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  1. #1

    How would World of Warcraft 2 even work?

    I caught the Guild Wars 2 bug, and got to thinking how would World of Warcraft 2 even work? Not the game mechanics..etc, but instead the lore of things?

    I am new to Guild Wars lore, but I know just about everything pre-4.2 lorewise for WoW. Could anyone explain it, or even give examples of how WoW2 could work in regards to the lore NOT THE GAME MECHANICS!!!

  2. #2
    The Cataclysm storyline would have provided an excellent chance for WoW2 with the remaking of the world :-/

  3. #3
    Cataclysm is wow 2. It's just that it is an mmo and you don't have to release a new game...

  4. #4
    Over 9000! Golden Yak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PvPisthelifeforme View Post
    Could anyone explain it, or even give examples of how WoW2 could work in regards to the lore NOT THE GAME MECHANICS!!!
    Step 1 - Time skip. Let's jump ahead 100-500 years. This not only provides a brand new canvas to craft stories on, and incidentally removes the potential headache of people porting over their level 95 demi-gods from WoW1 (I know I know, no game mechanics... moving on!)

    Step 2 - Reforge the world. Clean all of the lines off the world map and forge some new zones. Several centuries of Post-Cataclysm settling, with everything from further merging of the elemental planes, to overlap from the Emerald Dream, to other Cataclysm-level events because why not? Organize and combine existing zones into new territories, creating new environments and sparking new conflicts.

    Step 3 - Go crazy-flakes. The Horde capital is in Stonetalon Peaks, the Tauren have split into two factions - one Horde, one neutral. Worgen, Darkspear Trolls, and Night Elves have abandoned Azeroth and dwell within the Emerald Dream. Draenei, Gnomes, and a faction of Goblins dwell within a repaired Tempest Keep. The Forsaken and Blood Elves are bad guys, dwelling within the darker corners of Azeroth. And such and such.

  5. #5
    World of Warcraft 2. Orcs........IN SPACE!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by PvPisthelifeforme View Post
    How would World of Warcraft 2 even work?
    You'd put money in and angry forum posts comes out.
    Oswald was over hit cap.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Yak View Post
    Step 1 - Time skip. Let's jump ahead 100-500 years. This not only provides a brand new canvas to craft stories on, and incidentally removes the potential headache of people porting over their level 95 demi-gods from WoW1 (I know I know, no game mechanics... moving on!)

    Step 2 - Reforge the world. Clean all of the lines off the world map and forge some new zones. Several centuries of Post-Cataclysm settling, with everything from further merging of the elemental planes, to overlap from the Emerald Dream, to other Cataclysm-level events because why not? Organize and combine existing zones into new territories, creating new environments and sparking new conflicts.

    Step 3 - Go crazy-flakes. The Horde capital is in Stonetalon Peaks, the Tauren have split into two factions - one Horde, one neutral. Worgen, Darkspear Trolls, and Night Elves have abandoned Azeroth and dwell within the Emerald Dream. Draenei, Gnomes, and a faction of Goblins dwell within a repaired Tempest Keep. The Forsaken and Blood Elves are bad guys, dwelling within the darker corners of Azeroth. And such and such.
    Ah okay, I could never even think about adding random things of that magnitude!

  8. #8
    I agree with Yak, fast forward a couple hundred years. Gives the writers a chance to start somewhat fresh with new heroes and villains.

  9. #9
    i agree going hundreds years in the future and not only that look at the videos of loderon from the wc3 movies. it is so huge and in general they could make azeroth again without any zone looking how it does in wow now. what im trying to say is that even if its in azeroth it could look compeltely different and have different zones

  10. #10
    Makes more sense for blizzard to develop a new MMO in a different universe.

    Hence, Titan.

  11. #11
    Vanilla WoW intro cinematic gives you a hint. Remember the very first words of it? Let me remind you:

    Four years have passed since mortal races bonded together...
    Quoted from memory so may be not exact one. And mind the bold part. Same should happen with WoW2. Cataclysm torn world asunder and revealed Pandaria. Now Horde and Alliance set foot there in effort to secure resources needed for world rebuilding after Deathwing insurrection. This is MoP story line. And here WoW could end if WoW2 have any chances to start.

    Now some time should pass. Like 5 years. Years filled with constant war between Horde and Alliance over the resources. Horde would have attacked and claimed some vital Alliance zones (complete domination over Darkshore and Ashenvale, threatening Teldrassil. Further Forsaken march towards Alterac and their war with Dwarves from Ironforge and Aerie Peak), Alliance could set a foothold in Gilneas throwing Forsaken back and attempting to finally reclaim Lordaeron (Silverpine Forest divided), Gnomes finally would take Gnomeregan back from Troggs and created a floating mecha-city that would be placed somewhere in Kalimdor to pose a threat for the Horde.

    In that scenario we start WoW2. Constant war between factions, gathering resources, fighting over them, seeking alliances to weaken opposite forces, sabotage missions. Add to it internal problems like Forsaken-rest of Horde argue over Val'kyrs and raising new Forsaken (which Garrosh atm sees as abomination), Prophet Velen in opposition to Varian's war like attitude. And while Horde and Alliance fight each other Old Gods are released from their prisons.

    You ask why. According to lore Titans sealed Old Gods under the Azeroth's surface and created Dragon Aspects to watch over their creations. But there is another role of those Aspects. They work as a "seal" for Old Gods' prisons. As long as they all live the seal holds tight. Malygos is dead. Neltharion is dead. Alexstrasza, Ysera and Nozdormu, 3 of original 5 Aspects, lost their powers. Seal is broken.

    So here we have material for first WoW2 expansion. Either direct Old Gods themed or indirect with the return of Burning Legion. But this is too far going speculation.

    Anyway, that's my vision of how WoW2 would work with current lore.

  12. #12
    You have to consider why move to a new "game" instead of an xpac. Lore could just as easily fit in as an xpac as it could a new game (e.g. Sunwell was originally planned for WotLK, but was moved to BC as a filler). Most reasons a game would move to a new version instead of an xpac are mechanics or political. Lore usually follows what makes sense from a player's point of view. E.g. I don't think we will ever see any of the current races wiped out for lore reasons, it would mess with player's game play too much. I don't think we will see the "Alliance" or "Horde" split up across race lines (Guess what Tauren, your now teamed up with the space aliens because you both agree that rogues are bad and holves are the mark of a true warrior).

    The lore reasons I see that would encourage a new game over another xpac is (which pretty much boils down to what wouldn't allow players to keep their existing toons):
    1. As mentioned above a time jump forward, humanoids just don't live that long.
    2. An alien planet, or place that doesn't include the all the current races (players would have to roll a new race).
    3. Like city of villains, an xpac where the players are part of the burning legion.

  13. #13
    It would most likely be a fast forward. The would probably release a WC4 that sets the tone and then release a WoW2.

    I don't see it happening. SC will continue to milk the RTS money, Diablo 3 will be the dungeon crawler, wow will be the MMORPG, and Titan is the next gen MMO, possibly some kind of "different" mmo. MMOFPS? who knows.

  14. #14
    I think that the Cataclysm idea would be a good one for WoW2, not that anyone could do that now since it's already done but anyway...

    My thinking on this is that they would fast forward by couple centuries and the currently existing world would become just a smaller, not significant part of the new world because even though I have no idea about how they'd done GW1 or GW2 I hardly think anyone would want to play WoW2 in the same places...

    If you know how spin off series on TV work, that's my idea. Though honestly I don't think WoW2 would be a good idea, better get a totally new game.

  15. #15
    I'd like to see WoW 2 as a total remake as WoW 1. Shedding pretty much all the old character data and rebuilding the WORLD, and all its associated gameplay mechanics from the ground up in a manner that reflects 'todays' casual MMO gamer. A change of time & setting wouldnt really be necessary... but it would probably come as part and parcel, like every expansion moves the story forward.

    Cataclysm would have been the perfect time,imo, if they had been willing to invest the budget necessary.

  16. #16
    Warcraft 40k

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by PvPisthelifeforme View Post
    I caught the Guild Wars 2 bug, and got to thinking how would World of Warcraft 2 even work? Not the game mechanics..etc, but instead the lore of things?

    I am new to Guild Wars lore, but I know just about everything pre-4.2 lorewise for WoW. Could anyone explain it, or even give examples of how WoW2 could work in regards to the lore NOT THE GAME MECHANICS!!!
    Why wouldn't it? They can write more lore all they want.

  18. #18
    The Unstoppable Force Mayhem's Avatar
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    now when thinking about the possibilities, i don´t see it not happening, wow 2 will come sooner or later, i´m allmost certain
    Quote Originally Posted by ash
    So, look um, I'm not a grief counselor, but if it's any consolation, I have had to kill and bury loved ones before. A bunch of times actually.
    Quote Originally Posted by PC2 View Post
    I never said I was knowledge-able and I wouldn't even care if I was the least knowledge-able person and the biggest dumb-ass out of all 7.8 billion people on the planet.

  19. #19
    it just might never work unless Blizzard would decide to write a whole new story just like they had to start out when they wrote the story for WC, WC2 & WC3. the thing why this works with Guild wars at the moment is because they go further with story elements from the first one, keep it to a certain extend in part two and go further with it. Blizzard however keeps expanding the original story, so it gives limitations to what you can do with a story.

    i believe in Guild Wars 2, you have some of the same places as you had in Guild Wars 1, with similarities, but most of it has been completly redone. i think thats why so many players from other MMO's are going to pick this up, there is no reason to fully understand how part 1 evolved as a story. most of it will be a new story anyway or can be explained in 5 lines of text (f.e:for those who played Nightfall, to new players it would make no sense to fill them in why Kormir has changed into a god. because its 200 years further(?) for most of the game world itself ,Kormir is a God, not the sunspear that became a god) anyway, you get the idea.

    Blizzard needs to reinvent itself with World of Warcraft. get new heroes, new classes, a whole new line of stories on the shelf, perhaps they should make Warcraft 4,5 & 6 first before making WoW2.

  20. #20
    far-flung future is one option
    going off into the twisting nether to hunt down the legion and/or old gods of other worlds is another
    “He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”

    Quote Originally Posted by BatteredRose View Post
    They're greedy soulless monsters for not handing me everything for my 15 moneys a month!

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