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  1. #1

    We know your favorite, how about least favorite?

    There's already a fairly popular thread out there about which champion is your favorite, so now I ask which one is your least favorite?

    Now, I understand this can be a kind of obscure question, considering how vague the term "least favorite" is. There's several categories that can affect your decision:

    >You simply don't like their play style.
    >You feel that they're too weak.
    >You don't like their abilities.
    >You're overall just a very hateful person.
    >They are ugly (I'm looking at you, classic skin Urgot!!).
    >And more...

    Personally I really don't like Xerath. This is probably due to the fact that I like mobile champions and he relies on his w quite a bit. Oh, I'm also relatively bad at playing him, so that certainly doesn't help. :P

    So what about you? Which champion just doesn't suit your fancy?

  2. #2
    Herald of the Titans
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    Really don't like Darius. The fact this his ult refreshes on killing blow is just ridiculous, mainly because it does True Damage. I know he's not as overpowered as most people think but when there's nothing I can do about my top lane feeding him 1-2 kills early and him snowballing out of control, it's so aggravating. You really have to cater around making sure he doesn't get kills when facing him. Thank god for being able to ban champs. Kassadin is another one that's really just stupid. Dat ult makes him so hard to gank when he hits 6. Other than those 2, I honestly don't have any huge gripes with other champions in the game. Sure there are some that are really good (Shen, Morgana) but at least I can somewhat work around that most of the time.

  3. #3
    The Patient Trydene's Avatar
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    The champion that's my least favorite would be Dr.Mundo. There just seems to be no escape from him when he's chasing you from one side of the map to the other. I was playing Annie and it was pretty much 1v1 (All of our and his team mates were dead), from his base down to the 2 second turret on the bottom lane on our side, I have be chased by Dr.Mundo. Zig zag everywhere and stunning him whenever possible. Still died to him xD

  4. #4
    Well for me would be 3 champs:

    Master Yi because every game where this guys on the enemy team (mind you I just hit level 20 like 2 days ago) he gets fed. I mean fed and this guy seems bloody unstoppable. You think Darius' ult is for the birds this guy flew off in a f*&^%$# rocket.

    Jax simply due to the fact that I, no matter what I play can't get away from him or catch the bastard when he needs a beating. Now I've never played him so I've no idea what it's like to be Jax so I won't say he's easy. Still doesn't stop me from cringing every week he's a free to play champ.

    Teemo! The lil bugger got something coming. Much like the other 2 I always seem to be in a game where the enemy teemo gets fed I mean mother @#$&^*! fed. To the point where he tanks better than Shen and can almost one shot peeps. But the part of Teemo that gets on my nerves the most is those darn mushrooms. Great scouting tool I'll give you that but a huge annoyance. I guess worse still is the fact that he's a small cuddly ball of peach fuzz doesn't help the fact either. I just found out from a friend who's been playing way longer than I have what the "global taunt" was about.

  5. #5
    Anivia and Lux. I used to only play AP and my friends recommended those two and playing them just felt wierd.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Trydene View Post
    The champion that's my least favorite would be Dr.Mundo. There just seems to be no escape from him when he's chasing you from one side of the map to the other. I was playing Annie and it was pretty much 1v1 (All of our and his team mates were dead), from his base down to the 2 second turret on the bottom lane on our side, I have be chased by Dr.Mundo. Zig zag everywhere and stunning him whenever possible. Still died to him xD
    I pretty much hate Mundo as well, But I do have a pretty good time talking like him whenever I do play him. Like I was top vs a Renekton the other day and kept ranting along the lines of 'Mundo kill alligator man, Mundo turn him skin into new briefcase'.

    But the champ I hate the most is Karthus. Karthus loses his lane to almost everything and anything. Also, All you do is just farm until you get to late game, or hop you get fed early on after you hit 6. I just tend to like more mobile champs when I play mid like Arhi, LeBlanc, or Kennen.

  7. #7
    The Lightbringer Axethor's Avatar
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    Karthus - dat ult. need I say more?

    Twitch - because no one but me ever seems to buy wards, so he is always fed.

    Teemo - Mushrooms are so evil. I can never catch him because of his mini ghost. His poison is also annoying. It's like Singed poison only it hits harder and can be applied at range.

  8. #8
    Annie - Easiest no-skill mage to play for good results, annoying overall.

    Brand - I've been beaten by him on Ahri and LeBlanc, so I have a special kind of hate for him. If I'm jungling, I'll always gank him. ALWAYS.

    Nunu - Ugly fat yeti with annoying boy. One trick champion with his snowball and his ult.

    I used to hate Fizz, but then I learned he sucks if he doesn't keep his lead. Also Yi, but AP Yis suck hared after mid game and I haven't met a single AD Yi that's good enough to carry.

  9. #9
    Darius and Soraka. Fuck those champions. Soraka just makes the game boring and Darius is just badly designed. Let's release another champion that deals 3 types of damage even though we already have a hard time balancing the other one! (Irelia). It's stupid because no matter how hard you get shit on in lane as Darius, you still are useful late game just because of your true damage ult that resets on kills (clearly balanced).

    Motto of Darius: Lose lane win game trololololololol
    Last edited by Zoloft; 2012-06-18 at 12:36 PM.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Axethor View Post
    Karthus - dat ult. need I say more?

    Twitch - because no one but me ever seems to buy wards, so he is always fed.

    Teemo - Mushrooms are so evil. I can never catch him because of his mini ghost. His poison is also annoying. It's like Singed poison only it hits harder and can be applied at range.
    Banshee vail / hourglass says hi. Teemo is a very annoying champion to verse i agree with you there, whenever im playing LoL its usually with a full premade and if theres a teemo or anything like that we buy an Oracles.

    Personally i say my most disliked champion is Darius because i think riot made him that OP with a refreshing Ultimate just to make more money.
    Do gnomes have a vibrate setting?

  11. #11
    eh they nerfed darius ult- for those looking to counter him try garen with 0-13-17 masteries taking flat armor marks seals quints -MR glyphs get W first and you first buy is 14 hp pots farm the W up and give anyone the middle finger also another way to counter his ult is quicksilver sash just remove all the hemorage stacks before the ult.

    how ever my least favorite champ is a tie between amumu- i hate his crying, so dumb, don't care how sad he is, and zilean- dat ult, and bomb, and slow, god i hate him

  12. #12
    Honestly fuck Leblanc. A champion that just removes all the fun for the player facing her. When you are up against Leblanc, you can´t do shit. Your main goal is to not feed her, winning lane vs Leblanc isn´t outcsing her or killing her, it´s just to not be too far behind when endgame comes rolling.

    I really hate Swain (because I really have no clue how to play against him) and alistar jungle.

  13. #13
    Ashe - I WHIP MY ARM BACK AND FORTH and now you're slowed and can't escape lol XDXDXD

    Master Yi - If you don't have any way to control him when he pops his ulti, mercy on your soul. And when you're about to kill him? lol ulti and run away XDXDXD

    Teemo - Anyone who plays him hates the entire world. I should not have to explain why. All Teemo players just hate everyone, and that's why they play him.

  14. #14
    Field Marshal Dayum's Avatar
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    Conisdering myself as a AP-niche player, I despise games when there is a jungle Shaco around. Besides having to waste loads of gold on wards to prevent what may be the easiest failproof gank mechanic (Q > E > derp), I hate every mechanic this champ has. The boxes, the stealth blink, and his puny dagger. So lame, so annoying.

    It's even more annoying where you have a clear advantage over him, catch him in jungle 1 on 1 - and he still manages to escape (EVERY TIME!) :<

    Death to all clowns.

    P.S. Forgot to mention his 'R' ultimate is perhaps the biggest troll mechanic in game.

    A well played Shaco jungle who catches the snowball is unstoppable. Impossibru

  15. #15

    He's useless. At everything. There is nothing he does well and yet people seem to love picking him. AP teemo, don't step on shrooms (buy an oracles). AD teemo has no steroids and is worse than literally every other ad carry in the game. Bruiser teemo is just stupid and never actually does the job of a bruiser (IE you will never see a bruiser teemo peeling for your carries, he will always think he is the fucking carry).

    He's just a bad champion and I loathe everyone I see playing him. Every time I see someone doing well with him I just think 'if you do well with teemo, imagine how amazing you'd do with any proper champion'.

    Oh and also, Shaco. I have this hatred because he is one of the worst champions ingame, but people are just fucking derps. Stop feeding him kills, I will counterjungle him so hard he will become useless if only people stop derping about and feeding him. Is playing defensive really that hard? Is warding really that difficult? Fuck me people are derptacular when it comes to shaco. Play passive, support me counterjungling, and enjoy the 5v4 as he ends up underlevelled and underfarmed. But no, you go ahead and autoattack those minions to push your lane. Good job.

    All the DARIUS OP! people make me laugh though. Counterpick him in lane, zone him, watch him be useless in TFs. He's not difficult to counterpick either, it just takes a little common sense and a lot of champions beat him. People just derp around and go 'Guess I'll just pick the only champion I ever play!' then they lose the lane, and then they lose the game. His ulti is fine, L2 QSS or just kill him. He has no escapes, is easy to shut down in lane, is easy to shut down in teamfights. I actually don't understand what the problem is? He'll never kill a bruiser, and his gap closer is shit so he should never get to your carries. He is literally only good against bad people, sorry to say it, but that's the simple fact. If he even touches a carry, your team has failed incredibly hard.

    ---------- Post added 2012-06-18 at 01:28 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Trollspwn View Post
    Honestly fuck Leblanc. A champion that just removes all the fun for the player facing her. When you are up against Leblanc, you can´t do shit. Your main goal is to not feed her, winning lane vs Leblanc isn´t outcsing her or killing her, it´s just to not be too far behind when endgame comes rolling.
    Only reason people ever lose to LB is people find this build and they go 'huh, I found this build. MUST FOLLOW TO THE LETTER!'.

    Alter your build and LB is a pushover.
    Cho’Gall: Cairne Bloodhoof is dead? Did we kill him?
    Deathwing: No. The Grimtotems weakened him with poison, and then Garrosh accidentally hacked him to death with an axe during a heated political discussion.
    Cho’Gall: How do you accidentally kill someone with an axe?

  16. #16
    Heimerdinger, I don't know what possessed me to buy him, but his play style is TOTALLY not me, turret management, weird W and E, strange Ult I'm just so bleh when I think about him. Brand is another I just cannot play to save my life, he's too combo-ish with his W Q and E it's just uncomfortable. As for champions to fight against Karthus and Fiddlesticks are just DUMB, *pops R* Pentakill! Worst champions along next to Darius ever made. I would have to say though out of all champions, GET RID OF NIDALEE or at least nerf DAT SPEAR, 2 spear throws and you're almost dead, I'm just how, but yeah rant's over.
    Miranda Rights: Miranda has the right to a decent man to help her raise her baby.

  17. #17
    Bloodsail Admiral Reluctant's Avatar
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    Vladimir, yust so boring safe
    Karthus, punishes aggresife play so hard
    Darkflame shyvana, only couse with that skin the flames are so hard to see.

  18. #18
    Karthus, for the obvious dissgusting reason.

    Master Yi, the ultimate split-pusher, all-around retarded.

    Singed, the most OP champ there is. He's completely useless, but get an Catalyst and you cannot die. Ever. No matter how many Exhausts, stuns or slows you have, it doesn't matter. Overpowered. I dont normally say OP, but this guy... A champion who cannot be kill. You cant escape from him, he dives 3 turrets if he wants, doesn't matter.

    And Brand. The easiest Mage-champ there is. You cannot ever go wrong with him, it's disgusting. Pop Ulti on one target, watch the magic.

  19. #19
    One of the things that drives me away from playing champions is when their voices are so annoying I can't stand it. Like I can't play Viegar because his squeaky voice just drives me insane and then when you play Kassadin he sounds like Darth Vader with a throat cold.

    As far as play style goes I was really surprised to find out I don't like playing Janna. I play support a lot and enjoy doing it with different champions but Janna continues to be very boring to play. I think it's because I like to do tanky CC champs compared to her. I'm still playing and learning with her, hoping that I'll start to like her more because I know she is a good champ but it doesn't look likely I'll ever really appreciate her.

  20. #20
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Teemo. Pointless critter. They should just delete him. Or make 15 bazillion skins for him that all cost more than PFE so the Teemo players can rage quit.

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