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    Red face <User Friendly> 6/7HM, 9 hours/week LF HUNTER

    User Friendly ( is a 10 man Horde guild on Ysera. We're looking for a ranged DPS with a positive, team-first attitude for Dragon Soul and beyond. Feel free to visit our website or whisper me, Fudax, or Antei in-game for more information.

    Open Spots:

    All exceptional candidates, regardless of class or spec, are also encouraged to apply.

    Raid Times: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 9PM-12AM EST (server time)

    The User Friendly weekday team is comprised of veteran raiders looking to continue to enjoy end-game content. Many of us have been playing together successfully for years, and our members have experience on every raid tier since the beginning (some even before via EQ). Because of our history, many of us have forged real friendships over the years and our group can be considered extremely tight-knit. However, we're also very welcoming of newcomers.

    Our raiding commitment can be considered as semi-hardcore. We are players who have been around the block, are not afraid of "numbers", and demand each other to play towards perfection. We analyze our wipes and hold members accountable for their performance. Our players have close to 100% attendance, and everybody shows up to win.

    That being said, we are raiding only 3 days a week for 3 hours at a time. We enjoy things like holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and don't enjoy things like working late, but understand when it occasionally has to happen. Our members lead lives outside of the game!

    What we ARE:
    We are a dedicated team. We fully intend to clear all available content, including hard modes and Achievements. We are a tight knit group of friends looking to continue to play together and enjoy our time together.

    What we ARE NOT:
    We are not a racing team. If you are interested in being top 10 US and obsessing over some heroic mode trinket that three members of the group also need, then you are reading the wrong recruitment post.

    Loot is decided by a council. Our members understand that killing bosses is our ultimate goal and that loot is merely a means to that end. We do not have problems passing on loot to our friends, and understand that any item, no matter how amazing, will be replaced by another item as soon as the next patch drops.

    What we expect out of you:
    Knowledge. We are looking for people who know their class inside out. An ideal candidate will be current with every change and potential change that happens to his/her class. They should have their gear properly enchanted, gemmed and reforged and be able to explain their decisions regarding their equipment or spec.

    Performance. We want someone who is constantly looking for ways to improve their performance. Even if you don't have WoL rankings, you should have the drive to get there someday. In addition to putting out good healing or DPS numbers, the ideal candidate should also have good situational awareness. We understand that everybody has lapses and makes mistakes, but repeated failures to things like void zones, fire, and "being the bomb" obviously won't fly.

    Personality. As mentioned above, we are a close-knit group and enjoy raiding together. Succeeding jointly with your friends is much more fulfilling than killing some dumb boss in a video game. If you detract from this mentality, then we WILL pass on your application regardless of your play skill.

    Attendance. If you cannot make 100% of the above raid times, then please try to find another team that better fits your current schedule.

    We realize that most people do not fit the above criteria. We are currently running with 11 players and aim to keep our roster as tight as possible. If you feel that you would fit in, and our team is something that you might be interested in trying, please apply on our boards at

    Tell us, as best as you can and in whatever format you think will be the most persuasive, why we should want you as a raider and guildmate. To be taken seriously, applications must include:

    * Prominent links to relevant armory pages
    * A guild history with reasons for departure
    * The reason(s) you have chosen to apply to this guild
    * WoL parses
    * UI screenshots

    Also, feel free to talk to with any of our guild members in game. He or she will point you in the right direction from there. Thanks for your time and consideration.
    Last edited by Oshkoshbgosh; 2011-11-28 at 06:43 PM.

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