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  1. #1501
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhaxus View Post
    thanks for the clarification, maybe i didn't catch all Dooms in the trigger

    did i rightly assume that i have to keep every mention of the children weakauras in the trigger like the original ( eg. "ol dreadstalkers" is not to be changed to "ol Schreckenspirscher" since it is a referece to the wa, not the spell) ?
    If you change the aura name change it in the trigger also, again I'm not 100% positive what exactly you'd change in it to localize.

  2. #1502
    is the "wildimpbar" referenced in all the triggers part of the zpets addon or where is it from? its the only thing that could still disable the functionality

    edit: oh god i think it might be part of the trigger that uses the combatlog in the imp count wa
    Last edited by Rhaxus; 2016-08-09 at 02:26 PM.

  3. #1503
    Hi, two questions i'm wondering if someone could help me? one is a bit off-topic
    but first weakauras related, I created about 6 weakauras progress bars to track things like demonic empowerment, demonic synergy/service, consumables, guardians, etc...I put these into a dynamic group and everything works great, except heroism/bloodlust/time warp. Is there something special i have to change since this is being cast by another player. Currently it just a simple trigger, like the other ones, for aura - buff - player - aura name "Heroism".

    My other question is for the enemy grid addons, works great on my warrior, but for my warlock it is not working...the only difference is the doom shard addon and the addon to track minions health for TC consumption WA (can't remember the name of the addon)

  4. #1504
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhaxus View Post
    is the "wildimpbar" referenced in all the triggers part of the zpets addon or where is it from? its the only thing that could still disable the functionality

    edit: oh god i think it might be part of the trigger that uses the combatlog in the imp count wa
    The wild imp bar isn't using zPets, it's using the ol functions WA.

  5. #1505
    Anyone able to upload that effigy weak aura please? that was in the affliction threads, sadly the link has expired.

  6. #1506
    Quote Originally Posted by Exephia View Post
    Anyone able to upload that effigy weak aura please? that was in the affliction threads, sadly the link has expired.
    This one?

  7. #1507
    Yup thanks.

  8. #1508
    The Lightbringer
    7+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Banned to the Bone.
    Not sure if you answered this question before, but which unitframes addon are you using? I refer to the one in your destruction weakaura video. Also, is your cast bar under your player unitframe a different addon or part of your unitframe addon? And a last question. What is that unitframe with your name (Notdemo) in the middle of the destruction weakaura picture, between the two unitframes (player/target)?
    Last edited by Fabinas; 2016-08-11 at 08:42 PM.

  9. #1509
    Quote Originally Posted by Fabinas View Post
    Not sure if you answered this question before, but which unitframes addon are you using? I refer to the one in your destruction weakaura video. Also, is your cast bar under your player unitframe a different addon or part of your unitframe addon? And a last question. What is that unitframe with your name (Notdemo) in the middle of the destruction weakaura picture, between the two unitframes (player/target)?
    It's all ElvUI, middle unit frame is target of target.

  10. #1510
    So this is a suggestion for anyone having problems with the imp bar not working properly at least with OOMMs set of weakauras. I had earlier disabled the Ace3 framework and the weakauras started to act funny even after recopying etc, anyways after I re-enabled the Ace3 framework everything suddenly worked like new so maybe if your having problems and arn't against installing an addon to see if it works, try it out. You can find it at Curse as "Ace3 - Libraries".
    Last edited by Danzaibar; 2016-08-12 at 12:21 PM.

  11. #1511
    Sorry to bother again, but i wasted a good 3 hours trying to get the affliction WA to work correctly.
    And i know it's mostly because of the localization.

    So i am having troubles with all pandemic markers, they just don't show up.
    Agony for example, if you point me to my mistake i may be able to correct the rest of them.
        ["color"] = {
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                    ["spellIds"] = {
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                    ["name"] = "Агония",
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        ["id"] = "Agony - Pandemic Marker",
    The other thing is UA pandemic w/contagion - it does not show up in combat at all(maybe it has a different spell id with the contagion), only if i switch the WA off the "full scan" and only use UA аs spell name
    Second problem is that it shows 0(instead of tick damage i guess) on the left side.
    UA pandemic v2/3 works fine and shows tick damage as expected.
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            ["check"] = "update",
            ["customDuration"] = "function()\n    -- edit:\n    local barCappedTime = 14\n    local spell = \"Unstable Affliction\"\n    ----------------------------\n    local _,_,_,_,_,duration,expires,caster = UnitDebuff(\"target\", spell)\n    if caster == \"player\" then\n        local current = expires-GetTime()\n        return  current, barCappedTime, true\n    end\n    return 0,barCappedTime, true\nend",
            ["custom"] = "function()\n    -- edit:\n    local spell = \"Unstable Affliction\"\n    -----------------------------\n    local _,_,_,_,_,duration,expires,caster = UnitDebuff(\"target\", spell)\n    if caster == \"player\" then\n        return true\n    end\n    return false\nend\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
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            ["custom"] = "function()\n    -- edit:\n    local spell = \"Unstable Affliction\"\n    -----------------------------\n    local _,_,_,_,_,duration,expires,caster = UnitDebuff(\"target\", spell)\n    if caster ~= \"player\" then\n            return true\n        end\n        return false\n    end\n    \n    \n    \n    \n    \n\n",
        ["frameStrata"] = 1,
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        ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL",
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    One more problem with Soul harvest active (when i press SH it doesn't show the nice green duration color of the buff, goes straight into yellowish cooldown countdown)
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        ["borderBackdrop"] = "Blizzard Tooltip",
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        ["customText"] = "function(_,_,c,d)\n    local duration = d\n    local remaining = 0\n    if tonumber(c) then \n        remaining = string.format(\"%.0f\", tonumber(c))\n    end\n    return remaining\n    \nend",
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            ["custom_type"] = "status",
            ["type"] = "aura",
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            ["event"] = "Health",
            ["name"] = "Неcтабильное колдовство",
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            ["events"] = "UNIT_AURA",
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            ["check"] = "update",
            ["customDuration"] = "function()\n    -- edit:\n    local barCappedTime = 14\n    local spell = \"Unstable Affliction\"\n    ----------------------------\n    local _,_,_,_,_,duration,expires,caster = UnitDebuff(\"target\", spell)\n    if caster == \"player\" then\n        local current = expires-GetTime()\n        return  current, barCappedTime, true\n    end\n    return 0,barCappedTime, true\nend",
            ["custom"] = "function()\n    -- edit:\n    local spell = \"Unstable Affliction\"\n    -----------------------------\n    local _,_,_,_,_,duration,expires,caster = UnitDebuff(\"target\", spell)\n    if caster == \"player\" then\n        return true\n    end\n    return false\nend\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
            ["fullscan"] = true,
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        ["additional_triggers"] = {
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            ["custom"] = "function()\n    -- edit:\n    local spell = \"Unstable Affliction\"\n    -----------------------------\n    local _,_,_,_,_,duration,expires,caster = UnitDebuff(\"target\", spell)\n    if caster ~= \"player\" then\n            return true\n        end\n        return false\n    end\n    \n    \n    \n    \n    \n\n",
        ["frameStrata"] = 1,
        ["width"] = 270,
        ["id"] = "Unstable Affliction - Pandemic w/ Contagion 2",
        ["borderInset"] = 11,
        ["numTriggers"] = 1,
        ["sparkDesature"] = false,
        ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL",
        ["zoom"] = 0.2,
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    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by mmoc3deb96012f; 2016-08-14 at 02:31 AM.

  12. #1512
    Hello I only need a weak aura to track Soul Leech absorb if possible dont know how to make it myself and would be overkill to import the whole set! Thanks
    The trick of selling a FFA-PvP MMO is creating the illusion among gankers that they are respectable fighters while protecting them from respectable fights, as their less skilled half would be massacred and quit instead of “HTFU” as they claim.

  13. #1513
    Below is the one I use - the only trick is to select "Use tooltip size instead of stacks" in the Trigger tab


  14. #1514
    Quote Originally Posted by Woz View Post

    I took the oportunity to change this aura from bars to Icons, and although my knonwledge on WA is limited, I made it work somehow (I know nothing of codes, but I understand the settings a bit).

    Switched the group to show horizontally instead since i'm going with icons, changed it to show stacks instead of progress because and I couldn't for the love of god make so that agony showed stacks even with "%s"...

    Changed the base duration of spells Agony and Corruption in the "Action" tab to match the Fragment of Dark Star on live, but here's when it gets really annoying: I noticed that after reaplying agony a couple times, it's duration gets a little bit off and the buff display goes down BEFORE the actual dot, like 1 or 1.5 seconds before.

    I haven't actually tested the bar version to see if it's something wrong with both of them.

    If you mind taking a look, I want to set agony to work correctly and show stacks too:
    If you don't have the time right now, it's still somehow ok for everyone else who wants a Icon version of Soul Effigy Tracker.

    I'll say it again: THIS AURA ISN'T MINE, I JUST CHANGED FROM BARS TO ICONS. All credits goes to it's respective owners. Thank you all for sharing knowledge!

    PS: I forgot to say, I didn't delete the original aura, not until I'm pleased with what I'm seeing or just give up with trying to improve the icon version, so it may be a little heavy xD.
    Last edited by evertonbelmontt; 2016-08-14 at 04:03 PM.

  15. #1515
    I got to say your WA setups have been my go to ones for along time Woz.

    Having one problem when importing them, it is not showing the soul shard bar, are you using a different addon for it?

  16. #1516
    Quote Originally Posted by gibbonsl View Post
    I got to say your WA setups have been my go to ones for along time Woz.

    Having one problem when importing them, it is not showing the soul shard bar, are you using a different addon for it?
    Yes, I'm using Doom Shards for my Shards now.

  17. #1517
    Quote Originally Posted by Scroff View Post
    Below is the one I use - the only trick is to select "Use tooltip size instead of stacks" in the Trigger tab

    Thanks a lot!
    The trick of selling a FFA-PvP MMO is creating the illusion among gankers that they are respectable fighters while protecting them from respectable fights, as their less skilled half would be massacred and quit instead of “HTFU” as they claim.

  18. #1518
    The codes aren't on the main page, which ones should I use to make it like your screenshot?

  19. #1519
    Quote Originally Posted by mascarpwn View Post
    The codes aren't on the main page, which ones should I use to make it like your screenshot?
    They are definitely on the first post.

  20. #1520
    Quote Originally Posted by Woz View Post
    They are definitely on the first post.
    :O How am I not seeing them :/ Should I click on website and copy them from there?

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