing where everyone and their mother is "915 ivl eazy lolz" here on MMO champion is starting to be retarded. It's just like the other thread asking whether 905 ilvl is high....

    I'm in a casual-ish guild which is raiding at most twice a week (provided we manage to scrape 20 people together), hc was on farm for few months, and we are getting close on killing mythic Krosus (as I said, we have issues gathering 20 people). Nevertheless we manage to kill the first 3 mythic bosses even when we are short a guy or three for that night.
    I know this progress is not spectacular, however I think it is a damn perfect representation of somebody who is not your typical overall-successful mythic raider and not exactly a LFR/normal type of a player as well. Beside that I am slightly above 2k m+ score so I am likely not totally incompetent either (yes I know there are people much higher, thank you).

    Guess what? I'm hovering at around 906-908 ilvl depending on what gear I put on. If I were going purely for ilvl I could put on 911 -- however as Holy paladin that would put me bellow 40% crit chance with too much haste.

    On topic: M+ system is twisted by high gear players farming ap and fishing for titan forge items at 7-9 level keys. This means that if you get a key in this range it will be very easy for you to find people joining your group. On lower key I suggest you start your own group -- overall it's going to be hard for you getting into other people's key groups due to your ilvl. Also put together your own NH normal/HC runs -- there are people like myself who are willing to tolerate and "carry" lower ilvl raid leader as a "thank you" for putting the group together -- however that is the case only if 1) the group is solid (= he picked good people), and 2) RL knows what to do himself.

    You should be able to get to 890+ kinda fast, Then unless you are lucky you will be likely stuck at about 896-899 for a bit.
    Last edited by pseudoJ; 2017-05-21 at 05:24 AM.

  13. #113
    Tip for anyone who declines guilds in favor of pugging: befriend tanks and healers. Keep a list of the good ones you've run with and go out of your way to befriend them. In the free market of group finder, being DPS is not a hot commodity. Being good DPS is. If you know how to play, know how and when to AoE stun, interrupt, etc, the tanks and healers will want to run with you again. When you know you've played well in an instance, consider sending tank a friend request. If he noticed your play, there's good chance he will accept. Then next week you can whisper with your key and he may be happy to tank it for you.

    Guilds are still the easiest route, imho. But if you are determined to play DPS without being in a guild, this is your next best strategy.

    "I Am Vengeance. I Am The Night. I Am Felfáádaern!"

  14. #114
    Quote Originally Posted by Probably View Post
    There is plenty of heroic only or casual guilds out there. If you can commit to someone's raid times, and show up - someone will want you. It's the best way to start m+ groups too. Just be honest about where your at, look up some things to improve play, and enjoy the ride.

    That's if you're tired of the pug life. Also while you can easily catch up gear, also make sure you're always keeping up with AK gains. AP 30 anything is very low at this point. That will also help a little.
    Very much this. Log in all the time to keep your AK up and farm the heck outta it. If you are cool with a casualish HC guild it shouldn't be too hard to find one that you click with because of flex raiding. Heck, we recruited some dude who was 830 last week, and in one run he got his 4pc and a buncha other misc pieces in one night. Right now is perfect because even casual guilds are at the point of one-night farming HC, not needing any gear themselves, but still doing stuff to keep busy until the next tier comes out in a month (which will be a complete wipe anyways).

  15. #115
    Quote Originally Posted by Peacekeeper Benhir View Post
    Guilds are still the easiest route, imho. But if you are determined to play DPS without being in a guild, this is your next best strategy.
    Well written and would fit nicely into a fullfledged guide about "How to Make Friends and Raid with People".

    To followup though... "playing an MMO solo" should only be a temporary thing. Unless you have specific content goals, so long as you find a good mix of people you actually enjoy the company of... you can enjoy whatever you're doing while playing together.

    Ever go with friends to a movie and come out afterwards "Yeah, that movie was awful" and laugh about it ? Take that experience to whatever you do with your friends in WoW. Enjoy the game, have fun together... adjust your future gameplan based on how the past went... but don't sweat stuff like "itemlevel". It doesn't matter. Only the people matter.

  16. #116
    Quote Originally Posted by Tech614 View Post
    Why? Because I can make an alt 895+ in the span of a few days if I wanted to.
    How? Seriously asking, because it sounds like massive bull other than "I'll have my guild carry me through high level Mythics."

    A full set of Relinquished with 3 relics costs 85,000 nethershards and will only bring you to around 880. The most you ever get from anything is 1,000 for doing invasions all the way through if you don't count the 900ilvl order hall quest which grants 7,500 over 3 days. A typical mob is 10 or less, frequently less.

    So again, how? Because all I'm smelling is the hot scent coming from Mulgore from here.

  17. #117
    Quote Originally Posted by Thetruth1400 View Post
    How? Seriously asking, because it sounds like massive bull other than "I'll have my guild carry me through high level Mythics."

    A full set of Relinquished with 3 relics costs 85,000 nethershards and will only bring you to around 880. The most you ever get from anything is 1,000 for doing invasions all the way through if you don't count the 900ilvl order hall quest which grants 7,500 over 3 days. A typical mob is 10 or less, frequently less.

    So again, how? Because all I'm smelling is the hot scent coming from Mulgore from here.
    Thetruth - he is speaking truth. Seriously, gearing is super easy right now because Blizz wants it to be. There are always returning players right before a new raid patch, and it is in Blizz's interest to make it possible for those players to catch up and be raid-viable in short order. Here are some of the main catch-up mechanisms atm:
    • Nethershard Vendor: Not only sells 880 items, but allows you to target your weakest slots. These items WF & TF quite often. I have gotten 890 and 900 items from this vendor.
    • BS World Boss: Drops 900 gear that frequently WF to 915.
    • M+: Make friends and run the best key you can each week. You may not manage a +10 your first week on a new toon, but get the best you can and improve each week.
    • WQs: Check the map every time you log in; use it like a shopping list. The rewards may seem meh at 860ish, but sometimes you spot a relic or some-such that helps temporarily until you can farm better.
    Using this approach, I geared my last alt to 900 with maybe 2-3 days played at 110 and without having raided on him at all. He is now 904, one AK behind my main, one trait behind my main, and maybe 2% of the played time? It is crazy to me how easy it is to catch up.

    PS: I usually get over 2000 nethershards from invasions. Mix of 350 & 225 from each objective, + 600 or so for completing scenario. You can do all of them each time; you are not limited to 4. Rares and wyrmtongue chests are easy to farm, grab the random chest in treasure cave each time it comes up, and prioritize those 7500 shard missions from Command table.
    Last edited by Felfaadaern Darkterror; 2017-05-21 at 06:17 AM.

    "I Am Vengeance. I Am The Night. I Am Felfáádaern!"

  18. #118
    Quote Originally Posted by Peacekeeper Benhir View Post
    Thetruth - he is speaking truth. Seriously, gearing is super easy right now because Blizz wants it to be. There are always returning players right before a new raid patch, and it is in Blizz's interest to make it possible for those players to catch up and be raid-viable in short order. Here are some of the main catch-up mechanisms atm:
    • Nethershard Vendor: Not only sells 880 items, but allows you to target your weakest slots. These items WF & TF quite often. I have gotten 890 and 900 items from this vendor.
    • BS World Boss: Drops 900 gear that frequently WF to 915.
    • M+: Make friends and run the best key you can each week. You may not manage a +10 your first week on a new toon, but get the best you can and improve each week.
    • WQs: Check the map every time you log in; use it like a shopping list. The rewards may seem meh at 860ish, but sometimes you spot a relic or some-such that helps temporarily until you can farm better.
    Using this approach, I geared my last alt to 900 with maybe 2-3 days played at 110 and without having raided on him at all. He is now 904, one AK behind my main, one trait behind my main, and maybe 2% of the played time? It is crazy to me how easy it is to catch up.
    This is nr. 1 bullshit.

  19. #119
    Quote Originally Posted by Herpie View Post
    This is nr. 1 bullshit.

    "I Am Vengeance. I Am The Night. I Am Felfáádaern!"

  20. #120
    Quote Originally Posted by Peacekeeper Benhir View Post

    Using this approach, I geared my last alt to 900 with maybe 2-3 days played at 110 and without having raided on him at all.

    "Without having raided on him at all"

    *Links me a profile of a 10/10 NH HC character, having killed a total of 28 NH normal and 23 NH HC bosses*

    Last edited by mmoc89e4f4f7a6; 2017-05-21 at 06:27 AM.

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