Thread: Akali lategame

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  1. #1

    Akali lategame

    Akali lategame is just a snowball out of control really...even if 5 pps focus her, she will get everyone down no matter what. Her lategame dmg has to be nerfed, with 600 ap you wil 2 hit pps with QR combo, which is ridic, even if they have 3k hp.../rant of the day

  2. #2
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    1) Buy pink ward
    2) Kill the Akali in her shroud
    3) ???
    4) Profit.

  3. #3
    He says with Nasus signature.


  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Duilliath View Post
    1) Buy pink ward
    2) Kill the Akali in her shroud
    3) ???
    4) Profit.
    pretty much this.

    for Akali to be able to do that tremendous amount of damage she in return has to be squishy. it's like having an adc in the middle of your team! if her shroud is a problem for your team end game you have problems bigger than just Akali.

    heck, even while laning against Akali it's always good to carry around a pink just so she can't auto-evade every single gank.

  5. #5
    Akali is the worst designed champion in the game by miles.

    Assassin with 3 gapclosers, crazy burst damage, escape which gives her free defensive stats and stealth... BALANCED!

    You're forced to spend 125g every now and then to be sure you won't feed like crazy to her in lane, but at the same time if the akali isn't half braindead she'll go roam around and snowball either way so win/win for her.

    Basically free elo, abuse while you can!

  6. #6
    Her stealth is crap for the sole reason that you KNOW where she is while stealthed, unlike say Evelynn, Rengar or Eve who can stealth where-ever they want with no limits (this is overpowered as fuck in a game where you can 100-0 people) you can just pink the area of her shroud, where vs the others with stealth you have to either pink everything around where you plan on fighting, or carry an oracles and hug your squishies.

    Akali is very well balanced (one of the few champions i consider perfectly balanced) imho.

    As a jungler I always carry +2 pinks vs akali, one for drake and one for her, I consider her fairly easy to gank with a pink.

  7. #7
    I think akali has a damage issue, but then again, I think any champ that goes 0/5 then builds warmogs and wins fights has too much dmg. Her damage without "damage items" really is sickening. Rush Mogs and still can burst down adc's and apc's. BALANCED

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by adimaya View Post
    for Akali to be able to do that tremendous amount of damage she in return has to be squishy.
    This is huge fallacy. Bruisers do enough damage to shut down people hard while being tanky to tunnel-vision people. The change here is that people thought that 'assassins' were not bruisers, but then people proved they are ones. Though I think that Zed is far better example of this.
    To be perfectly fair, it's not really about overall power, but about difficulty and countering. Obviously champions like that are supposed to actually actively do stuff so that they can tunnel people, but with items like that it's just facerolling buttons.

    Best counterplay to it is to grab more defense than usually so that you will not get killed instantly. Banshee Veil is probably the best thing to have.

    Tricky part is not to reveal stealth or something, that's just stupid argument. There actually is pretty hard part where you have to deal with manaless 9pot start.
    Last edited by mmoc064457dc87; 2013-03-23 at 02:34 AM.

  9. #9
    I've never seen an Akali with only a Warmogs being able to burst down any target quickly. Like... ever. I've seen a Sunfire Akali kill the ADC, but it took her time and it required her to outplay him to do so.

    Note though, this ADC had no pinks and was very, very bad.

    ---------- Post added 2013-03-23 at 03:36 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by AFK-Champion View Post
    This is huge fallacy. Bruisers do enough damage to shut down people hard while being tanky to tunnel-vision people. The change here is that people thought that 'assassins' were not bruisers, but then people proved they are ones. Though I think that Zed is far better example of this.

    Best counterplay to it is to grab more defense than usually so that you will not get killed instantly. Banshee Veil is probably the best thing to have.

    Tricky part is not to reveal stealth or something, that's just stupid argument. There actually is pretty hard part where you have to deal with manaless 9pot start.
    Zed's problaly a bad example as he's one of the few champions that are legit considered overpowered (even among pro players). Besides him, the game's fairly balanced.

    And it's not too difficult to burn through her potions as she is a melee champion, counterpick her and have her ganked and those pots are gone in no time; she has no escape outside of her Flash and shroud -- Flash has a 5minute cooldown, Shroud can be pinked very easily by either jungler or the laner.

    She does have a lot of burst even when put behind, but this is made up for in the sense that she has no real defensive abilities that aren't very easily countered. And in the long run, a pink ward is not expensive, I always manage to carry one for her shroud even when I'm behind. It's all about using it efficiently, really.

    ---------- Post added 2013-03-23 at 03:39 AM ----------

    Edit* The manaless 9pot start isn't something that means Akali is OP. It's an issue for every manaless laner there is. --If it's even an issue? I mostly think it's annoying as fuck, but it's a different start and I'm fine with there being different ways to start the game instead of the usual every game.

    It's however a gamble; if you do not manage to utilize it (farm up decently, this is why you go 9pots) and get well through the first buybacks, then you're severely set behind because you literally bought nothing.
    Last edited by mmocfaf6580671; 2013-03-23 at 02:40 AM.

  10. #10
    Kill her in lane

    If you can't, prepare thy anus

  11. #11
    Akali is great to stomp low elo... because nobody wants to take a step back and learn to counter her. Oh noes, 125 for a pink ward? But my warmog! Oh noes, I have to pick a champ with some cc?! But my Tryndamere! If she gets fed, bait her, stun her, pink her shroud and kill her. She will be jumping into the middle of your team after all.

  12. #12
    The Insane Underverse's Avatar
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    zed op? Now Iv'e heard it all

    edit: or just never seen a good zed. I've seen a lot of zeds though

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Deylana View Post
    Akali is great to stomp low elo...
    She's great to stomp all elo.

    Quote Originally Posted by Quetzl View Post
    zed op? Now Iv'e heard it all

    edit: or just never seen a good zed. I've seen a lot of zeds though
    Not been watching any of the competitive games lately? Zed is a consistent pick or ban.

  14. #14
    Akali is the first champ I ban. Yeah I should just counter her with ignite + exhaust + pink ward + jungler camping her lane + 100% counter pick.
    The insane damages she deals with tanky gear, and the sustain from her lifesteal is too much for me.

    (Yes I do really hate Akali).

  15. #15
    The Lightbringer Isrozzis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alaitoc View Post
    Kill her in lane

    If you can't, prepare thy anus
    Pretty much. If you kill her early (which is not hard with jungle pressure, or even by yourself depending on who you are) and keep her down then she becomes rather useless.

    She is pretty much the definition of a snowball champion. Once she gets a kill or two and starts to get items she becomes very hard to deal with very fast. But, like any other hyper carry, she is still easily killed in a hard cc. She happens to have a stealth which is annoying if you don't have any way to prevent/counter it, but other than that her escape is limited to using her ult to go to a nearby target.

    Sometimes it feels like her damage is way too high, but sometimes she barely tickles. It's all about how well she does in lane and if she picks up early kills. What I think gets a lot of people to claim that she's overpowered or what be it, is that she has the potential to come back from being down a few kills. Her kit is entirely damage and it scales well, so she does have the potential to come back from being down by a lot. Though of course, proper coordination and warding can very easily prevent her from getting kills once you've shut her down.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by TDrog View Post
    Akali is the first champ I ban. Yeah I should just counter her with ignite + exhaust + pink ward + jungler camping her lane + 100% counter pick.
    The insane damages she deals with tanky gear, and the sustain from her lifesteal is too much for me.

    (Yes I do really hate Akali).
    Everyone has that one champion they absolutely hate.

    (Fuck you Nasus)

    Or two... (FUCK YOU SINGED).

  17. #17
    Only lane counter is Lee Sin because of his better early game, reveals stealth etc.

    She's a free elo champion and pretty ott atm, she can get 0 kills and die the entire game and still come back and do ridiculous damage, abuse her to gain elo while you can.

  18. #18
    Pandaren Monk Kurdiern's Avatar
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    It's not her Lategame that's scary, it's her midgame. Late game all she brings is damage and survivability in the form of Shroud. You have the items and tools equipped to deal with her by then. S3 changes and the recent buffs allows her somewhat rough Early Game against ranged harass and better traders to be more easily dealt with, much like how Kassadin has benefited from the changes. It's Early-ish/Mid Game she get's her power spike and damage, when few (if any) defensive items are being built since people are still trying to finish core items.

  19. #19
    Stood in the Fire Ispamx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SargorVirm View Post
    I think akali has a damage issue, but then again, I think any champ that goes 0/5 then builds warmogs and wins fights has too much dmg. Her damage without "damage items" really is sickening. Rush Mogs and still can burst down adc's and apc's. BALANCED
    I have a challenge for you. Play Akali and do bad in lane, going 0/5 or something similar. Rush a Warmogs and teamfight. See how well you burst them down, and come back to post the results.

  20. #20
    Tbh, I was getting as much MR as I could, had MR glyphs, GA/ hrglass..saved me for 2 sec and she was at 5% hp, kills me and shes at 50% hp, BALANCED.

    ---------- Post added 2013-03-23 at 09:29 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Infighter View Post
    Akali is the worst designed champion in the game by miles.

    Assassin with 3 gapclosers, crazy burst damage, escape which gives her free defensive stats and stealth... BALANCED!

    You're forced to spend 125g every now and then to be sure you won't feed like crazy to her in lane, but at the same time if the akali isn't half braindead she'll go roam around and snowball either way so win/win for her.

    Basically free elo, abuse while you can!
    This. /10char

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