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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by thearken View Post
    [...]Flame on resulting in a even bigger dps increase[...]
    Was thinking that too at first but he has Flame On from the ring.
    That said Alexstrasza's Fury should be the better choice between the other two.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Halicia View Post
    That really doesn't address the OP at all though, its just you saying "I'm l33t, he should be like me!".

    Your assertion that having BiS legendaries doesn't affect your ilvl percentile is completely wrong as well. It doesn't affect your ILVL... which by definition gives you a significant edge over those with nothing more than a stat stick.... which may not even be worth it for stats currently.
    My point is that it doesn't effect it as much as just playing better. But that's cool. Now that somebody took the time to actually figure out exactly what OP's friend was doing wrong instead of arguing with me for giving evidence that clearly something is wrong, I guess we're good now.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Zephre View Post
    As I mentioned there was a lot of crappy geared alts on the raid last night but my friend isn't an alt, that's his main.

    So the rotation seems to be a problem along with gear, I suspected this but given i haven't played fire I'm unsure what he's doing wrong with it, is he incorrectly using phoenix flames/fire blast? Not enough pyros? I had hoped the logs could help identify the issue.

    Thanks for the responses thus far though.
    Yeah I would have gone into further detail but I'm not a fire player either. I know the basics, but I don't know how many times he should be using X over Y for example. Glad somebody could analyze the logs.

    Still though, the best bet is to send him a reputable guide video or take him to Icy Veins to get a start on what to do.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Cloudmaker View Post
    His talents are wrong, tell him to go there
    Check logs for each boss what are top talents for each boss.
    If you don't understand why people spec certain ways you can do a lot more harm then good trying to copy ranking parses. Top parsers will be gearing for mastery based on their legendaries, tier bonuses and talents. Without a seciffic combination of those things you focus on crit and talent accordingly. It also greatly changes your play, most of all how you open and execute bosses.
    "Privilege is invisible to those who have it."

  4. #24
    I've read this post a few times and not commented since it looks like they got you covered. I'll make a few random comments that may or may not apply.

    I'm actually looking at the raidbots link. Is he using celumbra the nights dichotomy? I've seen it around, but I'm not familiar with that one.

    OP, can you ask your friend to list the current legendaries he has possession of and post them here. I haven't simmed that one, but I'd like to find out if has any other legendaries that may be viable besides that one.

    The only real monumental speccing mistake you can make is not taking firestarter, because it really is a great talent. It allows fireball and pyroblast to crit above 10%, so he can save combustion for 90%. He should open slinging fireballs and pyroblasts. I like to sling an early PF and fireblast in there, so I can let those CDs build back up, but usually I spend my time alternating between fireball casts and insta-pyroblasts on the opener(once again, altered time will give more accurate info, I'm just going by what works for me, aka I'm not looking it up for you, lol).

    Once I see 90% is imminent, I like to drop meteor and combustion just before it hits. This will make sure that meteor crits. I will have another window of opportunity to cast non-combustion meteor before my next combustion, and then my 3rd meteor I will make lineup with combustion, so 2/3 opening meteors will be guaranteed to crit.

    By 90% you should have your fireblast and pf back up to full and be able to do your full combustion rotation, alternating between builders and spenders(pyro being the spender, other spells being the builders). You want to swap from fireball to scorch during combustion(at least last time I checked). Your combustion would be like "X spell, pyroblast, X spell, pyroblast, ect." The more instants you have in there to create pyroblasts the less time is wasted casting and the more pyros you get. You want to try and squeeze as many pyros as possible in this window.

    So as you can see, the first 20% of the fight(or so) is pretty samey for fire. You do your firestarter rotation, then you do your combustion rotation. Even if you are running the helm, this is about the same. If you are running the bracers, you will want to also use procs in this period. Not a problem so I won't go into specifics on detailed bracer usage during combustion.

    I personally never run MI since nighthold. Your friend should probably run incanters flow full stop. Once he gets good, he can dabble into RoP or even MI if he's really sure.

    A huge upgrade for him would be the owl trinket. Right now he's running meteor and that is correct when the owl lines up perfectly with it. He may want to try kindling until then, but wear the clothes for the job you want. Keeping meteor is like him training for when he gets owl. Owl will lineup perfectly with combustion and it is a really a huge buff to his dps. I'd wager owl would be close to upgrading to lego bracers for him(from the low level crit stat stick). Owl goes best with fire because it takes advantage of combustion and scales really well.

    The last thing, does he have a frost spec? Ideally, fire mages would want to actually be fire mages with a frost offspec(or vice versa). That will give a big dps advantage now, and in the future, if he can spec to the fight and his gear.(also frost benefits greatly by the secondary stats on the gear, whereas fire relies heavily on the practical nature of said gear(procs), so stat stick or healing legos can do much better on a frost mage than a fire mage until you get that one good lego such as the hero ring which works well with both specs).
    Last edited by Zenfoldor; 2017-09-19 at 08:33 PM.

  5. #25
    Warchief Progenitor Aquarius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrven View Post
    If you don't understand why people spec certain ways you can do a lot more harm then good trying to copy ranking parses. Top parsers will be gearing for mastery based on their legendaries, tier bonuses and talents. Without a seciffic combination of those things you focus on crit and talent accordingly. It also greatly changes your play, most of all how you open and execute bosses.
    Yeah, fire has so many options to use and so many things to look for. Forgot he's a new player. Maybe try frost it's much easier.

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