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  1. #1

    preach discouraging teamwork in raids

    hi , what do you guys make of preach saying play what you want in raids, not what your raid leader/team tell you to spec??

    doesnt that mean your not team player if you cba to help out by respecing even thou you dont like it :/ ???? here the video

  2. #2
    That's taken out of context. Re watch it.

    I disagree with Preach on quite a few issues, but I would say his points are pretty succinct and valid in that particular video.

  3. #3
    It depends what raid level we are talking about imo. If you raid normal and Heroic, you can get away with it. But as you start to progress through Mythic more min maxing, respecs and even class swaps could be more of a requirement.

  4. #4
    As someone who played a gladiator warrior all expansion, I'm going to say good for him. It's a game after all. My raid leader is pretty chill, and she manages to make our raid comp work fine.

  5. #5
    Pandaren Monk OreoLover's Avatar
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    Join a raid you can enjoy.

    If you enjoy min-max, join those.

    If you don't enjoy min-max, join a raid where you "fit" or aren't asked to.
    Not enough content? Change you dislike?
    Unsub or sub later. Give Blizzard feedback, "vote" with money.
    Give feedback through official channels → quit paying.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Zyalo View Post
    That's taken out of context. Re watch it.
    No, he did this on purpose. Clickbait is clickbait.

  7. #7
    My main is a frost mage. I'd be pretty irritated if I was told to play arcane or fire. I rolled a mage specifically to be a frost mage. It's in the name, and it's in the mog!

  8. #8
    I actually agree with him in this regard. You should play the spec(s) you enjoy and don't let anyone force you to play something else.

  9. #9
    Stealthed Defender unbound's Avatar
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    All that moves is easily heard in the void.
    To be honest, that was always my approach as a raid leader. Other than meeting the mix of tank vs dps vs heals, I was fine with what people were bringing.

    Here's the thing. We'd actually help our guild members improve. We'd help them do runs to get gear. We'd talk to them about ways to do better in the game (not just in the raids). And we progressed just fine. In fact, I helped many members move up into better raiding guilds (I've always remained a step or two behind).

    I remember people telling me way back in BC with even Karazhan that it couldn't be done without specifically this class or that class...yet, I was successful with every mix of class and specs that came along. I was told that everyone had to have the perfect min-max spec, but I was successful with many who didn't.

    Too many people are obsessed with min-maxing everything. Too many people are obsessed with having the perfect comp for everything. This is a should be enjoying it.

  10. #10
    One of the main reasons people feel burned in a game is because they don't like what they are doing. Rerolling into another class, or being forced into another role often lead to hard feelings and drama, which hurts your raid in the long run. So, let people play what they like, and recruit what you lack, instead of forcing people to reroll.
    No more time wasted in WoW.. still reading this awesome forum, though

  11. #11
    Immortal Stormspark's Avatar
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    If someone tells me what spec I'm going to play, I tell them they can kiss my ass. I will play what I want and they can take it or leave it. If I'm in a guild that starts dictating what specs people play, and what they do when I'm on, then it's time to /gquit.

    If you actually WATCH the video, that's not what Preach was saying at all. He was saying, be aware of what your class can do. If you are a DK or shaman for example, be aware that your class can tank/heal, and even if you are normally a DPS, you can get a lot further by actually tanking/healing sometimes, than if you just say "I'm a DPS" and refuse.
    Last edited by Stormspark; 2016-06-22 at 12:06 PM.

  12. #12
    What kind of shitpost is this? Watch it.. in context it makes perfect sense.

    Wtf is wrong with people :P

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Akaihiryuu View Post
    If someone tells me what spec I'm going to play, I tell them they can kiss my ass. I will play what I want and they can take it or leave it. If I'm in a guild that starts dictating what specs people play, and what they do when I'm on, then it's time to /gquit.

    If you actually WATCH the video, that's not what Preach was saying at all. He was saying, be aware of what your class can do. If you are a DK or shaman for example, be aware that your class can tank/heal, and even if you are normally a DPS, you can get a lot further by actually tanking/healing sometimes, than if you just say "I'm a DPS" and refuse.
    Theres always a reasonable compromise though.

    What if frost mage is completely nonviable when the next raid opens. Would you refuse to play arcane or fire for a while? If you did then you probably aren't in the kind of guild where we'd cross paths anyway :P

  14. #14
    The Lightbringer Sanguinerd's Avatar
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    As much as I dislike Preach and his bullshit videos what he says makes sense here ;/

    Misleading title.

  15. #15
    Simple answer. Play whatever makes you happy. Unless the raid leader is paying you a salary, then the answer is look out for what you enjoy first. If you are miserable as a healer, as I was, then the game starts to suck really fast. If being in a high end, server\world first guild is more important than what you enjoy playing, then that's your choice.
    I do basically I agree with the video and that hopefully everyone will try to best help out there raid when needed, but outside of the elite few, this is just a silly video game, so I'm not sure how this is even a real question.
    Last edited by Mad_Murdock; 2016-06-22 at 12:40 PM.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Akaihiryuu View Post
    If you are a DK or shaman for example, be aware that your class can tank/heal, and even if you are normally a DPS, you can get a lot further by actually tanking/healing sometimes, than if you just say "I'm a DPS" and refuse.
    Funny enough, I seriously suck at healing. I could just never get into it. I found it a challenge even in low level dungeons. I didn't like the idea of being 100% hyperfocused on the situation, because it felt like I could look away for just one second and someone would die.

    As much as I was impressed with Shadow Priests in Legion, I passed on rolling one. Why? Because I know at some point people would pressure me to go holy or disc. With specs no longer being a thing in Legion, I wouldn't even be able to use the "don't have a healing spec" excuse anymore. So I ultimately chose mage as my reroll for that reason.

    Quote Originally Posted by Deja Thoris View Post
    Theres always a reasonable compromise though.

    What if frost mage is completely nonviable when the next raid opens. Would you refuse to play arcane or fire for a while? If you did then you probably aren't in the kind of guild where we'd cross paths anyway :P
    It would have to be seriously unplayable, like worse than Shadow Priest in MoP. I would reluctantly switch to arcane if it was absolutely necessary. I certainly wouldn't be happy about it at all though.

    I'd pray Blizz wouldn't let it get that far, and that they'd come out with the frost adjustments quickly.

  17. #17
    Sure, play whatever you want if you can actually play it to 100% and you reached your goals in game.

    Its a MMO game, which means you have to play with others.

    No sensible human being will accept someone playing "Whatever the fuck i want" if they are useless for the team.

    Doesnt matter if its a casual raid, or a serious raid.

    The way Blizzard fucks up specs now and then its only logical you "will be asked to play something else".

    If you cant do that, then simply remain at the difficulty that allows it and everything is dandy!

    I am not talking about completely changing from Healer to DPS etc, but if you choose to be a DPS then you better fucking provide

    And a raid cant have 5 tanks, or 10 healers simply because you want to play that.
    Last edited by potis; 2016-06-22 at 12:35 PM.

  18. #18
    Scarab Lord TwoNineMarine's Avatar
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    I love Preach and he makes a great point.

    Unless you are in a top world guild and are in it for the competition then play what you want. I can't imagine those guys care a whole ton about what spec they play. They want to win and will play whatever class/spec that'll allow that.

    I'm sure they have their preferences of course but I think it comes down to the rush of competing for them.

    In the end play what you want and what makes you happy. If your raid leader is being a dick about it then find a new guild or start doing something other than raiding.
    "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.” - General James Mattis

  19. #19
    He's right, it's your sub and time, do as you wish.

  20. #20
    Elemental Lord Sierra85's Avatar
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    he's saying play what you want, and find a team/guild that will let you play what u want.

    ur paying the subscription, play how u want.

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